Divisionalized Performance and TP

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Chapter 19 Divisional Performance Measures

1. Objectives

1.1 Understand the concepts of responsibilities centres in an organization.

1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of decentralization in a sizable organization.
1.3 Explain how to evaluate the performance of the various responsibilities centres.
1.4 Understand the use of return on investment (ROI), residual income (RI) and economic
value added (EVA).
1.5 Understand how transfer pricing methods affect the performance of independent units.
1.6 Explain the different transfer pricing methods.
1.7 Determine the optimal transfer price between the selling division and buying division.

D iv is io n a l
P e rfo rm a n c e
M e a su re s

C e n t r a liz a t io n R e s p o n s ib ilit y F in a n c ia l T ra n sfe r

and C e n tre s P e rfo rm a n c e P r ic in g
D e c e n t r a liz a t io n M e a su re s M e th o d s

A d v a n ta g e s 1 . C o st c e n tre 1. R O I 1 . M a rk e t-b a se d
and 2. R I
D is a d v a n t a g e s 3. EVA

2 . R e v e n u e c e n tre 2 . C o st-b a se d -
A d v a n ta g e s a . F u ll- c o s t &
and b . V a r ia b le c o s t
D is a d v a n t a g e s
3 . P r o f it c e n t r e 3 . N e g o t ia t e d
P r ic in g

4 . In v e stm e n t c e n tre 4 . D u a l- r a t e
P r ic in g

2. Centralization and Decentralization

2.1 Definitions

(a) Centralized organization is an organization in which top management

makes most decisions and control most activities from the central
(b) Decentralization is defined as delegating authority to make decisions.

In general, a divisional structure will lead to decentralization of the decision-

making process and divisional managers may have the freedom to set selling
prices, choose suppliers, make product mix and output decisions and so on.

2.2 Advantages of decentralization

(a) Size – the process of decentralization breaks an organization up into more

manageable units, this enables decision-making to proceed quickly and
effectively and, in theory, a closer control to be maintained on the day to day
running of a business’s activities.
(b) Motivation – if managers are made to feel responsible for a particular part of
a business then it is generally found that their efforts within that part of the
business are improved.
(c) Quality of decisions – divisional managers know local conditions and are
able to make more informed judgements. Moreover, with the personal
incentive to improve the divisions’s performance, they ought to take decisions
in the division’s best interests.
(d) Releasing top management – it can free top management from detailed
involvement in day-to-day operations and allows them to devote more time
to strategic planning.
(e) Training – Divisions provide valuable training grounds for future
members of top management by giving them experience of managerial skills
in a less complex environment than that faced by top management.

2.3 Disadvantages of decentralization

(a) Lack of goal congruence – the danger arises that divisional managers will
make decisions which, whilst in the best interests of their divisions, are not in
the best interest of the company as a whole. This leads to sub-optimal or
dysfunctional decisions.
(b) Cost – It is claimed that the costs of activities that are common to all divisions
such as running the accounting department may be greater for a
divisionalised structure that for a centralized structure.
(c) Loss of central control – top management may not aware what is going on
in the division. An effective system of divisional reporting should overcome
this problem. The reporting system should produce the key figures to monitor
divisional performance and motivate the staff.

3. Concepts of Responsibility Centres

3.1 Nowadays, most sizable organizations are decentralizing as their operations are getting
more complex while they have operations globally. Geographical and complicated
operations make management more difficult to control and thus managers of business
units are responsible for a range of decisions considered by the head office.

3.2 Definitions

(a) Cost centre – a production or service location, function, activity or item

equipment whose costs may be attributed to cost units, e.g. packaging
department, administration department, etc.
(b) Revenue centre – is a centre devoted to raising revenue with no
responsibility for production, e.g. sales and marketing departments.
(c) Profit centre – is a part of business accountable for costs and revenue. It
also calls a business centre, business unit or strategic business unit. Profit
centre operating revenue is mainly from sales to external sales and internal
transfer to other divisions, e.g. wholesale division and the retail division.
(d) Investment centre - is the responsibility center within an organization that has
control over revenue, cost, and investment funds, e.g. subsidiary.

3.3 The following table shows the principal performance measures for each centre:

Types of Manager has control over Principal performance

responsibility measures
Cost centre Controllable costs Variance analysis
Efficiency measures
Revenue centre Revenues only Revenues
Profit centre Controllable costs Profit
Sales prices (including transfer price)
Investment centre Controllable costs Return on investment
Sales prices (including transfer price) Residual income
Output volumes Other financial ratios

4. Financial Performance Measures of Investment Centre

(A) Return on investment (ROI)

4.1 ROI

ROI shows how much profit has been made in relation to the amount of capital
invested and is calculated as (profit/capital employed) x 100%.

4.2 Example 1
Suppose that a company has two investment centres A and B, which show results for
the year as follows.
$ $
Profit 60,000 30,000
Capital employed 400,000 120,000
ROI 15% 25%

Investment centre A has made double the profits of investment centre B, and in terms
of profits alone has therefore been more 'successful'. However, B has achieved its
profits with a much lower capital investment, and so has earned a much higher ROI.
This suggests that B has been a more successful investment than A.

4.3 There is no generally agreed method of calculating ROI and it can lead to
dysfunctional decision making when used as a guide to investment decisions. It
focuses attention on short-run performance whereas investment decisions should be
evaluated over their full life.

(a) Profit after depreciation as a % of net assets employed

4.4 This is probably the most common method, but it does present a problem. If an
investment centre maintains the same annual profit, and keeps the same assets without
a policy of regular replacement of non-current assets, its ROI will increase year by
year as the assets get older. This can give a false impression of improving
performance over time.

4.5 Example 2
For example, the results of investment centre X, with a policy of straight-line
depreciation of assets over a 5-year period, might be as follows.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Profit before depreciation 4,000 4,000 4,000
Depreciation (1,000) (1,000) (1,000)
Net profit 3,000 3,000 3,000

NBV – Equipment 5,000 4,000 3,000

ROI 60% 75% 100%

This table of figures is intended to show that an investment centre can improve its
ROI year by year, simply by allowing its non-current assets to depreciate, and
there could be a disincentive to investment centre managers to reinvest in new or
replacement assets, because the centre's ROI would probably fall.

4.6 Example 3
A further disadvantage of measuring ROI as profit divided by net assets is that, for
similar reasons, it is not easy to compare fairly the performance of investment

For example, suppose that we have two investment centres.

$ $ $ $
Working capital 20,000 20,000
Non-current assets at cost 230,000 230,000
Accumulated depreciation 170,000 10,000
NBV 60,000 220,000
Capital employed 80,000 240,000

Profit 24,000 24,000

ROI 30% 10%

Investment centres P and Q have the same amount of working capital, the same value
of non-current assets at cost, and the same profit. But P's non-current assets have
been depreciated by a much bigger amount (presumably P's non-current assets are
much older than Q's) and so P's ROI is three times the size of Q's ROI. The
conclusion might therefore be that P has performed much better than Q. This
comparison, however, would not be 'fair', because the difference in performance
might be entirely attributable to the age of their non-current assets.

4.7 The arguments for using net book values for calculating ROI
(a) It is the 'normally accepted' method of calculating ROI.
(b) Organisations are continually buying new non-current assets to replace old
ones that wear out, and so on the whole, the total net book value of all non-
current assets together will remain fairly constant (assuming nil inflation and
nil growth).

(b) Profit after depreciation as a % of gross assets employed

4.8 Instead of measuring ROI as return on net assets, we could measure it as return on
gross assets i.e. before depreciation. This would remove the problem of ROI
increasing over time as non-current assets get older.

4.9 Example 4
If a company acquired a non-current asset costing $40,000, which it intends to
depreciate by $10,000 pa for 4 years, and if the asset earns a profit of $8,000 pa after
depreciation, ROI might be calculated on net book values or gross values, as follows.
Year Profit NBV ROI based Gross ROI based
(mid-year on NBV value on gross
value) value
$ $ $
1 8,000 35,000 22.9% 40,000 20%
2 8,000 25,000 32.0% 40,000 20%
3 8,000 15,000 53.3% 40,000 20%
4 8,000 5,000 160.0% 40,000 20%

The ROI based on net book value shows an increasing trend over time, simply
because the asset's value is falling as it is depreciated. The ROI based on gross book
value suggests that the asset has performed consistently in each of the four years,
which is probably a more valid conclusion.

4.10 Advantages of ROI

(a) As a relative measure, it enables comparisons to be made with divisions or

companies of different size.
(b) It is used externally and is well understood by users of accounts.
(c) ROI forces managers to make good use of existing capital resources and
focuses attention on them, particularly when funds for further investment are

4.11 Disadvantages of ROI

(a) Disincentive to invest – The most conventional depreciation methods will

result in ROI improving with the age of an asset, this might encourage
divisions hanging on to old assets and again deter them from investing in new
(b) Subject to manipulation – The calculation of Return on Investment can be
easily modified based on the analysis objective. It depends on what we

include in revenues and costs.
(c) Lack of goal congruence – for example, it is possible that divisional ROI can
be increased by actions that will make the company as a whole worse off and
conversely, actions that decrease the divisional ROI may make the company as
a whole better off.
(d) Not suitable for investment decisions – it might be affected by the effect
they would have on the division’s ROI in the short term, and this is
inappropriate for making investment decisions.

4.12 Example 5 – Lack of goal congruence

Division X Division Y
Investment project available $10 million $10 million
Controllable contribution $2 million $1.3 million
Return on the proposed project 20% 13%
ROI of divisions at present 25% 9%

It is assumed that neither project will result in any changes in non-controllable costs
and that the overall cost of capital for the company is 15%. The manager of division
X would be reluctant to invest the additional $10 million because the project’s ROI
(20%) is less than that of the existing one (25%). On the other hand, the manager of
division Y would wish to invest the $10 million because the return on the proposed
project of 13% is in excess of the present return of 9%. Consequently, the managers
of both divisions would make decisions that would not be in the best interests of the

(B) Residual Income (RI)

4.13 RI

RI is a measure of the centre’s profits after deducting a notional or imputed

interest cost or cost of capital charge.
(a) The centre’s profit is after deducting depreciation on capital equipment.
(b) The imputed cost of capital might be the organization’s cost of borrowing or
its weighted average cost of capital (WACC).

4.14 Example 6 – RI calculation
A division with capital employed of $400,000 currently earns an ROI of 22%. It can
make an additional investment of $50,000 for a five-year life with nil residual value.
The average net profit from this investment would be $12,000 after depreciation. The
division’s cost of capital is 14%.

What are the residual incomes before and after the investment?

Before After
investment investment
$ $
Divisional profit ($400,000 x 22%) 88,000 100,000
Imputed interest
(400,000 x 14%) 56,000
(450,000 x 14%) 63,000
Residual income 32,000 37,000

4.15 Advantages of RI

(a) Achieve goal congruence – there is a greater probability that managers will
be encouraged, when acting in their own best interests, also to act in the best
interests of the company.
(b) More flexible – RI can apply a different cost of capital to investment with
different risk characteristics.

4.16 Disadvantages of RI

(a) Absolute measure – it means that it is difficult to compare the performance

of a division with that of other divisions or companies of a different size. To
overcome this deficiency, targeted or budgeted levels of RI should be set
for each division that are consistent with asset size and the market conditions
of the divisions.

(b) Residual income is an accounting-based measure, and suffers from the same
problem as ROI in defining capital employed and profit.

(C) Economic Value Added (EVA)

4.17 EVA

EVA is an alternative absolute performance measure. It is similar to RI and is

calculated as follows:

EVA = net operating profit after tax (NOPAT) less capital charge
Capital charge = WACC x net assets

4.18 Economic value added (EVA®) is a registered trade mark owned by Stern Stewart &
Co. It is a specific type of residual income (RI). However, there are differences as
(a) The profit figures are calculated differently. EVA is based on an economic
profit which is derived by making a series of adjustments to the accounting
(b) The notional capital charges use different bases for net assets. The
replacement cost of net assets is usually used in the calculation of EVA.
4.19 There are also differences in the way that NOPAT is calculated compared with the
profit figure that is used for RI, as follows:
(a) Costs which would normally be treated as expenses, but which are considered
within an EVA calculation as investments building for the future, are added
back to NOPAT to derive a figure for 'economic profit'. These costs are
included instead as assets in the figure for net assets employed, ie as
investments for the future. Costs treated in this way include items such as
goodwill, research and development expenditure and advertising costs.
(b) Adjustments are sometimes made to the depreciation charge, whereby
accounting depreciation is added back to the profit figures, and economic
depreciation is subtracted instead to arrive at NOPAT. Economic depreciation
is a charge for the fall in asset value due to wear and tear or obsolescence.
(c) Any lease charges are excluded from NOPAT and added in as a part of
capital employed.
4.20 Another point to note about the calculation of NOPAT, which is the same as the
calculation of the profit figure for RI, is that interest is excluded from NOPAT
because interest costs are taken into account in the capital charge.

4.21 Example 7 – EVA calculation
An investment centre has reported operating profits of $21 million. This was after
charging $4 million for the development and launch costs of a new product that is
expected to generate profits for four years. Taxation is paid at the rate of 25 per cent
of the operating profit.

The company has a risk adjusted weighted average cost of capital of 12 per cent per
annum and is paying interest at 9 per cent per annum on a substantial long term loan.

The investment centre's non-current asset value is $50 million and the net current
assets have a value of $22 million. The replacement cost of the non-current assets is
estimated to be $64 million.

Calculate the investment centre's EVA for the period.

Calculation of NOPAT $m
Operating profit 21
Add back development costs 4
Less: one year’s amortization of development cost ($4m/4) (1)
Taxation at 25% (6)

Calculation of economic value of net assets $m

Replacement cost of net assets ($22m + $64m) 86
Economic value of net assets 3

Calculation of EVA
The capital charge is based on the WACC, which takes into account of the cost of
share capital as well as the cost of loan capital. Therefore the correct interest rate is
NOPAT 18.00
Capital charge (12% x $89m) 10.68

EVA 7.32

4.22 Advantages of EVA

(a) Real wealth for shareholders. Maximisation of EVA® will create real wealth
for the shareholders.
(b) Less distortion by accounting policies. The adjustments within the
calculation of EVA mean that the measure is based on figures that are closer to
cash flows than accounting profits.
(c) An absolute value. The EVA measure is an absolute value, which is easily
understood by non-financial managers.
(d) Treatment of certain costs as investments thereby encouraging
expenditure. If management are assessed using performance measures based
on traditional accounting policies they may be unwilling to invest in areas
such as advertising and development for the future because such costs will
immediately reduce the current year's accounting profit. EVA recognises such
costs as investments for the future and therefore they do not immediately
reduce the EVA in the year of expenditure.

4.23 Disadvantages of EVA

(a) Focus on short-term performance. It is still a relatively short-term measure,

which can encourage managers to focus on short-term performance.
(b) Dependency on historical data. EVA is based on historical accounts, which
may be of limited use as a guide to the future. In practice, the influences of
accounting policies on the starting profit figure may not be completely
negated by the adjustments made to it in the EVA model.
(c) Number of adjustments needed to measure EVA. Making the necessary
adjustments can be problematic as sometimes a large number of adjustments
are required.
(d) Comparison of like with like. Investment centres, which are larger in size,
may have larger EVA figures for this reason. Allowance for relative size must
be made when comparing the relative performance of investment centres.

5. Transfer Pricing

5.1 Transfer pricing is used when divisions of an organisation need to charge other
divisions of the same organisation for goods and services they provide to them. For
example, subsidiary A might make a component that is used as part of a product made
by subsidiary B of the same company, but that can also be sold to the external market,
including makers of rival products to subsidiary B's product. There will therefore be
two sources of revenue for A.
(a) External sales revenue from sales made to other organisations.
(b) Internal sales revenue from sales made to other responsibility centres within
the same organisation, valued at the transfer price.

5.2 Transfer pricing

Transfer prices are a way of promoting divisional autonomy, ideally without

prejudicing the measurement of divisional performance or discouraging overall
corporate profit maximisation.

Transfer prices should be set at a level which ensures that profits for the
organisation as a whole are maximised.

5.3 Criteria of a good transfer pricing policy

There are four specific criteria that a good transfer pricing policy should have:
(a) Provide motivation for divisional managers
(b) Maintain divisional autonomy and independence
(c) Allow divisional performance to be assessed objectively
(d) Ensure the divisional managers make decisions that are in the best interests of
the divisions and also of the company as a whole (i.e. goal congruence, which
is most important among all).

5.4 General rules

The limits within which transfer prices should fall are as follows.
(a) The minimum. The sum of the supplying division’s marginal cost and
opportunity cost of the item transferred.
(b) The maximum. The lowest market price at which the receiving division
could purchase the goods or services externally, less any internal cost

savings in packaging and delivery.

5.5 The minimum results from the fact that the supplying division will not agree to
transfer if the transfer price is less than the marginal cost + opportunity cost of the
item transferred (because if it were the division would incur a loss).
5.6 The maximum results from the fact that the receiving division will buy the item at the
cheapest price possible.

5.7 Example 8
Division X produces product L at a marginal cost per unit of $100. If a unit is
transferred internally to division Y, $25 contribution is foregone on an external sales.
The item can be purchased externally for $150.

 The minimum. Division X will not agree to a transfer price of less than $(100 +
25) = $125 per unit.
 The maximum. Division Y will not agree to a transfer price in excess of $150.

The difference between the two results ($25) represents the savings from producing
internally as opposed to buying externally.

5.8 Transfer Pricing Methods

(A) Market-based approach

5.8.1 If an external market price exists for transferred goods, profit centre managers will
be aware of the price they could obtain or the price they would have to pay for their
goods on the external market, and they would inevitably compare this price with the
transfer price.
5.8.2 Advantages:
(a) Divisional autonomy – In a decentralised company, divisional managers
should have the autonomy to make output, selling and buying decisions which
appear to be in the best interests of the division's performance. (If every
division optimises its performance, the company as a whole must inevitably
achieve optimal results.)
(b) Corporate profit maximization – In most cases where the transfer price is at
market price, internal transfers should be expected, because the buying

division is likely to benefit from a better quality of service, greater
flexibility, and dependability of supply. Both divisions may benefit from
cheaper costs of administration, selling and transport. A market price as the
transfer price would therefore result in decisions which would be in the best
interests of the company or group as a whole.

5.8.3 Disadvantages:
(a) The market price may be a temporary one, induced by adverse economic
conditions, or dumping, or the market price might depend on the volume of
output supplied to the external market by the profit centre.
(b) A transfer price at market value might, under some circumstances, act as a
disincentive to use up any spare capacity in the divisions. A price based on
incremental cost, in contrast, might provide an incentive to use up the spare
resources in order to provide a marginal contribution to profit.
(c) Many products do not have an equivalent market price so that the price of a
similar, but not identical, product might have to be chosen. In such
circumstances, the option to sell or buy on the open market does not really
(d) There might be an imperfect external market for the transferred item, so that
if the transferring division tried to sell more externally, it would have to reduce
its selling price.

(B) Cost-based approach

5.8.4 Cost-based approaches to transfer pricing are often used in practice, because in
practice the following conditions are common.
(a) There is no external market for the product that is being transferred.
(b) Alternatively, although there is an external market it is an imperfect one
because the market price is affected by such factors as the amount that the
company setting the transfer price supplies to it, or because there is only a
limited external demand.
5.8.5 Disadvantages:
(a) It can lead to bad decisions, for example, they don’t include opportunity costs
from lost sales.
(b) The only division that will show any profit on the transaction is the one that
makes the final sale to an outside party.
(c) It provide no incentive for control of costs unless transfers are made at
standard cost.

(a) Total cost plus pricing

5.8.6 Total cost plus pricing

It involves the determination of the total cost per unit for the supplying division.
This cost would include both fixed and variable elements. Such a total cost per unit
would then be used to evaluate each unit of product internally transferred.

(b) Variable cost plus pricing

5.8.7 Variable cost plus pricing

It entails charging the variable cost (marginal cost) that has been by the supplying
division to the receiving division. The problem is that with a transfer price at
marginal cost the supplying division does not cover its fixed costs.

(C) Negotiated transfer pricing

5.8.8 Negotiated transfer pricing

In some cases transfer prices are negotiated between the managers of the supplying
and receiving divisions. Information about the market prices and marginal or full
costs often provide an input into these negotiations.

5.8.9 Advantages:
(a) Encourage the management of the selling division to be more conscious of
cost control.
(b) Benefit the buying division by purchasing the product at a lower cost than
that of its competitors.
(c) Provide the basis for a more realistic measure of divisional performance
controllable by the divisional mangers through negotiations.
5.8.10 Disadvantages:
(a) The agreed transfer price can depend on the negotiating skills and bargaining
power of the managers involved, the final outcome may not be close to being
(b) They can lead to conflict between divisions and the resolution of such
conflicts may require top management to mediate.

(c) They are time-consuming for the managers involved, particularly where a
large number of transactions involved.

(D) Dual-rate transfer pricing

5.8.11 Dual-rate transfer pricing

It uses two separate transfer prices for supplying division and receiving division.
For example, the supplying division may receive the full cost plus a mark-up on each
transaction and the receiving division may be charged at the marginal cost of the

Examination Style Questions

Question 1 – ROI and other measurements

Pace Company (PC) runs a large number of wholesale stores and is increasing the number of
these stores all the time. It measures the performance of each store on the basis of a target
return on investment (ROI) of 15%. Store managers get a bonus of 10% of their salary if their
store’s annual ROI exceeds the target each year. Once a store is built there is very little further
capital expenditure until a full four years have passed.

PC has a store (store W) in the west of the country. Store W has historic financial data as
follows over the past four years:
2005 2006 2007 2008
Sales ($000) 200 200 180 170
Gross profit ($000) 80 70 63 51
Net profit ($000) 13 14 10 8
Net assets at start of year ($000) 100 80 60 40

The market in which PC operates has been growing steadily. Typically, PC’s stores generate a
40% gross profit margin.


(a) Discuss the past financial performance of store W using ROI and any other measure you
feel appropriate and, using your findings, discuss whether the ROI correctly reflects
Store W’s actual performance. (8 marks)
(b) Explain how a manager in store W might have been able to manipulate the results so as
to gain bonuses more frequently. (4 marks)

PC has another store (store S) about to open in the south of the country. It has asked you for
help in calculating the gross profit, net profit and ROI it can expect over each of the next four
years. The following information is provided:

Sales volume in the first year will be 18,000 units. Sales volume will grow at the rate of 10%
for years two and three but no further growth is expected in year 4. Sales price will start at
$12 per unit for the first two years but then reduce by 5% per annum for each of the next two

Gross profit will start at 40% but will reduce as the sales price reduces. All purchase prices on
goods for resale will remain constant for the four years.

Overheads, including depreciation, will be $70,000 for the first two years rising to $80,000 in
years three and four.

Store S requires an investment of $100,000 at the start of its first year of trading.

PC depreciates non-current assets at the rate of 25% of cost. No residual value is expected on
these assets.


(c) Calculate (in columnar form) the revenue, gross profit, net profit and ROI of store S
over each of its first four years. (9 marks)
(d) Calculate the minimum sales volume required in year 4 (assuming all other variables
remain unchanged) to earn the manager of S a bonus in that year.
(4 marks)
(Total 25 marks)
(ACCA F5 Performance Management December 2008 Q1)

Question 2 – Transfer Price

Hammer is a large garden equipment supplier with retail stores throughout Toolland. Many of
the products it sells are bought in from outside suppliers but some are currently manufactured
by Hammer’s own manufacturing division ‘Nail’.

The prices (a transfer price) that Nail charges to the retail stores are set by head office and
have been the subject of some discussion. The current policy is for Nail to calculate the total
variable cost of production and delivery and add 30% for profit. Nail argues that all costs
should be taken into consideration, offering to reduce the mark-up on costs to 10% in this
case. The retail stores are unhappy with the current pricing policy arguing that it results in
prices that are often higher than comparable products available on the market.

Nail has provided the following information to enable a price comparison to be made of the
two possible pricing policies for one of its products.

Garden shears
Steel: the shears have 0·4kg of high quality steel in the final product. The manufacturing

process loses 5% of all steel put in. Steel costs $4,000 per tonne (1 tonne = 1,000kg).

Other materials: Other materials are bought in and have a list price of $3 per kg although
Hammer secures a 10% volume discount on all purchases. The shears require 0·1kg of these

The labour time to produce shears is 0·25 hours per unit and labour costs $10 per hour.

Variable overheads are absorbed at the rate of 150% of labour rates and fixed overheads are
80% of the variable overheads.

Delivery is made by an outsourced distributor that charges Nail $0·50 per garden shear for


(a) Calculate the price that Nail would charge for the garden shears under the existing
policy of variable cost plus 30%. (6 marks)
(b) Calculate the increase or decrease in price if the pricing policy switched to total cost
plus 10%. (4 marks)
(c) Discuss whether or not including fixed costs in a transfer price is a sensible policy.
(4 marks)
(d) Discuss whether the retail stores should be allowed to buy in from outside suppliers if
the prices are cheaper than those charged by Nail. (6 marks)
(20 marks)
(ACCA F5 Performance Management June 2010 Q4)

Question 3 – ROI and RI

Brace Co is split into two divisions, A and B, each with their own cost and revenue streams.
Each of the divisions is managed by a divisional manager who has the power to make all
investment decisions within the division. The cost of capital for both divisions is 12%.
Historically, investment decisions have been made by calculating the return on investment
(ROI) of any opportunities and at present, the return on investment of each division is 16%.

A new manager who has recently been appointed in division A has argued that using residual
income (RI) to make investment decisions would result in ‘better goal congruence’ throughout
the company.

Each division is currently considering the following separate investments:

Project for Division A Project for Division B

Capital required for investment $82.8 million $40.6 million
Sales generated by investment $44.6 million $21.8 million
Net profit margin 28% 33%

The company is seeking to maximise shareholder wealth.


Calculate both the return on investment and residual income of the new investment for each of
the two divisions. Comment on these results, taking into consideration the manager’s views
about residual income. (10 marks)
(ACCA F5 Performance Management June 2010 Q4b)


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