Modern Physique - Steve Cook's 8-Week Training Plan
Modern Physique - Steve Cook's 8-Week Training Plan
Modern Physique - Steve Cook's 8-Week Training Plan
Watch Trailer
In-Depth Instruction
Train for Multiple Goals
The modern physique is more than face
just big or pull
ripped. Through
this program, you'll gain symmetry, strength, power, mobility,
4 sets, 10 reps (as hard as possible)
endurance, muscularity, definition, and athleticism. Steve will tell
you how!
Rest 2 min. between supersets.
Building your best physique requiresdumbbell
the best fuel.upright
Steve willrow
explain what, how much, and when he eats. When it comes to
4 sets, 6 reps (4-count eccentric)
supps, there's nothing fancy here, just a combination of proven
ingredients to ensure you're able to recover between days and
continue to put forth your best effort.
Go Mobile! ×
Day 1: Upper Body and Cardio
You’ll be able to track your workouts, nail
your nutrition plan, stock up on supps, and
get fit on the go.
Rest 2-3 min between supersets.
DeltaWhiskey11B's Akoniti's transformation
ed this eight-week workout Probably the best program I've ever
ely amazing! Thank you for I would not say it is male or female done. And that includes tailored
based, but obviously your goals do workouts provided to me by a personal
matter. It is all about what you want out trainer. I've gained 8 pounds, but
Single-arm dumbbell upright row
of it. If you are thinking of doing it, dropped 2-3 percent body fat. My
definitely try4 sets, 6 reps been
it. I haven't (4-count
sore, biceps circumference has gone up half
or made this much progress this fast, in an inch, chest is wider, and pecs are
a long time. Give it the eight weeks. It'll nicely rounded. I can't recommend this
only make you better. program highly enough. No matter the
goal you have, just do it and eat
appropriately. You will not be
Day 1: Upper Body and Cardio
Other Similar Plans Rest 2-3 min between supersets.
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Single-arm dumbbell upright row
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4 sets, 6 reps (4-count eccentric)
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Day 1: Upper Body andTryCardio
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Rest 2-3 min
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Standing face pull
Other Popular Plans 4 sets, 10 reps (as hard as possible)
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Rest 2 min. between supersets.
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Rest 2-3 min between supersets.
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Standing face pull
Rest 2 min. between supersets.
Day 1: Upper Body and Cardio
Rest 2-3 min between supersets.