Dynamic Analysis of Gear Shifting Mechanism

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P. NARASIMMAN*** P. Senthilnathan* G. GNAKOTTAIA**

*** Asst, Prof, Dept. of Mechanical Engg., A.C College of Engg & Tech,. Karaikudi- 4.
[email protected]
* Final year, ME-CAD, A.C. College of Engg & Tech., Karaikudi-4. [email protected]
** Manager, R&D, TVS Motor Company, Hosur

In Automotive transmissions, the problem of shift effort and corresponding shift time are complex
ones. High shift effort and more shift time are recognized as a basic performance malfunction that takes
place during shifting. In this paper, the shifting mechanism of two-wheeler gearbox is analyzed using
ADAMS. The shift effort and shift time are analyzed with different parameters and using the results, the
mathematical model is formed using SPSS software. The transmission requires discrete ratio change shifts,
which perturb vehicle acceleration and engine speed. Therefore shift disturbances are important aspect of
the customer’s perception of overall quality.
The purpose of this study is to understand the fundamental effects of these parameters to make further
advancement in the area of shift quality and future developments in the design of linkages.
Keywords: shift effort, shift time, shift quality

INTRODUTION in this narrow rpm range while rear wheel’s

For motorcycles equipped with manual rotating speed varies greatly.
transmissions, the ‘Shift feeling’ is very In this study, the motorcycle engine
important. But it is based on customer’s runs at 8000 rpm and develops maximum torque
perception. The customer’s perception in general of 12.3Nm at 6000 rpm and develops maximum
depends on expectation, sense and environment. power of 9.95Kw at 8500 rpm.
The customer expects shifting to be done with At 38KPH, the rear tires are only turning about
lesser shift effort and achieves the required speed 335rpm, while the engine is revolving about
at a shorter time. 10000rpm. The primary pair provides part of this
Shift effort is the amount of force that is reduction and other gear reductions are handled
to be applied on the shifting lever to achieve the by the transmission that allows the rider to select
each gear shifting. This depends upon the 5 different ratios.
leverage of the mechanism and stiffness of the
springs used to return of the shift lever and in the
stopper roller, mass and inertia of all the parts,
friction between the contact pairs. Shift time is The transmission consists of two
the time required for engagement of dogs. Dog parallel shafts upon which the gears are
engagement time varies according to shifting mounted. These shafts called as counter shaft
speed, clutch drag torque, gear rpm, and dog and drive shaft. Each shaft carries 5 different
engagement angle. sized gears. Each gear meshes with a
corresponding gear on the other shaft. To obtain
GEAR BOX each of the different ratios, constant mesh type of
The motorcycle engine is wonderful transmission is used.
piece of engineering. It is light, compact and In constant mesh transmission, Gear
efficient and develops tremendous power for its shifting is accomplished by forks that fit in to
size. It is one draw back in IC engines, is that it circumferential grooves in the hubs of the gears.
is only really efficient over a relatively narrow There are three forks in this gearbox. Each gear
range of rpm. At low rpm, it does not develop is splined to it’s shaft, so it can slide, but not
much power, while at high rpm, it wears out rotate independently. These sliding gears have
quickly. These characteristics of the engine ‘Lugs’ on their side faces that protrude to engage
require that a multi speed transmission be used to slots on adjacent gears. Each adjacent gear is
allow the engine to operate in its efficiency constantly in mesh with a companion gear on the
range. The transmission allows the engine to run other shaft, but it spins freely until it is engaged
by a sliding gear, which locks the gear to the • Creating the Parts of the Model
shaft. Even though all the gears are meshed • Adding Constraints and Motions to
simultaneously, only one gear set will be Mandate Part Movements
• Adding Forces that Induce or Resist
Part Movements

The complete gearbox modeling is done using

ProE Wildfire and the models are imported in
ADAMS. The required type of constraints like
translational, rotational constraints applied on the
model. Each part’s mass, center of gravity and
inertia data are given and simulated.

transmitting power. The other pairs of gears all

have one gear spinning freely. When the
transmission is in neutral, none of the sliding
gears are engaged with adjacent gears, so the
output shaft doesn’t turn with any force.
A drum cam controls the shift forks.
The function of the cam is to convert the rotating
motion of the cam to move the sliding gears in to
and out of engagement. The lateral movement
and position of the forks are controlled by slots
in the drum cam.
The end of the cam has a set of pins that work in
conjunction with pawl and levers to rotate the
drum the proper amount each time, the gear shift
lever is moved. An index star is mounted over
the pins to control the indexing amount of drum
cam during shifting. A spring loaded stopper arm
and roller holds the star to lock the drum cam in
each gear position.

The shift characteristics analysis is done using
ADAMS. ADAMS is mechanical system
simulation software. It enables users to produce
virtual prototypes, realistically simulating the
full-motion behavior of complex mechanical From the ADAMS post processor, minimum
systems on their computers and quickly force required to rotate the cam with stopper
analyzing multiple design variations until an roller alone and time required to engage are
optimal design is achieved. measured.
Steps in ADAMS
Minimum torque required to rotate the drum cam against the stopper roller is tried with various parameters.
Neutral to first gear

Friction between cam and

Inertia of the cam (Kg mm2)
CCase Torque required to
Weight of the Stopper Spring
cam stiffness
( Nmm ) (From
( Kg ) (N mm)
Ixx Iyy Izz Static Dynamic

0.40643518 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0.5 0.3 566.4 275

0.38 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0.5 0.3 566.4 272

0.36 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0.5 0.3 566.4 268

0.34 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0.5 0.3 566.4 266

0.32 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0.5 0.3 566.4 265

0.3 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0.5 0.3 566.4 265


0.4064351 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0 0 566.4 228

0.38 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0 0 566.4 226

0.36 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0 0 566.4 225

0.34 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0 0 566.4 223

0.32 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0 0 566.4 220

0.3 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0 0 566.4 220


0.4064351 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0 0 566.4 228

0.4064351 71.048363 402.62321 375 0 0 566.4 222

0.4064351 71.048363 402.62321 350 0 0 566.4 220

Spring stiffness

0.4064351 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0 0 550 220

0.4064351 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0 0 525 222
0.4064351 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0 0 500 215
0.4064351 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0 0 550 218
0.4064351 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0 0 525 216
0.4064351 71.048363 402.62321 404.33029 0 0 500 214

1. A model of power transmission system

focused on the manual transmission was
proposed. The whole system is divided in to
subassemblies and each subassembly is analyzed
separately for shift smoothness.
2. As ADAMS/View simulates the model and it
displays the calculated results as frames of an
animation. The animation helps us to graphically
view the overall behavior of your model and
pinpoint specific problems, such as improper
connectivity or misapplied motions or forces.
ADAMS/View can display this information in
strip charts for more in-depth investigation and
3. The mathematical model obtained from the
SPSS software shows good correlation with the
simulation data.
4. This provides an effective verification
methodology to find out the impact of design
change in the final shift effort and time.

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