Brain Bee Quiz
Brain Bee Quiz
Brain Bee Quiz
Total of 500 participants, registered for the first stage, will complete 100 tests
with 4 options in 50 minutes. Take the test online with google form. Answer
will be yes or no. If you answer the question correctly you will get +1 point, if
you answer the question wrong you will get -1 point, if you don’t answer the
question you won’t get a point.
Sample questions:
1. Alpha and delta brain wave voltages range from 20 to 200 microvolts
A.Yes B.No
3. Look at the radiography and name the change in the picture. What disease it
could be?
4. Look at the radiography and name the change in the picture. What disease it
could be?
II-3. In this section, the organizers have provided a presentation of the spinal cord and
brain. 5 participants will complete a task on the spinal cord and brain presentation. The
total duration of the select the task is 5 minutes.(reading is 1 minute, answering is 4
Sample questions:
1. Describe the anatomical structure of the brain, which is indicate the position of
the respiratory center.