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04 Forward Kinematics

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NDSU Forward Kinematics ECE 761 - JSG

Forward Kinematics
Forward kinematics is determining where the tip of the robot is given it's joint angles. To do this, a reference
frame is assigned to each joint. There is a standard way to do this: by having a standard, different designers will
get the same result.
First, you rotate the reference frame about the x-axis so that the two z-axis line up (twist)
Second, move along the x axis
Third, rotate about the z-axis, finally
Move along the z-axis to end up at the next reference frame.
Putting these rotations and translations into one matrix gives the transformation matrix to go from joint 1 to joint

T 01 = R x (α 0 )D x (a 0 )R z (θ 1 )D z (d 1 )
or, multiplying it out:

 cθ 1 −sθ 1 0 a0 
 sθ cα cθ cα −sα −sα d 
T 01 =  1 0 1 0 0 0 1 

 sθ 1 sα 0 cθ 1 sα 0 cα 0 cα 0 d 1 
 
 0 0 0 1 
This is the subroutine Transform.m posted on Bison Academy.

function [T] = Transform(alpha, a, d, theta)

T1 = [cos(theta), -sin(theta), 0, a];

T2 = [sin(theta)*cos(alpha), cos(theta)*cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), -d*sin(alpha)];
T3 = [sin(theta)*sin(alpha), cos(theta)*sin(alpha), cos(alpha), d*cos(alpha)];
T4 = [0,0,0,1];

T = [T1; T2; T3; T4];


Example: Determine the transformation matrix T01 when

alpha0 = 90 degrees (twist)
a0 = 50cm
d1 = 40cm
theta1 = 30 degrees (rotation)


Transform(pi/2, 50, 40, pi/4)

0.7071 -0.7071 0 50.0000

0.0000 0.0000 -1.0000 -40.0000
0.7071 0.7071 0.0000 0.0000
0 0 0 1.0000
Repeating this procedure for joints 1 to 2, 2 to 3, etc. allows you to find the transformation matrix to go from tip
coordinates to base (earth) coordinates.

1 May 11, 2020

NDSU Forward Kinematics ECE 761 - JSG

With a robot manipulator, you have N joints. Each joint will have its associate reference frame (i.e. the motor at
each joint knows its own angle.) The problem is how to determine the tip position given the joint angles.
Before we can do that, however, we need to define the reference frames for each joint. For this assignment, there
is a standard way of doing it.

Types of Joints:
First, determine the type of joint you're dealing with. This doesn't really affect the assignment of reference
frames (it it's a rotational joint, and angle will be a variable, if it's a translational joint, a displacement will be a
Translational: The motor changes the length of the arm
Rotational: The motor changes the angle of the arm
Compound: If a joint can do several things, like a hip joint
If a joint is compound, it is treated as two separate joints with a displacement of zero.

Link Numbering:
Next, determine how many links you need. The links are numbered starting from the immobile base, frame 0.
Coordinate frame 0 is also called the earth reference frame, since it is usually where the robot is bolted to the
Each subsequent reference frame is numbered from 1 on up.
Link i connects axis i to i+1

Twist 3


Length 2
Length 1
Twist 2

Length i: The length of link i is the distance from axis i to i+1. This is the shortest distance between the two
lines that pass through the axis of rotation.
Twist i: Relative to the line which is perpendicular to both axis (i.e. looking down this line), the twist is the
angle between the two axis.

2 May 11, 2020

NDSU Forward Kinematics ECE 761 - JSG

Reference Frame Assignment:

The origin of reference frame i is the perpendicular line from reference frame i to i+1
The Z axis aligns with the rotation of the joint (the joint rotates about the Z axis). If the joint is
translational, the joint slides along the Z axis.
The X axis points to the next axis.
The Y axis follows the right-hand rule
X×Y = Z

1. Identify the joint axis. Draw an infinite line along each axis.
2. Identify the perpendicular lines between each axis. At the point of intersection, define a reference frame.
3. Assign the Zi axis pointing along the ith joint axis.
4. Assign the Xi axis pointing to the next axis (i.e. along the perpendicular line between axis). If the joint axis
intersect, Xi is perpendicular to both Z axis.
5. Assign the Yi axis following the right-hand rule
X×Y = Z
6. Assign axis 0 to match axis 1 when the first joint angle is zero.
7. The zero position is when a all X axis are pointing in the same direction.

Link Parameters:
ai The distance from Zi to Zi+1 measured along the Xi axis
αi The angle between the Zi and Zi+1 axis (twist)
di The distance from Xi-1 to Xi measured along the Zi axis
θi The angle between Xi-1 and Xi measured about the Zi axis

Example: Define the reference frames for the following robot (a model for a human finger):

3 May 11, 2020

NDSU Forward Kinematics ECE 761 - JSG






Example 1: Modeling a human finger

Solution in zero-position: Note that if assigned correctly

You can only move in the x and z direction. If you try to move in the y-diretion, you made a mistake in
assigning the reference frames.
In zero position, all of the x-axis point in the same direction

50 40 30
x1 x5
x2 x3 x4

z2 z0 10 z5
z3 z4


Definition of reference frames and zero position for modeling a human finger

The link parameters are then

Link i α i−1 a i−1 di θi

The angle between the Zi-1 The distance from Zi-1 to Zi The distance from Xi-1 to Xi The angle between Xi-1 and
and Zi axis (twist) measured along the Xi-1 axis measured along the Zi axis Xi measured about the Zi

1 0 0 10 0
2 +90 degrees 0 0 θ1
3 0 50 0 θ2
4 0 40 0 θ3
5 0 30 0 0

4 May 11, 2020

NDSU Forward Kinematics ECE 761 - JSG

Once you define the robot, you can

draw the robot and
determine the tip position
given the joint angles. This is the program RRR.m

function [Tip] = RRR(W, TIP)

alpha = [0, pi/2, 0, 0, 0];

a = [0, 0, 50, 40, 30];
d = [10, 0, 0, 0, 0];
Q = [0, W(1), W(2), W(3), 0];

T01a = Transform(alpha(1), a(1), 0, Q(1));

T01 = Transform(alpha(1), a(1), d(1), Q(1));
T12a = Transform(alpha(2), a(2), 0, Q(2));
T12 = Transform(alpha(2), a(2), d(2), Q(2));

Note that the previous table defines the robot: simply change this table and you have a whole new robot.

The way this program works is, once you define the refrence frames (alpha, a, d, Q), it
Defines the transformation matrix to reference frame #1,
Then #2, etc.
It then draws a line from each reference frame to the next, and
It returns the tip position.

For example, the tip position in zero position is:

TIP = zeros(3,1); % we will use this later
RRR([0,0,0], TIP)
x 120
y 0
z 10

5 May 11, 2020

NDSU Forward Kinematics ECE 761 - JSG

Draw the robot and calculate the tip position for angles of ( 0.5, 1, 1.5 radians)
>> RRR([0.5,1,1.5],TIP)

x 17.0088
y 0.0000
z 78.1047

You can also show the path of the tip during a move:
Start from zero position
Rotate Q1 to 90 degrees, then
Rotate Q2 to 90 degrees, then
Rotate Q3 to 90 degrees


TIP = RRR([0,0,0], zeros(4,1));

for i=1:90
T = RRR([i*pi/180, 0, 0], TIP);
TIP = [TIP,T];

for i=1:90
T = RRR([pi/2, i*pi/180, 0], TIP);
TIP = [TIP,T];

for i=1:90
T = RRR([pi/2, pi/2, i*pi/180], TIP);
TIP = [TIP,T];

6 May 11, 2020

NDSU Forward Kinematics ECE 761 - JSG


Trajectory of the tip (green) as you rotate Q1, then Q2, then Q3

7 May 11, 2020

NDSU Forward Kinematics ECE 761 - JSG

Example 2: RRP Robot






Z2 X2


Y0 L1


First, redraw the robot in zero position, assigning reference frames


L3 x3
z2 z3




Reference frame definitions at zero position

Link i α i−1 a i−1 di θi

The angle between the Zi-1 The distance from Zi-1 to Zi The distance from Xi-1 to Xi The angle between Xi-1 and
and Zi axis (twist) measured along the Xi-1 axis measured along the Zi axis Xi measured about the Zi

1 0 0 L1 θ1
2 +90 degrees 0 0 θ2
3 0 L3 0 0

To simulate this robot, change the first four lines of code in RRR (creating RRP)

8 May 11, 2020

NDSU Forward Kinematics ECE 761 - JSG

function [Tip] = RRP(W, TIP)

alpha = [0, pi/2, 0, 0, 0];

a = [0, 0, W(3), 0, 0];
d = [50, 0, 0, 0, 0];
Q = [W(1), W(2), 0, 0, 0];


Determine the tip position at zero position:

>> TIP = RRP([0,0,0],zeros(4,1))

x 0
y 0
z 50

Zero position for the RRP robot

Display the position at { 45 degrees, 60 degrees, 50cm }
TIP = RRP([pi/4, pi/3, 50],zeros(4,1))

x 17.6777
y 17.6777
z 93.3013

Trace out the tip position as

L3 goes from 0 to 50cm, then
Q1 goes from 0 to 180 degrees, then
Q2 goes from 0 to 180 degrees

9 May 11, 2020

NDSU Forward Kinematics ECE 761 - JSG

TIP = RRP([0,0,0], zeros(4,1));
for i=1:50
T = RRP([0, 0, i], TIP);
TIP = [TIP,T];
for i=1:90
T = RRP([i*pi/90, 0, 50], TIP);
TIP = [TIP,T];
for i=1:90
T = RRP([pi, i*pi/90, 50], TIP);
TIP = [TIP,T];

10 May 11, 2020

NDSU Forward Kinematics ECE 761 - JSG

Example 3: Another RRR Robot (RRR3)


Z2 Z3
X2 X2
L2 Z0
Y1 X0

Z0 X0
Z1 X1
Top View - Zero Position

It helps to redraw in zero position with the reference frames. It's not necessary, but I found it easier to add five

11 May 11, 2020

NDSU Forward Kinematics ECE 761 - JSG



L3 x4
z3 z4
Reference frames in zero position for an RRR robot

Link i α i−1 a i−1 di θi

The angle between The distance from The distance from The angle between
the Zi-1 and Zi axis Zi-1 to Zi measured Xi-1 to Xi measured Xi-1 and Xi
(twist) along the Xi-1 axis along the Zi axis measured about the
Zi axis

1 0 0 L1 Q1
2 pi/2 0 0 0
3 0 0 L2 Q2
4 0 L3 0 0
5 0 0 L4 Q3

In zero position, the robot is at



12 May 11, 2020

NDSU Forward Kinematics ECE 761 - JSG

Zero position for the RRRv3 robot

Moving each joint:

Q1 goes from 0 to 180 degrees, then
Q2 goes from 0 to 180 degrees, then
Q3 goes from 0 to 180 degrees

TIP = RRR3([0,0,0], zeros(4,1));
for i=1:180
T = RRR3([i*pi/180, 0, 0], TIP);
TIP = [TIP,T];
for i=1:180
T = RRR3([pi, i*pi/180, 0], TIP);
TIP = [TIP,T];
for i=1:180
T = RRR3([pi, pi, i*pi/180], TIP);
TIP = [TIP,T];

13 May 11, 2020

NDSU Forward Kinematics ECE 761 - JSG

Tip trajoectory for the RRPv3 robot

14 May 11, 2020

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