Unit 1: Exploring One-Variable Data
Unit 1: Exploring One-Variable Data
Unit 1: Exploring One-Variable Data
understand correlation
calculate conditional probability, the probabilities for independent events, and the
probabilities for the union of two events
verify conditions for finding confidence intervals for a difference between population
describe tt-distributions
identify appropriate testing method and null/alternative hypothesis for a population mean
with unknown \sigmaσ as well as for a difference of two population means
calculate appropriate test statistic for a population mean (including the mean difference
between values in matched pairs)
identify and verify conditions for an appropriate confidence interval procedure for a
difference of two population means
determine the margin of error and confidence interval for a difference of two population
identify the effects of sample size on the width of a confidence interval for the difference of
two means
justify claim about the population based on result of significance test for a difference of two
populations means in context