Research Article Existence Results For A Class of - Laplacian Fractional Differential Equations With Integral Boundary Conditions

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Abstract and Applied Analysis

Volume 2020, Article ID 7129796, 11 pages

Research Article
Existence Results for a Class of p-Laplacian Fractional Differential
Equations with Integral Boundary Conditions

SunAe Pak, KumSong Jong , KyuNam O, and HuiChol Choi

Faculty of Mathematics, Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Correspondence should be addressed to KumSong Jong; [email protected]

Received 28 January 2020; Accepted 30 March 2020; Published 1 May 2020

Academic Editor: Patricia J. Y. Wong

Copyright © 2020 SunAe Pak et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

In this paper, we investigate the existence and uniqueness of solutions for a class of integral boundary value problems of nonlinear
fractional differential equations with p-Laplacian operator. We obtain some existence and uniqueness results concerned with our
problem by using Schaefer’s fixed-point theorem and Banach contraction mapping principle. Finally, we present some examples
to illustrate our main results.

1. Introduction tic and non-Newtonian fluid mechanics (see [1–5] and their
references). In 1983, Leibenson [2] proposed the following
This paper deals with the existence and uniqueness of solu- integer-order differential equation model with p-Laplacian
tions for the following fractional integral boundary value operator to study the turbulent flow in a porous medium in
problem with p-Laplacian operator: his work:
8 β
> c α
> D0+ φp ð D0+ xðt ÞÞ = f ðt, xðt ÞÞ, t ∈ ð0, 1Þ,
> ð1 φp u ′ ðt Þ ′ = f t, uðt Þ, u ′ ðt Þ ,  t ∈ ð0,  1Þ, ð2Þ
xð0Þ = gðsÞxðsÞds, xð1Þ = 0,
> 0
> ð1
> where φp is a p-Laplacian operator.
: φp ð D0+ xð0ÞÞ = φp ð D0+ xð1ÞÞ = hðsÞφp ðc Dα0+ xðsÞÞds,
c α c α
0 Based on Leibenson’s results, many researchers have gen-
ð1Þ eralized his model into a variety of models with fractional
order and obtained many valuable existence and uniqueness
β results for p-Laplacian fractional differential equations with
where 1 < α, β ≤ 2, 3 < α + β < 4, c Dα0+ and c D0+ are the two-point boundary conditions (see [6–14]), multipoint
Caputo fractional derivatives, f ∈ Cð½0, 1 × R, RÞ, g, h ∈ boundary conditions (see [15–18]), and nonlocal boundary
Cð½0, 1, RÞ, and the p-Laplacian operator is defined conditions (see [19–23]). Since the 1st derivatives of
as φp ðsÞ = jsjp−2 s, p > 1. unknown functions existed in Leibenson’s model, it became
In the past few decades, fractional differential equations a special study to discuss the existence results for p-Lapla-
have been widely applied to many fields in natural and social cian fractional differential equations where the fractional
sciences, because they are important tools in mathematically orders were in the neighborhood of 1. So, Chai [7] used the
describing many phenomena of science and engineering such fixed-point theorem on cones to investigate the existence
as aerodynamics, control theory, signal and image process- and multiplicity of positive solutions for fractional differen-
ing, plasma dynamics, blood flow phenomena, and viscoelas- tial equations with p-Laplacian operator:
2 Abstract and Applied Analysis

8   8  
> β α
> D 0+ φ ðD 0+ u ð t Þ Þ = −f ðt, uðt ÞÞ,  0 < t < 1, >
> φp x″ ðt Þ ″ = f ðt, xðt Þ, xðt ÞÞ, t ∈ ð0, 1Þ,
p >
< >
> ð1
uð0Þ = 0, >
ð3Þ xð0Þ = gðsÞxðsÞds, xð1Þ = 0, ð6Þ
> γ
> uð1Þ + σD0+ uð1Þ = 0, > 0
> >
: α >
>     ð1  
D0+ uð0Þ = 0, >
: φp x″ ð0Þ = φp x″ ð1Þ = hðsÞφp x″ ðsÞ ds,

β γ
where 1 < α ≤ 2, 0 < β, γ ≤ 1, and Dα0+ , D0+ , and D0+ are the
Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives. Jong [15] estab- where f ∈ Cðð0, 1Þ × ð0,+∞Þ × ð0,+∞Þ, ½0,+∞ÞÞ, f may be
lished the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for singular at t = 0, 1, u = 0, and g, h ∈ L½0, 1 are nonnegative.
multipoint boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional The existence results on solutions of problem (2) are
differential equations with p-Laplacian operator by using established by employing upper and lower solution
the Banach contraction mapping principle methods together with maximal principle. Jiang [20] used
the generalized continuous theorem to investigate the exis-
tence of solutions to the integral boundary value problem
8   of p-Laplacian multiterm fractional differential equations
> D
φ ðD α
u ð t Þ Þ = f ðt,  uðt ÞÞ,  0 < t < 1,
> 0+ p 0+ at resonance
> uð0Þ = 0,
> 8 β   
> α
< γ m−2
> D0+ φ p ð D0+ u ð t Þ Þ = −f t, uðt Þ, Dα−1 α
0+ uðt Þ, D0+ uðt Þ , 0 < t < 1,
D0+ uð1Þ = 〠 ξi D0+ uðηi Þ, >
ð4Þ <
> i=1 uð0Þ = Dα0+ uð0Þ = 0,
> > ð1
> α
0 = 0, >
> D 0+ ð Þ
u >
> : uð1Þ = hðt Þuðt Þdt,
m−2 0
> φ ð D α
u ð 1 Þ Þ = 〠 ζi φp ðDα0+ uðηi ÞÞ,
: p 0+ ð7Þ

where 0 < β ≤ 1, 1 < α ≤ 2, and 10 hðtÞt α−1 dt = 1.
where 1 < α, β ≤ 2, 0 < γ ≤ 1, and f ∈ Cð½0, 1 × ½0,+∞Þ, Summarizing previous results, very few papers dealt with
½0,+∞ÞÞ. the existence of solutions for integral boundary value prob-
Integral boundary value problems for differential lems of p-Laplacian fractional differential equations, espe-
equations have arisen in the study of various fields such as cially, Zhang and Cui [22] who established the existence of
underground water flow, blood flow problems, and ther- positive solutions for fourth-order singular p-Laplacian dif-
moelasticity. So, the study on the existence of solutions ferential equations under p ≥ 2 and Jiang [20] who consid-
for the p-Laplacian integral boundary value problems has ered the existence of solutions for nonlinear multiterm
attracted the attention of many researchers recently (see fractional differential equations with 0 < β ≤ 1. Moreover,
[20–23]). Zhang et al. [23] considered the existence of due to the nonlinearity of p-Laplacian operator φp , it is more
symmetric positive solutions of the problem for the fol- difficult to study for the case 1 < β ≤ 2 rather than for the case
lowing nonlinear fourth-order p-Laplacian differential 0 < β ≤ 1. Motivated by the above facts, this paper deals with
equations with integral boundary conditions: the existence and uniqueness of solutions of problem (1) in
which the fractional derivatives are Caputo fractional deriva-
8   tives with 1 < α, β ≤ 2.The structure of this paper is organized
> φp x″ ðt Þ ″ = ωðt Þ f ðt, xðt ÞÞ,  t ∈ ð0, 1Þ, as follows.
> ð1 In Section 2, we recall some definitions and lemmas.
< In Section 3, we prove the existence and uniqueness of
xð0Þ = xð1Þ = gðsÞxðsÞds, ð5Þ solutions for nonlinear integral boundary value problem
> 0
> with p-Laplacian operator by using Schaefer’s fixed-point
>     ð1  
: φ x″ ð0Þ = φ x″ ð1Þ = hðsÞφ x″ ðsÞ ds, theorem and Banach contraction mapping principle.
p p p
0 Finally, we give two examples to illustrate our main results
in Section 4.

where ω, g, h ∈ L½0, 1 are the nonnegative, symmetric 2. Preliminaries

functions and f ∈ Cðð0, 1 × ½0,+∞Þ, ½0,+∞ÞÞ. Zhang and
Cui [22] investigated the existence of positive solutions The Riemann-Liouville fractional integral and the Caputo
for nonlinear fourth-order singular p-Laplacian differential fractional derivative of order α > 0 of a function f : ð0, ∞Þ
equations with the integral boundary conditions ⟶ R is given by
Abstract and Applied Analysis 3

1 Hence, (12) can be written as
ðI α0+ f Þðt Þ ≔ ðt − sÞα−1 f ðsÞds,
ΓðαÞ 0 ð1  ð1
ðt ð8Þ β β 
α 1 z ðt Þ = hðsÞz ðsÞds + I 0+ σðt Þ − I 0+ σðt Þ ⋅t= hðsÞz ðsÞds
ðc D0+ f Þðt Þ ≔ ðt − sÞn−α−1 f ðnÞ ðsÞds, 0
ð t
t=1 0

Γ ðn − α Þ 0
+ ðt − sÞβ−1 σðsÞds − t ð1 − sÞβ−1 σðsÞds :
ΓðβÞ 0 0
where n = ½α + 1, provided that the right-hand side is point-
wise defined on ð0, ∞Þ (see [4, 5]).

Lemma 1 (see [1]). If α > 0 and f ∈ C½a, b, then ðc Dαa+ I αa+ f Þ Thus, we can easily get
ðtÞ = f ðtÞ. ð1 ð1
z ðt Þ = hðsÞzðsÞds − Gβ ðt, sÞσðsÞds: ð15Þ
Lemma 2 (see [9]). Assume that c Dα0+ u ∈ C½0, 1, α > 0. Then, 0 0
I αa+ c Dα0+ uðtÞ = uðtÞ + c0 + c1 t+⋯cn−1 t n−1 , ci ∈ R, i = 0, 1, ⋯, n
− 1, n − 1 < α ≤ n. Ð1
In the right side of (15), the term 0
hðsÞzðsÞds can be
Ð1 rewritten as
For the sake of convenience, put σ1 ≔ 0 ð1 − sÞgðsÞds and
Ð ð1 ð1 ð 1 ð1

σ2 ≔ 10 hðsÞds and assume that σ1 ≠ 1 and σ2 ≠ 1.

hðsÞzðsÞds = hðsÞ hðτÞzðτÞdτ − Gβ ðs, τÞσðτÞdτ ds
0 0 0 0
Lemma 3. Let σ ∈ C½0, 1. Then, the fractional boundary value ð1 ð1 ð1ð1
problem = hðsÞds hðsÞz ðsÞds − hðsÞGβ ðs, τÞσðτÞdτds,
0 0 0 0
8c β ð16Þ
< D0+ z ðt Þ = σðt Þ,  0 < t < 1,
ð1 ð9Þ
: z ð0Þ = z ð1Þ = hðsÞz ðsÞds
so we get
0 ð1 ð1ð1
hðsÞz ðsÞds = hðsÞGβ ðs, τÞσðτÞdτds: ð17Þ
has a unique solution which is given by 0 1 − σ2 0 0

ð1ð1 ð1
−1 Therefore, the unique solution of (9) is given by
z ðt Þ = hðsÞGβ ðs, τÞσðτÞdτds − Gβ ðt, sÞσðsÞds,
1 − σ2 0 0 0 ð1ð1 ð1
ð10Þ −1
z ðt Þ = hðsÞGβ ðs, τÞσðτÞdτds − Gβ ðt, sÞσðsÞds:
1 − σ2 0 0 0
where ð18Þ
1 t ð1 − sÞβ−1 − ðt − sÞβ−1 , 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ 1, Conversely, let z ∈ C½0, 1 be the function which is
Gβ ðt, sÞ ≔ expressed by (10). Putting
Γ ðβ Þ t ð1 − sÞβ−1 , 0 ≤ t ≤ s ≤ 1:
ð11Þ −1
A ð βÞ ≔ hðsÞGβ ðs, τÞσðτÞ dτds, ð19Þ
1 − σ2 0 0
Proof. In view of Lemma 2, we have that
we get
z ðt Þ = c0 + c1 t + I 0+ σðt Þ: ð12Þ ð1 ðt
z ðt Þ = AðβÞ − Gβ ðt, sÞσðsÞds = AðβÞ − Gβ ðt, sÞσðsÞds
By means of the property of the fractional integral of a 0 0
continuous function, we obtain that zð0Þ = c0 . − Gβ ðt, sÞσðsÞds = AðβÞ
Since zð0Þ = zð1Þ = 10 hðsÞzðsÞds, from (12), we obtain t
ð t 
− t ð1 − sÞβ−1 − ðt − sÞβ−1 σðsÞ ds
ð1 Γð β Þ 0
c0 = hðsÞz ðsÞds, ð1
0 + t ð1 − sÞβ−1 σðsÞds = AðβÞ
ð1  ð1  t
ð ð
β  β  1 1 1 t
c1 = hðsÞz ðsÞds − I 0+ σðt Þt=1 − hðsÞz ðsÞds = −I 0+ σðt Þ : − t ð1 − sÞβ−1 σðsÞds + ðt − sÞβ−1 σðsÞds:
0 0 t=1 Γð β Þ 0 Γð β Þ 0
ð13Þ ð20Þ
4 Abstract and Applied Analysis

Then, we have that Proof. The proof of this lemma is divided into two steps.

β  β (Step 1) Let r ∈ C½0, 1 and consider the boundary value
z ðt Þ = AðβÞ − tI 0+ σðt Þ + I 0+ σðt Þ: ð21Þ
t=1 problem
Since σ ∈ C½0, 1, applying c D0+ to both sides of (21) and 8c α
using Lemma 1, we can obtain < D0+ xðt Þ = r ðt Þ,  0 < t < 1,
ð1 ð27Þ
β β β >
: xð0Þ = gðsÞxðsÞds,  xð1Þ = 0:
D0+ z ðt Þ = c D0+ I 0+ σðt Þ = σðt Þ: ð22Þ

On the other hand, multiplying (10) by hðtÞ and integrat- By using Lemma 2, we have that
ing on ½0, 1, we have
ð1 ð ð1ð1 xðt Þ = d0 + d1 t + I α0+ r ðt Þ: ð28Þ
−1 1
z ðt Þhðt Þdt = hðt Þdt hðsÞGβ ðs, τÞσðτÞdτds
0 1 − σ2 0 0 0 From (28) and boundary condition of (27) we can obtain
ð1 ð1 ð1ð1
− hðt Þ Gβ ðt, sÞσðsÞdsdt = − 2 hðsÞGβ ðs, τÞσðτÞ ð1
0 0 1 − σ2 0 0
ð1ð1 d 0 = xð0Þ = gðsÞxðsÞds,
 dτds − hðt ÞGβ ðt, sÞσðsÞ  ð1 
0 0  
ð1ð1 d1 = −d0 − I α0+ r ðt Þt=1 =− gðsÞxðsÞds − I α0+ r ðt Þ :
 dsdt = − hðsÞGβ ðs, τÞσðτÞdτds: 0 t=1
1 − σ2 0 0
Then, (28) can be written as
Hence, (10) can be written as
ð1 ð1
xðt Þ = d0 + d1 t + I α0+ rðt Þ =
z ðt Þ = − Gβ ðt, sÞσðsÞds + hðsÞz ðsÞds: ð24Þ 0
0 0 ð1

 ds + − gðsÞxðsÞds − I 0+ r ðt Þjt=1 t + I α0+ r ðt Þ

Since Gβ ð0, sÞ = Gβ ð1, sÞ = 0, we can also have that 0
ð1 = I α0+ r ðt Þ − I α0+ r ðt Þjt=1 t + ð1 − t Þ gðsÞxðsÞ
z ð0Þ = z ð1Þ = hðsÞz ðsÞds ð25Þ 0
ð t ð1 
0 1
 ds = ðt − sÞα−1 r ðsÞds − t ð1 − sÞα−1 r ðsÞds
ΓðαÞ 0 0
Therefore, we can know that zðtÞ is a solution of problem ð1 ð1
(9) and (9) has a unique solution which is given by (10). The + ð1 − t Þ gðsÞxðsÞds = − Gα ðt, sÞrðsÞ
proof is completed. 0 0
Lemma 4. Let f ∈ Cð½0, 1 × R, RÞ, then p-Laplacian integral  ds + ð1 − t Þ gðsÞxðsÞds:
boundary value problem (1) has a unique solution which is
given by ð30Þ

ð1 ð1ð1 In a similar way to the proof of Lemma 3, it can be easily

x ðt Þ = Gα ðt, sÞφq hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ f ðτ, xðτÞÞ seen that
0 1 − σ2 0 0
ð1 ð1ð1
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞ f ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ −1
gðsÞxðsÞds = gðsÞGα ðs, τÞrðτÞdτds: ð31Þ
0 0 1 − σ1 0 0
 ds + G ðς, sÞgðςÞφq
1 − σ1 0 0 α Hence, we have that the unique solution of (27) is given by
1 ð1 ð ð
 ⋅ hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ f ðτ, xðτÞÞdτdγ 1−t 1 1
1 − σ2 0 0 xðt Þ = − Gα ðt, sÞr ðsÞds − gðsÞGα ðs, τÞrðτÞdτds:
0 1 − σ1 0 0
+ Gβ ðs, γÞf ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ dsdς, ð32Þ
ð26Þ Conversely, let xðtÞ be the function which is expressed
by (32). Then, from the definition of Gα ðt, sÞ, (32) can be
where q is the number that satisfies 1/p + 1/q = 1. written as
Abstract and Applied Analysis 5

ð1ð1 ð1ð1
1−t −1
xðt Þ = −tI α0+ r ðt Þjt=1 + I α0+ r ðt Þ − gðsÞGα ðs, τÞr ðτÞdτds: z ðt Þ = hðsÞGβ ðs, τÞ f ðτ, xðτÞÞ
1 − σ1 0 0 1 − σ2 0 0
ð1 ð39Þ
 dτ ds − Gβ ðt, sÞ f ðs, xðsÞÞds:
Since r ∈ C½0, 1 and 1 < α ≤ 2, applying c Dα0+ to both
sides of (33), we can obtain Since it is well-known that φ−1
p = φq , combining (38) and (39)
Dα0+ xðt Þ = c Dα0+ I α0+ r ðt Þ = r ðt Þ: ð34Þ ð1 ð1ð1
x ðt Þ = Gα ðt, sÞφ−1 hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ f ðτ, xðτÞÞ
On the other hand, multiplying (32) by gðtÞ and inte- 0
1 − σ2 0 0

grating on ½0, 1, we have that

 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞ f ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ
ð1 ð1 ð1 ð ð
1−t 1 1
gðt Þxðt Þdt = − gðt Þ Gα ðt, sÞr ðsÞ  ds + G ðς, sÞgðςÞφ−1
0 0 0 1 − σ1 0 0 α p
ð1 ð1ð1
1 1
 dsdt − ð1 − t Þgðt Þ  ⋅ hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ f ðτ, xðτÞÞdτdγ
1 − σ1 0 1 − σ2 0 0
ð1ð1 ð1

 dt gðsÞGα ðs, τÞr ðτÞ + Gβ ðs, γÞf ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ dsdς:

0 0 0
 dτds = − Gα ðt, sÞgðt Þr ðsÞ ð40Þ
0 0
ð ð
σ1 1 1 The proof is completed.
 dsdt − gðsÞGα ðs, τÞr ðτÞ
1 − σ1 0 0

ð 1 ð 1 Remark 5. From the definition of Gα ðt, sÞ and Gβ ðt, sÞ, it is
 dτds = − 1 + G ðt, sÞgðt Þr ðsÞ easy to know that those functions are continuous in ½0, 1 ×
1 − σ1 0 0 α ½0, 1.
ð ð
−1 1 1
 dsdt = G ðt, sÞgðt ÞrðsÞdsdt:
1 − σ1 0 0 α Lemma 6 (see [24]). Schaefer’s fixed-point theorem. Let X be
the Banach space and T : X ⟶ X be completely continuous
operator. If the set E ≔ fu ∈ X ∣ u = ρTu, 0 < ρ < 1g is
bounded, then T has at least one fixed point in X.
So, we can rewrite (32) as
The basic properties of the p-Laplacian operator which
ð1 ð1 will be used in the following studies are listed below (see
xðt Þ = − Gα ðt, sÞr ðsÞds + ð1 − t Þ gðt Þxðt Þdt: ð36Þ [10]).
0 0

(i) If 1 < p ≤ 2, xy > 0, and jxj, jyj ≥ m > 0, then

Since Gα ð0, sÞ = Gα ð1, sÞ = 0, we can get
φp ðxÞ − φp ðyÞ ≤ ðp − 1Þmp−2 jx − yj ð41Þ
xð0Þ = gðt Þxðt Þdt,  xð1Þ = 0: ð37Þ

Therefore, we can know that xðtÞ is the solution of (27).

(ii) If p > 2 and jxj, jyj ≤ M, then
(Step 2) Now let xðtÞ be the solution of (1). Putting yðtÞ
≔ c Dα0+ xðtÞ, then we have that  
φp ðxÞ − φp ðyÞ ≤ ðp − 1ÞM p−2 jx − yj ð42Þ

ð1 ð ð
1−t 1 1 3. Main Results
xðt Þ = − Gα ðt, sÞyðsÞds − gðsÞGα ðs, τÞyðτÞdτds:
0 1 − σ1 0 0
ð38Þ In this section, we establish the existence and uniqueness of
solutions of problem (1) by using Schaefer’s fixed-point the-
orem and the Banach contraction mapping principle.
Also denoting φp ðyðtÞÞ by zðtÞ, then by Lemma 3, we can see Let us consider the Banach space X = C½0, 1 endowed
that that with the norm kuk ≔ max juðtÞj.
6 Abstract and Applied Analysis

Define an operator T : X ⟶ X by   1
Gβ ðt, sÞ ≤ : ð46Þ
ð1 ð1ð1 Γ ðβ Þ
Txðt Þ ≔ Gα ðt, sÞφq hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞf ðτ, xðτÞÞ
0 1 − σ2 0 0

So, we obtain
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞf ðτ, xðτÞÞdτ
ð ð
1−t 1 1 ð1ð1
 ds + G ðς, sÞgðςÞ ð43Þ 1  
1 − σ1 0 0 α hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞf ðτ, xðτÞÞ
ð1ð1 1 − σ2
1 0 0
 φq ⋅ hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞf ðτ, xðτÞÞ ð1
1 − σ2 0 0  
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞ f ðγ, xðγÞÞ ð47Þ
1−t 0
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞf ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ ds +
1 − σ1

0 Mf khk
 dγ ≤ 1+ ≕ M1:
Γ ðβ Þ j1 − σ2 j
Then, Equation (26) is equivalent to the operator equation

x = Tx, x ∈ C ½0, 1: ð44Þ Then, we can get easily that

From Lemma 4, the existence of solutions for the prob-
lem (1) refers to the existence of fixed points of Equation
(44). Therefore, it is sufficient to prove the existence of fixed jTxðt Þj ≤ jGα ðt, sÞj ⋅ φq ðM 1 Þ
points of (44). ð ð
1−t 1 1
 ds + jG ðς, sÞgðςÞj ⋅ φq ðM 1 Þ ð48Þ
Lemma 7. The operator T is completely continuous. 1 − σ1 0 0 α

φq ðM 1 Þ kgk
Proof. Since f ∈ Cð½0, 1 × R, RÞ and φq is continuous, we can  dsdς ≤ 1+ :
Γ ðα Þ j1 − σ1 j
know that T : X ⟶ X is continuous.
Let Ω ⊂ X be a bounded subset, then for any u ∈ Ω, there
exists M 0 > 0 such that kuk ≤ M 0 . In view of the definition of the p-Laplacian operator,
We will show that TðΩÞ is relatively compact in X. we have that
Since f is a continuous function, there exists M f > 0 such
that j f ðt, uðtÞÞj ≤ M f , t ∈ ½0, 1, u ∈ Ω. Then, we have q−1

M1 kgk
ð1  ð1ð1
kTxk ≤ 1+ : ð49Þ
 1 ΓðαÞ j1 − σ1 j
j ð Þj
Tx t ≤ j α ð Þj φq
G t, s ⋅ hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞf ðτ, xðτÞÞ
0 1 − σ2 0 0
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞf ðγ, xðγÞÞdγj This shows that TðΩÞ is uniformly bounded in X. For
ð ð any x ∈ Ω, 0 ≤ t 1 < t 2 ≤ 1, we have that
1−t 1 1
 ds + jG ðς, sÞgðςÞj
1 − σ1 0 0 α ð 1
⋅ φq ⋅ hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞf ðτ, xðτÞÞ ∣Txðt 2 Þ − Txðt 1 Þ∣ =  Gα ðt 2 , sÞ
1 − σ2 0 0 0
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞf ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ   φq hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ f ðτ, xðτÞÞ
0 1 − σ2 0 0
ð45Þ ð1

 dsdς ≤ jGα ðt, sÞj

 0 ð1ð1  dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞf ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ
 1 0
⋅ φq hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞf ðτ, xðτÞÞ ð ð
1 − σ2 0 0 1 − t2 1 1
  ds + G ðς, sÞgðςÞ
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞf ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ 
 1 − σ1 0 0 α
ð ð 1
1−t 1 1  φq ⋅ hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ f ðτ, xðτÞÞ
 ds + jG ðς, sÞgðςÞj 1 − σ2 0 0
1 − σ1 0 0 α ð1

1  dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞ f ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ
⋅ φq ⋅ ∣ hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞf ðτ, xðτÞÞ
1 − σ2 0 0 0
ð1 ð1ð1
 ∣ dτdγ + ∣ Gβ ðs, γÞf ðγ, xðγÞÞ ∣ dγ dsdς:  dsdς − Gα ðt 1 , sÞφq hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ
0 0 1 − σ2 0 0

And since ðt, sÞ ∈ ½0, 1 × ½0, 1, evaluating the upper bound  f ðτ, xðτÞÞdτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞ f ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ
of jGβ ðt, sÞj gives 0
Abstract and Applied Analysis 7

ð ð
1 − t1 1 1 In a similar way to this, we can obtain
 ds − G ðς, sÞgðςÞ
1 − σ1 0 0 α ð t2
ð1ð1 t2 − t1 ðt − t Þα
1 ∣Gα ðt 2 , sÞ − Gα ðt 1 , sÞ∣ds ≤ + 2 1 ,
 φq ⋅ hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ f ðτ, xðτÞÞ t1 Γ ðα + 1 Þ Γ ð α + 1 Þ
1 − σ2 0 0
t2 − t1
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞ f ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ ∣Gα ðt 2 , sÞ − Gα ðt 1 , sÞ∣ds ≤ :
t2 Γ ðα + 1 Þ
 ð 1
 dsdς =  ðGα ðt 2 , sÞ − Gα ðt 1 , sÞÞ
ð1ð1 These inequalities yield
 φq hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ f ðτ, xðτÞÞ ð1
1 − σ2 0 0
ð50Þ ∣Gα ðt 2 , sÞ − Gα ðt 1 , sÞ∣
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞ f ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ 0 ð t1
ð ð  ds = ∣Gα ðt 2 , sÞ − Gα ðt 1 , sÞ∣
t −t 1 1 ð 0t2
 ds + 1 2 G ðς, sÞgðςÞ
1 − σ1 0 0 α  ds + ∣Gα ðt 2 , sÞ − Gα ðt 1 , sÞ∣
1 ð t11
 φq ⋅ hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ f ðτ, xðτÞÞ
1 − σ2 0 0  ds + ∣Gα ðt 2 , sÞ − Gα ðt 1 , sÞ∣
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞf ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ 3ðt 2 − t 1 Þ + ðt α2 − t α1 Þ
0  ds ≤ : ð54Þ
ð1 Γðα + 1Þ
 dsdς ≤ M 1 ⋅ jGα ðt 2 , sÞ − Gα ðt 1 , sÞj
0 Therefore, we get
t − t kgk
⋅ 2 1
 ds + M 1 : 3ðt 2 − t 1 Þ + ðt α2 − t α1 Þ
j1 − σ1 j ΓðαÞ jTxðt 2 Þ − Txðt 1 Þj ≤ M 1 ⋅
Γ ðα + 1 Þ

q−1 t 2 − t 1 kgk M 1 3 kgk

And since + M1 ⋅ = +
j1 − σ1 j ΓðαÞ ΓðαÞ α j1 − σ1 j
8 M1
α−1 α−1 α−1 α−1
> t 2 ð1 − sÞ − ðt 2 − sÞ − t 1 ð1 − sÞ + ðt 1 − sÞ ,  s ≤ t 1 ,
> ⋅ ðt 2 − t 1 Þ + ⋅ ðt α2 − t α1 Þ:
Gα ðt 2 , sÞ − Gα ðt 1 , sÞ =
1 < α−1 α−1 α−1
Γðα + 1Þ
t 2 ð1 − sÞ − ðt 2 − sÞ − t 1 ð1 − sÞ ,  t 1 ≤ s ≤ t 2 ,
ΓðαÞ >
t 2 ð1 − sÞα−1 − t 1 ð1 − sÞα−1 ,  s ≥ t 2 , ð55Þ
This shows that TðΩÞ is equicontinuous in X. By using
the Arzela-Ascoli theorem, we can see that TðΩÞ is
Ð relatively compact in X. As a consequence of the above
the integral term 10 jGα ðt 2 , sÞ − Gα ðt 1 , sÞjds can be divided
discussion, the operator T : X ⟶ X is completely contin-
into the following three parts:
uous. The proof is completed.

ð t1 Denote as follows:
jGα ðt 2 , sÞ − Gα ðt 1 , sÞj


ð 1 kgk 1 khk
1 t1 A≔ 1+ 1+ : ð56Þ
 ds = ∣t ð1 − sÞα−1 − ðt 2 − sÞα−1 ΓðαÞ j1 − σ1 j Γ ðβ Þ j 1 − σ2 j
Γ ðα Þ 0 2
− t 1 ð1 − sÞα−1 − ðt 1 − sÞα−1 ∣ In this article, the following hypotheses will be used.
1 t1  
 ds ≤ ðt 2 − t 1 Þð1 − sÞα−1 + ðt 2 − sÞα−1 (H1). There exist nonnegative functions a, b ∈ C½0, 1 such
Γ ðα Þ 0 ð52Þ
ð t1 that
− ðt 1 − sÞα−1 Þds ≤ ðt − t Þ ð1 − sÞα−1
ΓðαÞ 2 1 0 (i) ∣f ðt, xÞ∣ ≤ aðtÞ + bðtÞjxjp−1 , t ∈ ½0, 1, x ∈ R
1 t1   (ii) Akbk < 1
 ds + ðt 2 − sÞα−1 − ðt 1 − sÞα−1
Γ ðα Þ 0
t −t ðt α − t α Þ − ð t 2 − t 1 Þα
 ds ≤ 2 1 + 2 1 : Theorem 8. Assume that the hypothesis (H1) holds, then
Γ ðα + 1 Þ Γ ðα + 1 Þ problem (1) has at least one solution.
8 Abstract and Applied Analysis

Proof. Consider the following set: For the readers’ convenience, denote as follows:

E ≔ fx ∈ X ∣ x = ρTx, 0 < ρ < 1g: ð57Þ khk  

M0 ≔ 1 + kak + kbkr p−1 ,
j1 − σ2 j

For any x ∈ E, it can be easily seen that L ðq − 1 Þ M 0 kgk khk
θ≔ 1+ 1+ :
ΓðαÞΓðβÞ j1 − σ1 j j1 − σ 2 j
kxk = ρkTxk < kTxk: ð58Þ
Theorem 9. Let 1 < p < 2. Assume that the hypotheses (H1)
and (H2) are satisfied and 0 < θ < 1, then problem (1) has a
On the other hand, from the condition (i) of the hypoth-
unique solution.
esis (H1) and (49), we have that

Proof. Put B = fx ∈ Xjkxk ≤ rg.
1 kgk Firstly, we will show that TðBÞ ⊂ B. In fact, from the
kTxk ≤ 1+
ΓðαÞ j1 − σ1 j hypothesis (H1) and (49), for any x ∈ B, we have that

1 khk  p−1 

 1+ kak + kbkkxk : 1 kgk 1 khk

Γ ðβ Þ j 1 − σ2 j kTxk ≤ 1+ 1+
ΓðαÞ j1 − σ1 j ΓðβÞ j1 − σ2 j
ð59Þ  p−1 q−1
 kak + kbk kxk

From (58), we get 1 kgk 1
= 1+
ΓðαÞ j1 − σ1 j ΓðβÞ

1 kgk khk  q−1
kx k < 1+  1+ kak + kbk kxkp−1 ð66Þ
ΓðαÞ j1 − σ1 j j1 − σ2 j

q−1  q−1
1 khk  p−1  ≤ Aq−1 kak + kbkr p−1
 1+ kak + kbkkxk :
ΓðβÞ j1 − σ 2 j

Akakkbk q−1
ð60Þ = Aq−1 kak +
1 − Akbk

Since 1/p + 1/q = 1 implies ðp − 1Þðq − 1Þ = 1, we obtain = = r:
1 − Akbk
kxkp−1 < A kak + kbkkxkp−1 : ð61Þ Next, we will prove the uniqueness of solutions for prob-
lem (1).
Therefore, we have that For any x ∈ B and any t ∈ ½0, 1, by the hypothesis (H1),
we get

kxkp−1 ð1 − AkbkÞ < Akak, ð62Þ ð1ð1

hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞf ðτ, xðτÞÞ
∣1 − σ2 ∣ 0 0
and by using the condition (ii) of the hypothesis (H1), we can ð1
see that  dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞ f ðγ, xðγÞÞ

q−1 khk
Akak  dγ ≤ G ðγ, τÞ f ðτ, xðτÞÞ
kxk < : ð63Þ ∣1 − σ2 ∣ 0 0 β
1 − Akbk ð1
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞ f ðγ, xðγÞÞ ð67Þ
So, we can know that E is bounded. In view of Schaefer’s ð1ð1
fixed-point theorem (Lemma 6), the operator T : X ⟶ X  dγ ≤ Gβ ðγ, τÞ aðτÞ + bðτÞr p−1
has at least one fixed point which is the solution of the prob- ∣1 − σ2 ∣ 0 0
lem (1). The proof is completed.  
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞ aðγÞ + bðγÞrp−1
Here, put r ≔ ðAkak/1 − AkbkÞq−1 and list more hypoth- 0

eses to obtain the uniqueness results for our problem.  dγ ≤ + 1 kak + kbkr p−1 = M 0 :
∣1 − σ2 ∣
(H2). There exists a real number L > 0 such that
Since 1 < p < 2, we can see q > 2. Hence, from (H2) and
one basic property of p-Laplacian operator (42), for any x, y
j f ðt, xÞ − f ðt, yÞ∣<L ∣ x − yj, t ∈ ½0, 1, x, y ∈ ½−r, r : ð64Þ ∈ B and any t ∈ ½0, 1, we have that
Abstract and Applied Analysis 9

ð 1
 q−2 ð
j Tx ðt Þ − Ty ð t Þj  Gα ðt, sÞ
= Lðq − 1ÞM 0 1
 dsdς ≤ Gα ðt, sÞ
0 ∣1 − σ2 ∣ 0
1 ð 1 ð 1

 φq hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞf ðτ, xðτÞÞdτdγ

1 − σ2 0 0  hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞjxðτÞ − yðτÞjdτdγ
ð ð 0 0
1−t 1 1 ð1 ð1
+ Gβ ðs, γÞf ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ ds + G ðς, sÞgðςÞ
1 − σ1 0 0 α

0 ð1ð1  ds + Lðq − 1ÞM 0 Gα ðt, sÞ Gβ ðs, γÞjxðγÞ − yðγÞj
1 0 0
q−2 ð ð ð1ð1
 φq ⋅ hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞf ðτ, xðτÞÞ Lð1 − t Þðq − 1ÞM 0 1 1
1 − σ2 0 0  dγds + G ðς, sÞgðςÞ hðγÞ
j1 − σ1 j ⋅ j1 − σ2 j 0 0 α 0 0
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞ f ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ Lð1 − t Þðq − 1ÞM 0

ð 10 ð1ð1  Gβ ðγ, τÞjxðτÞ − yðτÞjdτdγdsdς +

1 j1 − σ 1 j
 dsdς − Gα ðt, sÞφq hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ f ðτ, yðτÞÞ ð1ð1 ð1
1 − σ2 0 0  Gα ðς, sÞgðςÞ Gβ ðs, γÞjxðγÞ − yðγÞj

0 0 0
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞ f ðγ, yðγÞÞdγ L ðq − 1 Þ M 0
0 ð ð ð1ð1  dγdsdς ≤
1−t 1 1 1 ΓðαÞΓðβÞ

 ds − Gα ðς, sÞgðςÞφq ⋅ hðγÞ khk kgk khk kgk

1 − σ1 0 0 1 − σ2 0 0  +1+ +

j1 − σ 2 j j1 − σ1 j j1 − σ2 j j1 − σ1 j
 Gβ ðγ, τÞf ðτ, yðτÞÞdτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞf ðγ, yðγÞÞdγ  kx − yk = θkx − yk:
 ð 1 0 ð1ð1
  1 ð68Þ
 dsdς ≤  Gα ðt, sÞ φq hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ
1 − σ2 0 0
0 ð1

 f ðτ, xðτÞÞdτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞf ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ This means that

ð 1 ð01
 ds − φq hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ f ðτ, yðτÞÞ kTx − Tyk ≤ θkx − yk: ð69Þ
1 − σ2 0 0

 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞ f ðγ, yðγÞÞdγ Since 0 < θ < 1, we can see that T : B → B is a contraction
0 ð ð
mapping. By means of the Banach contraction mapping prin-
1−t 1 1
 ds + Gα ðς, sÞgðςÞ ciple, we can prove that T has a unique fixed point in B. That
1 − σ1 0ð 10ð 1 is, problem (1) has a unique solution. The proof is completed.
 φq ⋅ hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ f ðτ, xðτÞÞ
1 − σ2 0 0 4. Examples

 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞ f ðγ, xðγÞÞdγ The following examples are concerned with the illustration of
0 ð1ð1 Theorem 8 and Theorem 9.
 − φq ⋅ hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ f ðτ, yðτÞÞ
1 − σ2 0 0
ð1 Example 1. Consider the following integral boundary value
 dτdγ + Gβ ðs, γÞf ðγ, yðγÞÞdγÞÞ problem:
 0 ð1 ð 1 ð 1 8
 ðq − 1ÞM q−2   

 dsdς ≤ 0  hðγÞGβ ðγ, τÞ > 1 e−t
j1 − σ 2 j Gα ðt, sÞ > 1:8
> c D0+
φ1:2 c D0+ xðt Þ = 1 + sin t + pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi x0:2 ðt Þ,  t ∈ ð0, 1Þ,
0  0 0 >
10 + t
< ð1
 ð f ðτ, xðτÞÞ − f ðτ, yðτÞÞÞdτdγÞ xð0Þ = ð1 + e−s ÞxðsÞds,  xð1Þ = 0,
ð1 ð1 >
> 0
q−2  >
>     ð1  
 ds + ðq − 1ÞM 0 Gα ðt, sÞ Gβ ðs, γÞ >
> c 1:5 c 1:5 1 c 1:5
: φ1:2 D0+ xð0Þ = φ1:2 D0+ xð1Þ = pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2ffi φ1:2 D0+ xðsÞ ds:
0 0 0 100 + s

 ð f ðγ, xðγÞÞ − f ðγ, yðγÞÞÞdγ ð70Þ
q−2 ð 1 ð 1  ð 1 ð 1
ð1 − t Þðq − 1ÞM 0 
 ds + ⋅ 
j1 − σ1 j ⋅ j1 − σ2 j Gα ðς, sÞgðςÞ hðγÞ The problem (70) can be rated as the boundary value
0 0  0 0
problem where α = 1:5, β = 1:8, p = 1:2,

 Gβ ðγ, τÞð f ðτ, xðτÞÞ − f ðτ, yðτÞÞÞdτdγÞ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
q−2 ð ð  f ðt, xÞ = 1 + ð1/3Þ sin t + ðe−t / 100 + t Þx0:2 , aðtÞ = 1 + ð1/3Þ
ð1 − t Þðq − 1ÞM 0 1 1  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 dsdς + sin t, bðtÞffi = ðe−t / 10 + t Þ, gðtÞ = 1 + e−t , and hðtÞ = ð1/
j1 − σ1 j Gα ðς, sÞgðςÞ p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ð 1 0 0
 100p+ffiffiffiffiffit 2 Þ: By simple calculation, we have kak = 4/3, kbk

 Gβ ðs, γÞð f ðγ, xðγÞÞ − f ðγ, yðγÞÞÞdγ  = 1/ Ð 10, kgk = 2, khk = 1/10, Ð
0 σ1 = 10 ð1 − sÞgðsÞds ≈ 0:87 ≠ 1, and σ2 = 10 hðsÞds ≈ 0:1 ≠ 1.
10 Abstract and Applied Analysis

So, testing whether the hypothesis (H1) holds or not, we Data Availability
No datasets are generated or analyzed during this study.


1 kgk 1 khk
A= 1+ 1+
Γ ðα Þ j1 − σ1 j Γ ðβ Þ j1 − σ2 j ð71Þ Conflicts of Interest
≈ 2:13, Akbk ≈ 0:67 < 1: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Therefore, by Theorem 8, the problem (70) has at least

one solution. Authors’ Contributions

Example 2. Consider the boundary value problem All authors carried out the proof and conceived of the study.
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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