Calculating Average Depth of Precipitation
Calculating Average Depth of Precipitation
Calculating Average Depth of Precipitation
Precipitation: 3 Methods
The following three methods of calculating average depth
of precipitation upon the area of the basin, i.e.,
(1) Arithmetic Mean,
(2) Theissen Polygon Method, and
(3) Iso-Hyetal Method.
1. Arithmetic Mean:
When the area of the basin is less than 500 km2 this method implies
summing up of all the rainfall values from all the raingauging
stations and then dividing it by the number of stations in that basin.
The method becomes very clear by the use of a tabular forra.
The firm closing line shows a basin having an area between 500 to
5000 sq km. Let there be rain-gauging stations A, B, C, D, E and F.
It is assumed that each station has its own domain in the total area.
While finding out the average value of rainfall it is very essential to
divide the total basin area in such a way that each station enclosed
in a particular area represents that area in true sense.
For example:
i. Two different iso-hyetes do not cross each other;
ii. Iso-hyet of higher value shows the places which receive more
iii. Each iso-hyet must close on itself or must go out of the area
under consideration.
Iso-hyetal method is used for basins having area more than 5000
For a given basin iso-hyetes are drawn by joining the points of equal
depth of precipitation as shown in Fig. 2.8. The points of equal
depth of precipitation can be computed by the method of estimation
from the rainfall values of rain- gauging stations.
In Fig. 2.8 dotted lines show iso-hyetes and the outer most firm line
is basin boundary. The interval of iso-hyetes is 1 cm. The highest
spot rainfall value in area is 9.4 cm. Now the areas between two
successive iso-hytes can be found by using a graph paper or a
The rest of the procedure of finding out average or mean depth of
rainfall is done by tabulating the values as shown in Table 2.5.
A drainage basin has the catchment area of 626 km2. There are in all
11 rain- gauging stations of which 6 are within the catchment and 5
are in the vicinity but outside the catchment. The point rainfall
observed during a particular storm at various stations has been
shown in Fig. 2.9. (a).
Calculate average depth of precipitation over the catchment by
arithmetic mean, Thiessen polygon and Isohyetal methods and
compare the results.
Step 1: Arithmetic Average Method:
Referring Fig. 9(a). There are 6 stations within the catchment.
Average depth of precipitation by the three methods
comes out to be:
Arithmetic mean method =3.09 cm