GL03 - Refined Proposal & Learning Contract Template - Oct19 (AutoRecovered)
GL03 - Refined Proposal & Learning Contract Template - Oct19 (AutoRecovered)
GL03 - Refined Proposal & Learning Contract Template - Oct19 (AutoRecovered)
Project Title: Please refine the title as needed and indicate the name of competition/certification if applicable.
Dangers of being desensitised about viruses
Target beneficiary/ Essentially everyone, everyone needs a basic understanding of the threat that plagues humanity.
beneficiaries People who underestimate this threat and see it as something not to be wary of.
(if applicable):
My Learning Goals Refine Learning Goals as needed: E.g. to work on my marketing skills.
To work on my collaborative skills to seek guidance from people within the industry for feedback
To explore and dive deeper into the world of viruses and improve on my knowledge on them
To learn to communicate effectively to people who may not heard or understand about this problem
My project will help me cultivate these TP Student Profile attributes (choose at least three)
☒Self-directed ☐Problem solving ☐Character & citizenship
☐Resilient ☒Digital & information literate ☐Leadership
☐Competent ☐Innovative & entrepreneurial ☒Communicative & collaborative
Give reasons how you can develop each of these chosen attributes
1)Self-Directed – First task in TP that is a non-lecturer subject. Purely self-based work with a mentor to guide only.
2)Digital & information literate – Find sources online to support my claims, to educate others on this topic.
3)Communicative & Collaborative – May work with various organisations on this implementation of knowledge and communicate
with people to inform them about this issue.
Brief Description of What am I going to do? (max 100 words)
Proposal: Research on the various common viruses that are present in Singapore and come up with an informative
brochure/document on their differences
Describe common remedies for viruses and explain their effectiveness
May collaborate with someone on discussing the importance of routine vaccinations
Translate these into the commonly spoken languages in Singapore
What do I already know/do in this area?
Contract: Basic understanding of viruses from lectures in Medical Biotechnology
Seen documentaries about the threat of viruses and importance of vaccinations
Closing gaps &
knowledge What new knowledge & skills will I need to complete this project?
More in-depth knowledge about viruses, looking through journals and articles about them,
Communication skills to acquire knowledge from learned people in this industry as well as maybe collaborate with them
to educate the public more on this topic.
What possible challenges would I need to overcome for my learning project?
Due to COVID-19, meeting face to face with lecturers is not possible.
Printing out the brochures and transmitting them to the public
I plan to get help from: Please tick and name the specific organisation(s)/expert(s) you would consult.
☒Partner departments in TP: ASC Lecturers
☐Partner Schools in TP:
☐External Partner Organisation:
☒External Resource People:
I plan to use these learning resources: Please tick and name the resources you would consult.
☐Online learning/courses:
☒Internet journals/articles:
☐Experiential learning:
Evidence of Reflection
Learning for my
Specify the actions you will be taking to complete Specify the Deliverables you will produce
Learning your project throughout this period
Contract: April/October: E.g. Contact my facilitator and discuss the action
Action Plan
Action Plan - May/November: E.g. Refine my proposal, conduct interview(s), Interview questions, video of interview conducted, transcription
example, my MacDonald boss
Timelines June/December: E.g. Collect data, analyse, generate ideas for Evidence of data collected, analysis, marketing plan
-Deliverables marketing my engineering product
July/January: E.g. Produce a website/poster etc for my Website/poster
engineering product
August/February: E.g. Complete the curation of my portfolio, prepare Completed e-portfolio
for reflection interview
Please customise if your project starts prior to regular semester timeframe.