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Lugemba Budiaki
Johannesburg, 2004
I, Lugemba Budiaki declare that this research report is my own work. It is being
submitted for the degree of Masters in Public Health in the University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. It has not been submitted before for any degree or
En la mémoire de mon père Budiaki Jean-Marie que la mort a arraché très tôt;
Last but no means least, to my daughters Grace and Nabila, and to my son Yanny
The Employment Bureau for Africa (TEBA Limited) established in 1902 recruits
mineworkers from Lesotho and neighbouring countries for South African mines.
Tuberculosis prevalence ranged between 159/100000 and 506/100000 from 1991 to 2001
in Lesotho.
with tuberculosis among adult male patients attending TB clinics in Maseru District’s
A structured questionnaire was used to interview 421 adult male TB patients at Queen
38.5% of participants in the study were mineworkers (former and active) in South
African mines. Among these mineworkers, 70.4% were employed in goldmines. 30.7%
compensation for previous and current tuberculosis whilst 33 mineworkers had not.
DECLARATION............................................................................................................. II
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................ V
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...............................................................................................VI
LIST OF FIGURES .....................................................................................................VIII
LIST OF TABLES ..........................................................................................................IX
ABBREVIATIONS & DEFINITION OF TERMS....................................................... X
1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND TO LESOTHO........................................................................ 1
1.2 RECRUITMENT OF BASOTHO MINEWORKERS ........................................ 3
1.3 TUBERCULOSIS: PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE IN LESOTHO.......................... 4
LESOTHO ........................................................................................................... 5
1.6 JUSTIFICATION FOR THE STUDY................................................................. 7
1.7 LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................... 8
1.8 LIMITATIONS.................................................................................................. 11
1.9 ETHICAL APPROVAL .................................................................................... 12
2. STUDY OBJECTIVES............................................................................................... 13
3. METHODS .................................................................................................................. 14
3.1 STUDY POPULATION .................................................................................... 14
3.2 STUDY SAMPLE ............................................................................................. 14
3.3 SAMPLE SIZE .................................................................................................. 14
3.4 SELECTION...................................................................................................... 15
3.5 MEASUREMENT ............................................................................................. 15
3.6 PILOT STUDY.................................................................................................. 16
3.7 MAIN STUDY DATA COLLECTION. ........................................................... 17
3.8 DATA ANALYSIS............................................................................................ 19
4. RESULTS .................................................................................................................... 20
4.1 PARTICIPANTS BY OCCUPATION .............................................................. 20
4.3 MINEWORKERS AGE DISTRIBUTION........................................................ 22
4.4 MINEWORKERS’ LEVEL OF EDUCATION ................................................ 23
4.5 PREVIOUS TB TREATMENT FOR MINEWORKERS ................................. 24
Figure Page
Table Page
4.9 Mineworkers per type of mines and years spent in the mines 28
4.14 Processing time for claims payment (previous and current TB). 30
Adult male TB patient -In the study context, male of 15 years of age and above
health institutions in Lesotho commonly use it. Health professionals such as medical
officers, nurse clinicians and others record patient’s health information during
year after leaving the mines for retirement or retrenchment (ODMWA and COIDA).
NIOH - National Institute of Occupational Health
Stones -This was different from gold. It was translated literally from “lejoe” in
Sotho language. There were mineworkers who reported that they work / have worked in
TB -tuberculosis
by the Republic of South Africa (RSA) and is situated between 28o and 30o south, and
between 27o and 30o east. It has ten politico-administrative districts and all of them have
boundaries with one of the following South African provinces: Free State, Kwazulu-Natal
and the Eastern-Cape (Fig.1.1). According to the 2000 Population census by Lesotho
Bureau Of Statistics (BOS), the Population is 2,144131. Maseru District, the capital city
is also one of ten politico-administrative districts of Lesotho and has 3 main hospitals.
These are: Queen Elizabeth II (QEII), Saint Joseph-Roma and Scott-Morija. While QEII
is based in town, Saint Joseph and Scott are situated in semi-rural settlements 30 and 45
Economically, the country relies on its neighbour for most of its needs such as food,
energy and employment. There are not many industries in Lesotho. For years Basotho
work in RSA as migrant labourers in mines, farms and other sectors. The construction of
phase 1 of the Lesotho Highlands water project was completed recently as an important
investment. Despite that, the Lesotho economy still depends to a large extent on
exporting labour to South African mines (S.A mines). It also depends on foreign aid to
However; in recent years Lesotho has attracted significant investment in the textile
industry because of AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act) and many factories
Figure1.1: Lesotho and its politico-administrative Districts
The Employment Bureau for Africa (TEBA Limited) established in 1902 recruits
mineworkers from Lesotho and neighbouring countries for South African mines. It was
previously known as Native Recruiting Centre (NRC). TEBA Limited is involved in the
1998 to 2003, an average of 52 395 male adults were registered annually by TEBA
Limited from Lesotho. 30% of these mineworkers were from the Maseru District alone
(Table 1.1).
mortality due to TB is more than 15% every year. According to compiled TB figures in
2001 for instance, males (66%) were more affected than females (34%). The World
Health Organization (W.H.O) indicates that a country with more than 200/100 000 cases
Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
/ 100 000 * 159 172 200 224 249 263 297 352 377 420 506
*National TB prevalence
Mineworkers employed in the South African mining sector affected with occupational
permanent obstruction of the airways and scleroderma are entitled to compensation.2 For
tuberculosis, the affected mineworkers receive a refund for loss of wages. This is
stipulated in the Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act (ODMWA) No. 78 of
1973 and in the Compensation for Occupational Disease Act (COIDA) 1993, 1997. TB
has to be diagnosed while the mineworker is still employed or within a year after leaving
the mines.3
For health provision purposes, the country is subdivided into eighteen Health Service
Areas (H.S.As) plus the Lesotho Flying Doctors Services (LFDS) also considered as an
H.S.A. These are different from politico-administrative entities (Fig. 1.2). Thus Maseru
district comprises 3 H.S.As and contains 3 main health institutions (QEII, Saint Joseph
district hospital owned by the government of Lesotho (GOL). There may also be private
or church hospital(s) as well. Church owned hospitals form part of an association called
Christian Health Association of Lesotho (CHAL) formerly known as the Private Health
TB diagnostic facilities are available in all hospitals in the country. NTP in the Disease
Control Unit of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare coordinates and manages all
CHAL hospitals. Medical and health staff such as nursing sister, TB coordinator,
(TB clinics) in hospitals or health centres. In the community, village health workers
(VHWs) sign patient’s medical booklet after the TB medication is taken. Since the
units and following up TB cases in the communities. They work closely with VHWs.
Figure1.2: Lesotho Health Services Areas’ Map
Information on mineworkers’ health and welfare from Lesotho is scarce; yet TEBA
Limited operates for more than one hundred years in Southern Africa.
People exposed to crystalline silica are predisposed to pulmonary tuberculosis. This was
Health and welfare of migrant labourers including mineworkers are seriously neglected
public health issues. Mineworker’s ill health may constitute a heavy burden to health care
Mineworkers’ health problems are still unknown to most people and organisations
Recruiting agencies can play an important role in contacting mineworkers whenever they
are needed for one reason or another. Interventions that help to curb TB epidemics are
The findings of this study will help to highlight unsolved mineworkers health issues. It is
hoped that this investigation will be a valuable contribution in this area of public health to
Many studies have proven the linkage between exposure to mining silica quartz dust and
since the beginning of the last century. In 1935, Gardner reported the evidence of
reported that advanced silicosis was likely to cause greater incidence of active TB. In
New Orleans.6
there has been some interesting research done in the migrant sending communities in the
Cowie RL in a cohort study in 1994 confirmed and quantified the high risk of pulmonary
involving 1153 older gold miners, with and without silicosis, who had or did not have
tuberculosis. They were followed up for 7 years by a routine mine surveillance program
for tuberculosis detection and it was discovered that 178 of the men developed
tuberculosis. The incidence of tuberculosis during that study period suggested that a
quarter of these miners with silicosis would develop tuberculosis by the age of 60 years.7
Work published by Murray J et al’s in 1996 showed that the prevalence of tuberculosis
and silicosis increases with age and duration of service. These findings resulted from an
autopsy-based study in which data were analysed for 16454 black gold miners. It was
noted that the prevalence of tuberculosis increased by more than 4 fold in 16 years
between 1975 and 1991. The prevalence of silicosis increased by less than 2 fold during
the same period. They recommended that dust level in the mines should be reduced in
In a retrospective cohort analysis carried out on the workforce of Freegold Mines served
by the Ernest Oppenheimer hospital in Welkom, the prevalence of TB was higher in the
oldest miners. This suggests that TB is strongly associated with age. It was also noted
that there was a significant association between TB and occupations such as drilling, with
a rate ratio of 2.3 compared with low dust surface and maintenance work. It was
concluded that any TB screening program should take special cognisance of high-risk
Steen TW, Gyi KM, White N M et al in 1997 published the result of a survey study done
with a history of work in R.S.A. mines. 304 former miners were examined by means of
examination. The high prevalence of three major health events such as disabling injuries,
PTB and pneumoconiosis was noted among these former miners. 26.6% had a history of
tuberculosis. It was also noted that many former mineworkers participating in the
A survey study involving 238 ex-mineworkers in Libode, a rural district in the Eastern
Cape, RSA investigated the incidence of TB. Chest radiography and spirometry formed
part of the study protocol. It was found that the prevalence of previously undiagnosed and
uncompensated pneumoconiosis was high. The incidence of tuberculosis was also noted
to be high. 24% of subjects were eligible for compensation. The study concluded that
failure to diagnose and compensate occupational lung diseases results in a social and
economic burden to the individual (mineworker), his household and the migrant sending
Hnizdo E. et al in 1999 reported the result of a cohort study of 2255 white South African
gold miners. They were followed up from 1968 to 1971, when they were 45-55 years of
age, to 31 December 1995 for incidence of PTB. 1592 men died during the follow up
period and of these, 1296 had necropsy done at the National Centre for Occupational
Health (NCOH) to determine the presence of silicosis and PTB. The results showed that
115 had developed PTB. The study concluded that exposure to silica dust is a
contributing factor to the development of pulmonary TB even after the exposure has
Steen T W, Mabongo N, Moeti T et al in 2000 cited that recent experiences have shown
that successful compensation claims were possible. Efforts are being made to address
mineworkers employed in RSA mines were also described in this study.12
In a study done by White N.W et al published in 2001, the outcome and follow up data on
the rural area of Libode district (Eastern Cape, S.A.). The level of undiagnosed
occupational lung diseases was high in both areas; 51.1% of Libode men reported past
TB treatment against 29.0% in Thamaga. 26% of former miners in Libode were certified
made within 30 months of claims for South African men and after more than 52 months
All participants did not have documents during the interview proving that they
all the three TB units. This for the fact that TB patients are seen on same days at
Findings in this study cannot be generalised since each district in Lesotho may
Some patients might have been missed during the study period.
Authorities in the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in Maseru were contacted and a
proposal was submitted and permission was given (appendix 5) for this study to be
approached and were favourable to the research. The research protocol was submitted to
(WITS) in Johannesburg for clearance, approval and registration. Research was approved
The main aim is to determine the proportion of mineworkers affected by TB among adult
male TB patients registered in TB units over a one-month period in three main hospitals
-To determine the proportion of active and ex-mineworkers affected with TB.
-To determine the association between TB and length of service in the mines.
-To find out whether mineworkers diagnosed with OLD have the MBOD
After receiving the clearance certificate No 03-09-52 (appendix 1) from WITS Human
preparations were made and the questionnaire tested in a pilot study. Interviewers were
also trained prior to the main study besides the training offered to them during the pilot
study. Adult males treated for tuberculosis in three 3 main hospitals of Maseru District
(Queen Elizabeth II, Saint Joseph-Roma and Scott-Morija) were interviewed. A total of
Adult male TB patients in TB units from these three mentioned health institutions in the
Adult male TB patients, who registered at TB units during the study period to collect
421 adult males TB patients were interviewed in all of the three TB units in those major
hospitals of the district over a period of one month. Out of that number, 318 were from
QEII while 54 and 49 were from Saint Joseph-Roma and Scott-Morija respectively.
Convenience sampling technique was used. Looking at the disease burden in the country,
the time and the limited resources to carry out this study, 421 samples were taken.
This included adult male TB patients who were identified among all TB patients visiting
the clinics during the study period. These were males over the age of 15 years among
patient) identity, age, TB register No, date and means of diagnosis of current TB.
Therefore it was straight forward for the interviewers to obtain the above parameters
-TB Registers of different health institutions where this research was carried out.
-Occupational Health Unit registers at Queen Elizabeth II hospital were also checked as
mineworkers diagnosed and treated for lung diseases are referred to this unit.
-Any relevant documents such as patient’s medical referral notes confirming TB
-Statistics on recruited mineworkers were obtained from Maseru TEBA Limited office.
-Some compiled statistics on TB figures from NTP in the disease control unit of the
The pilot study was intended to pre-test the questionnaire, and was carried out in two
health centres/clinics:
2) Find out about the expectations of subjects such as the need for incentives to
5) Identify the human resources required to carry out interviews, their training needs
and incentives
6) Training of interviewers
Twenty-one adult male TB patients were interviewed, and were those attending the
clinics for their TB drug under supervision by the health staff at the health facilities. A
brief introduction was given and general information was read out to them. One
questionnaire was handed to each TB patient. Myself, the principal investigator together
questionnaire. Interviewees and assistant investigators input and comments were taken
The following results were noted: 13 participants (62%) were mineworkers out of 21
11 (84.6%) out of 13 mineworkers have worked or are working in gold mines; one
mineworker in a platinum mine and one mineworker in a gold and platinum mine. 7
(53.8%) mineworkers had TB previously and the other 6 (46.2%) mineworkers were
being treated for TB for the first time. 3 (23%) mineworkers out of the 13 mineworkers
treated for TB in this pilot study sample were eligible for compensation for TB. One was
compensated, one was promised compensation and one was not compensated.
Participants and the staff at the clinics were very cooperative. At the end of this pre-
General information (appendix 2) was given and explained to adult male TB patients
present at TB units in 3 main hospitals of Maseru district (QEII, Saint Joseph and Scott).
Those who agreed to participate in the research without being coerced have signed a
consent form (appendix 3). 421 Participants were each supplied with a questionnaire
(appendix 4).
The questionnaire was the main instrument used in this study to collect data. Its purpose
Level of education
Marital status
Smoking history
Type of mines
The questionnaire was filled in with the help of the assistant investigator (interviewer)
The Medical booklet of the participant was an important asset to obtain the information
on current TB such as: date and place of start of TB treatment, means of diagnosis etc
since it is routinely recorded in this document. Three stamps from the TB program are
applied in the patient’s medical booklet in Lesotho, once a patient is diagnosed with TB.
Information on TB is filled in this booklet and patients carry it every time when visiting
health facilities for any health problem. All TB patients in the study each had a medical
booklet. It was easy for the investigator or assistants to get the required information on all
Epidemiological software (Epi-Info version 6.0 2000, CDC, Atlanta, USA) was the main
tool used to capture and analyse the data. We also made use of basic statistics to analyse
data. Microsoft excel was used to generate graphics such as pie charts and histograms.
All adult male TB patients involved in the study constituted the denominator for the study
sample. The next step of data analysis, and most important for the study was to analyse
all parameters on mineworkers such as: age, level of education, ex or active mineworker,
type of mines and length of service (duration), disease (TB) history and compensation.
Participants were grouped according to the following categories of occupation with the
listing of different occupations found during the investigation. These groups are:
South African mines. 144(34.2%) had previous history in mines whilst 18(4.3%) had
current history in mines (Table 4.1). In the study context, participants with past history of
work in the mines were identified as ex or former mineworkers and participants with
All adult male TB patients who declared during the interview that: 1) they are employed
in the public or private sector, 2) they are self-employed or 3) they have an income
generating activity, were included in this group. 124(29.4%) of adult males TB patients
These were participants (Unm) who claimed in their interview questionnaire that they are
not working and have never worked. They formed 130(30.9%) of the study sample.
These are adult males TB patients (Ap) who did not fill in the questionnaire. 5(1.2%) of
Scott 54 12.8%
SJ-Roma 49 11.6%
Age group Below 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71+ Adults Total
Number 3 12 17 23 21 29 11 21 7 14 4 162
% 1.8% 7.4% 10.5% 14.2% 13.0% 17.9% 6.8% 13.0% 4.3% 8.6% 2.5% 100%
20 Mineworkers by
15 age groups
Yes 31 19.1%
No 131 80.9%
Means of Diagnosis
NA 2.5%
CXR = chest x ray
XSP = chest x ray
SP = sputum
NA = No answer
Table 4.5: Place of diagnosis of current TB
6- rs
1- rs
6- rs
1- rs
6- rs
1- rs
6- rs
D A51 s
6- A
'n yrs
1- rs
5 r
a M
1- a
B yrs
B1 1 5 y
B2 2 0 y
B2 2 5 y
B3 3 0 y
B3 3 5 y
B4 4 0 y
B4 4 5 y
B1 1 0 y
B ye
Table 4.6: Referral notes for mineworkers diagnosed with TB in RSA.
Yes 23 74.2%
No 8 25.8 %
Total 31 100.0 %
Information on mining history, claims and compensation of diseases and other benefits,
Table 4.8: Active mineworker’s age & length of service in the mines
Table 4.9: Mineworkers per type of mines and years spent in the mines
Stones*: Some few participants reported that they worked in that type(s) of mines.
21*: These participants did not remember either the year when they started working in the mines or
the year they stopped working in the mines.
Table 4.10: Ex-mineworkers exit medical examination (Exit Med Exam)
Mineworkers No Percent
Compensated. 15 53.6%
Not compensated. 10 35.7%
No answer. 3 10.7%
Total 28 100 %
Table 4.13: Compensation of mineworkers (ex and active) for current TB
Mineworkers No Percent
Compensated 27 54 %
In process 17 34 %
Not compensated. 6 12%
Total 50 100%
Table 4.14: Processing time for claim payment (previous and current TB)
-Offices for claim submission
Participants, who claimed, reported that submissions were made at the workplace in most
of the cases. Those are mineworkers who still at work (active mineworkers). Some made
their submission to the recruiting company (TEBA office) through the hospital where TB
was diagnosed.
Amount received for compensation varied between 600.00 Rands paid in 1984 to
6,000.00 Rands in 2003. In between these two amounts, Mineworkers received 1,000.00;
1,200.00; 1,800.00; 2,000.00; 2,400.00 and 4,000.00 Rands. Some mineworkers did not
remember how much they received while others did not want to disclose the amount
No compensation payment was reported during the investigation with regards to Other
Occupation Lung Diseases (OLD). However, there were types of compensation that
participants reported to have received. These amounts were too high (e.g. 42,000.00
Rands) to be considered as being for TB compensations, and were probably for severance
pay and or injuries. Some participants claimed that the amount paid for compensation
was too little. Others claimed that they received compensation for injuries such as limbs
amputations while some did not receive anything even for diseases such as occupational
-Time of processing other OLD claim
OLD claims are not mentioned in our study since no information was obtained from
Some participants said that they were not aware or told that they were supposed to claim.
The majority of mineworkers in the research reported that they were diagnosed TB a long
time after leaving the mines and could not now claim.
Some participants responded that they would like to see the Lesotho authorities involved
The records for the last five years of occupational health unit clinic have been reviewed
* No register for the year 2000 found.
- Missing information
The study main objective of determining the proportion of mineworkers diagnosed with
TB among adult male patients in Maseru district’s three main hospitals was achieved.
mineworkers were also looked into. This investigation did not only reveal that Basotho
mineworkers were largely affected by TB in the study sample, but the unemployment rate
among adult male TB patients was also high. National TB Prevalence has been high for
more than a decade as shown in Table 1.2; unfortunately there is no compiled report on
patients were former mineworkers. 4.3% adult male TB patients were active mineworkers
Participants’ (adult male TB patients) mean age was 43.06 with an age range of 16-84.
The minimum age was 29 years while the maximum age was 84 years with a mean age of
51.42 years (age range 29-84). In a similar study in Botswana, mineworkers’ age range
was 28-93.3 102(63%) of the 162 were between 31 and 55 years of age. 2.5% of
mineworkers did not know their age and they were categorised as adults (Fig.4.1 &
Table 4.3).
More than two thirds of participants were literate since 60.5% had completed the primary
level of education. 9.3% have attended secondary school and 27.8% never had any formal
31 (19.1%) out of 162 declared that they were treated for previous TB while employed in
the mines. The remainder claimed that they have never been treated for previous TB in
129 (79.6%) had their current TB diagnosed in Lesotho and only 31 (19.2%) were
TB was mainly diagnosed by CXR alone (55.5%) followed by sputum alone (22.2%) and
means such as analysis of pleural fluid, lymph nodes biopsy etc (5%). No diagnostic
means (NA) were recorded for 2.5% of Mineworkers TB patients (Fig 4.3). In a X-ray-
based study in the former Republic of the Transkei in RSA PTB was evident in 64.2% of
The diagnosis period for current TB in relation with the time being at work or outside
mines varied between less than a year after leaving the mines to more than 50 years after
leaving work for good (e.g. retirement, retrenchment or absconding). Of course there
were mineworkers who had TB diagnosed during the course of employment. 18 (11.1%)
of mineworkers had their TB diagnosed while in the mines (MW), 32 (19.7%) had it
diagnosed within a year after leaving the mines (Wn), 19 (11.7%) did not recall during
the interview when they left the mines and the remaining 93 (57.4%) had their TB
based on the fact that TB was diagnosed while in the mines and within a year after
The following parameters were used to estimate the period of diagnosis of current TB.
3) Date of interview.
Mineworkers diagnosed with TB at their workplace and referred home to Lesotho for
69.4% said that they have stopped smoking (SSmk), 7.5% responded that they were still
smoking until when they were diagnosed with TB and were labelled smokers (Smk)
during this study, 23.1% of interviewed mineworkers treated with tuberculosis claimed
that they had never smoked (NSmk) and no answers were obtained from 1.2% of TB
mineworkers (Fig. 4.5). The majority of mineworkers (76.9%) in this study had smoked
tobacco. Many studies have shown that tobacco smoking is a risk factor to develop lung
diseases. Workers exposed to silica dust who smoke are at higher risk as the two
Mineworkers in this study were mainly recruited from TEBA limited Maseru office. 118
(72.8%) of the 162 in the study joined the mines in RSA through this office; followed by
15 (9.3%) from TEBA limited Mafeteng office and no information was obtained from
The duration of mining ranged from less than a year to more than 36 years. 0.6% of
mineworkers spent less the one year in the mines, 19.8% spent between 1 and 5 years,
14.8% spent between 6 and 10 years, 8.6% spent 11 and 15 years, 7.4% spent between 16
and 20 years, 11.7% spent between 21 and 25 years, 10.5% spent between 26 and
30years, 8.6% spent between 31 and 35 years, 5.9% spent more than 36 years and 13.0%
did not remember exactly when they were employed or when they left the mines.
Recruitment age (RA) was calculated by subtracting the age of active mineworkers at the
time of interview by the length of service (LS) (Tables 4.8 & 4.9). The maximum
duration of mining in our study is more than what was found in a study done
The majority of mineworkers, about 114 (70.4%) worked only in gold mines, and another
11 (6.8%) have worked in gold mines and other type of mines in their life. 21 (13%) did
not mention the type of mines they worked. The remainder worked in mines such as:
Asbestos, Coal, Platinum, Diamond, etc. (Table4.9). Very high rates of tuberculosis were
Medical examination before leaving the mines was performed on 84 (58.4%) of 144 ex-
mineworkers, while 28 (19.4%) did not have any examination. No answer was obtained
from 32 (22.2%). This is only applicable to former mineworkers (144) and not for 18
The investigation revealed that 37 (22.8%) of mineworkers had MBOD certificates while
11 (6.8%) did not. No answer was obtained from 2 (1.2 %) of mineworkers. 112 (69.1%)
mineworkers reported that they developed Tuberculosis many years after leaving the
With regard to compensation for previous TB, among 28 mineworkers eligible for TB
never receive any compensation for TB. No answers were obtained from the other 3
For current TB, among the 162 interviewed, 50 were eligible for current TB
reported that their claims still in process and 6 (12 %) said that they did not receive
compensation (Table 4.13). 10 out of a possible 29 mineworkers said that they had been
compensated for pulmonary tuberculosis and one was unsure in a study done in by Steen
TW, Gyi KM, White NW et al.3 Tuberculosis accounted for 50 % of all black
The processing time for compensation claims varied from less than 3 months to 36
months. Some mineworkers reported that they received the payment after 5 years (60
months). Some beneficiaries reported that they did not recall for how long they waited to
be compensated after lodging their claim for payment (Table 4.14). Compensation
payments were finalised within 30 to 52 months in the study done by White NW, et al.13
The amount paid for TB compensation ranged from R600 to R6000 depending on the
year they were diagnosed with TB. For instance the R600 were paid in 1984 for
compensation to a mineworker who was first diagnosed with TB that year. In the study,
quite a number of mineworkers did not want to disclose the amount received saying that
it is a secret. A good number of mineworkers reported that they did not claim for
compensation because they contracted TB many years ago after leaving the mines (e.g.
As for other OLD, no single mineworker participant in this study mentioned having been
Besides compensation for TB in the mines, some mineworkers revealed that they had
injuries such as loss of limb(s) or finger(s) for which they had received compensation.
Whereas there were mineworkers who said that they had never been compensated for
claimed that the money wages for their TB compensation was included in their severance
The interview did not single out any other occupational lung diseases beside TB but the
Compensation claims and medical examination for occupational lung diseases such as
silicosis and silico-tuberculosis were recorded in this unit. The 2000 register was not
received compensation for silicosis and silico-tuberculosis (in 1998 and 1999) as noted in
Table 5.1.
This study being the first of its kind in Lesotho, therefore no comparisons can be made
with previous study. Although the number of miners recruited on a monthly basis from
health and welfare. It did not determine the number of new TB cases, interrupted TB
treatment, and failures or relapses among mineworkers in the study sample. The
public servants, textiles or factory workers, bricklayers and so on was not determined.
We thought this could generate long listing of different type of occupations. Records
The original intention was to collect information on all TB units through out the country
and determine the prevalence of TB in Basotho mineworkers. This was not possible for
the following reasons: 1) Lesotho terrain needs of lot of resources in terms of finance,
and time and 2) the time assigned to complete the Masters programme is limited.
It was not possible for the principal investigator to be part of the interviewing team as TB
clinics are held on the same day at each hospital. Some questionnaires were not filled in
completely although interviewers received training during the piloting phase of the
Participants did not have their document(s) from the mines. As a result, some
This study has shown how crucial it is to carry out periodical investigations in
mineworkers on their health and welfare. It has provided unique and important
It has revealed that mineworkers are more susceptible to TB than to other working groups
in Lesotho. The proportion of TB among mineworkers was found to be very high in the
mineworkers (ex and active). Though efforts are made to curb the epidemics, high-risk
It was noted that TB in mineworkers was largely diagnosed by chest X Ray (CXR) only,
Compensation is very important especially when the unemployment rate seems to be high
in the community. This study found quite enormous the unemployment rate or proportion
(30.9%). This study found that 42 mineworkers were compensated (Table 4.14) but a
significant number did not get their claim paid (Table 4.12 & 4.13). There were also
mineworkers who reported that they have waited for compensation payment for more
than 60 months (5 years). Regarding the amount, some had expressed their dissatisfaction
that what they received was not enough (e.g. amount varied between R600.00 paid in
Occupational health surveillance is also crucial especially in a labour sending community
such as Maseru looking at the number of mineworkers recruited per month. This was
Lack of crucial information in various departments dealing with occupational health and
Being the first of its kind, this research has provided quite a good insight into some
from NTP and those contained in the WHO guidelines. Improved data reporting and
research are needed to identify occupational groups at risk and the calculation of
Practical recommendations:
1-Any mineworker suspected or diagnosed with TB should have the sputa analysed 18and
quarterly). They have to be made available to those who need to know (e.g. health care
3-Mineworkers should be made aware that they are vulnerable to certain diseases (e.g.
TB) even after they have stopped working in the mines. They should be provided with
all the necessary information on health education, good life style to avoid most illnesses
and on prevention and treatment of TB. Those diagnosed with TB should become more
support groups. This will enable them to take TB medication properly with
encouragement by others within the group at work or in the living places (e.g. hostels,
4-Contact tracing of mineworkers diagnosed with TB in their workplace, living place
initiated. Contact tracing programs may therefore act as a screening program of a high-
risk population.15This can help detect and treat cases of TB as soon as possible.
5-Recruiting agencies or companies and mining companies should make the newly
6-Keeping of records at all levels is very crucial as they can be referred to time to time.
The intention is not to introduce new structures or new concepts since there is already an
existing occupational health unit within the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, whose
use is highly recommended. Nevertheless I would like to suggest how this unit can
function more efficiently and how it can benefit mineworkers and different stakeholders.
Some recommendations
1-Strengthen the occupational health unit in the ministry of Health in Lesotho with more
2-The role of the occupational health unit in the ministry of Health should be known to
3-Create a committee12 specifically to deal with mineworkers who are desperate and have
lost hope of getting their compensation or benefits. Members of this committee should be
-The occupational health unit in the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.
-The Social Welfare department in the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.
-The Home affairs or the Local government or District Secretary office in Maseru.
4-Mineworkers should know their rights prior to taking up employment in the mines.
5-The medical officers, nurse clinicians diagnosing TB, and TB coordinators, should
refer mineworker with TB and any occupational injuries or diseases to the occupational
health unit.
not only be limited to recruitment, deployment and employments. They also have to
8-Mining companies should process compensation claims in time, so that payments are
process by persuading the mining companies that mineworkers must receive the benefits
10- Problems of uncompensated eligible mineworkers (cases of previous and current TB)
be investigated thoroughly and compensation paid. This will be the first task of the
11-Creation of a research unit and trust fund for Basotho mineworkers looking at all the
years that TEBA Limited has been recruiting them for RSA mines (since 1902).
Mines and Works Act. S Afr Med J 1976 Jun 12; 50(25):975-7
3. Steen TW, Gyi KM, White NM, et al. Prevalence of occupational lung disease among
Botswana men formerly employed in the South African mining industry. Occup
5. Corbett EL, Watt CJ, Walker N, et al. The Growing Burden of Tuberculosis: Global
Trends and interactions With the HIV Epidemic.Arch Intern Med 2003;163:1009-21
6. Weil Hans, Jones N. Robert. Silicosis and Related Diseases. In: Parkes Raymond W.
8. Murray J, Kielkowski D, Reid P. Occupational disease trends in black South African
of South African gold miners. Occup Environ Med 1997; 54: 636-41
10. Trapido AS, Mqoqi NP, Williams BG, et al. Prevalence of occupational lung disease
11. Hnizdo E, Murray J. Risk of pulmonary tuberculosis relative to silicosis and exposure
to silica dust in South African gold miners. Occup Environ Med 1999; 56:215-6
12. Steen TW, Mabongo N, Moeti T et al. Former migrant mineworkers with respiratory
diseases: the South African compensation system, and implications for neighbouring
13. White NW, Steen TW, Trapido AS, et al. Occupational lung diseases among former
Gold miners in two labour sending areas. S Afr Med J. 2001; 91(7): 599-604
14.Meel B L. Patterns of lung diseases in former mine workers of the former Republic of
the Transkei; an X-ray based study. Int J Occup Environ Health 2002; 8: 105-10
15.Hnidzo E. Combined effect of silica dust and tobacco smoking on mortality from
18. Chin J editor. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual: 17th Edition. Washington:
19. Leger JP. Occupational diseases in South African mine- - a neglected epidemic?
Dear Sir,
Thank you.
Dr Lugemba Budiaki, principal investigator.
If you have any questions, you can contact me at Tel No 22324131 or 22312501.
I agree to participate in the above study after the principal investigator or his assistant has
explained to me the purpose of the research which is to know the number of miners and
former miners who are affected by tuberculosis (TB) and issues related to compensation
(refund or remuneration) received as result of being affected by an occupational lung
disease including TB. All adult males TB patients present at TB clinic today are invited
to participate in the study.
I have understood as a patient*/ next of kin* that there is no risk to life whatsoever in
relation with the study. The willingness to participate to the study or not will not affect
any care or further care offered by this hospital. All the information provided during the
study will be confidential and only the investigating team will have access to the
information. My name will not be recorded in any document.
Consent given:
Patient*/ next of kin*signature:……………………………….
Witness signature:……………………………………………………………...
*Delete where not applicable.
(Adult male TB patients)
General information
0. Participant No Non-miner □ Yes □ No (for office use only)
Miner □ Yes □ No Active miner □ Yes □ No Ex miner □ Yes □ No
1.Interviewer’s identification: __________
2.Place of interview: □Queen E II □ Scott □ SJ-Roma
3.Date of interview: __________
4.Patient’s serial number: ______
Patient’s profile or socio-economic or socio-demographic profile
5.Date of birth/age in years __________
6.Address where you have resided for the last one Year period: _____________________
7.Education level: □None □ Primary □Secondary □High School □ Tertiary
8.Describe your present or last occupation
□ unemployed
□ self employed as ________________________________________
□ currently unemployed, past occupation as _____________________
□ currently employed as ____________________________________
9. What is your marital status? □ Single □ Married □ Separated □Divorced
10.If married, describe the occupation of the spouse______________________________
11.Number of dependent(s) (how many people do you directly care for?) ___
Information on tuberculosis
12.Are you smoking? □Yes, since when______________
□Never smoked
□ Stopped smoking after (in months/years) ______________
13.Is it the first time to be treated for TB? □ Yes □ No
14.If no, how many times have you been treated for PTB? ___
15.When was TB first diagnosed (year)? ____________
16.If you were at any time treated for TB, did you complete the treatment? □Yes □No
17.If you are a mineworker, were you working in the mines in that time? □Yes □No
18.When was the current TB diagnosed or date of start of treatment? ______________ﺎ
19.What was the means of diagnosis for current TB? (Please tick).
□ CXR □ Sputum □ Other Please specify __________________
20.Where was the current TB diagnosed? Please tick. □In Lesotho □ RSA
21.If current TB diagnosed in Lesotho, in which hospital and district? ______________
22.If current TB was diagnosed in RSA, were you referred with a letter for continuation
of treatment in Lesotho? □Yes □Told or referred verbally □No □Not applicable (N/A)
Detailed employment ‘s history for mineworkers TB patients
23.As a miner, from which district of Lesotho you were recruited? _________________
24.Give the name(s) of mines, listing them by types, date started and ended (year) and
stating the first to the last or the current mines.
Name of mining company/Province Type Date started Date ended
_____________________________ ____________ __________ _________
_____________________________ ____________ __________ __________
_____________________________ ____________ __________ __________
_____________________________ ____________ __________ __________
25.If currently unemployed, were you examined medically before leaving the mines?
□Yes □No
Information on compensation for mineworkers TB patients
26.In case your TB was diagnosed while you were still working for the mines or within a
year after leaving the mines, were you compensated for that? □Yes □No
27.How long did it take you to get your claim paid (in months or years)? _____________
28.How much did you receive if you do not mind? ________________
29.Did you claim for compensation for any other OLD beside TB? □Yes □No
30.If yes, for what disease was it? _________________________________________
31.How long did it take you to get your claim paid this other OLD (in months or years)?
32.How much did you receive for this other OLD if you do not mind? _______________
33.If claim(s) have not been paid, give the name of the office(s) where the claim was
submitted. _________
34.When was that claim submitted (date)? ______________________
35.If you did not claim, do you have a certification letter from the MBOD? □Yes □No
36.Do you have reason(s) for not claiming? ____________________________________
37.Do you have any other information as mineworker you would like to share with us
concerning compensation? __________________________________________________