JCB DELPHI PUMP-9520A500-509S03 - Iss 03
JCB DELPHI PUMP-9520A500-509S03 - Iss 03
JCB DELPHI PUMP-9520A500-509S03 - Iss 03
Calibration Phase:
1. LLA check at 1100 rpm 41 to 44 mm3/st added
2. Governor setting rpm changed from 1175 to 1160
3. Governor cut off check rpm changed from 1240 to 1230
2. 11/06/2011
Overcheck Phase:
1. Cold advance specification changed from 8-10° to 6-10°
2. Governor setting sequenced after dynamic timing
3. Delivery check at 1100rpm added before and after governor
4. Governor setting rpm changed from 1175 to 1160
5. Governor cut off check rpm changed from 1250 to 1230
Modified as per latest service testplan (Issue-7) issued by DDS
Calibration Phase:
1. Latch valve setting changed to 315 rpm from 260 rpm.
2. Latch valve check points changed to 280 rpm from 220 rpm
& to 350 rpm from 280 rpm.
3. 24/07/2013 2. Idle speed setting changed to 440 rpm from 465 rpm.
3. Governor setting rpm changed to 1195 rpm from 1160 rpm.
4. Governor cutoff check changed to 1280 rpm from 1230 rpm.
Overcheck Phase:
5. Governor setting rpm changed to 1195 rpm from 1160 rpm.
6. Governor cutoff check changed to 1280 rpm from 1230 rpm.
TYPE: DP310 – 9520A500-509 ISSUE: 3 DATE: 24/07/2013
ENGINE: JCB 4.8Ltrs NA (BS 3) PAGE: 3/7
Rating: 55kW @ 2200 erpm
Screw transfer pressure adjuster fully in and then 4.5 turns out before commencing test
No additional shimming is required
CA solenoid to be de-energized unless otherwise stated
Torque trimmer plug to be wound out until thread appears
Latch valve adjuster, if fitted, screw fully in then 8 turns out
Turn light load adjuster valve fully in then 1 turn out
Advance measurement on the cam ring
Backleak Flow pipe should not be connected to measuring unit unless otherwise stated
Calibrate LVDT gauge before use
Important: For delivery measurement, use higher number of counts to get accurate value.
TYPE: DP310 – 9520A500-509 ISSUE: 3 DATE: 24/07/2013
ENGINE: JCB 4.8Ltrs NA (BS 3) PAGE: 4/7
Rating: 55kW @ 2200 erpm
Dynamic timing –record zero angle – (Refer to DT339)
Drive shaft lock bolt to remain locked until zero angle recorded
CA advance motor to be de-energize unless otherwise stated
No adjustments to be made unless otherwise stated
Unlock Drive shaft Lock bolt
Close throttle
Stabilize Cycle speed between 100 to 500 rpm 3 times
Open throttle
Stabilize Cycle speed between 100 to 1250 rpm 2 times
Stabilize and run at 1100 rpm until back leak temperature is 38°C min
De-energise CA solenoid
Stop test machine
Remove LVDT gauge from advance port and fit CPS adaptor to LVDT gauge
Remove max fuel adjuster and fit LVDT gauge to CPS port
Select TT mode in LVDT display unit
46. Torque Trimmer S 1100 0.0 mm (Datum LVDT gauge)
47. Torque Trimmer C 685 Check TT gauge = -0.2 to 0.2 mm
48. Torque Trimmer C 390 Check TT gauge = 2.0 to 2.4 mm
Move throttle lever to closed position
3.0 mm3/st (Maximum)
49. Delivery C 585
[0.3 cc/100st (Maximum)]
Open throttle
70.0 mm3/st (Minimum)
50. Delivery C 100
[7.0 cc/100st (Minimum)]
De-Energize solenoid, wait 5 seconds
51. Shut Off Solenoid C 500 Max 3.0 mm3/st
[Max 0.3 cc/100st]
Energise solenoid
Run test machine down to 0 rpm
71.8 to 75.8 mm3/st
52. Delivery C 1100
[7.18 to 7.58 cc/100st]
As test (52) + 3 ± 5.0 mm3/st
53. Delivery C 725
[As test (52) + 0.3 ± 0.5 cc/100st]
As test (52) ± 2.0 mm3/st
54. Delivery C 1100
[As test (52) ± 0.2 cc/100st]
Refer to SIN DT339
Piezo sensor, outlet U
55. Dynamic timing S 1100
Off-set angle 275.9°
Trigger level 25%
56. Delivery C 1100 Record delivery
12.0 to 16.0 mm3/st
57. Governor S 1195
[1.2 to 1.6 cc/100st]
3.0 mm3/st (Maximum)
58. Governor cut-off C 1280
[0.3 cc/100st (Maximum)]
As test (56) – 1.0 mm3/st (Minimum)
59. Delivery C 1100
[As test (56) - 0.1 cc/100st (Minimum)]