The Hypertension Paradox - More Uncontrolled Disease Despite Improved Therapy
The Hypertension Paradox - More Uncontrolled Disease Despite Improved Therapy
The Hypertension Paradox - More Uncontrolled Disease Despite Improved Therapy
special article
Shattuck Lecture
From Boston University Medical Center, he treatment of hypertension has been one of medicine’s major
Boston. Address reprint requests to Dr. successes of the past half-century. The remarkable advances in therapy have
Chobanian at Boston University Medical
Center, 650 Albany St., Boston, MA provided the newfound capability for lowering blood pressure in almost every
02118, or at [email protected]. person with hypertension. Nevertheless, hypertension continues to be a major pub-
lic health problem whose prevalence is increasing worldwide.1 Moreover, the number
N Engl J Med 2009;361:878-87.
Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. of people with uncontrolled blood pressure is also increasing, despite the therapeu-
tic advances. Here, I discuss the factors responsible for this paradox and the strate-
gies required for addressing the growing problem.
E a r ly A pproache s t o Ther a py
Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular and renal diseases, and early
data indicate that untreated hypertension shortens life expectancy by approximately
5 years.2 Although data linking increased blood pressure to premature death were
long available from insurers,3 the prevailing medical opinion well into the 1950s
was that lowering of elevated blood pressure was detrimental because it would im-
pair perfusion of vital organs and thereby increase the risk of cardiovascular and
renal diseases.4 Three early pioneers who thought otherwise and aggressively pur-
sued blood-pressure lowering were Walter Kempner, Reginald Smithwick, and Rob-
ert Wilkins. Each had a different approach: Kempner used dietary manipulation;
Smithwick, surgery; and Wilkins, drug therapy.
Kempner prescribed a diet composed primarily of rice and fruits. It was low in
calories, fat, protein, and sodium (<30 mmol per day) and caused ketosis, weight
loss, and a decrease in blood pressure.5 The full diet was difficult to follow, but
many patients attended Kempner’s clinic at Duke Medical Center for the treatment
of hypertension or obesity. Some patients’ severe hypertension and renal dysfunc-
tion improved on Kempner’s program, but his work was not taken seriously by the
academic medical community for many years.
Smithwick, who chaired the Department of Surgery at Boston University, devel-
oped a surgical procedure for the treatment of hypertension that involved bilateral
lumbodorsal sympathectomy and splanchnicectomy with resection of the sympa-
thetic ganglia from the lower thoracic through the upper lumbar roots and removal
of much of the greater splanchnic nerve.6 Complications from the surgery, particu-
larly symptomatic orthostatic hypotension, were relatively common, but as with
Kempner’s diet, some patients with severe hypertension benefited and survived
until effective drug therapies became available.
Wilkins, one of my mentors, became chief of cardiology at Boston University in
1945. His interest in hypertension was enhanced by the availability of a large
number of Smithwick’s patients at the institution. Wilkins was asked by James
Shannon, then head of the Squibb Institute and later director of the National In-
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stitutes of Health, to work with Squibb on devel- tor blockers (ARBs) — now represent the primary
oping antihypertensive drugs. Around the same treatment options.12 In addition, several clinical
time, Edward Freis joined Wilkins as a research trials were conducted that showed clear-cut ben-
fellow and was assigned to study the hemo efits of therapy, beginning with the treatment of
dynamic effects of new antihypertensive drugs. malignant hypertension.13 Subsequently, the land-
One such drug was pentaquine, an antimalarial mark Veterans Administration studies showed
agent that was observed to cause orthostatic impressive reductions in cardiovascular events
hypotension. Although it had to be abandoned among patients with a pretreatment diastolic
because of a high incidence of side effects, penta blood pressure of 115 to 129 mm Hg14 and later
quine appeared to cause reversal of malignant among those with a diastolic pressure of 90 to
hypertension in a small number of patients.7 The 114 mm Hg.15 The benefits were so impressive in
development of antihypertensive drugs intensi- the former study that a highly significant effect
fied in the late 1940s and early 1950s, and sev- (in comparison with placebo) was observed with
eral medications, including Rauwolfia serpentina, an intervention group of only 73 patients who
veratrum alkaloids, ganglionic blocking drugs, were treated for 18 months.
and hydralazine, were tested in the laboratories Subsequent placebo-controlled trials showed
of Wilkins and others.8,9 Freis was recruited to the importance of blood-pressure lowering in
Georgetown and the Washington Veterans Ad- elderly patients with isolated systolic hyperten-
ministration Hospital and continued his work sion with therapies based on the use of either
there, competing with his former mentor. diuretics or calcium-channel blockers.16,17 Most
Wilkins became increasingly convinced of the
benefits of antihypertensive therapy and wrote in
Table 1. Advances in the Treatment of Hypertension.
1952, “No case of hypertension associated with
good renal function should be considered impos- Decade and Therapy
sible to treat until proven otherwise.” 8 He and 1940s
his associates began combining drugs with differ- Potassium thiocyanate
ent modes of action when the initial medication Kempner diet
did not adequately lower blood pressure. This Lumbodorsal sympathectomy
“step-care” approach has continued to be a main- 1950s
stay of therapy. The number of patients with Rauwolfia serpentina
hypertension who received treatment expanded Ganglionic blockers
rapidly, particularly when the thiazide diuretics Veratrum alkaloids
became available in the late 1950s. The first use Hydralazine
of chlorothiazide for hypertension was reported Guanethidine
almost simultaneously by the research groups of Thiazide diuretics
Wilkins and Freis. Both rushed to publish, Wilkins 1960s
and Hollander in the Boston Medical Quarterly10 and α2-Adrenergic–receptor agonists
Freis and Wilson in the Medical Annals of the Dis- Spironolactone
trict of Columbia.11 The competition between them β-Adrenergic–receptor agonists
was intense, but the work of each was appropri- 1970s
ately recognized with the Lasker Award, which α1-Adrenergic–receptor antagonists
Wilkins received in 1958 and Freis in 1971. Angiotensin-converting–enzyme inhibitors
Calcium antagonists
Benefi t s of A n t ih y per tensi v e- 1990s
Drug Ther a py
Angiotensin-receptor blockers
In the 50 years since the introduction of the thi- Endothelin-receptor antagonists*
azide diuretics, many classes of antihyperten- 2000s
sive drugs have been approved for use (Table 1). Renin inhibitors
Five of these — diuretics, beta-receptor blockers,
* This class of drugs has not been approved for clinical use
angiotensin-converting–enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, in patients with hypertension.
calcium-channel blockers, and angiotensin-recep-
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e
recently, the studies were expanded to include tions, including salt restriction.20,21 The groups
patients over the age of 80 years, among whom who were assigned to the sodium-reduction inter-
treatment with a diuretic and an ACE inhibitor vention had significantly fewer cardiovascular
was associated with a substantial reduction in events during long-term follow-up than the usual-
mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular dis care group.22 The urinary sodium-to-potassium
eases.18 ratio correlated more strongly with the cardio-
Such reductions that have been achieved with vascular-event rate than urinary sodium alone,
antihypertensive therapy have been truly impres- suggesting that a higher potassium intake had a
sive. In placebo-controlled trials, the incidence of beneficial effect.23
stroke has been reduced by an average of 35 to
40%, the incidence of coronary events by 20 to Drugs
25%, and the incidence of congestive heart fail- In most patients with hypertension, drug therapy
ure by more than 50%. Malignant hypertension is required to achieve target blood-pressure levels.
has become a rare entity, and acute hypertensive Several excellent agents are available.
heart failure and hemorrhagic stroke are now Thiazide-type diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE
uncommon. inhibitors, calcium-channel blockers, and ARBs
are considered to be the most useful classes of
drugs, since they have been shown in clinical
E volv ing A pproache s
t o T r e atmen t trials to reduce cardiovascular complications in
patients with hypertension.12,24 All these classes
The management of hypertension continues to have broadly similar average effects on blood
evolve as newer antihypertensive medications and pressure,25 although there are differences among
clinical trial data become available. On the basis patients. In the majority of patients, two or more
of the current information, I would recommend antihypertensive drugs are required to achieve
the following approaches. target blood-pressure levels. As a result, several
two-drug fixed-dose combinations have been in
Lifestyle Modifications troduced,26 and recently even a three-drug prep-
The adoption of certain lifestyle modifications aration that combines a calcium-channel block-
has been shown to be effective in lowering blood er, an ARB, and a thiazide diuretic has become
pressure and should be recommended for all pa- available.
tients with hypertension. These modifications in- To determine whether a given drug or drug
clude weight control, exercise, dietary sodium combination is superior to any other, several com-
restriction and potassium enhancement, modera- parison trials have been performed. In general,
tion of alcohol intake, and adoption of the Dietary these studies have shown minimal differences in
Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating primary outcomes among the drug classes, as
plan, which emphasizes a high intake of fruits, long as equivalent reduction in blood pressure
vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and low-fat has been achieved (Table 2).27-33 Even blood-
dairy products and restriction of saturated fats.19 pressure differences as small as 3/2 mm Hg be-
The reductions in systolic blood pressure that are tween treatment groups have been associated with
achieved with these approaches have averaged 5 to significant differences in certain outcomes.30,34
10 mm Hg for a weight decrease of 10 kg, 8 to A few trials have shown superiority of one drug or
14 mm Hg for the DASH eating plan, 2 to 8 mm Hg a given combination over another. In the Losartan
for dietary sodium reduction, 4 to 9 mm Hg for Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hyperten-
increased physical activity, and 2 to 4 mm Hg sion (LIFE) study (NCT00338260), losartan-based
for moderation of alcohol consumption. therapy was associated with fewer cardiovascular
No clinical trial has examined directly the ef- events than atenolol-based treatment.31 In the
fects of lifestyle interventions on cardiovascular Second Australian National Blood Pressure Study
outcomes. However, indirect evidence supporting (ANBP2), ACE inhibition was associated with a
a favorable effect has been reported from 10-to-15- somewhat lower incidence of cardiovascular com-
year follow-up of patients in the Trials of Hyper- plications than thiazide-based therapy in men but
tension Prevention I and II (TOHP I and TOHP not in women.32 In the Avoiding Cardiovascular
II; number, NCT00000528), Events through Combination Therapy in Patients
which studied the effects of lifestyle modifica- Living with Systolic Hypertension (ACCOMPLISH)
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* ACCOMPLISH denotes Avoiding Cardiovascular Events through Combination Therapy in Patients Living with Systolic
Hypertension, ALLHAT Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial, ANBP2 Second
Australian National Blood Pressure Study, ASCOT Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial, INVEST International
Verapamil-Trandolapril Study, LIFE Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension, and STOP-2
Swedish Trial in Old Patients with Hypertension 2.
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e
Step 3 Add second drug of different class Add fourth drug of different class
ACE inhibitor Assess alcoholic excess
ARB Assess salt retention
Calcium-channel blocker
Step 4 Add third drug of different class Evaluate for secondary hyper-
Assess adherence tension
Optimize doses
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shattuck lecture
Percent of Patients
55 54
The control of hypertension continues to be in-
40 35
adequate despite the excellent array of effective, 31 29
30 27
well-tolerated medications. Recent data indicate
that approximately 28% of Americans with hyper- 20
tension are unaware of their hypertension, 39% are 10
not receiving therapy, and 65% do not have their 0
blood pressure controlled to levels below 140/90 1976–1980 (phase 1) (phase 2) 1999–2004
mm Hg (Fig. 2).41 The control rates are even worse 1988–1991 1991–1994
among patients with chronic kidney disease, dia-
Figure 2. Rates of Awareness, Treatment, and Control of High Blood Pressure
betes, stable angina, the acute coronary syn- AUTHOR: Chobanian RETAKE 1st
in the United States
ICM (1976–2004).
drome, or left ventricular dysfunction, in whom FIGURE: 2 of 3 2nd
High blood pressure is defined as a reading of 140/90 mm Hg3rd
REG F or more for
target blood-pressure levels of 130/80 mm Hg or persons between
CASEthe ages of 18 and 74 years. Despite Revisedmajor improvements
lower are recommended.12,42 In large part, the low in blood-pressure Line some
EMail therapies in recent years, 4-C 28% of SIZE
Americans with
control rates can be attributed to poor manage- hypertension do
Enonnot know they have the condition, 39% are
22p3 receiving no
ment of elevated systolic blood pressure. therapy, and 65% have insufficient blood-pressure control. Data are from
Chobanian et al.12Figure
and Cutler al.41 NHANES
et redrawn denotes National Health
Race, ethnic background, and income status has been and type has been reset.
and Nutrition Examination Survey.
Please check carefully.
affect control rates of hypertension and other car-
diovascular risk factors. The 1999–2000 Nation JOB: 36109 ISSUE: 08-27-09
al Health and Nutrition Examination Survey through 1994 to 65 million in the period from
(NHANES) showed a reduction in blood pressure 1999 through 2004.41 The prevalence of hyper-
to below 140/90 mm Hg with treatment in 33% tension worldwide is projected to increase from
of white patients but only in 28% of black pa- approximately 1.0 billion in 2000 to 1.5 billion by
tients and 18% of Hispanic patients.43 During 25 2025.2 The total number of persons with uncon-
years of follow-up to the Multiple Risk Factor trolled hypertension in the United States has in-
Intervention Trial (MRFIT) (NCT00000487), the creased from 37 million to 42 million, despite
rate of death from cardiovascular disease among improvements in treatment and in control rates
black patients was 25% higher than that among during the past two decades (Fig. 3).
white patients. This difference could be explained What can be done to reverse this trend? To
by differences in blood-pressure levels, the pres- reflect the high risk of hypertension in persons
ence of diabetes, smoking prevalence, and income with blood pressures of 120–130/80–89 mm Hg,
status.44 The reasons behind these health dispari- the seventh report of the Joint National Commit-
ties are complex and involve such factors as the tee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and
availability of health insurance, access to high- Treatment of High Blood Pressure reclassified
quality health care, and cultural and attitudinal blood pressures in this range as prehyperten-
differences between patients and their physicians. sion.12 The rate of progression from prehyperten-
The societal costs from such disparities are high, sion to hypertension can be relatively rapid, and
and there is an urgent need to deal with this hypertension ultimately develops in most persons
problem on a broad basis. if they live long enough. In the Framingham
Heart Study population, approximately 90% of
persons who had normal blood pressure at 55 or
Incr e a se in the Pr e va l ence
of H y per tension 65 years of age became hypertensive in the sub-
sequent 20 years.45 In the international Ather
The prevalence of hypertension continues to in- osclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study
crease worldwide. NHANES data indicate that (NCT00005131), which followed more than 15,000
prevalence has increased among U.S. adults, from patients between 45 and 64 years of age for
approximately 50 million in the period from 1988 9 years, the average 5-year age-adjusted in-
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e
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