Cost-Sensitive Learning and The Class Imbalance Problem: Synonyms

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To appear in Encyclopedia of Machine Learning. C. Sammut (Ed.). Springer.


Cost-Sensitive Learning and the Class Imbalance Problem

Charles X. Ling, Victor S. Sheng
The University of Western Ontario, Canada

Learning with different classification costs, cost-sensitive classification

Cost-Sensitive Learning is a type of learning in data mining that takes the misclassification costs
(and possibly other types of cost) into consideration. The goal of this type of learning is to
minimize the total cost. The key difference between cost-sensitive learning and cost-insensitive
learning is that cost-sensitive learning treats the different misclassifications differently. Cost-
insensitive learning does not take the misclassification costs into consideration. The goal of this
type of learning is to pursue a high accuracy of classifying examples into a set of known classes.

The class imbalanced datasets occurs in many real-world applications where the class
distributions of data are highly imbalanced. Cost-sensitive learning is a common approach to
solve this problem.

Motivation and Background

Classification is the most important task in inductive learning and machine learning. A classifier
can be trained from a set of training examples with class labels, and can be used to predict the
class labels of new examples. The class label is usually discrete and finite. Many effective
classification algorithms have been developed, such as naïve Bayes, decision trees, neural
networks, and so on. However, most original classification algorithms pursue to minimize the
error rate: the percentage of the incorrect prediction of class labels. They ignore the difference
between types of misclassification errors. In particular, they implicitly assume that all
misclassification errors cost equally.

In many real-world applications, this assumption is not true. The differences between different
misclassification errors can be quite large. For example, in medical diagnosis of a certain cancer,
if the cancer is regarded as the positive class, and non-cancer (healthy) as negative, then missing
a cancer (the patient is actually positive but is classified as negative; thus it is also called “false
negative”) is much more serious (thus expensive) than the false-positive error. The patient could
lose his/her life because of the delay in the correct diagnosis and treatment. Similarly, if carrying
a bomb is positive, then it is much more expensive to miss a terrorist who carries a bomb to a
flight than searching an innocent person.

Cost-sensitive learning takes costs, such as the misclassification cost, into consideration. It is one
of the most active and important research areas in machine learning, and it plays an important
role in real-world data mining applications. (Turney, 2000) provides a comprehensive survey of
a large variety of different types of costs in data mining and machine learning, including
misclassification costs, data acquisition cost (instance costs and attribute costs), active learning
costs, computation cost, human-computer interaction cost, and so on. The misclassification cost
is singled out as the most important cost, and it has also been mostly studied in recent years.

We summarize the theory of cost-sensitive learning, published mostly in (Elkan, 2001; Zadrozny
and Elkan, 2001). The theory describes how the misclassification cost plays its essential role in
various cost-sensitive learning algorithms.

Without loss of generality, we assume binary classification (i.e., positive and negative class) in
this paper. In cost-sensitive learning, the costs of false positive (actual negative but predicted as
positive; denoted as FP), false negative (FN), true positive (TP) and true negative (TN) can be
given in a cost matrix, as shown in Table 1. In the table, we also use the notation C(i, j) to
represent the misclassification cost of classifying an instance from its actual class j into the
predicted class i. (We use 1 for positive, and 0 for negative). These misclassification cost values
can be given by domain experts, or learned via other approaches. In cost-sensitive learning, it is
usually assume that such a cost matrix is given and known. For multiple classes, the cost matrix
can be easily extended by adding more rows and more columns.

Table 1. An example of cost matrix for binary classification.

Actual negative Actual positive
Predict negative C(0,0), or TN C(0,1), or FN
Predict positive C(1,0), or FP C(1,1), or TP

Note that C(i, i) (TP and TN) is usually regarded as the “benefit” (i.e., negated cost) when an
instance is predicted correctly. In addition, cost-sensitive learning is often used to deal with
datasets with very imbalanced class distribution (Japkowicz and Stephen, 2002). Usually (and
without loss of generality), the minority or rare class is regarded as the positive class, and it is
often more expensive to misclassify an actual positive example into negative, than an actual
negative example into positive. That is, the value of FN or C(0,1) is usually larger than that of
FP or C(1,0). This is true for the cancer example mentioned earlier (cancer patients are usually
rare in the population, but predicting an actual cancer patient as negative is usually very costly)
and the bomb example (terrorists are rare).

Given the cost matrix, an example should be classified into the class that has the minimum
expected cost. This is the minimum expected cost principle. The expected cost R(i|x) of
classifying an instance x into class i (by a classifier) can be expressed as:
R (i | x )   P ( j | x )C ( i , j ) , (1)

where P(j|x) is the probability estimation of classifying an instance into class j. That is, the
classifier will classify an instance x into positive class if and only if:
P(0|x)C(1,0) + P(1|x)C(1,1) ≤ P(0|x)C(0,0) + P(1|x)C(0,1)
This is equivalent to:
P(0|x)(C(1,0) – C(0,0)) ≤ P(1|x)(C(0,1) – C(1,1))

Thus, the decision (of classifying an example into positive) will not be changed if a constant is
added into a column of the original cost matrix. Thus, the original cost matrix can always be
converted to a simpler one by subtracting C(0,0) to the first column, and C(1,1) to the second
column. After such conversion, the simpler cost matrix is shown in Table 2. Thus, any given
cost-matrix can be converted to one with C(0,0) = C(1,1) = 0. 1 In the rest of the paper, we will
assume that C(0,0) = C(1,1) = 0. Under this assumption, the classifier will classify an instance x
into positive class if and only if:
P(0|x)C(1,0) ≤ P(1|x)C(0,1)

Table 2. A simpler cost matrix with an equivalent optimal classification.

True negative True positive
Predict negative 0 C(0,1) – C(1,1)
Predict positive C(1,0) – C(0,0) 0

As P(0|x)=1 – P(1|x), we can obtain a threshold p* for the classifier to classify an instance x into
positive if P(1|x) ≥ p*, where
C (1,0) FP
p*   . (2)
C (1,0)  C (0,1) FP  FN
Thus, if a cost-insensitive classifier can produce a posterior probability estimation p(1|x) for test
examples x, we can make it cost-sensitive by simply choosing the classification threshold
according to (2), and classify any example to be positive whenever P(1|x) ≥ p*. This is what
several cost-sensitive meta-learning algorithms, such as Relabeling, are based on (see later for
details). However, some cost-insensitive classifiers, such as C4.5, may not be able to produce
accurate probability estimation; they are designed to predict the class correctly. Empirical
Thresholding (Sheng and Ling, 2006) does not require accurate estimation of probabilities – an
accurate ranking is sufficient. It simply uses cross-validation to search the best probability from
the training instances as the threshold.

Traditional cost-insensitive classifiers are designed to predict the class in terms of a default,
fixed threshold of 0.5. (Elkan, 2001) shows that we can “rebalance” the original training
examples by sampling such that the classifiers with the 0.5 threshold is equivalent to the
classifiers with the p* threshold as in (2), in order to achieve cost-sensitivity. The rebalance is
done as follows. If we keep all positive examples (as they are assumed as the rare class), then the
number of negative examples should be multiplied by C(1,0)/C(0,1) = FP/FN. Note that as
usually FP < FN, the multiple is less than 1. This is thus often called “under-sampling the
majority class”. This is also equivalent to “proportional sampling”, where positive and negative
examples are sampled by the ratio of:
p(1) FN : p(0) FP (3)
where p(1) and p(0) are the prior probability of the positive and negative examples in the original
training set. That is, the prior probabilities and the costs are interchangeable: doubling p(1) has
the same effect as doubling FN, or halving FP (Drummond and Holte, 2000). Most sampling

Here we assume that the misclassification cost is the same for all examples. This property is stronger than the one
discussed in (Elkan 2001).
meta-learning methods, such as Costing (Zadrozny et al., 2003), are based on (3) above (see later
for details).

Almost all meta-learning approaches are either based on (2) or (3) for the thresholding- and
sampling-based meta-learning methods respectively, to be discussed in the next section.

Structure of Learning System

Broadly speaking, cost-sensitive learning can be categorized into two categories. The first one is
to design classifiers that are cost-sensitive in themselves. We call them the direct method.
Examples of direct cost-sensitive learning are ICET (Turney, 1995) and cost-sensitive decision
tree (Drummond and Holte, 2000; Ling et al, 2004). The other category is to design a “wrapper”
that converts any existing cost-insensitive (or cost-blind) classifiers into cost-sensitive ones. The
wrapper method is also called cost-sensitive meta-learning method, and it can be further
categorized into thresholding and sampling. Here is a hierarchy of the cost-sensitive learning and
some typical methods. This paper will focus on cost-sensitive meta-learning that considers the
misclassification cost only.

Cost-sensitive learning
 Direct methods
o ICET (Turney, 1995)
o Cost-senstive decision trees (Drummond and Holte, 2000; Ling et al, 2004)
 Meta-learning
o Thresholding
 MetaCost (Domingos, 1999)
 CostSensitiveClassifier (CSC in short) (Witten & Frank, 2005)
 Cost-sensitive naïve Bayes (Chai et al., 2004)
 Empirical Thresholding (ET in short) (Sheng and Ling, 2006)
o Sampling
 Costing (Zadrozny et al., 2003)
 Weighting (Ting, 1998)

Direct Cost-sensitive Learning

The main idea of building a direct cost-sensitive learning algorithm is to directly introduce and
utilize misclassification costs into the learning algorithms. There are several works on direct
cost-sensitive learning algorithms, such as ICET (Turney, 1995) and cost-sensitive decision trees
(Ling et al., 2004).

ICET (Turney, 1995) incorporates misclassification costs in the fitness function of genetic
algorithms. On the other hand, cost-sensitive decision tree (Ling et al., 2004), called CSTree here,
uses the misclassification costs directly in its tree building process. That is, instead of
minimizing entropy in attribute selection as in C4.5, CSTree selects the best attribute by the
expected total cost reduction. That is, an attribute is selected as a root of the (sub)tree if it
minimizes the total misclassification cost.

Note that as both ICET and CSTree directly take costs into model building, they can also take
easily attribute costs (and perhaps other costs) directly into consideration, while meta cost-
sensitive learning algorithms generally cannot.

(Drummond and Holte, 2000) investigates the cost-sensitivity of the four commonly used
attribute selection criteria of decision tree learning: accuracy, Gini, entropy, and DKM. They
claim that the sensitivity of cost is highest with the accuracy, followed by Gini, entropy, and

Cost-Sensitive Meta-Learning

Cost-sensitive meta-learning converts existing cost-insensitive classifiers into cost-sensitive ones

without modifying them. Thus, it can be regarded as a middleware component that pre-processes
the training data, or post-processes the output, from the cost-insensitive learning algorithms.

Cost-sensitive meta-learning can be further classified into two main categories: thresholding and
sampling, based on (2) and (3) respectively, as discussed in the Theory section.

Thresholding uses (2) as a threshold to classify examples into positive or negative if the cost-
insensitive classifiers can produce probability estimations. MetaCost (Domingos, 1999) is a
thresholding method. It first uses bagging on decision trees to obtain reliable probability
estimations of training examples, relabels the classes of training examples according to (2), and
then uses the relabeled training instances to build a cost-insensitive classifier. CSC (Witten &
Frank, 2005) also uses (2) to predict the class of test instances. More specifically, CSC uses a
cost-insensitive algorithm to obtain the probability estimations P(j|x) of each test instance2. Then
it uses (2) to predict the class label of the test examples. Cost-sensitive naïve Bayes (Chai et al.,
2004) uses (2) to classify test examples based on the posterior probability produced by the naïve

As we have seen, all thresholding-based meta-learning methods replies on accurate probability

estimations of p(1|x) for the test example x. To achieve this, (Zadrozny and Elkan, 2001) propose
several methods to improve the calibration of probability estimates. ET (Empirical Thresholding)
(Sheng and Ling, 2006) is a thresholding-based meta-learning method. It does not require
accurate estimation of probabilities – an accurate ranking is sufficient. ET simply uses cross-
validation to search the best probability from the training instances as the threshold, and uses the
searched threshold to predict the class label of test instances.

On the other hand, sampling first modifies the class distribution of training data according to (3),
and then applies cost-insensitive classifiers on the sampled data directly. There is no need for the
classifiers to produce probability estimations, as long as it can classify positive or negative
examples accurately. (Zadrozny et al., 2003) show that proportional sampling with replacement
produces duplicated cases in the training, which in turn produces overfitting in model building.
CSC is a meta-learning method and can be applied on any classifiers.
However, it is unclear if proper overfitting avoidance (without overlapping between the training
and pruning sets) would work well (future work). Instead, (Zadrozny et al., 2003) proposes to
use “rejection sampling” to avoid duplication. More specifically, each instance in the original
training set is drawn once, and accepted into the sample with the accepting probability C(j,i)/Z,
where C(j,i) is the misclassification cost of class i, and Z is an arbitrary constant such that Z ≥
max C(j,i). When Z = max C(j,i), this is equivalent to keeping all examples of the rare class, and
sampling the majority class without replacement according to C(1,0)/C(0,1) – in accordance with
(3). Theorems on performance guarantee have been proved. Bagging is applied after rejection
sampling to improve the results further. The resulting method is called Costing.

Weighting (Ting, 1998) can also be viewed as a sampling method. It assigns a normalized weight
to each instance according to the misclassification costs specified in (3). That is, examples of the
rare class (which carries a higher misclassification cost) are assigned proportionally high weights.
Examples with high weights can be viewed as example duplication – thus sampling. Weighting
then induces cost-sensitivity by integrating the instances’ weights directly into C4.5, as C4.5 can
take example weights directly in the entropy calculation. It works whenever the original cost-
insensitive classifiers can accept example weights directly3. In addition, Weighting does not rely
on bagging as Costing does, as it “utilizes” all examples in the training set.

The class imbalanced datasets occurs in many real-world applications where the class
distributions of data are highly imbalanced. Again, without loss of generality, we assume that the
minority or rare class is the positive class, and the majority class is the negative class. Often the
minority class is very small, such as 1% of the dataset. If we apply most traditional (cost-
insensitive) classifiers on the dataset, they will likely to predict everything as negative (the
majority class). This was often regarded as a problem in learning from highly imbalanced

However, as pointed out by (Provost, 2000), two fundamental assumptions are often made in the
traditional cost-insensitive classifiers. The first is that the goal of the classifiers is to maximize
the accuracy (or minimize the error rate); the second is that the class distribution of the training
and test datasets is the same. Under these two assumptions, predicting everything as negative for
a highly imbalanced dataset is often the right thing to do. (Drummond and Holte, 2005) show
that it is usually very difficult to outperform this simple classifier in this situation.

Thus, the imbalanced class problem becomes meaningful only if one or both of the two
assumptions above are not true; that is, if the cost of different types of error (false positive and
false negative in the binary classification) is not the same, or if the class distribution in the test
data is different from that of the training data. The first case can be dealt with effectively using
methods in cost-sensitive meta-learning.

In the case when the misclassification cost is not equal, it is usually more expensive to
misclassify a minority (positive) example into the majority (negative) class, than a majority
example into the minority class (otherwise it is more plausible to predict everything as negative).
Thus, we can say that Weighting is a semi meta-learning method.
That is, FN > FP. Thus, given the values of FN and FP, a variety of cost-sensitive meta-learning
methods can be, and have been, used to solve the class imbalance problem (Ling and Li, 1998;
Japkowicz and Stephen, 2002). If the values of FN and FP are not unknown explicitly, FN and
FP can be assigned to be proportional to p(-):p(+) (Japkowicz and Stephen, 2002).

In case the class distributions of training and test datasets are different (for example, if the
training data is highly imbalanced but the test data is more balanced), an obvious approach is to
sample the training data such that its class distribution is the same as the test data (by
oversampling the minority class and/or undersampling the majority class) (Provost, 2000).

Note that sometimes the number of examples of the minority class is too small for classifiers to
learn adequately. This is the problem of insufficient (small) training data, different from that of
the imbalanced datasets.

References and Recommended Reading

Chai, X., Deng, L., Yang, Q., and Ling,C.X.. 2004. Test-Cost Sensitive Naïve Bayesian
Classification. In Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Data
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Domingos, P. 1999. MetaCost: A general method for making classifiers cost-sensitive. In
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Drummond, C., and Holte, R. 2005. Severe Class Imbalance: Why Better Algorithms Aren't the
Answer. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth European Conference of Machine Learning,
LNAI 3720, 539-546.
Drummond, C., and Holte, R. 2000. Exploiting the cost (in)sensitivity of decision tree splitting
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Intelligent Data Analysis, 6(5): 429-450.
Ling, C.X., and Li, C., 1998. Data Mining for Direct Marketing – Specific Problems and
Solutions. Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Discovery
and Data Mining (KDD-98), pages 73 - 79.
Ling, C.X., Yang, Q., Wang, J., and Zhang, S. 2004. Decision Trees with Minimal Costs. In
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Ting, K.M. 1998. Inducing Cost-Sensitive Trees via Instance Weighting. In Proceedings of the
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Turney, P.D. 1995. Cost-Sensitive Classification: Empirical Evaluation of a Hybrid Genetic
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Witten, I.H., and Frank, E. 2005. Data Mining – Practical Machine Learning Tools and
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