Pulse Motor Free Energy Generator For Electric Car Charging System

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ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765

ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(A High Impact Factor, Monthly, Peer Reviewed Journal)
Website: www.ijareeie.com

Vol. 7, Issue 4, April 2018

Pulse Motor Free Energy Generator for

Electric Car Charging System
Vaishak1, Sayed Irfan2, Nelson Benny3, Neetha John4
UG Student, Dept. of EEE, Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kerala, India1
UG Student, Dept. of EEE, Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kerala, India2
UG Student, Dept. of EEE, Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kerala, India3
Professor, Dept. of EEE, Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kerala, India4

ABSTRACT: An electric car is an automobile that is propelled by one or more electric motors using energy stored in
rechargeable batteries. Since 2008, there is an increase in the production of electric vehicles due to the advances in
batteries and due to concerns about increasing oil prices. This project concerns the design and construction of pulse
motor free energy generator (PMFEG). A pulsed motor, unlike normal A/C or D/C types uses short pulses of current to
drive the motor, which makes it spin. This system is a new idea to generate electricity without making use of any
common external sources. PMFEG conserves the input energy at high efficiency and store it and feed it back to the
system and thus produces a mechanical output which can be used as a primemover. The input is given to the system
using a battery, it generates pulsed and mechanical output which can be used to charge another battery. The output
appears to be far greater than the input provided which results in greater efficiency. Hence the pulse motor free energy
generator is a decent, powerful , low cost, high efficient and well-looking topology of a free energy generator, which
can be used to charge the electric vehicles and the batteries can be charged from systems inside the car itself. By using
this non conventional charging methods the efficiency of electric vehicles increases and thus we can avoid the frequent
visit to charging stations.

KEYWORDS: Electric car, PMFEG, Non conventional charging


A proper analysis of the overall benefits and efficiency of an electric vehicle must include what type of source was
used to charge the battery, the energy required to make the battery, and the energy expended in disposing of it, in an
environmentally sound manner.
Recharging of batteries of electric vehicles can take up to an hour, however this amount of time is being reduced as the
technology improves. A major limiting factor is that currently (2017) there is inadequate recharging infrastructure for
long routes, though many owners use home charging stations instead of commercial infrastructure. In this project we
are designing an charging system which can be implemented in vehicles itself. We are providing LCD & LED
indications about the charge left in the battery, so that the driver can charge the car by simply turning on a switch.
The objective of the project is to make a Pulse Motor Free Energy Generator which can be used to charge the batteries
used in electric vehicles.
It is possible to draw substantial amount of energy from the local environment and use that energy to charge batteries.
Not only that, but when this method of charging is used, the batteries gradually get conditioned to this form of non-
conventional energy and their capacity for doing work increases. In addition, about 50% of vehicle batteries abandoned
as being incapable of holding their charge any longer, will respond to this type of charging and revive fully. This
means that a battery bank can be created at a very low cost.
Any generator requires a prime mover (such as diesel engines, water turbines etc.) to operate, that is, an external source
of input is required to give an output. This external source of energy is deteriorating day by day due to excessive use
.More over this input energy once used cannot be regained back and an output that is much smaller than input is usually

Copyright to IJAREEIE DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2018.0704038 1754

ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(A High Impact Factor, Monthly, Peer Reviewed Journal)
Website: www.ijareeie.com

Vol. 7, Issue 4, April 2018

This project is a new idea to generate electricity without making use of any external source. That is, we have developed a way to
conserve the input energy completely and store it and feed it back to the system and thus produce a mechanical output which can be
used as a prime mover. A charged battery is necessary for starting the machine. Ones it is started the power from the machine is fed
back to recharge the battery and this process continuous. Hence, the output is far greater than the input provided which results in
great efficiency.
Another aim of this project is to observe a different kind of charging, fundamentally opposite from conventional systems. Two
different kinds of energies involved in the process can be carefully distinguished and manipulated for practical advantages in
powering various loads. The Pulse Motor Free Energy Generator is a decent, powerful and well-looking topology of a free energy
Free energy has two meanings:
1. Energy that can be obtained from a device at low cost.
2. More output energy that appears to be available than input energy.
The Law of Conservation of Energy is generally thought to be correct when it states that more energy cannot be taken out of any
system than is put into that system. However, that does not mean that we cannot get more energy out of a system than we put into it.
The Pulse Motor Free Energy Generator is a device that demonstrates this free energy concept on a small scale .It will generate the
required electric power with less input
This system can be implemented in existing electric vehicles, as a result efficiency can be increased and also the frequent visit to the
charging station can be avoided.


Pulse Motor Free Energy Generator is a device designed for charging the electric vehicles in a non conventional way. The time for
recharging can be reduced using this device and due to its small size and less weight, it can be easily implemented in electric
vehicles, and the performance of electric vehicles can be increased.

A. Block Diagram :-
The block diagram of the Pulse motor free energy generator for electric car charging system is shown in figure 1. Solar cell is used
as the driving battery and can be placed above the car and there is charging battery inside the car, which is used to run the electric
motors of the electric vehicle. Consists of three coils, they are driving, triggering and pickup coil. The gauges of these coils are
SWG 30, SWG 30 and SWG 32 respectively. The three coils are wounded onto the PVC frame with combined 800turns. The
windings are cated with varnish so that it stays well on to the core and also improves its insulation capacity. The entire winding is
covered with nylon tape to protect the windings from external hazards. Bridge rectifier is used to rectify the pulses received and they
are filtered and is given to the charging battery.

fig1: Block diagram of pulse motor free energy generator for electric car charging system

Copyright to IJAREEIE DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2018.0704038 1755

ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(A High Impact Factor, Monthly, Peer Reviewed Journal)
Website: www.ijareeie.com

Vol. 7, Issue 4, April 2018

B. Working and circuit diagram:-

When there is an indication of low voltage on batteries by the LED and LCD displays, the switch is turned on by the
driver, so that the rotor is started. As the North pole of the magnet passes the triple-wound "tri-filer" coil, it induces a
voltage in all three coil windings. The magnet on the rotor is effectively contributing energy to the circuit as it passes
the coil. One winding feeds a current to the base of the transistor via the resistor. This switches the transistor on,
driving a strong current pulse from the battery through the second coil winding, creating a ‘North’ pole at the top of the
coil, boosting the rotor on its way. As only a changing magnetic field generate a voltage in a coil winding, the steady
transistor current through coil two is unable to sustain the transistor base current through coil one and the transistor
switches off again.
The third coil picks up all of these pulses and rectifies them with a bridge of diodes. The resulting pulsing DC current
is passed to the capacitor, the voltage on the capacitor builds up after several pulses, the stored energy in it is
discharged into the “Charging” battery. The rotor is started by hand and it gains speed until its maximum rate is
If the rotation is fast enough, the operation changes. Up to now, the current taken from the solar cell has been
increasing with the increasing speed, but now the driving current starts to drop although the speed continues to
increase. The reason for this is that the increased speed has caused the permanent magnet to move past the coil before
the coil is pulsed. This means that the coil pulse no longer has to push against the ‘North’ face of the magnet, which
keeps the rotor going and increases the magnetic effect of the coil pulse.

Fig 2. Circuit diagram

Copyright to IJAREEIE DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2018.0704038 1756

ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(A High Impact Factor, Monthly, Peer Reviewed Journal)
Website: www.ijareeie.com

Vol. 7, Issue 4, April 2018

1. Driving battery (12v,7Ah)

2. SPST Switch
3. Field winding
3a. Driving coil
3b.Triggering coil
3c. Pick up coil
4. Transistor(BD243C)
5. Resistor (680 ohms,1/2 watts)
6. Diode (IN4148)
7. Winding core
8. Neodymium permanent magnets
9. Aluminum rotor
10. Rotor shaft
11. Ball bearings
12. Belt
13. Bridge rectifier (IN5408)
14. Capacitor (330 micro farad, 450v)
15. Cam switch
16. Silver contact
17. Charging battery

Fig 3. Implemented Prototype


The increase in voltage in the charging batteries is almost three times equals to the voltage drained from the driving
battery. Initially two 12V batteries were taken as both charging and driving batteries and after running the machine for
15 minutes, the voltage in the charging battery increases to 13.5V, where as the voltage in the driving battery decreases

Copyright to IJAREEIE DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2018.0704038 1757

ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
(A High Impact Factor, Monthly, Peer Reviewed Journal)
Website: www.ijareeie.com

Vol. 7, Issue 4, April 2018

by 0.5V only. The gain in voltage is greater than the loss from the driving battery, as a result efficiency of this kind of
charging is very high and can be employed in electric vehicles so as to boost its performance. For a normal system
when energy is transferred from one system to another, we are not able to transfer the full energy due to losses
occurring in the system but in the case of pulse motor free energy generator, the complete energy is regained in the
system without any losses and hence the efficiency of this system will be much higher than the existing systems


The battery bank can be charged with least or almost no cost. By using this method, the batteries get conditioned to
non-conventional form of charging and hence their efficiency and capacity increases. This stored energy can be used
for lighter domestic loads like TV’s, DVD recorders, Fans etc. Thus, such a motor can be used to drive an electrical
generator thereby providing "free energy" for a home, business, or industry. This model can be scaled up for higher
loads. Additional coils can be added and the number of magnets employed on the rotor can also be increased. This in
turn will increase the speed of the rotating part and more output may be obtained. Although the system is having so
many advantages, the drawback of cannot driving the battery while charging can be overcome using more number of
battery banks. This makes the system bulky and hence more sophiscated system can be developed using nano cells. It
minimizes the use of energy resources hence, decreasing its deteriorating rate. This concept can be applied in wide
aspects if developed and studied properly. Just like solar panels it’s a new method to generate electricity Different from
the conventional methods.


Maximum output is obtained with minimum losses in the system. The ‘Pulse Motor Free Energy Generator’ is a
device that demonstrates this free energy concept on a small scale. The electronic circuit converts this power into
mechanical energy. The first purpose of this project is to observe a different kind of charging, fundamentally opposite
from conventional systems. Only after we notice two different kinds of energies involved in the process can we
carefully distinguish and manipulate them for practical advantages in powering various loads. The second purpose is to
investigate some of the advantages in this charging method over conventional methods.
Instead of looking at the battery that powers the system, we look at the charging battery and measure its inputs and
outputs over the charge and discharge cycle. When the machine is properly built and tuned, by measuring with
conventional meters we will see more energy leaving the receiving battery via a constant load than entered it. This kind
of charging using pulse motor free energy generator with free energy charging system possesses more benefits as
compared to other charging methods,The battery bank can be charged with least or almost no cost. By using this
method, the batteries get conditioned to non-conventional form of charging and hence their efficiency and capacity
increases, and can be implemented in electric vehicles so that the efficiency of the batteries in the electric vehicles can
be increased and the purphose of frequent charging can be avoided.


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Copyright to IJAREEIE DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2018.0704038 1758

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