Institute of Biology, University of The Philippines Diliman, Diliman, Quezon City
Institute of Biology, University of The Philippines Diliman, Diliman, Quezon City
Institute of Biology, University of The Philippines Diliman, Diliman, Quezon City
Blood samples from human and chicken were used for observing different properties of blood. A
human blood sample was obtained and placed on a slide and the fibrin formation was observed every
minute to determine the clotting time of the blood sample. A survey was also conducted for the blood
types of a sample of students. Coagulation of chicken blood was observed under varying conditions
including different surfaces (paraffin, cotton fibers), different temperatures, additions of different
anticoagulants (0.1% heparin, 1% sodium oxalate, 1% sodium citrate), and under continuous mechanical
stirring. Blood pigmentation was also observed through the use of citrated blood. The human blood
sample coagulated after five minutes, and the chicken blood sample coagulated after two minutes.
Chicken blood contained in test tubes with paraffin and cotton fiber surfaces both coagulated after two
minutes. Samples in lowered temperatures displyed a marked increase in coagulation time of over 20
minutes, while those in elevated temperatures displayed 5 minutes. Continuous stirring resulted in a
coagulation time of 4 minutes. Sodium oxalate displayed signs of coagulation after 5 drops of calcium
chloride, while sodium citrate did the same after 40 drops. Heparin showed no signs of coagulation after
100 drops of the calcium chloride solution. The citrated blood turned bright red when aerated, and dark
red when bubbled with carbon dioxide.
INTRODUCTION leading to the formation of a mesh which entraps
red blood cells and plasma (Randall et al., 2002).
Blood is a liquid tissue which flows through a
network of closed circulating channels (blood Agglutination is a physiological response
vessels) whose liquid component is chiefly resulting in blood clumping that occurs in the
plasma which contain the blood cells. It presence of antibodies which physically hinder
performs a multitude of transport and regulatory some antigens from exerting their effects.
functions and is essential in vital life processes Multiple antibody molecules cross-link
(Rastogi, 2007). As such, systems are in place to numerous antigen molecules into chains or
prevent excessive blood loss or degradation. lattices of antigen–antibody complexes. Through
this means foreign cells, such as bacteria or
Clotting occurs only when there is damaged mismatched transfused red blood cells, bind
tissue or exposed collagen, which occurs when together in a nonmotile clump (Sherwood et al.,
the endothelium of a vessel is damaged and 2013). This property of blood is used in blood
exposes connective tissue in the vessel wall to type determination. Blood samples of an
blood. This causes a cascade of events in which unknown type are exposed to known antibodies,
many factors normally found in the blood are Anti-A, Anti-B, and Anti-D (also known as anti-
activated in sequence and ultimately leading to sera). Blood type is determined based on which
the formation of thrombin. Thombrin converts antibody the unknown blood shows
fibrinogen to fibrin which then polymerizes into agglutination (“Blood Typing,” n.d.).
an insoluble fibrin clot and adheres to platelets,
In the experiment, coagulation was observed Blood coagulation for the human sample
under varying substrate/surface conditions, occurred around five minutes as indicated by the
temperature, mechanical stress, and anti- formation of fibrin threads as it was parted every
coagulating chemical substances. The 1 min. However, the chicken blood sample
mechanism behind these anticoagulatory coagulated faster wherein a semi solid gelatin-
substances was also determined. Blood types of like consistency was observed after two minutes
participants were also taken to observe the (Table 1).
distribution within the group.
Table 1. Different factors affecting clotting time
MATERIALS AND METHODS of human and chicken blood samples.
Time of coagulation
To observe the coagulation of human blood, a (minutes)
blood sample was obtained by pricking the Empty test tube 2
finger with a blood lancet. The pricked finger Paraffin lining 2
was placed near a glass slide and collected a few Cotton fibers 2
drops of blood. The coagulation time of the Ice bath >20
blood was monitored every minute by lifting the Hot bath 5
Continuously stirred 4
blood with a needle to observe fibrin formation.
Rh factor
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