What Is Supply Chain Management ?

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A Supply chain is a measure of facilities and distribution options that performs the
functions of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into
intermediate and finished products and the distribution of these finished products
to customers.

Supply chain integrates the key business processes of an organization from end
user through original suppliers that provides products, services and information that
add value for customers and other stakeholders.

What are the various elements in SCM ?

There are five major elements in SCM -

1. Production : This is related to issues on what to produce, how to

produce( which manufacturing process) and when to produce.

2. Inventory : Here the decisions and issues may be concerned with how much
to make and how much to store as inventory and where to store these items (
at the plant itself, warehouse, or at the retailer etc.)

3. Location : A number of issues regarding location such as where to locate a

plant, where to locate a warehouse facility etc. may have significant bearing
on the dynamics of the supply chain and in turn may affect the overall costs.

4. Transportation : The issue may be related to how to move a product from one
location to another and by what mode of transportation. One needs to
evaluate economies of scale on one hand and the desired level of customer
satisfaction on the other hand.

5. Information : Information is a binding force having critical implication for the

supply chain. Information acts as a basis for making various decisions in the
supply chain. It also acts as an integrator. Unless information flows are
handled properly, one may not be able to derive benefits from the supply
chain integration.

What are the objectives of SCM ?

The objectives of SCM are :

1. To provide an uninterrupted flow of materials, supplies and services required

to operate the organization

2. To keep inventory investment at a minimum

3. To maintain and improve quality

4. To find or develop competent suppliers

5. To purchase required materials at the lowest possible cost

6. To improve the organization’s competitive position

7. To achieve productive working relationships with other functional areas

within the organization

8. To accomplish the purchasing and marketing objectives at the lowest

possible level administrative costs

What are the functions of SCM ?

The main functions of SCM are as follows :

1. Plan : This is the strategic portion of SCM. One needs a strategy for managing
all the resources that go toward meeting customer demand for a product or
service. This may include developing a set of metrics to monitor the supply
chain so that it is efficient, cost less and delivers high quality and value to
customers in the most cost-effective manner.

2. Source : One has to choose the suppliers that will deliver the goods and
services needed to create final product or service. This involves developing a
set of pricing, delivery and payment processes with suppliers and metrics for
monitoring and improving the relationships.

3. Make : This involves making schedule for activities necessary for production,
testing, packaging and preparation for delivery.

4. Delivery : This involves coordination of the receipt of orders from customers,

developing a network of warehouses, picking carriers to get products to
customers and setting up an invoicing system to receive payments.

5. Return/ Reverse Flow : This refers to the reverse flow of goods from customer
back to manufacturer. This involves creating a network for receiving
defective and excess products back from customers and supporting
customers who have problems with delivered products.

What is importance of IT in SCM ?

The integration of IT in SCM is aimed at leveraging information tools to

address the following concerns : Flexiblity, and variety, Quality, Responsiveness,
and Edging toward agility. Its main objective is to increase the efficiency and
effectiveness of working so that we get quantum improvements performance

Some of the major developments in IT which are transforming the supply chains are
as follows :

EDI is the interchange of standard formatted data between computer

application systems of trading partners with minimal manual intervention.


Intranet is the internal web of an organization . It is used for distribution of

information within an organization .

When access to intranet is extended to external users, it becomes an extranet. It is

used for information transaction among the clients, partners, customers, and


The internet has vastly expanded the value of goods and services business
trade electronically. E-commerce results in lowering purchasing cost, a reduction of
inventories, lowering cycle time, more efficient and effective customer services,
lowering sales and marketing cost and new sales opportunities


It is defined as use of electronic technologies to streamline and enable

procurement activities of an organization. E procurement process includes
advertising tenders; electronic mail between buyers/sellers; electronic mail in
contract management; research into supplier markets and integration of
procurement within the financial and inventory systems.


The idea of a bar code is to encode an identification number for something

that will be unique.

What is reverse SCM ?

Reverse supply chain management is the disposition of any asset that is no longer
suitable to perform its primary functions or is not sufficiently cost effective to suit
ever changing technology.

The Reasons for Flow reversal of Products:

• Commercial Returns

• Product Recalls

• Warranty Returns
• End-of-Use Returns

• End-of-Life Returns

Benefits of RSCM

 Customer Satisfaction

 Achieving Economies of Scale

 Effective inventory management, and reduced store level costs

 Improved Management Information Systems

 Improved Supplier Relationship and enhanced supplier satisfaction

 Improved image of the organization

What is Integrated Supply Chain Management ?

It’s a synchronization of various activities such as production, transportation , other

services and inventory decisions. It links the front end of the supply chain i.e.
customer demand, to the back end of the supply chain i.e. production and
manufacturing portion of the supply chain.

The benefits of Integrated Supply chain Management are :

• Lower cost manufacturing process

• Increased sales

• Increased customer responsiveness

• Reduced fixed assets and working capital

• Reduced inventory for entire supply chain

• Reduced obsolescence risk

• Improved forecasting

• Demand-driven manufacture

• Vendor-Managed Inventory ( VMI)

What is difference between Logistics & SCM ?

Logistics management is that part of the Supply Chain Management process that plans, implements, and
controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related
information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers'

Supply Chain Management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in
sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all Logistics Management activities. Importantly, it also
includes coordination and collaboration with channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries,
third-party service providers, and customers.

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