Ammett Williams Google Cloud Security
Ammett Williams Google Cloud Security
Ammett Williams Google Cloud Security
Prep Notes by
My white paper must review list
1 - 7-best-practices-for-building-containers 7 - Envelope encryption 14 - Scenarios for Exporting Stackdriver
Google Cloud Professional Cloud Security Engineer
2 - Best practices for enterprise 8 - Federating Google Cloud Platform with AD 15 - Logging Secret management with
Exam Prep Sheet by Ammett organizations 9 - Firewall Rules Overview _ VPC Cloud KMS
This is my guide based on my preparation for the exam achieved during my 3 - Choosing a Load Balancer 10 - Forseti Security 16 - Securing your app with signed headers
4 - Cloud Audit Logs _ Stackdriver Logging 11 - Key rotation _ Cloud KMS 17- DLP
90 days of cloud challenge. References from Google Docs and other sources.
V1.4: 01-2020 5 - Cloud IAP for on-premises apps 12 - PCI_DSS_Shared_Responsibility_GCP
6 - DNS Security (DNSSEC) 13 - Retention policies using Bucket Lock-
Organisation What it is What you should know Review documents Video My experience
Structures GCP resources are 1- Flow (Organisation, Folders, This area is fundamental
organized hierarchically. projects, resources) platform-resource-hierarchy fundamentals/the-google-cloud-platform-resource- however you really need to
This allows you to map 2- Where to manage permissions for hierarchy-K85Wf understand how to control
groups, department, entire
your enterprise's to get the separation, how
organisation, etc
operational structure to it should be designed and
3- Permissions level necessary
GCP, and to manage restrictions applied
access control and
permissions for groups of
related resources.
Cloud What it is What you should know Review documents Video My experience
Identity A unified identity, access, 1- Federations This is a core area in the
app, and device 2- AD integrations / Hybrid LDAP st=PLIivdWyY5sqJbqze_8sohTh2U9wtZ6JNH&index exam. You should know
management (IAM/EMM) 3- Saml 2.0 & OpenID corporate-users-in-a-hybrid-environment =8 the various scenarios and
4- Single Sign On
platform. (similar to how integrations work.
5-Service accounts active-directory-introduction
Microsoft AD)
pg-1 by Ammett
Cloud IAM What it is What you should know Review documents Video My experience
Cloud IAM which lets you 1- Best way to manage (use groups) This wasn’t too bad
manage access control by 2- MFA Multiple factor authentication. &list=PLAFY3hrExHFF4Df4TTXlvKCdiKIF7SZz2&inde however if you don’t know
defining who (identity) 3- Roles (primitive, predefined & x=10&t=0s it gets confusing and leads
has what access (role) to misinterpretation of
4- Roles necessary to do certain
for which resource. questions
6- Password min requirements
Identity What it is What you should know Review documents Video My experience
Aware Proxy Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy 1- How it works (HTTPS) Understanding the flow is
(Cloud IAP) controls 2- JWT (signed headers) important and where and
access to your cloud 3- How to configure qLvoPf2pMI2uIz1FLSfphCh when to use it. That made
4- On prem flow apps-overview
applications and VMs the difference in selecting
5- TCP forwarding
running on (GCP) the correct answer if it
wasn’t obvious
Google What it is What you should know Review documents Video My experience
security Google’s end to end 1- Shared responsibilities on various A few of these types came
security process built up service types (PaaS, IaaS, SaaS) &list=PLAFY3hrExHFF4Df4TTXlvKCdiKIF7SZz2&inde up not much but I can tell
model 2- Compliance (ISO 27001 etc, PCI) x=24
over 15+ year to secure you these can easily cost
3- Default security google applies DSS_Shared_Responsibility_GCP_v32.pdf
their various offering you a mark or 3 if you are
4- Encryption on by default ist=PLIivdWyY5sqJbqze_8sohTh2U9wtZ6JNH&index
including Google Cloud not familiar at a
5- Data removal, hardware handling =15
Platform reasonable level
Cloud IAP flows - diagram On Prem flow - diagram TCP forwarding-diagram
pg-2 by Ammett
VPC What it is What you should know Review documents Video My experience
A VPC network, is your 1- Default network, Can’t have security without
virtual network in the cloud How to design your own custom VPC &list=PLAFY3hrExHFF4Df4TTXlvKCdiKIF7SZz2&inde networking understand
just like an on prem for your production projects x=17 very well. Well featured in
2- How to get traffic flowing
physical network or data the exam
3- RFC1918
center or office network.
4- Internal and external access
Firewall What it is What you should know Review documents Video My experience
Allow or deny traffic to and 1- How they work (Stateful) & Scope There are some implied
from your virtual machine 2- Implied rules ll_rules and default rule know
(VM) etc, based on a 3- Default rules these. Also how to define
4- Effect of sharing, peering, etc
configurations you specify. your rules (source, dest,
pot, protocol, action,
Cloud What it is What you should know Review documents Video My experience
Armour Google Cloud Armor 1- Where it works (Edge, HTTPS load Goes well with security
security policies are made balancing proxy) concepts &list=PLIivdWyY5sqJbqze_8sohTh2U9wtZ6JNH&ind and securing apps and
2- How works (whitelist, blacklist, IAP, ex=2 load balancers.
up of rules that allow or
prohibit traffic from IP
3- Restrictions Cloud armour and
addresses or ranges CDN
defined in the rule.
Flow Logs What it is What you should know Must review documents Video My experience
VPC Flow Logs record a 1- Cases to use this to gather info to Another one of the areas
sample of network flows lock down access etc where a question or two
sent from and to by VM 2- What it records, how to read it came up and can easily
3- How to enable
instances. These are used gain you a much needed
for monitoring, forensics, mark.
real-time security analysis,
and expense optimization.
VPC - diagram Cloud Armour - diagram
pg-3 by Ammett
HTTP(S) Load balancer SSL Proxy TCP Proxy Network Load balancer Internal load balancer Review documents
pg-4 by Ammett
VPC Sharing VPC Peering VPN Dedicated Interconnect Partner Connect Review documents
DNS SEC Private Access Cloud NAT Bastion Host CIDR Subnets Review documents
What it is What it is What it is What it is What it is
Prevents attackers from Allows VM instances with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Bastion hosts provide an You can choose any private RFC My experience
manipulating or poisoning the internal (RFC 1918) IP virtual machine (VM) instances external facing point of entry 1918 CIDR block for the primary IP Some of these may pop up if not all so just know these and
responses to DNS requests. addresses to reach certain without external IP addresses into a network containing private address range of the subnet. they are pretty straight forward.
APIs and services without and private (GKE) clusters to network instances from the
internet access. connect to the Internet. Internet
What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know
1- What it protects 1- How to enable (this is 1. How it works 1- Where it sits 1- Overlapping ranges,
important) 2 – Subnet Mask based on required host
3- Reserved IP addresses
pg-5 by Ammett
Cloud KMS CMEK CSEK Key rotation Managing secrets Review documents
by Ammett
BigQuery Cloud Storage Compute Engine Stackdriver SIEM Review documents
Super User accounts DDoS Dataproc App Engine Cloud Audit logs Review documents
What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know What you should know
1- What they are used for 1- How to prevent with GCP 1. How it works, what it is 1- Discovers 1- Data access
2- Recommended limits tools used for vulnerabilities 2- System
3- Admin
pg-7 by Ammett
IaaS What it is What you should know Review documents My experience
Think Datacenter (compute, 1- Shared responsibility for these and Understand the shared
storage, networking). what they are services responsibility model and
the basics also. These can
be tricky if you don’t know
PaaS What it is What you should know Review documents
Think code provisioning 1- Shared responsibility for these and
without infrastructure what they are services
Bonne Journée
pg-8 by Ammett