Design and Fabrication of PLC Based Conveyor System With Programmable Stations
Design and Fabrication of PLC Based Conveyor System With Programmable Stations
Design and Fabrication of PLC Based Conveyor System With Programmable Stations
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3 authors, including:
Dhiraj Patil
Raisoni Group of Institutions
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Wiring Layout:
The wiring is an important phase for installing a
conveyor and configuring the sensors and actuators so they
can all communicate with each other seamlessly. It is done
Figure 5: Sensor monitoring
scientifically to save time and money. The following figure
gives more simplified idea about the wiring layout.
The main objective of this dissertation is to control
motor motion at five stations including three intermediate
working and two mandatory stations. This section
quickly introduces the PLC Environments with respect to
dissertation work carried out. It specifies requirement of
the system and its working. This section gives overall
working idea and its physical system. Developed logic in
the system is in terms of ladder diagrams. All program
and inputs of the system developed using Picosoft
software in terms of ladder logic. Figure 10: Logic Ladder for Work Station 1
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