2F Respiration: Time: 29 Minutes Total Marks Available: 29 Total Marks Achieved
2F Respiration: Time: 29 Minutes Total Marks Available: 29 Total Marks Achieved
2F Respiration: Time: 29 Minutes Total Marks Available: 29 Total Marks Achieved
2F Respiration
Time: 29 minutes
Andy Todd
John wanted to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of carbon dioxide
production by yeast.
(a) The oil layer prevents the entry of air into the glucose solution.
Explain why this is necessary.
(b) John varied the temperature of the water bath between 15 °C and 65 °C. He
measured the rate of carbon dioxide production by counting the number of
bubbles per minute.
(i) Sketch the shape of the graph that John would obtain on the axes below.
Andy Todd
(ii) Give the dependent variable in this experiment.
(c) Give two variables that John would need to keep the same in his experiment.
(d) Suggest one way that John could improve the reliability of his experiment.
(e) Suggest how John could improve the accuracy of his measurement of the rate of
carbon dioxide production.
Andy Todd
production of beer.
Andy Todd
(b) Respiration takes place in the middle piece of the sperm cell.
(c) A sample of semen contains 40 million sperm cells. Only sixty percent of these
sperm cells are capable of swimming.
Calculate how many sperm cells in this semen sample are capable of swimming.
Answer ...........................................................
(d) Some men are infertile because they do not produce enough sperm cells or the
sperm cells they produce are not good swimmers.
There is a test that can be used to find out if a man is infertile. Semen is added to
a solution in a test tube. The test tube is then sealed.
The solution stays purple if oxygen is present and changes to pink if oxygen is absent.
The diagram shows how the test works.
Andy Todd
(i) A man used this test and the solution remained purple. What does this
suggest about the man's sperm? Explain your answer.
(ii) Suggest two reasons why the results of the test might not be correct.
1 .......................................................................................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................................................................................
Andy Todd
(a) The two samples of seeds started at the same temperature of 18°C.
The diagram shows the temperature reading on each thermometer after 48 hours.
(i) Complete the table to show the temperature of flask A and flask B.
Andy Todd
(ii) Give a biological explanation for the difference in the temperature of flask A
compared to flask B.
(b) The seeds in both flasks were washed in disinfectant before being put into the flasks.
(c) The cotton wool kept the thermometers in place and prevented the seeds from
falling out of the flasks.
Suggest why cotton wool was used rather than a rubber bung.
(d) The seeds used in the experiment were from the same species.
Andy Todd
ensures that anaerobic respiration occurs. In (b) most could sketch the shape
showing an increase in respiration rate and some levelling off and the best
showing a reduction. In (c) the better candidates could identify the dependent
and independent variables and name two variables that should be controlled in
the experiment. Less able candidates wrote about amount of yeast or glucose
rather than the mass, volume or concentration. In part (d) almost all responses
suggested how to increase the reliability. In (e) most candidates could suggest
that collecting the gas produced in a syringe or inverted measuring cylinder
would enable a more accurate determination of volume per unit time. The best
responses gained full marks for a word equation showing how glucose is
converted to ethanol and carbon dioxide. Some responses included oxygen and
This question gave a diagram of a sperm cell and in (a) most students could give the number of
chromosomes present in its nucleus. In (b) most could explain the importance of respiration in
providing energy for the sperm to swim using its tail. In part (c) almost all could correctly
calculate the number of sperm capable of swimming from the data provided. Part (d) described a
fertility test that measures the oxygen use by respiring sperm. In (i) the best students realised
that if the solution stayed purple no oxygen was being used for respiration by the sperm so they
must be dead or not moving. In (ii) the best answers explained that a break in the seal, a lack of
temperature control or a small semen sample could make the results incorrect. Other students
suggested that one sample may be atypical.
Andy Todd
Andy Todd
Andy Todd
Andy Todd
Andy Todd