Riano Evidence 4
Riano Evidence 4
Riano Evidence 4
The rules of evidence is applicable only to judicial 3. In civil cases, the concept of presumption
proceedings. of innocence does not apply and generally
there is no presumption for or against a
Section 4. In what cases not applicable. – These Rules party except in certain cases provided for
shall not apply to election cases, land registration, by law. In criminal cases, the accused
cadastral, naturalization and insolvency proceedings, enjoys the constitutional presumption of
and other cases not herein provided for, except by innocence.
analogy or in a suppletory character and whenever
practicable and convenient. Distinction between Proof and Evidence
It has also been ruled that a reliance on the technical Proof is the probative effect of evidence and is the
rules of evidence in labor cases is misplaced. conviction or persuasion of the mind resulting from a
Sasan vs. NLRC: Technical rules of evidence are not consideration of the evidence.
binding in labor cases. Evidence is the means by which a fact is proved or
Clarion Printing House, Inc. vs. NLRC: The NLRC is not disproved.
precluded in receiving evidence, even for the first time Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Omnibus (False in one thing,
on appeal, because technical rules of procedure are false in everything)
not binding in labor cases.
If the testimony of a witness on a material issue is Where there is even the least chance for the accused
willfully false and given with an intention to deceive, to be present at the crime scene, the defense of alibi
the jury may disregard all the witness’ testimony. will not hold water. (People vs. Castro)
People vs. Manalansan: The maxim falsus in unus, Commonly used as a defense in 9165 cases. However
falsus in omnibus does not lay down a categorical test there is a legal presumption that official duty has been
of credibility. While the witnesses may differ in their regularly performed.
recollections of an incident, it does not necessarily
follow from their disagreements that all of them For this claim to prosper, the defense must adduce
should be disbelieved as liars and their testimonies clear and convincing evidence to overcome the
completely discarded as worthless. presumption that government officials have performed
People vs. Pacapac: The (rule) maxim is not mandatory their duties in a regular and proper manner. (People
but merely sanctions a disregard of the testimony of a vs. Del Monte)
witness if the circumstances so warrant.
Alibi; Frame-up; Self-defense
As a defense, alibi is inherently weak and crumbles in Self-defense is inherently weak because it can easily be
the light of positive identification by truthful witness. It fabricated.
is evidence negative in nature and self-serving and
cannot attain more credibility than the testimonies of Factum Probans and Factum Probandum
prosecution witnesses who testify on clear and positive
evidence. Factum probandum is the fact to be proved; the fact
which is in issue and to which the evidence is directed.
For alibi to prosper, the accused must prove that it was
physically impossible for him to be present at the Factum probans is the probative or evidentiary fact
crime scene or its immediate vicinity at the time of its tending to prove the fact in issue.
Multiple Admissibility
Alibi cannot prevail over positive identification of the
accused as perpetrator of the crime.
When evidence is offered for two or more purposes.
Physical impossibility refers to the distance and the
facility of access between the situs criminis and the The purpose for which evidence is offered must be
place where he says he was when the crime was specified because such evidence may be admissible for
committed. several purposes under the doctrine of multiple
admissibility, or may be admissible for one purpose
For the defense of alibi to prosper, the following must
and not for another, otherwise the adverse party
be established:
cannot interpose the proper objection.
i. The presence of the accused in another place
at the time of the commission of the offense; Conditional admissibility
ii. The physical impossibility for him to be at the A proponent of the evidence may ask that the
scene of the crime at the time of its evidence be conditionally admitted in the meantime
commission. subject to the condition that he is going to establish its
relevancy and competency at a later time.
Curative admissibility
one fair and reasonable conclusion that points to the
The doctrine allows a party to introduce otherwise accused to the exclusion of all others as the guilty
inadmissible evidence to answer the opposing party’s person.
previous introduction of inadmissible evidence if it Guidelines in the appreciation of circumstantial
would remove any unfair prejudice caused by the evidence:
admission of the earlier inadmissible evidence.
(Allowing the other party to introduce evidence to 1. It should be acted upon with caution;
contradict the evidence improperly admitted in order 2. All the essential facts must be consistent
to cure the evidence caused to the other party against with the hypothesis of guilt;
whom the offered evidence was erroneously 3. The facts must exclude every other theory
admitted.) but that of guilt; and
4. The facts must establish such certainty of
Note: The doctrine should not be invoked where guilt of the accused as to convince the
evidence is properly admitted. judgment beyond reasonable doubt that
the accused is the one who committed the
The principle of curative admissibility should not be offense.
made to apply where the evidence is admitted without
objection because the failure to object constitutes a Flight or Non-flight of the Accused
waiver of the inadmissibility of evidence. Where there
is a waiver, there is no evidence to cure. Non-flight does not indicate innocence.
Direct and Circumstantial Evidence However, in a case where the accused escaped from
detention during the pendency of the case, flight was
Direct evidence proves a fact without the need to considered as an indication of guilt or of his guilty
make an inference from another fact. mind. (People vs. Isang)
Circumstantial evidence is that evidence that indirectly Cumulative Evidence and Corroborative Evidence
proves a fact in issue through an inference which the
fact finder draws from the evidence established. (A Cumulative evidence refers to evidence of the same
fact is established by making an inference from a kind and character as that already given and that tends
previously established fact.) to prove the same proposition.
a. There is more than one (1) circumstance; Corroboration shall not be required of a testimony of a
b. The facts from which the inference is child.
derived are proven; and
c. The combination of all circumstances is His testimony if credible by itself, shall be sufficient to
such as to produce a conviction beyond support a finding of fact, conclusion or judgment
reasonable doubt. subject to the standard of proof required in criminal
and non-criminal cases.
All the circumstances proved must be consistent with
each other, and they are to be taken together as Positive and Negative Evidence
Evidence is said to be positive when a witness affirms
If the totality of the circumstances eliminates beyond in the stand that a certain state of facts does exist or
reasonable doubt the possibility of innocence, that a certain event happened.
conviction is proper.
Evidence is negative when the witness states that an
Conviction can be upheld provided the circumstances event did not occur or that the state of facts alleged to
proven constitute an unbroken chain which leads to exist does not actually exist.
Inadmissible Evidence Under Anti-wiretapping Law
A denial is a negative evidence. It is an inherently weak (R.A. No. 4200)
defense. To be believed, it must be buttressed by
Evidence obtained in violation of RA 4200 shall not be
strong evidence of non-culpability; otherwise, such
admissible in evidence in the following proceedings:
denial is purely self serving and is with no evidentiary
value. A. Judicial;
B. Quasi-judicial;
Liberal Construction of the Rules of Evidence C. Legislative;
D. Administrative hearings or investigations
The rules of evidence must be liberally construed.
The rules of electronic evidence shall likewise be What RA 4200 protects are private conversations and
construed liberally. communications.
When an otherwise objectionable evidence is not RA 4200 also considers it unlawful to knowingly
objected to, the evidence becomes admissible because possess any tape record, wire record, disc record, or
of waiver. any such record, or copies thereof of any
communication or spoke word secured or obtained in a
As long as no law or principles of morality, good manner violative of the law.
customs and public policy are transgressed or no rights
It is unlawful to replay the same to any other person.
of third persons are violated, the rules of evidence may
be waived by the parties. It is unlawful to communicate the contents thereof
either verbally or in writing to another.
Failure to object with respect to a privileged
The law also prohibits the furnishing of transcriptions
communication involving state secrets communicated
of the recorded communication , whether complete or
to a public officer in official confidence should not be
partial to any other person.
construed as a waiver of the privileged character of the
communication because of public policy considerations The punishable acts mentioned would not constitute a
as when the state secret is one involving national violation of the law if done by a peace officer
defense and security. authorized by a written order of the court in cases
A. Treason;
Section 3. – Admissibility of evidence. – Evidence is B. Espionage;
admissible when it is relevant to the issue and is not C. Provoking war and disloyalty in case of
excluded by the law or these rules. war;
D. Piracy;
For evidence to be admissible, two elements must E. Mutiny in high seas;
concur, to wit: F. Rebellion;
G. Conspiracy and proposal to commit
A. The evidence is relevant; and rebellion;
B. The evidence is not excluded by the rules H. Inciting to rebellion;
(competent). I. Sedition;
J. Conspiracy to commit sedition;
To be admissible, evidence must be both relevant and K. Inciting to sedition; and
competent. L. Kidnapping
A police or law enforcement official may listen to, When petitioner do not object o the illegality of his
intercept and record, any communication, message, arrest and instead participated in the trial of the case,
conversation, discussion, or written or spoken words petitioner is to be deemed to have submitted to the
between the following: jurisdiction of the court, thus curing the defect of his
arrest. Valdez vs. People
A. Members of a judicially declared and
outlawed terrorist organization,
Side Note
association; or
B. Group of persons or of any person charged
Elements of illegal possession of dangerous drugs:
with or suspected of the crime of terrorism
or conspiracy to commit terrorism.
A. The accused is in possession of an item or
Any of the above acts may not however, be done object which is identified to be a
without a written order of the Court of Appeals upon prohibited drug;
written application by a police or law enforcement
official authorized by the Anti-terrorism Council. B. Such possession is not authorized by law;
(Requires only ex party application.) and
Before written order is issued, applicant and the C. The accused freely and consciously
witness he may produce shall be examined under oath possessed the said drug
or affirmation and must establish the following
A. There is probable cause to believe that the On the third element, the possession must be with
crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit knowledge of the accused. There must be an intent to
terrorism has been committed, or is being possess. Actual or constructive possession.
committed or is about to be committed
based upon the personal knowledge of the Possession is constructive when the drug is under the
applicant of facts and circumstances dominion and control of the accused or when he has
indicating the same; the right to exercise dominion and control over the
place where it is found.
B. There is probable cause to believe based
on personal knowledge of facts and Relevant Evidence
circumstances that evidence essential to
the conviction of the charged or suspected For an evidence to be relevant, it must have a relation
person, or evidence that would solve or to the fact in issue as to induce belief in its existence or
prevent the crime, will be obtained; and non-existence.
C. There is no other effective means readily Note: The fact in issue must be a disputed fact. Where
available for acquiring such evidence. there is no issue as a matter of fact, there exist no
purpose for an item of evidence.
The length of time of the said authorization shall be Relevance further requires that the immediate fact
indicated in the written order which shall not exceed proven must have a connection to the ultimate issue.
30 days from receipt by the applicant. May be renewed
for a non-extendable period of 30 days upon proper Test for Determining the Relevancy of Evidence
Logic and common sense.
Inadmissible Evidence in Connection with Arrests,
Searches and Seizures There is no precise and universal test of relevancy
provided by law. However, the determination of
Reliable information alone, absent any overt act whether particular evidence is relevant rests largely at
indicating of a felonious enterprise in the presence and the discretion of the court, which must be exercised
within the view of the arresting officers, is not according to the teachings of logic and everyday
sufficient to constitute probable cause that would experience. People vs. Galleno
justify an in flagrante delicto arrest. People vs. Binad
Relevance of Evidence on the Credibility of a Witness
As a rule, evidence on collateral matter is not allowed
Evidence on the credibility or lack of it of a witness is because it does not have direct relevance to the issue
always relevant. of the case.
Any objection to a question that intends to Admissible Evidence Distinguished from Credible
demonstrate the lack or absence of credibility of the Witness
witness on the ground that it is irrelevant or merely
collateral does not deserve to be sustained. The term admissible means that the evidence is of
When questions of the cross-examiner are such a character that the court, pursuant to the rules
circumscribed by the matters taken up in the direct of evidence, is bound to receive it or to allow it to be
examination: introduced at the trial.
a. An accused may testify as a witness on his The term credibility refers to worthiness of belief, that
own behalf but subject to cross- quality which renders a witness worthy of belief.
examination on matters covered by direct
examination. Admissibility and Weight of Evidence
b. A hostile witness may be impeached and Admissibility refers to the question of whether certain
cross-examined by the adverse party, but pieces of evidence are to be considered at all. The
such cross-examination must only be on admissibility of the evidence depends on its relevance
the subject of his examination-in-chief. and competence.
Collateral Matters
JUDICIAL NOTICE AND ADMISSION The following are matters subject to mandatory judicial
Judicial Notice A. The existence and territorial extent of
Relevant provision of judicial notice:
B. The political history, forms of government
Section 1. Judicial notice, when mandatory. – A court and symbols of nationality of states;
shall take judicial notice, without the introduction of
evidence, of the existence and territorial extent of C. The law of nations;
states, their political history, forms of government and
symbols of nationality, the law of nations, the D. The admiralty and marine courts of the
admiralty world and their seals;
And maritime courts of the world and their seals, the
political constitution and the history of the Philippines, E. The political constitution and history of the
the official acts of the legislative, executive and judicial Philippines;
departments of the Philippines, the las of nature, the
measure of time, and geographical divisions. F. The official acts of the legislative,
executive, and judicial departments of the
Section 2. – Judicial notice, when discretionary.- A Philippines;
court may take judicial notice on matters which are off
public knowledge, or are capable of unquestionable G. The laws o the nature;
demonstration or ought to be known to judges
because of their judicial functions. H. The measure of time; and
After the trial, and before judgment or on appeal, the a. The matter must be one of common
proper court on its own initiative or on request of a knowledge;
party, may take judicial notice on any matter and allow b. The matter must be settled beyond
the parties to be heard thereon if such matter is reasonable doubt (f there is uncertainty
decisive of a material issue in the case. about the matter, then evidence must be
adduced); and
Function of Judicial Notice c. The knowledge must exist within the
jurisdiction of the court.
The principal guide in determining what facts may be generally known, had been ruled upon in previous
assumed to be judicially known is that of notoriety. cases before it and non of the parties claim otherwise.
The court may announce its intention to take judicial a. When in the absence of any objection,
notice on any matter on its own initiative or on the with the knowledge of the opposing party,
request of any party and allow the parties to be heard. the contents of said other case are clearly
This hearing is only for the purpose of determining the referred to by title and number in a
propriety of taking judicial notice. pending action and adopted or read into
the record of the latter; or
After trial and before judgment. Judicial notice may
also be taken during appeal
b. When the original record of the other case
The proper court, on its own initiative or on request of or any part of it is actually withdrawn from
a party may take judicial notice of any matter and the archives at the court’s discretion upon
allow the parties to be heard I such matter is decisive the request, or with the consent, of the
of a material issue in the case. parties, and admitted as part of the record
of the pending case.
Judicial Notice on Foreign Law; Doctrine of Processual
Presumption Rule on Judicial Notice of Post Office Practices
In general, the courts of the forum will not take judicial
notice of the law prevailing in another country. It is not a proper subject of judicial notice.
Foreign laws must be alleged and proved. Judicial Notice on Banking Practices
In the absence of proof, the foreign law will be
presumed to be the same as the laws of the The court has taken judicial notice on practices of
jurisdiction hearing the case. – Doctrine of processual banks and other financial institutions (the conducting
presumption of background checks on borrowers and sureties)
under Rule 129 Section 2 (Discretionary Judicial
Except: The the foreign law is within the actual Notice).
knowledge of the court such as when the laws is
Judicial Notice of Financial Condition of the To be judicial admission, certain elements must be
Government considered: