Haryana Civil Rules 2016 (Deputation)
Haryana Civil Rules 2016 (Deputation)
Haryana Civil Rules 2016 (Deputation)
(Amendments incorporated upto 4th December, 2017)
First Edition
Article 309 of the Constitution of India provides that subject to the provisions of the
Constitution, Acts of appropriate Legislature may regulate the recruitment and conditions of
service of persons appointed to public services and posts in connection with the affairs of the
State, and, until a provision in that behalf is made by or under an "Act" of the appropriate
Legislature, such rules may be framed by the Governor of the State.
2. All the three Volumes of Punjab Civil Services Rules, to regulate the terms and
conditions of services of the employees of State of Haryana, which were in existence since re-
organization of Haryana State, i.e. 1 November, 1966 have been revised by the Governor of
Haryana in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of
India in the following nine set of rules w.e.f. 19.07.2016, namely:-
3. The book in hand is the Haryana Civil Services (General) Rules, 2016, which
contains rules pertaining to Definitions, General Conditions of Service, Classification of
Services, Creation of post, Service Record, Joining Time, Dismissal, Removal and Suspension,
Deputation out of India, Training out of India, Foreign Service and Deputation, Retirement from
service - kinds and circumstances
4. I am thankful to Shri Raj Pal Nasa, HSS-I, HSAS (now retired) and members of his
team who made sincere efforts in drafting of the Haryana Civil Services Rules incorporating all
the instructions/policy decisions taken from time to time pertaining to these rules.
5. It is a priced publication and can be purchased from the Printing & Stationery
Department, Haryana. The soft copy, in PDF searchable form, of these rules, both in Hindi and
English languages, is available on the website of Finance Department namely
6. If any error or omission is found in these rules the same may please be brought to
the notice of Finance Department, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh so that the same can
be corrected.
Article 309 of the Constitution of India provides that subject to the
provisions of the Constitution, Acts of appropriate Legislature may regulate the
recruitment, and conditions of service of persons appointed to public services and
posts in connection with the affairs of the State, and, until a provision in that behalf is
made by or under an "Act" of the appropriate Legislature, such rules may be framed by
the Governor of the State.
2 Earlier, at the time of framing three Volumes of Punjab Civil Services Rules,
the desirability of framing the "Act" was examined by the then Punjab Government in
consultation with the Government of India and it was observed that from the
promulgation of the Constitution, various sets of rules were framed and revised under
the proviso to Article 309 and brought into conformity with the Constitution. Since the
said proviso empowers the President and the Governor to make rules in the case of
services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union and of the State
respectively, it was not considered necessary to enact the Act, referred to above.
3. The matter regarding re-writing of all the three Volumes of Punjab Civil
Services Rules has been under active consideration of Haryana Government for last
many years. The Governor of Haryana in exercise of the powers conferred by the
proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, has been pleased to approve the
following seven rules books of Haryana Civil Services Rules to regulate the terms and
conditions of services of the employees of State of Haryana :-
(3) New terms created from time to time since 1953 have been defined.
Terms common for more than one rules books have been compiled at
one place.
6. The soft copy both in Hindi and English language has also been made
available on the website of Finance Department namely www.finhry.gov.in. The hard
copy of English language would also be made available in near future for sale in the
sale depots of Printing & Stationery Department, Haryana.
7. If any error or omission is found in these rules the same may please be
brought to the notice of Finance Department, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh so
that the same can be corrected.
Chapters Index
of See Page
Haryana Civil Services (General) Rules
CHAPTER - I Preliminary 1
CHAPTER - II Definitions 5
Annexures 99-159
Annexure-1 101
Annexure-2 105
Annexure-3 107
Annexure-4 111
Annexure-5 131
Annexure-6 135
Annexure-7 137
Annexure-8 139
Annexure-9 141
Annexure-10 143
Annexure-11 147
Annexure-12 151
Annexure-13 153
Annexure-14 155
Annexure-15 157
Rules Index
Haryana Civil Services (General) Rules
Chapter - I Preliminary
1. Short title and commencement
2. Extent of application
3. Special provisions, if any, inconsistent with these rules
4. Right and privilege under any law
5. Regulation of claim of Government employee
6. Power to interpret, amend and relax
7. Repeal
Chapter - II Definitions
8. Definitions
CHAPTER - III General Conditions of Service
9. Medical certificate of fitness for first entry into
Government service
10. Form of declaration and medical examination
11. Drawal of pay and allowances without medical
12. Certificate of medical examination by the Drawing and
Disbursing Officer on the first pay bill
13. Fee for medical examination
14. Exemption from medical certificate of fitness
15. Medical certificate of fitness on subsequent appointment
with or without break
16. Fitness of woman candidate in a state of pregnancy
17. Defect in fitness prior to subsequent appointment by
18. Appeal against medical examination of fitness on first or
subsequent appointment
19. Medical fitness for efficient discharge of duties
20. Appeal against adverse findings of medical examination
to retain in service
21. Fee for medical examination on appeal
22. Age for entry into Government service
38. General
39. Rights on subsequent appointment
40. Making of rules regarding recruitment
41. Competent authority for creation of post
42. Filling up of short term vacancies
43. Declaration of State Services
44. Framing of Government Employees’ Conduct Rules
45. Framing of Punishment and Appeal Rules
Chapter - V Service Record
46. Prescribed Forms of Service Book
47. Maintenance of service book
48. Receipt of photocopy of service book
49. Entries of every event in Service Book
50. Responsibility for attestation of entries
51. Entries in red ink
52. Inspection by the Government employee of his own
service book
Chapter - I
(1) These rules may be called the Haryana Civil Services (General) Rules,
(2) These rules shall be deemed to have come into force from 19th July, 2016.
2. Extent of application.—
Note 1.─ The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly has agreed under clause (3)
article 187 of the Constitution that until a law is made by the Legislature of
the State under clause (2) of article 187 of the Constitution or rules are
framed by the Governor in consultation with the Speaker of the Legislative
Assembly under clause (3) of article 187 of the Constitution of India, these
rules and amendments thereof, if any, after prior consent of the Speaker,
shall apply to the secretarial staff of the Haryana Legislative Assembly.
Note 2.─ The Chairman, Haryana Public Service Commission, has agreed to the
application of these rules as amended from time to time, in the case of
Notified vide Notification No. 2/1/2013-4FR/1085, dated 19th July, 2016 and printed in
HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., SEPT. 13, 2016 (BHDR. 22, 1938 SAKA)
Note 3.─ If any doubt arises as to whether these rules apply to any person or not,
the decision shall lie with the Finance Department.
Provided that where no special provision has been made in respect of any matter
in the terms and conditions of appointment, provisions of these rules shall apply.
Unless otherwise provided in these rules or in the terms and conditions offered at
the time of appointment and accepted by the person, nothing in these rules shall
operate to deprive any person of any right or privilege to which he is entitled by or
under any law.
The power to interpret, change, amend, relax and removal of doubt of these rules
shall lie with the Finance Department.
Note 2.─ Where the Finance Department is satisfied that the operation of any of
these rules regulating the conditions of service of Government employees or
7. Repeal.—
(1) The Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume-I, Part-I and II (applicable to
Haryana State) are hereby repealed.
(2) Notwithstanding repeal, any entitlement of claim becoming due from a date
prior to the publication of these rules shall be regulated by the
rules/instructions applicable at that time.
Chapter - II
8. Definitions.—
(2) “administrative secretary” means an officer not below the rank of the Principal
Secretary to Government, Haryana;
(3) “age” means the length of time that a person has lived in terms of years, months
and days from the date of birth;
Note 1.─ Every person newly appointed to a service or post under Government
shall at the time of appointment declare the date of his birth by the Christian
Era with confirmatory documentary evidence such as matriculation
certificate, municipal birth certificate or a certificate issued in this regard by
an authority competent under the law;
Note 2.─ If a Government employee is unable to declare his date of birth with
confirmatory documentary evidence, his age may be known by way of
medical examination from the Civil Surgeon. In case the Civil Surgeon
(ii) both month and year of birth, in that case 16th of the month and year;
(5) “cadre post” means a post which falls within the hierarchy or ordinary line of
Substituted vide Notification No.2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017.
(7) “child” means a legitimate child and includes an adopted child, where adoption is
recognized by the personal law governing the Government employee or a ward
under the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890. In a case in which a person has given
a child in adoption to another person and if, under the personal law of the adopter,
adoption is legally recognized as conferring the status of a natural child, such a
child shall, for the purpose of these rules, be considered as excluded from the
family of the natural parent(s);
Note 1.─ The term “legitimate children” in this rule does not include adopted
children except those adopted under the Hindu Law;
Note 2.─ An adopted child shall be considered to be a legitimate child, if, under
the personal law of the Government employee, adoption is legally
recognized as conferring on it the status of a natural child;
(8) “competent authority” in relation to the exercise of any power under Haryana
Civil Services Rules means the authority to which any power has been delegated
under these rules otherwise the concerned Administrative Department acting in
consultation with the Finance Department;
Note.― The Administrative Departments and the Heads of the Departments may
re-delegate the powers, delegated to them in these rules, to any gazetted
officer under them at their headquarter offices on their own overall
responsibility and subject to such conditions and restrictions as they may
like to impose and copies of such orders shall be endorsed to the Finance
Department and the Principal Accountant General, Haryana for information.
(10) “compulsory waiting period” means the period of compulsory waiting spent by
a Government employee for getting posting orders on return from foreign service,
deputation, training, leave and for any other reasons for which Government
employee is not accountable. This period shall be treated as duty when
sanctioned by the competent authority;
Note 2.─ Where compulsory waiting period exceeds six weeks, the junior-most
shall be reverted to accommodate senior;
(12) “consolidated fund of state” means the fund into which all revenues received by
the Government of the State, loans raised by the Government by the issue of
treasury bills, loans or ways and means advances, and moneys received by the
Government in repayment of loans, credited and from which the expenditure of
that State, when authorized by the appropriate Legislature, is met;
(14) “cooling period” means the period prescribed by the competent authority for
which a Government employee has to work in lending department after his return
from and before proceeding again on foreign service in an Organization;
(15) “current duty charge” means the charge of a post held by a Government
(17) “dependent” means a family member whose total income from all sources is less
than the sum of minimum family pension plus dearness relief thereon prescribed
from time to time by Haryana Government.
(19) “deputation out of India” means to depute a Government employee for a limited
period out of India either in connection with the post held by him in India or in
connection with any special duty during which he is paid salary from the
consolidated fund of Government of India;
(20) “deputation” means to depute a Government employee for a limited period with
(21) “dies non” means the period availed in transit by a Government employee on
transfer when no joining time is actually admissible to him under the rules. It is not
to be treated as break in service and shall not be counted for any purpose;
(22) “drawing and disbursing officer” means an authority or officer who has been
Note.— The apprenticeship period shall not be treated as duty period for any
(24) “emoluments” for the purpose of─
Substituted vide Notification No. 2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017
(27) “family”
Substituted vide Notification No.2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017.
2(a) failing (1) above, brother(s) below the age of 18 years, dependent un-
married/widowed/divorced sister(s);
2(b) failing (1) and 2(a) above, mother, including adoptive/step mother in
case of individuals whose personal law permits adoption;
2(c) failing (1) and 2(a) & (b) above, father including adoptive/step father in
case of individuals whose personal law permits adoption;
Note 1.─ For the purpose of this rule, wife means legally wedded wife of
deceased Government employee;
Note 2.─ Divorce by the Panchayat or social organizations shall not constitute a
legal divorce;
Note 3.─ Son/daughter includes children legally adopted under the Hindu Law or
personal law of the Government employee residing with and wholly
dependent upon his/her parent but does not include step children;
(B) for the purpose(s) for which no special provision has been made in these
rules or any other rules means─
(i) legally wedded wife (wives wherever permissible under personal law)
or husband, as the case may be, residing with him/her;
(ii) legitimate children (major & minor) including step children, children
legally adopted under the Hindu Law or personal law of the
Government employee residing with and wholly dependent upon
his/her parent;
(v) minor brother(s) and sister(s) residing with and wholly dependent upon
the Government employee.
from a source other than the consolidated fund of India or the consolidated fund of
a State (including the Haryana State), whether made directly to the Government
employee or indirectly through the intermediary of Government, but does not
(a) unearned income such as income from property, dividends and interest on
securities; and
(b) income from literary, cultural, artistic, scientific or technological efforts, if
such efforts are not aided by the knowledge acquired by Government
employee in the course of his service;
(29) “feeder post” means the lower post from which a Government employee is
(30) “Finance Department” means the Finance Department of the state of Haryana;
(31) “financial year” means the year beginning on the first April and ending on the
(32) “first appointment” means the appointment of a person not at the time holding
Government employee to meet the expenses of his own medical treatment and
the treatment of family members dependent upon him;
(34) “foreign service” means the service when a Government employee receives his
pay from a source other than the consolidated fund of India or a State. It may be
within India or out of India;
Administrative Department;
(38) “Head of department” means an authority specially designated by the competent
authority with the order to exercise the powers of a Head of Department for the
purpose of these rules;
Note.― List of Head of Departments is placed at Annexure-1 at the end of these
(39) “Head of office” means any gazetted Government employee declared to be the
(b) in other case, the station which has been declared to be his headquarters by
competent authority or, in the absence of such declaration, the station where
the records of his office are kept;
(b) in relation to any particular office, the day on which such office is ordered, by
notification in the official Gazette or otherwise to be closed for the
transaction of Government business without reserve or qualification;
Note.― This term does not include “local holiday” which may be granted at the
discretion of the Head of the Office;
(42) “home town” means the permanent home town or village as entered in the
seniority inter-se of members of the more than one cadre(s) or service(s) which is
determined by the length of continuous service counted toward seniority;
(45) “joining time” means the time allowed to a Government employee to enable him
to join a new post or the same post on transfer in public interest from one station
to another which involves change of residence;
(46) “judicial officer” means the members of Haryana Civil Service (Judicial Branch)
(47) “last pay certificate” means a certificate in the prescribed proforma showing
(48) “leave of the kind due” means earned leave and half pay leave due, if any, in
(49) “leave salary contribution” means the amount to be recovered from the foreign
(50) “lien” means the title acquired by a Government employee after confirmation
(a) revenues administered by bodies which by law or rule having the force of
law come under the control of Government, whether in regard to
proceedings generally or to specific matters such as the sanctioning of their
budgets, sanction for the creation or filling up of particular posts, or the
enactment of leave, pension or similar rules; and
(b) the revenues of anybody which may be specially notified by the competent
authority as such;
(52) “local holiday” means such holiday declared as such by the Head of office;
(54) “medical certificate of fitness” for the purpose of entry into Government service
(56) “Military Officer” means any officer from military falling within the definition of
Service of─
(i) Group C posts, whose duties are entirely clerical and any other category of
post(s) specially defined as such by general or special order of the
competent authority; and
months and days, complete calendar months, irrespective of the number of days
in each, shall first be calculated and the odd number of days calculated
subsequently treating thirty days equal to a completed month;
Example 1.─ The period from 25th October to 13th May, is calculated as six
months and twenty days(25th to 31st October 7 days and 1st to 13th May 13
Example 2.─ The period commencing on 16th November and ending with 21st
February, works out to be as three months six days;
(59) “nomination” means declaration conferring on one or more person(s) the right to
receive any due payment i.e. final payment of general provident fund, gratuity,
leave encashment etc. after the death of a Government employee;
(60) “nominee” means the person conferred upon the right to receive any payment
i.e. final payment of general provident fund, gratuity, leave encashment etc. due
after the death of the Government employee;
(62) “officiating pay” or “officiating basic pay” means the pay or basic pay, as the
case may be, of a Government employee to which he is entitled, under the rules
applicable to him at the time of officiating appointment against a post;
service in public interest on or after attaining the age or completing the qualifying
service, as the case may be, prescribed for the purpose;
General representing the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, who maintains
the accounts of the Haryana State and exercises audit functions in relation to
those accounts on behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India;
(71) “purely temporary service” means the service of a Government employee who
is appointed in the functional [level/pay scale]1 against a vacant post but not on
regular basis;
Substituted vide Notification No. 2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017
(74) “regular posts” for the purpose of these rules means sanctioned permanent and
the age prescribed for a post held by him or for Government employee, as the
case may be;
(77) “service book” means a single binding of prescribed forms in which service
(78) “services” means the civil services under the administrative control of the
(79) “sphere of duty of a Government employee” means the local area outside which
he cannot travel without the special orders of competent authority. The sphere of
duty of─
Note.― “Substantially” means that more than 50% of the expenditure of the
autonomous bodies is met through Cess or Central/State Government
(81) “strike” means refusal to work or stoppage or slowing down of work by a group of
employee from one post to another in the same or any other Department, through
approved agency, by way of direct recruitment or from amongst eligible
employees of all the Departments of Haryana Government through a competition
Government employee may not hold for more than a limited period;
Substituted vide Notification No. 2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017
(i) on or after attaining the prescribed age but before the age of
superannuation; or
(ii) after completion of minimum qualifying service prescribed for this purpose;
(94) “wilful absence” means period of absence from duty without proper permission
(95) “working day” means the day which is not in the list of notified gazetted holidays
or any other day not declared as holiday by the competent authority for a
department(s) or office(s) as the case may be.
Note 1.— The standard for conducting medical examination of the candidate shall
be adopted by the medical authorities as laid down for various
posts/categories in different departments.
The statement and declaration of candidate, in Part-I of the prescribed form, given
as Annexure-2 at the end of this chapter, duly filled in and signed by him in the
presence of competent medical authority shall be obtained at the time of medical
examination. The competent medical authority shall medically examine the
candidate and issue the medical certificate of health in Part-II of the prescribed
form given as Annexure-2. The competent medical authority shall obtain the
signature and photograph of the candidate on the prescribed form of medical
examination in its presence and attest the same at the time of medical
(b) promoted from non-gazetted to gazetted post and who is required to undergo
medical examination by the competent medical authority afresh under these
rules or any other rules; and if he is subsequently found medically unfit his
services shall be terminated or reverted to feeder post, as the case may be,
after the expiry of the period of one month from the date of communication to
him of the findings of the competent medical authority, in case no appeal for
second medical examination is made by him during this period. If an appeal
is made for second medical examination and is found unfit again, his
services be terminated or reverted to feeder post, as the case may be,
immediately. It shall clearly be stated in the initial letter of appointment or
promotion order, as the case may be.
Note.― No fee for medical examination shall be charged from ex-servicemen and
dependent(s) of deceased and serving soldiers on their first entry into
Government service to a post of any group in any Department of Haryana
(1) A competent authority may, in individual cases dispense with the production
of a medical certificate and may, by general order, exempt any specified
class of Government employees from the operation of rule 9. Authority
competent to dispense with the production of a medical certificate of fitness
is as under:-
Full powers in individual cases.
(2) Except where the competent authority by general or special order directs
otherwise, the following classes of Government employees are exempted
from producing a medical certificate of fitness:-
Unless otherwise provided in any case, on subsequent appointment from one post
to another of same or other group by direct recruitment, transfer or otherwise
(even after resignation if applied through proper channel) from one Department to
another or within the same Department under Haryana Government or from one
Department to an Organization under Haryana Government or vice versa, with or
without break, the fresh medical certificate of fitness shall not be required provided
that the─
Note 1.— If the period of break exceeds one year, the candidate has to obtain his
medical certificate of fitness afresh.
Note 2.─ If the Government employee is not found fit for his duties by the
competent medical authority, his case shall be considered under section 47
of The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights
and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (1 of 1996).
Provided that the appeal is filed within thirty days of such communication;
and the appointing authority or Head of Department, whichever is higher, is
satisfied on the evidence placed before him by the Government employee
concerned on the possibility of an error of judgement in the decision of the
examining medical authority.
(i) The fee for appeal against Medical Examination of candidates who have
been declared unfit by the competent medical authority shall be charged at
the rate of rupees one thousand for gazetted officers and rupees five
hundred for non-gazetted employees.
(iii) The successful appellant may be refunded the fee of appeal and he shall
also be allowed actual travelling expenses limited to his entitlement for his
attendance before the Board.
(a) A person whose age exceeds forty two years shall not ordinarily be admitted
into service under the Government unless it is provided otherwise in these
or any other rules. The minimum age limit for entry into Government service
shall be sixteen years in the case of Group-D post and seventeen years for
the posts of other groups.
(b) The upper age limit of forty two years shall be extended by five years in the
case of person belonging to one or more of the following:-
(iii) Wives of military personnel who are disabled while in military service;
(v) Judicially separated women residing separately for more than two
years from the date as prescribed for the purpose of age for
candidates of other categories.
(c) The upper age limit prescribed for appointment to any service or post shall
be relaxed in favour of ex-serviceman to the extent of his military service
added by three years provided─
(i) he has rendered continuous military service for a period of not less
than six months before his release; and
(d) The differently abled persons, viz. deaf, dumb, blind and orthopaedically
handicapped, shall be given age concession of ten years over and above the
upper age limit prescribed for direct recruitment to the post against which
they can suitably be employed.
The competent authority may, in case of any class or category of persons, waive
the restriction of age limit specified in these rules, if in its opinion, it is justified in
view of the special circumstances.
Every Government employee shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated at any
time when so directed by the Government by general or special order.
Without prejudice to the provisions of any rule, a period of wilful absence shall be
deemed to cause an interruption or break in service of the employee, unless
otherwise decided by the competent authority.
Persons appointed on regular basis to any post shall remain on probation for a
period of two years, extendable upto three years, if appointed by direct
recruitment, and on probation for a period of one year if appointed otherwise.
Note 2.─ The temporary Government employee who has completed probation
period successfully on the regular post of his first appointment upto the date
of notification of these rules shall be confirmed on such post by the
competent authority.
Note 3.─ The temporary Government employee working on promotional post shall
also be confirmed on the promotional post or feeder post of which he has
completed probation period successfully.
post, exercise an option either to opt for his confirmation on the new post or
to revert back to his previous post, within a period of three months from the
date of issue of notice, failing which it shall be deemed that he opts to be
confirmed on the post of subsequent appointment. After the receipt of option
or expiry of the prescribed period, orders shall be issued accordingly by the
competent authority. The option once exercised shall be final.
(b) Nothing contained in clause (a) above shall operate to prevent the re-transfer
of a Government employee to the higher post on which he was holding a
Note.— In cases covered by clause (a) above, the pay shall be regulated as per
provision in Haryana Civil Services (Pay) Rules, 2016.
Note.― In case of death while in service, on the day of death the Government
employee is treated on duty, if he is not otherwise on leave. Pay and
allowances of that day shall be admissible accordingly.
Except as provided in rule 36 infra, the charge of an office must be made over at
the headquarters; both by the relieving and relieved Government employee being
Note 1.─ Every relieving Government employee is responsible for informing the
Government employee to be relieved, at the earliest possible moment of the
date when he shall be in a position to receive charge and it is the duty of the
Government employee to be relieved to be in readiness to deliver charge on
that date.
Note 2.─ When more than one day is occupied in making over charge, the last
date shall be entered in the charge report and an explanation shall be
Note 3.─ The Head of office shall be competent to allow two days for handing
over/taking over the charge, if he considers essential and in case more
period is required, the Head of Department shall be the competent authority.
In cases in which the charge to be handed over at different places, the relieving
and the relieved Government employees are required by the orders of a superior
officer, to inspect together to complete the job of handing over and taking over of
charge, the period taken for handing over and taking over of charge shall be
treated as duty for the both relieving and relieved Government employees. The
Head of office shall be competent to allow two days for handing over/taking over
the charge, if he considers essential and in case more period is required, the Head
of Department shall be the competent authority.
Note 1.― In cases involving transfer and charge of an office elsewhere than its
headquarters, the exact nature of the reasons shall be expressed in the
Note 2.― On the condition that the departing Government employee remains
responsible for the moneys in his charge, a competent authority may declare
that sub clause (ii) above is not applicable to a particular case.
Note 3.― The handing over of a permanent advance is not a transfer of money,
but the Government employee going on leave continues, to be responsible
for the money till the formal assumption of charge by his successor.
A Government employee shall stand retired from service on attaining the age of
superannuation. He may also be retired prematurely in public interest or may seek
voluntary retirement from service on attaining the prescribed age or on completion
of prescribed qualifying service. Further, he may also be retired compulsorily from
service as a measure of punishment irrespective of his age or length of service.
38. General.—
(a) Besides the All-India Services which are under the rule-making control of the
President of India, the public services under the administrative control of the
Haryana Government shall be classified as follows:-
(b) In the case of a person to whom these rules apply and who is not already
included in any of the services given in the Annexure-3, Administrative
Department shall decide the services to which he shall belong.
(b) strength (including both the number and character of posts) of such
services; and
Note.― Rules relating to the subjects mentioned in this rule for the different
services shall be issued separately by the Department concerned.
Note 1.─ To allow any person to work on part-time basis, who is paid from the
“contingencies” as per provisions in Punjab Financial Rules applicable to
Haryana shall not be considered a creation of post.
Note 2.─ For creation of posts in connection with plan schemes, as provided in the
State Five Year Plans, Administrative Departments with the concurrence of
Planning and Finance Department are competent; provided that these posts
are ─
(i) on the same pay structure as for similar existing posts; and
Note 3.─ Power to create posts by the Chief Justice and the Judges of Hon’ble
High Court and District Judges in Haryana shall be as under :-
(a) To create new permanent ministerial posts required for the The Hon’ble Judges
High court and courts subordinate thereto of the High Court
(b) To create new permanent posts in the process serving The Hon’ble Judges
establishment required for the High Court and Courts of the High Court
Subordinate thereto :
(c) To create new permanent posts in the Group ‘D’ The Hon’ble Judges
establishment required for the High Court and Courts of the High Court
Subordinate thereto.
(d) To create temporary ministerial and Group ‘D’ posts The Hon’ble Judges
required for the High Court and courts subordinate thereof. of the High Court
(e) To create the post of a messenger for each District Court The Hon’ble Judges
when the amount of station dak to be dealt with appears to of the High Court
render this necessary.
(f) To create temporary posts given below for the Courts of District and Sessions
Temporary Additional District and Sessions Judges: Judges
One Reader
One Judgment Writer (Sr. Grade)
One Stenographer
One Translator
One Ahlmad
One Copy Clerk
One Usher
Two peons
(g) To Create following temporary posts required for Courts of District and Sessions
Additional Sub Judges:- Judges
One Reader
One Judgment Writer (Jr. Grade)
One Ahlmad
One Naib-Nazir
One Peon
One additional Peon
(h) To create temporary posts of Bailifits for execution work in District and Sessions
connection with applications made to courts on behalf of Judges
Co-operative Societies.
(i) To Create the following temporary posts required for Courts District and Sessions
of Chief Judicial Magistrates and Judicial Magistrate:- Judges
Judgment Writer (Jr. Grade)
Addl. Peon
(a) The short term vacancies, the duration of which exceeds two months by an
appreciable margin, may be filled up in the normal manner by the authorities
competent to make appointments against the posts.
(b) Officiating promotion in case of─
(i) vacancies of less than two months duration; or
(ii) continuous chain of vacancies of two months duration or less when
taken together exceed beyond two months,
shall, in very exceptional circumstances be made with prior approval of the
Administrative Secretary concerned in case of Group A and B posts and by
Head of Department in case of Group C and D posts:
Note.— “Short term vacancy” for the purpose of these rules means a vacancy,
including the chain of vacancies of the same post, of a duration of less than
180 days.
43. Declaration of State Services.—
(a) The State Services, Group A and B, consist of such services as the
competent authority may from time to time declare by notification in the
Official Gazette to be included in Group A or B services.
Note.― A list of services declared as State Services, Group ‘A’ or ‘B’ has been
appended at Annexure-3 at the end of these rules.
(b) The State Services, Group ‘C’ and D include the Government employees to
whom these rules apply but are not included in State Services Group ‘A’
or ‘B’.
44. Framing of Government Employees’ Conduct Rules.—
Note.― Rules notified under this rule by the competent authority are contained in
Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 2016.
Chapter - V
Service Record
1. Form of bio-data.
(1) The service book shall be maintained for a Government employee from the
date of his first appointment by the Head of office in which he is employed
and shall be supplied by the Department at its own cost. The instructions for
maintenance of service book are given at Annexure-4 at the end of these
A Government employee may have a photocopy of his service book duly attested
for his personal record on payment of a fee of rupees five per page once in a year.
He shall be entitled to have a photocopy of his service book duly attested, on
quitting Government service on payment of a fee of rupees two hundred.
Note.― Every period of suspension from employment and every other interruption
in service shall be noted with full details of its duration, by an entry written
across the page and attested by the Head of office or other attesting officer.
(a) The head of office is responsible to attest the entries in service book
alongwith leave account of his subordinates with full signature and rubber
stamp. He may authorize any gazetted Government employee serving under
him to attest the same. Provided that─
(i) this shall not relieve the head of office of his responsibility for
attestation of such entries, proper maintenance and the custody of
service books.
(ii) the Head of office shall also scrutinize at least 10% of the service
books every year and initial the same in token of having done so.
(b) The gazetted officers who have been delegated powers to attest the entries
in service books and leave accounts shall not exercise such powers in
respect of entries in their own service books and leave accounts. The entries
in their service books shall be attested by the Head of office. Further, the
entries in the service book of Head of office shall be made and attested by
the next superior authority.
Note.― The power to attest the entries shall not be delegated to non-gazetted
The following entries shall be made in the service book in red ink:-
1. Period of suspension.
2. Period of extraordinary leave with or without medical certificate.
3. Period of wilful absence.
4. Any period of interruption in service.
5. Any punishment awarded by the competent authority.
6. Reversion to lower post owing to inefficiency or restructuring of staff.
7. Date of confirmation in service.
8. Resignation from service.
9. Termination from service.
10. Retirement from service.
It is the duty of every Government employee to see that his service book is
properly maintained as prescribed in these rules so that there may not be difficulty
in verifying his service for pension. The head of office shall permit a Government
employee to examine his service book as and when desired. The Head of Office
shall obtain his signature therein in token of his having inspected the service book.
The Government employee shall inter-alia ensure before affixing his signature that
his services have been duly verified and certified correctly.
(1) In case the service book of a Government employee has been misplaced
and is not traceable after putting all diligent efforts, the matter shall be
reported immediately to the Head of Department. The Head of Department
shall order for recasting of the service book of such Government employee
from the office record, wherever available.
The entries of service books of all the Government employees shall be scrutinized
by the internal audit of the Department concerned at least once in a year but
before the annual audit to be conducted by the Principal Accountant General
Haryana, the entries relating to pay fixation shall be scrutinized thoroughly.
56. Instructions for entries in service book entries in Form Part-I regarding
(1) Entries in Form Part-I shall be made regarding bio-data of the Government
employee at the time of his first appointment and the same shall be attested
by the head of office or any other officer duly authorized in this behalf.
Additions and alterations in this part shall also be similarly attested by the
Head of office or authorized officer.
(2) Signature or left/right hand thumb impression of the Government employee
concerned shall be obtained in the presence of the head of office or
authorised officer.
foreign service. Column 2 shall be filled after repatriation from foreign service.
Entry in column 4 shall be in brief, as may be appropriate.
(1) Entries in Form Part-IV shall be made at the time of initial appointment and
thereafter, on the occurrence of events involving a change in the post, office,
station, pay structure or nature of appointment. Such events shall include
appointment, promotion, reversion, deputation, transfer (including transfer on
foreign service), increment, leave and suspension.
(2) Entries regarding period of suspension, period of extraordinary leave with or
without medical, period of wilful absence, any period of interruption in
service, any punishment awarded by the competent authority, date of
confirmation in service, resignation from service, termination from service,
retirement from service and date of disappearance or death while in service
shall be made in red ink.
(3) Columns 4 to 6 in respect of second and subsequent entries need be filled
only if there is a change in the post, pay structure, office or station.
(4) [Columns 6 shall show different components of pay separately, e.g. “Pay Rs.
85,100 in Functional/ACP Level + Dearness Pay, if any, + Special Pay Rs.
200 + Personal Pay Rs. 200.”]1
(5) Column 7 relates to entries regarding promotion/reversion/grant of assured
career progression/transfer etc. which affect the columns 2 to 6.
(6) Before attesting any entry made in column 11, the attesting officer shall
ensure that there is no un-explained gap between entries and signatures/
rubber stamp of the attesting officer.
(7) Any event not effecting columns 2 to 6, shall be briefly noted in column 11.
61. Entries in Form Part-V.—
Entries in Form Part-V shall be made for relevant period after due verification from
pay bill. It will be the duty of Head of office to ensure that in case of transfer of
Government employee working in his office all the details under relevant columns
are duly completed before forwarding the service book to the new office of the
Government employee concerned. He shall also ensure that all certificates/
documents of Volume-II of the service book are handled/forwarded with due care.
Substituted vide Notification No.2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017.
Chapter - VI
Joining Time
The time reasonably required for journeys between the place of training and the
station(s) to which a Government employee is posted immediately before and
after the period of training shall be treated as part of the training period. This does
not apply to probationers holding ‘training posts’ which they may be considered as
taking with them on transfer. Such probationers are entitled to joining time when
70. Joining time when transfer does not involve change of residence.—
Not more than one day is allowed to a Government employee if his transfer from
one office to another does not involve a change of residence from one station to
another. A holiday counts as a day for the purpose of this rule.
The joining time of a Government employee admissible under these rules shall be
calculated by taking the distance from his old station from where he proceeded on
leave to the station of new assignment irrespective of receipt of transfer orders at
any place during the period of spending of leave. If he joins his new post before
the expiry of such leave plus the joining time admissible, the period short taken
shall be considered as leave not enjoyed, and a corresponding portion of the
leave already sanctioned shall be cancelled.
If a Government employee takes leave while in transit from one post to another,
the period which has elapsed since he handed over charge of his old post, shall
be included in his leave. On the expiry of the leave, the Government employee
may be allowed normal joining time.
(ii) new station, fresh spell of joining time shall be admissible from the day
following the day of receipt of order of transfer.
On transfer from one station to another in public interest which involves change of
residence, the joining time shall be admissible as under irrespective of the mode of
journey actually performed:-
1 2 3
Note 1.─ Joining time shall commence from the date of relinquishment of charge
of the old post if the charge is made over in the forenoon or the following
date if the charge is made over in the afternoon.
Note 2.─ The authority competent to transfer may in special circumstances reduce
the period of joining time admissible under this rule.
Note 3.─ When holiday(s) follow(s) joining time, the normal joining time may be
deemed to have been extended to cover such holiday(s).
On transfer from one station to another within the same Department during
the period of joining time, admissible under these rules, a Government
employee is entitled to pay and allowances as under:-
(a) Pay equal to the pay which was drawn before relinquishing the charge
of the old post or admissible at new post, whichever is less;
Where the joining time admissible under these rules is availed in continuation of
any kind of leave, the basic pay during joining time shall be equal to the leave
salary which would have been admissible had he been on earned leave. The
compensatory allowances shall be admissible equal to the rate of old or new
station, whichever is less.
80. Grant of leave of the kind due in case of transfer on his own request.—
A Government employee on transfer is not entitled to joining time and joining time
pay unless he is transferred in public interest. However, if he applies for leave of
the kind due, the competent authority may grant the same, limited to the period of
joining time otherwise admissible under these rules. In case he does not apply for
leave and joins his duty at new station, the time to cover the period after handing
over charge at the old station and before taking over charge at new station, shall
be treated as dies non.
A Government employee who does not join his post within the joining time
admissible under these rules shall not be entitled to any pay or leave salary at the
end of the joining time. After the expiry of joining time, the period of absence shall
be treated as willful absence and also tantamount to misconduct attracting
disciplinary action under the rules.
(1) A competent authority may in any case extend the joining time admissible
under these rules; provided the general spirit of rule is observed.
(2) Subject to maximum of thirty days, the Heads of Departments may, in the
case of Government employees under their control (other than the members
of All India Services), extend the joining time admissible under the rules to
the extent necessary in the following circumstances:-
(a) When a Government employee has been unable to use the ordinary
mode of traveling or, notwithstanding due diligence on his part, has
spent more time on the journey than is allowed by the rules; or
(b) when such extension is considered necessary for the public
convenience or for the saving of such public expenditure as is caused
by unnecessary or purely formal transfer;
(c) when the rules have, in any particular case, operated harshly, as for
example, when a Government employee has though no fault on his
part i.e. missed a steamer, fallen sick on the journey, delayed on
account of blockade of roads/railway track/landslide
Note.― The Head of Department is competent to extend joining time upto thirty
days and Administrative Department has full power to extend the same
beyond thirty days.
Note.― The subsistence allowance shall not be denied on any grounds unless the
Government employee under suspension does not furnish the certificate that
he is not engaged in any other employment, business, profession or vocation
during the period of suspension.
Where the period of suspension exceeds six months, the authority which made or
is deemed to have made the order of suspension shall be competent to vary the
amount of subsistence allowance for the period after every six months as follows:-
Note 1.─ The initial grant of subsistence allowance shall be payable at an amount
equal to leave salary on half pay leave. In the event of any alteration in
subsistence allowance under clause (i) or (ii) of this rule, the increase or
decrease shall be calculated on the amount of subsistence allowance initially
fixed and shall not be subject to any maximum limit.
Note 2.─ It is obligatory under this rule in sufficient time before the expiry of the six
months of suspension the competent authority shall review each case in
which the period of suspension is likely to exceed six months and even if it
comes to the conclusion that the rate is not to be altered having regard to all
the circumstances of the case. Specific orders to that effect are to be
passed placing on record the circumstances under which the decision had to
be taken. Such review shall be made at least on every six months and
specific orders are to be passed for increasing or decreasing or not altering
of the subsistence allowance.
(a) Dearness allowance as per rate prescribed from time to time on the amount
of subsistence allowance allowed;
(b) House rent allowance on the emoluments drawn before suspension at the
rate in existence and prescribed for his headquarters irrespective of the fact
the amount of subsistence allowance has been increased or decreased after
first six months of suspension;
(e) Any other compensatory allowance or relief equal to the amount admissible
while on half pay leave.
No payment under the rules of this chapter shall be made unless the Government
employee furnishes a certificate, and the authority which made or is deemed to
have made the order of suspension is satisfied that he is not engaged in any other
employment, business, profession or vocation:
shall be entitled to the subsistence allowance and other allowances equal to the
amount by which his earnings during such period or periods, as the case may be,
falls short of the amount of subsistence allowance and other allowances that would
otherwise be admissible to him. Where the subsistence allowance and other
allowances admissible during the period of suspension are equal to or less than
those earned by way of any other employment, business, profession or vocation,
nothing shall be paid to him.
(a) regarding the pay and allowances to be paid to the Government employee
for the period of his absence from duty, occasioned by suspension and/or
dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement ending with his reinstatement
or the date of his retirement on superannuation, as the case may be, and
(b) whether or not the said period shall be treated as a period spent on duty:
Provided that such proportion of such pay and allowances shall not be less
than the subsistence and other allowances admissible under the rules.
(2) Pay and allowance for the period of absence, on reinstatement after
dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement.─
Where a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from
service imposed upon a Government employee while under suspension is
set aside─
and is reinstated, or may have been reinstated but for his retirement on
superannuation, the authority competent to order the reinstatement shall
consider and make a specific order─
(b) whether or not the said period shall be treated as a period spent on
recorded on a positive finding that the accused did not commit the offence at
all or the acquittal is not on a benefit of doubt given, it shall be open to the
competent authority to enquire into the misconduct and take appropriate
action thereon. Even otherwise, the competent authority may, on
reinstatement after following the principles of natural justice, pass
appropriate order including treating suspension period as non-duty and when
the suspension period pending trial of such an employee is so treated to be
as non-duty, he shall not be entitled to the consequential benefits i.e. not
entitled to be treated as on duty from the date of suspension till the date of
the acquittal for the purpose of computation of pensionary benefits etc.
Note 3.─ If no order is passed directing that the period of absence be treated as
duty for any specified purpose, the period of absence shall be treated as
‘non-duty’. In such event, the past service (i.e. service rendered before
dismissal removal, compulsory retirement or suspension) shall not be
Where the competent authority is of the opinion that the Government employee
has been fully exonerated or, in the case of suspension, that it was wholly
unjustified, the Government employee shall be given the full pay and allowances to
which he shall have been entitled, had he not been dismissed, removed,
compulsorily retired or suspended, as the case may be. The payment of
allowances shall be subject to all other conditions under which such allowances
are admissible. The period of absence from duty shall also be treated as a period
spent on duty for all purposes.
Note 1.─ As this rule is absolute, the law of limitation need not be invoked at the
time of paying the arrears of pay and allowances for the period from the date
of dismissal/removal/compulsory retirement/suspension to the date of
reinstatement in respect of cases where the pay and allowances are
regulated on reinstatement in accordance with the provisions contained in
this Chapter.
Where the competent authority is of the opinion that the Government employee
has not been fully exonerated, he shall be given such proportion of pay and
allowances as the competent authority may prescribe. The payment of allowances
shall be subject to all other conditions under which such allowances are
admissible. The period of absence from duty shall not be treated as a period spent
on duty unless the competent authority specifically directs that it shall be treated as
duty for any specified purpose.
Note 1.─ If no order is passed to treat the period of absence as duty for any
specified purpose, the period of absence shall be treated as ‘non-duty’. In
such event, the past service (i.e. service rendered before dismissal removal,
compulsory retirement or suspension) shall not be forfeited.
Note 2.─ Except as per provision in Note 2 below rule 89, in all other cases on re-
instatement after suspension, the date of re-instatement shall be the date on
which the Government employee assumes charge of his post. For the
intervening period from the date of order of re-instatement to date of
assumption of charge the Government employee shall also be treated as
remained under suspension.
Note. 1─ The period of suspension shall not be converted into leave of the kind
due without the consent of the Government employee.
Note 2.─ The period spent under suspension, if converted into leave of the kind
due, the subsistence allowance already received shall be adjusted as per
admissibility of leave salary. If such leave period consists of extraordinary
Note 3.─ The order of the competent authority regarding conversion of period of
suspension as leave of the kind due is absolute and no sanction from higher
authority would be necessary for the grant of any kind of leave to any extent
at the credit of the Government employee including extraordinary leave. The
period of extraordinary leave shall not be treated as qualifying service for any
purpose, except the suspension period spent under medical treatment, if
reinstatement, if the period of suspension is converted into leave of the kind due
then the period spent under medical treatment shall be treated as commuted leave
or any other kind of leave due on medical certificate, as the case may be.
Note.― See also rule 25 of Haryana Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 2016.
A Government employee against whom proceedings have been taken either for his
arrest for debt or on a criminal charge or who is detained under any law providing
for preventive detention shall be considered as under suspension for any periods
during which he is detained in custody or is undergoing imprisonment, and shall
not be allowed to draw any pay and allowances (other than any subsistence
allowance that may be granted in accordance with the principles laid down in these
rules) for such period until the final termination of the proceedings taken against
him or until he is released from detention and allowed to rejoin duty, as the case
may be. An adjustment of his allowances for such periods shall thereafter be made
according to the circumstances of the case, the full amount being given only in the
event of the employee being acquitted of blame or (if the proceedings taken
against him were for his arrest for debt), of its being proved that the employee’s
liability arose from circumstances beyond his control or the detention being held by
the competent authority to be unjustified.
if the charge made against him is connected with his position as Government
employee or is likely to embarrass him in the discharge of his duties as such or
involves moral turpitude. However, as soon as a criminal charge is framed by a
court against a Government employee in a case involving moral turpitude,
suspension shall follow automatically.
(2) A Government employee against whom a proceeding for arrest for debt is
pending shall be placed under suspension by the issue of specific order to
this effect during the period when he is not actually detained in custody or
imprisoned (e.g. while released on bail) if the proceeding taken against him
is likely to embarrass him in the discharge of his duties as such.
(3) In regard to pay and allowances in the cases referred to in sub rules (1) and
(2) above, the provisions of rule 96 infra shall apply.
Chapter - IX
(1) Pay.─ The entire period of absence of the Government employee from his
post in India shall be treated as duty on full pay which he would have drawn
had he remained on duty in India.
(2) Dearness allowance.─ During the entire period of training the Government
employee concerned shall be allowed to draw dearness allowance at the rate
at which he would have drawn had he not proceeded on training abroad.
(3) Compensatory allowances.─ Compensatory allowances shall also be
admissible at the rate at which he would have drawn had he not proceeded
on training abroad.
(4) House rent allowance or recovery of licence fee.─
House rent allowance shall, during the entire period of his training, be
admissible at the same rate as he would have drawn in India but for his
training abroad subject to the fulfillment of the conditions laid down in
Haryana Civil Services (Allowances to Government Employees) Rules, 2016.
If the Government employee concerned is allowed to retain Government
accommodation during the period of training, the licence fee thereof shall
continue to be charged at the same rate at which it would have been
normally charged had the Government employee not proceeded on training.
(a) He should have at least five years to serve after the conclusion of training.
(b) He should have completed a minimum of five years’ service. The limit may,
however, be relaxed in cases where the very nature of the training does not
warrant such a restriction, e.g., cases where individual is recruited on the
condition that he should undergo training before he is posted to regular
(e) Where a particular scheme provides for any specific conditions to be fulfilled
before a person is approved for training, the same shall be followed in
preference to the general conditions referred to above.
(f) While nominating an officer for various trainings abroad it may be ensured
that the officer nominating has given an undertaking that he shall be willing
and available for training-related-assignments on return from training.
(2) The lump sum amount of refund to be specified in the bond shall include all
moneys paid to the Government employee concerned or expended on his
account e.g. pay and allowances, leave salary, travelling and other
expenses, cost of international travel and cost of training abroad met by the
foreign Government agency concerned.
An undertaking shall be obtained from the trainee, to the effect that he shall not on
his own initiative on arrival or during his stay in the country of training take up the
question of extension or variation of his training with the authorities responsible for
his training abroad. He may, however, approach his sponsors for extension or
variation of his training abroad who, after consultations with the authorities
concerned, shall decide about it. No such extension shall be given unless the
trainee executes another bond in Forms T-3 and T-4 at Annexure-8 and 9 as the
case may be, for such lump sum as may be specified by the State Government
keeping in view the provisions in these rules.
Actual sanctions in individual cases regarding terms and conditions of the training
mentioned above shall be issued only in consultation with the Finance
Chapter - X
(3) Transfer of a Government employee under sub rule (1) or (2) above shall be
sanctioned by the competent authority subject to the conditions laid down in
these rules and any restrictions which it may deem fit to impose by general
or special orders.
Note 2.─ The lien of temporary or permanent Government employee in his parent
Department shall remain intact had he not been transferred to foreign service
or on deputation.
are at Annexure ‘10’, ‘11’, ‘12’, ‘13’ and ‘14’ respectively at the end of these rules.
111. Joining time, pay of joining time and transfer travelling allowance on
transfer to foreign service/on deputation.—
the period of joining time and transfer travelling allowance shall be regulated
under the rules of and borne by the Department/Government to which the
Government employee is proceeding.
(i) post of same [level/pay scale]1, the Government employee shall continue to
draw his pay already drawn by him in his parent Department.
(ii) post of higher [level/pay scale]1 than that of the post held by him in his
parent cadre/Department, his pay in the higher pay structure shall be fixed
as per provision in Haryana Civil Services (Pay) Rules, 2016.
(iii) same post of higher [level/pay scale]1, the higher [level/pay scale]1 shall be
(1) On deputation with Chandigarh Administration, the pay already drawn by the
Government employee or the pay which would have been admissible had he
not been sent on deputation shall be admissible.
(2) On deputation with Bhakra Beas Management Board, the employee may
elect to draw─
(a) either the pay and allowances of deputation post as per the provisions
contained in the rules of Bhakra Beas Management Board; or
(b) pay and allowances as per provisions of rules applicable to him in the
parent Department.
114. Option for fixation of Pay on foreign service or deputation under any other
Substituted vide Notification No. 2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017
(a) either the pay in the higher pay structure of deputation/foreign service post
with the benefit of one increment; or
(b) his basic pay in the parent cadre plus deputation allowance thereon.
The borrowing authority shall obtain the option of the employee within one month
from the date of joining the ex-cadre post. The option once exercised shall be
(1) The option for the purpose of pay fixation once given shall be final, however,
the employee may re-exercise his option under the following circumstances
which shall be effective from the date of occurrence of the same:-
(c) When the [level/pay scale]1 of the parent post on the basis of which his
emoluments are regulated during deputation/foreign service or of the
ex-cadre post held by the employee on deputation/foreign service, is
revised either prospectively or from a retrospective date.
(3) If the pay of an employee in his cadre post is refixed downwards, the pay in
Substituted vide Notification No. 2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017
the ex-cadre post is also liable to be re-fixed on the basis of refixed pay and
in accordance with the revised or existing option, as the case may be.
Note.― Revision in the rates of dearness allowance, house rent allowance or any
other allowance either in the borrowing or lending Department shall not be
an occasion for re-exercise of option.
Note.― This rule is not applicable to the Accounts Personnel and those
Substituted vide Notification No. 2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017
Note 1.─ The deputation allowance shall be treated as pay for the purpose of
grant of dearness allowance and it shall be admissible while on leave.
[Note 2.— During the period of deputation or foreign service, the basic pay plus
deputation allowance of Government employee while drawing pay in any
pay level lower than or equal to functional level 19, shall not exceed Rs.
2,19,600/-. Where the post held on deputation or foreign service is of Level
20, the basic pay, from time to time, plus deputation allowance shall not
exceed Rs. 2,24,100.]1
Note 3.─ In case of transfer to any of the places falling within the same urban
agglomeration of the old headquarters, it shall be treated as transfer within
the same station.
Substituted vide Notification No.2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017.
(a) the licence fee shall be charged from him by the foreign employer; and
(b) the difference amount, between market rent prescribed from time to
time and licence fee recovered from the concerned Government
employee, shall be borne by the foreign employer and deposited in the
account where the licence fee was being deposited prior to transfer on
foreign service.
Notwithstanding anything contrary to the rules, leave salary for maternity leave,
child adoption leave and child care leave availed of by a female Government
employee while on foreign service or deputation shall be borne by the foreign
employer/Department where she was working before proceeding on such leave.
Note 2.— The period of deputation or foreign service includes the joining time
admissible at the time of joining and also on repatriation to parent
(1) In any individual case the authority sanctioning the transfer to foreign
service out of India shall determine before hand in consultation with the
foreign employer the conditions on which leave shall be granted by the
foreign employer. The leave salary in respect of such leave shall be paid by
the employer. The leave account of the Government employee shall neither
be debited nor be credited for the period during which he remained on
foreign service out of India.
Serial Total length of service upto the date Rate of Pension Contribution
Number of proceeding foreign service
1 2 3
1 upto 10 years @ 10% of emoluments
2 more than 10 and upto 20 years @ 15% of emoluments
3 more than 20 years @ 20% of emoluments
Note.— Emoluments for Pension Contribution See Rule 8(24) of these rules.
(1) Contribution for leave salary and pension, due in respect of a Government
employee covered under Haryana Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 2016 for
the period of foreign service, shall be paid quarterly within fifteen days from
the end of each quarter, and if the payment is not made within the
prescribed period, interest must be paid to Government on delayed
contribution by the foreign employer at the rate of rupees ten per day
irrespective of the amount of leave salary and pension contribution for the
delayed period.
[Note.― The leave salary and pension contributions shall be paid separately as
these are creditable to different heads of accounts. No contribution shall be
payable for the period of leave availed by the Government employee while
on foreign service. Dues, if any, recoverable from Government on any
account shall not be set off against these contributions.]1
Neither a Government employee nor the foreign employer shall opt to withhold
Substituted vide Notification No.2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017.
leave salary and/or pension contributions and to forfeit the right to count the time
spent in foreign service as duty in Government service. The contributions made on
his behalf also maintain his claim to pension or to pension and leave salary, as the
case may be, in accordance with the rules of the service of which he is a member.
Neither he nor the foreign employer has any right of property in a contribution
paid, and as such no claim for refund can be entertained.
(2) The term of foreign service to Public Enterprises under the Central
Government or any other State Government shall not, in any case, be more
than five years, during entire service.
Note 1.─ This rule does not apply to the Government employees transferred on
foreign service or deputation in an Organization under the Control of
Haryana Government against the cadre post(s) or in a Department under
Chandigarh Administration.
Note.― The compulsory waiting period, if any, shall be treated as foreign service
for all purposes.
Note.— The period of non-qualifying service, if any, shall not be counted for the
purpose of increment, pension etc.
(i) any Government, other than Haryana, his terms and conditions shall be
decided by mutual consent.
(ii) Haryana Government, his terms and conditions shall be fixed as per
Annexure-15 at the end of these rules.
Note.― The payment of pro-rata pensionary benefits shall be admissible upto the
date of retention of lien, if any.
Chapter - XI
Note 1.— One eyed employee shall not be treated as blind or differently-abled
person for the purpose of this rule.
Note 3.— A Government employee who becomes disabled while in service shall
bring to the notice of his Head of Department minimum three months before
attaining the age of 58 years. He shall be got examined from a Medical
Board of the Post Graduate Institute of Medical and Science, Rohtak to be
headed by its Director. On receipt of medical report from the Board, the
appointing authority or the Head of Department, whichever is higher, shall
take a final decision to grant or not to grant the extension in service to such
physically disabled employee.’
Provided the term of re-appointment shall not extend beyond the date
of attaining the age of superannuation.
Substituted vide Notification No.2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017.
(i) 50 years for the Government employees who are working on a post of
Group ‘A’ or ‘B’ and joined service on any post before attaining the age of
thirty five years;
(ii) 55 years for the Government employees who are working on a post of
Group ‘A’ or ‘B’ and joined service on any post after attaining the age of
thirty five years; and
Provided that in the case of Judicial Officer, the case for retention in service
beyond the age of fifty-eight years shall be considered by the competent authority
before he attains such age, irrespective of his date of entry into Government
Note 1.— (i) The provision of this rule may be initiated against a Government
employee whose efficiency is impaired but against whom it is not desirable
to make formal charges of inefficiency or who has ceased to be fully efficient
(i.e. when a Government employee's value is clearly incommensurate with
the pay which he draws) but not to such a degree as to warrant his
retirement on a compassionate ground. It is not the intension to use the
provisions of this rule as a financial weapon, that is to say, the provision
shall be used only in the case of Government employees who are
considered unfit for retention on personal as opposed to financial grounds;
under the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 2016 or
the Public Servants (Inquiries) Act, 1850 (37 of 1850).
Note 2.— Authority competent to retire under this rule shall carefully examine the
record of the Government employee whether he has completed prescribed
age or qualifying service, as the case may be, with particular reference to his
integrity or otherwise; and if it is desirable in the public interest that he should
be retired, action shall be taken accordingly.
Note 4.─ Heads of Departments shall report to Government in each quarter, the
action taken under this rule.
145. Three months’ notice or pay and allowances in lieu of notice period on
premature retirement.—
A Government employee shall stand retired immediately on expiry of three
months’ notice or from the date of payment of three months’ pay and allowances
in lieu of the notice period and shall not be in service thereafter, therefore, he shall
not be entitled to any increment or counting of any period subsequent to the date
of such retirement for the purpose of pension etc. He shall be entitled to pension,
if admissible under the rules, from the next date of such retirement and the
pension shall not be deferred till the expiry of the period of three months for which
he is paid pay and allowances.
Note 1.─ Pay and allowances in lieu of three months’ notice shall include basic
pay in the [level/pay scale]1, special pay in lieu of higher time scale, personal
pay, dearness allowance and house rent allowance only. As the pay and
allowances paid in lieu of notice period are, “Salary” and therefore, income
tax shall be deducted at source.
Substituted vide Notification No. 2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017
Note 2.─ The payment of pay and allowances in lieu of the notice period shall be
made simultaneously with the order of retirement.
(1) A Government employee of any group may, by giving a notice of not less
than three months in writing to the appointing authority, seek voluntary
retirement from service on completion of minimum twenty years’ qualifying
service irrespective of his age or on attaining the prescribed age irrespective
of his length of service, subject to acceptance of notice by the appointing
authority and also subject to Rule 10 of the Haryana Civil Services (Pension)
Rules, 2016. The minimum age prescribed for the purpose is:-
(i) 50 years for the Government employees who are working on a post of
Group ‘A’ or ‘B’ and joined service on any post before attaining the age
of thirty five years;
(ii) 55 years for the Government employees who are working on a post of
Group ‘A’ or ‘B’ and joined service on any post after attaining the age
of thirty five years; and
(iii) 55 years for all other Government employees:
Provided that in the case of Judicial Officer, he shall have the option to
retire on or after attaining the age of fifty-eight years, which should be
exercised by him in writing before he attains the age of fifty-seven years. A
Judicial Officer who does not exercise such option before he attains the age
of fifty-seven years, would be deemed to have opted for continuing in
service till the age of superannuation.
(2) The retirement shall become effective from the date of expiry of the notice
period, where the appointing authority does not refuse to grant the
permission for voluntary retirement before the expiry of the said period;
(3) A Government employee who gives notice of voluntary retirement, shall
satisfy himself by means of a reference to the appropriate authority that he
has, in fact, completed twenty years’ or more qualifying service.
Note 1.─ In computing the notice period of three months the date of service of the
notice and the date of its expiry shall be included.
Note 2.─ Heads of Departments shall report to Government in each quarter, the
action taken under this rule.
Provided that where the appointing authority does not refuse the
request of voluntary retirement before the expiry of notice period, the
retirement shall become effective from the date of expiry of the said period.
(2) The notice of voluntary retirement shall not be accepted by the appointing
authority if the Government employee does not fulfill the condition of
attaining the minimum age or completion of qualifying service prescribed for
the purpose.
the appointing authority. The request in this regard made before the date of
the fact that orders of voluntary retirement have been made or not.
A Government employee who seeks voluntary retirement under these or any other
rules shall not be entitled to benefit of weightage upto five years for the purpose of
calculation of pension and death-cum-retirement gratuity.
Note.— The extraordinary leave is not termed as leave standing to his credit and
therefore, it cannot run concurrently with the period of notice given by him
for seeking voluntary retirement. In case, a Government employee applies
for voluntary retirement while already on extraordinary leave other than on
medical ground, the notice period need not be insisted upon and his request
may be accepted with immediate effect, provided he is clear from vigilance
angle. However, if a Government employee while already on extraordinary
leave on medical ground, applies for voluntary retirement, the notice period,
if any, given may be accepted and he may be allowed to retire after the
expiry of the notice period subject to vigilance clearance.
Haryana Civil Services
(General) Rules, 2016
Annexure - 1
[see rule 8(38)]
Annexure - 2
(See rule 10)
The candidate must make the statement required below prior to his Medical
Examination and must sign the declaration appended thereto. His attention is specially
invited to the warning contained in the note below:-
1 Name in full (in block letters) Sh./Smt./Kumari :
I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief that the above statement is true
and correct.
I also solemnly affirm that I have not received a disability certificate/pension on
account of any disease or other condition.
Note.─ The candidate will be held responsible for the accuracy of the above
statement. By willfully suppressing any information shall incur the risk of
losing the appointment and, if appointed, of forfeiting all claims to past
Part - II
Medical certificate of fitness for Government Service
“I/We hereby certify that I/we have examined Sh./Smt./Kumari___________________,
a candidate for employment in the ______________________________ Department
whose signature is given below, and have not discovered that he has any disease
(communicable or otherwise), constitutional weakness or bodily infirmity, except
____________________________. I/We do not consider this a disqualification for
entry into Government service and declare him/her fit for the post of
________________________ in the office of _______________________________.
Signature of applicant
Signature of Medical Officer/Board
Annexure - 3
(See rule 43)
Annexure - 4
(See rule 46)
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Form Part - II
Certificates, Declarations and Nominations
Sr. Subject Certificate Signature and
No. designation of
the certifying
1. 2 3 4
1. Certificate of The employee was medically examined by
Medical ___________ on ____________ and found fit.
examination The certificate of medical examination has
been kept in safe custody, vide Sr. No. ______
of Volume-II of the Service Book.
2. Character & His/her character and antecedent have been
antecedent verified and the verification report kept in safe
custody, vide Sr. No. _______ of Volume-II of
the Service Book.
3. Allegiance to He/she has taken the oath of
the allegiance/affirmation to the Constitution, vide
Constitution Sr. No. _________of Volume-II of the Service
4. Oath of He/she has read the Official Secret Act, Right
Secrecy to Information Act, 2005 and the Haryana Civil
Services (Government Employees’ Conduct)
Rules, 2016 and has also taken the oath of
Secrecy, vide Sr. No._________ of Volume-II
of the Service Book.
5. Marital status He/she has furnished declaration regarding
his/her not having contracted bigamous
marriage. The relevant declaration has been
filed at Sr. No. ______ of Volume-II of the
Service Book.
6. Declaration of He/she has furnished the declaration of home
Home Town town which has been accepted and filed at Sr.
No.________ of Volume-II of the Service
7. Verification of The correctness of the entries against Sr. No.
entries in 5 to 8 of Part I—‘Bio-data’ has been verified
Form Part I from original certificates considered as valid
documentary evidence for the respective
purposes. Attested copies of these certificates
have been filed at Sr. No.________ of
Volume-II of the Service Book.
8. Dowry in He/she has furnished declaration regarding
marriage his/her not demanding/giving/taking any dowry
in the marriage.
15. Passing of
test, if any
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Form Part - III (A)
Previous Qualifying Service
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Form Part - III (B)
Detail of Foreign Service
From To Name of Post held Details of Signature Remarks
Borrowing and Leave Salary and
Organization Emoluments and Pension designation
drawn Contribution of
received/cre certifying
dited, if any. officer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Form Part - IV
Substituted vide Notification No.2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017.
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Form Part - V
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Form Part - VI
Detail of family members
Detail of family members given by him/her has been placed in Volume II of the
service book:-
Note.─ Whenever any change occurs in the family, it shall be informed by the
Government employee and necessary entries shall be made in the service
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Form Part - VII
Account of Leave Travel Concession
Sr. Block years of LTC LTC Sanctioned LTC of Home One month Remarks
No. vide No. and Town or emoluments
Date anywhere in India in lieu of LTC
actually availed, received,
if any if any
1 2 3 4 5 6
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Form Part - VIII (A)
House Building Advance (HBA)
First HBA Second HBA
1 Amount of Loan/Advance sanctioned (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Form Part - VIII (B)
House Building Advance for Extension or Repair
Loan for Loan for Repair of
Extension of House
1 Amount of Loan/Advance sanctioned (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Form Part - VIII (C)
Motor Car Loan (First)
1 Amount of Loan sanctioned (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Form Part - VIII (D)
Motor Cycle or Scooter Loan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Form Part - VIII (E)
Computer/Laptop Advance
First Second
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Form Part - VIII (F)
Marriage Loan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Form Part - IX
Sr. No. Date of Comments of Signature of Details of
Verification Internal Audit Audit Officer compliance of
Observations of
Audit Officer by
the Head of Office
1 2 3 4
Annexure - 4 (Contd.)
Instructions for entries in Service Book
(1) Entries in Form Part-I shall be made regarding bio-data of the Government
employee at the time of his first appointment and the same shall be attested
by the head of office or any other officer duly authorized in this behalf.
Additions and alterations in this part shall also be similarly attested by the
Head of office or authorized officer.
(4) Entries of option exercised at the time of revision of pay scales, promotion,
grant of assured career progression etc. shall also be made in this form.
shall be attested by the head of office or any other officer duly authorized in this
Columns 1, 3 and 4 of Form Part-III(b) shall be filled after receipt of intimation from
the foreign employer about the Government employee having reported for duty on
foreign service. Column 2 shall be filled after repatriation from foreign service. Entry
in column 4 shall be in brief, as may be appropriate.
4 Entries in Form Part-IV regarding history of service.─
(1) Entries in Form Part-IV shall be made at the time of initial appointment and
thereafter, on the occurrence of events involving a change in the post,
office, station, pay structure or nature of appointment. Such events shall
include appointment, promotion, reversion, deputation, transfer (including
transfer on foreign service), increment, leave and suspension.
(2) Entries regarding period of suspension, period of extraordinary leave with
or without medical, period of wilful absence, any period of interruption in
service, any punishment awarded by the competent authority, date of
confirmation in service, resignation from service, termination from service,
retirement from service and date of disappearance or death while in
service shall be made in red ink.
(3) Columns 4 to 6 in respect of second and subsequent entries need be filled
only if there is a change in the post, pay structure, office or station.
(4) [Columns 6 shall show different components of pay separately, e.g. “Pay
85,100 in Functional/ACP Level+ DP ____ + Special Pay 200 + Personal
Pay Rs. 200.”]1
(5) Column 7 relates to entries regarding promotion/reversion/grant of assured
career progression/Transfer etc. which affect the columns 2 to 6.
(6) Before attesting any entry made in column 11, the attesting officer shall
ensure that there is no un-explained gap between entries and signatures/
rubber stamp of the attesting officer.
(7) Any event not effecting columns 2 to 6, shall be briefly noted in column 11.
Substituted vide Notification No.2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017.
Entries in Form Part-V shall be made for relevant period after due verification from
pay bill. It will be the duty of Head of office to ensure that in case of transfer of
Government employee working in his office all the details under relevant columns
are duly completed before forwarding the service book to the new office of the
Government employee concerned. He shall also ensure that all certificates/
documents of Volume-II of the service book are handled/forwarded with due care.
Every Government employee at the time of entry into Government service shall
inform the detail of his family members and entries in this regard shall be made by
the Head of office in Form Part-VI. Whenever any change occurs in the family, it
shall also be informed by him and necessary entries shall also be made in his
service book.
Annexure – 5
(See rule 46)
Form of Earned Leave Account
Duty Leave Leave at Leave taken Balance of
From To No. of days earned credit (in From To No. of Earned Leave
spent on in days days days on return
duty columns from leave
9+4) (Col. 5-8)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Annexure - 5 (Contd.)
Form - 2
(See rule 46)
Annexure - 5 (Contd.)
Form - 3
(See rule 46)
Form of Maternity & Child Adoption Leave Account
Paternity Leave
Sr. From To No. of days Remarks
1 2 3 4 5
Form - 4
(See rule 46)
Form of Child Care Leave Account
Name & Designation _______________________________________________________
Date of Joining ________________________________
Sr. From To No. of days Remarks
1 2 3 4 5
Annexure - 5 (Contd.)
Form - 5
(See rule 46)
Annexure - 6
(See rule 105)
FORM - T-1
Form of Bond for permanent Government employee proceeding for
training abroad
For and on behalf of the Governor of Haryana.
(Designation of the Officer)
Annexure - 7
(See rule 105)
FORM - T-2
Form of Bond for temporary Government employee proceeding for
training abroad
For and on behalf of the Governor of Haryana.
(Designation of the Officer)
Annexure - 8
(See rule 106)
FORM - T-3
Form of Supplementary bond for permanent Government employees
granted extension for training abroad
AND WHEREAS for the better protection of the Government, the above bounden has
agreed to executed this Supplementary bond with such condition as interests of the
hereunder written.
his return to duty or in the event of his removal or dismissal from service for any kind of
misconduct during the prescribed period, he shall forthwith refund to the Government
on demand the said sum of Rs. _________________ (Rupees_________________
_______________________) together with interest thereon from the date of demand at
Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans.
AND upon the above bounden __________________ making such refund the
above written obligation shall be void and of no effect, otherwise it shall be and remain
in full force and virtue.
In witness whereof, these presents have been signed by a duly authorized officer
on behalf of the Governor of Haryana and by the other person(s) party hereto.
For and on behalf of the Governor of Haryana.
(Designation of the Officer)
Annexure - 9
(See rule 106)
FORM - T-4
Form of Supplementary bond for temporary Government employee
granted extension of deputation on training
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT WE (1)____________________
s/o_____________________________ resident of ___________________________
presently working as ______________________________ in the Department/Office of
___________________________________________(herein after called “the obligor”)
and (2) Shri___________________________ s/o______________________________
resident of _____________________________________________ presently working
as ____________________ in the Department/Office of ______________________
____________________ (surety on his behalf) do hereby jointly and severally bind
ourselves and our respective heirs, executors and administrators to pay to the
Governor of Haryana (hereinafter called “the Government”) on demand the sum of
Rs. _________________ (Rupees ________________________________________)
together with interest thereon from the date of demand at Government rates for the
time being in force on Government loans or, if payment is made in a country other than
India, the equivalent of the said amount in the currency of that country converted at the
official rate of exchange between that country and India.
AND WHEREAS for the better protection of the Government the above
bounden has agreed to execute this supplementary bond with such condition as
hereunder is written.
his return to duty or in the event of his removal or dismissal from service for any kind
of misconduct during the prescribed period, the obligor and the sureties shall forthwith
refund to the Government on demand the said amount of Rs. ___________________
(Rupees _____________________________________) together with interest thereon
from the date of demand at Government rates for the time being in force on
Government loans.
PROVIDED ALWAYS that the liability of the surety hereunder shall not be
impaired or discharged by reason of time being granted or by any forbearance, act or
omission of the Government or any person authorized by them ( whether with or
without the consent or knowledge of the surety) nor shall it be necessary for the
Government to sue the said obligor before sueing the above-bounden sureties
_____________________________________ on any of them for the amount due
In witness whereof, these presents have been signed by a duly authorized officer
on behalf of the Governor of Haryana and by the other person(s) party hereto.
For and on behalf of the Governor of Haryana.
(Designation of the Officer)
Annexure - 10
(See rule 110)
2. Joining time, joining time pay and transfer travelling allowance.─ He shall
be entitled to avail joining time, pay for the period of joining time and transfer
travelling allowance both ways on joining the post on foreign service and on
reversion therefrom to the parent Department, it will be regulated as per provision
in Haryana Civil Services Rules or the rules of foreign employer which are more
beneficial for the concerned Government employee. The liability will be borne by
the Foreign employer.
3. Pay and dearness allowance.─ During the period of foreign service on the
same post or the post of same [level]1 he shall draw pay equal to the pay
admissible to him in his parent Department. On transfer to the same post of
higher [level]1 he shall be entitled to higher [level]1. However, on transfer to a
higher post of different [level]1, the pay will be admissible to him as per provision
in Haryana Civil Services (Pay) Rules, 2016. He will be entitled to dearness
allowance equal to the rate of his parent Department.
Substituted vide Notification No.2/12/2017-4FR, Dated : 4th December, 2017.
the expenses of parent Department unless such benefits are normally attached
as a condition of service to the post to which he is deputed in the borrowing
(a) the licence fee will be charged from him by the borrowing Organization; and
(b) the difference between market rent prescribed from time to time and licence
fee recovered from the concerned Government employee will be borne by
the borrowing Organization, and will be deposited in the following Head
where the licence fee was being deposited by the parent Department
before his transfer on foreign service:-
(i) is/was in service at the time of actually availing LTC of home town or
anywhere in India; or
(ii) remained in service for a period more than two years during the period of
the respective block, in case one month salary in lieu of LTC is availed by
10. Leave and pension.─ During the period of foreign service, he will continue to be
governed by the leave rules and pension rules of his parent Department.
11. Disability leave and hospital leave.─ The payment of leave salary during
disability leave and hospitality leave in respect of disability incurred in or through
foreign service even though such disability manifests itself after the termination of
foreign service shall be made by the borrowing Organization.
12. Leave salary contribution.─ As per provision in Rule 128 of Haryana Civil
Services (General) Rules, 2016 the borrowing Organization shall pay leave salary
contribution quarterly within fifteen days @ 11% of emoluments admissible during
the period of foreign service, otherwise after this penal interest @ Rs. 10/- per
day shall be charged. It shall be deposited in the following Head (it is to be
mentioned by the parent Department concerned):-
13. Pension contribution.─ As per provision in Rule 131 of Haryana Civil Services
(General) Rules, 2016 the borrowing Organization shall make payment of
Pension Contribution @ ______ % of the emoluments in the Consolidated Fund
of the State, quarterly within fifteen days otherwise, penal interest @ Rs. 10 per
day shall be charged. It will be deposited in the following Major Head:-
regularly deposit the same every month into Haryana Government Head of
Account “8011 Insurance and Pension Funds-107 State Government
Employees' Group Insurance Scheme” In case of delay/default, the borrowing
Organization will deposit the arrears of subscription along with interest at the rate
and manner prescribed in the scheme.
(See rule 110)
Specimen of Standard terms and conditions in respect of Haryana
Government employees transferred to foreign service in an Organization
under the control of Government other than Haryana Government.
2. Joining time, joining time pay and transfer travelling allowance.─ He shall
be entitled to avail joining time, pay for the period of joining time and transfer
travelling allowance both ways on joining the post on foreign service and
on reversion therefrom to the parent Department. It will be regulated as per
provision in Haryana Civil Services Rules or the rules of foreign employer which
are more beneficial for the concerned Government employee. The liability will be
borne by the foreign employer.
3. Pay and dearness allowance.─ During the period of deputation he may elect to
(a) either the pay in the higher pay structure of deputation post, if any, plus
dearness allowance as per rules of borrowing organization; or
(b) basic pay of the parent cadre plus deputation allowance and dearness
allowance thereon as per rules of parent Department.
(a) the licence fee will be charged from him by the borrowing Organization; and
(b) the difference between market rent prescribed from time to time and licence
fee recovered from the concerned Government employee will be borne by
the borrowing Organization, and will be deposited in the following Head
where the licence fee was being deposited by the parent Department
before his transfer on foreign service:-
(i) is/was in service at the time of actually availing leave travel concession of
home town or anywhere in India; or
(ii) remained in service for a period more than two years during the period of
the respective block, in case one month salary in lieu of leave travel
concession is availed by him.
10. Leave and pension.─ During the period of foreign service, he shall continue to
be governed by the leave rules and pension rules of his parent Department.
11. Disability leave and hospital leave.─ The payment of leave salary during
disability leave and hospitality leave in respect of disability incurred in or through
foreign service even though such disability manifests itself after the termination of
foreign service shall be made by the borrowing Organization.
12. Leave salary contribution.─ As per provision in Rule 128 of Haryana Civil
Services (General) Rules, 2016, the borrowing Organization shall pay leave
salary contribution quarterly within fifteen days @ 11% of emoluments admissible
during the period of foreign service, otherwise after this penal interest @ Rs. 10/-
per day shall be charged. It shall be deposited in the following Head (it is to be
mentioned by the parent Department concerned):-
13. Pension contribution.─ As per provision in Rule 131 of Haryana Civil Services
(General) Rules, 2016, the borrowing Organization shall make payment of
Pension Contribution @ ______ % of the emoluments in the Consolidated Fund
of the State, quarterly within fifteen days otherwise, penal interest @ Rs. 10 per
day shall be charged. It will be deposited in the following Major Head:-
Organization will deposit the arrears of subscription along with interest at the rate
and manner prescribed in the Scheme.
16. Commencement and completion of foreign service.─ The foreign service
shall commence on the date on which he hands over charge of his post and
completes on the date on which he assumes charge of the post in his parent
(See rule 110)
Specimen of standard terms & conditions in respect of Haryana
Government employees transferred on deputation in a Department under
the control of any Government other than Haryana Government.
1. Period of deputation.─ Shri ________________________________________ ,
____________________________(designation) is being/has been transferred
on deputation from _____________________ to ____________________ unless
he is recalled earlier.
2. Joining time, joining time pay and transfer travelling allowance─ He shall
be entitled to avail joining time, pay for the period of joining time and transfer
travelling allowance on joining the post on deputation or reversion therefrom to
the parent Department as per the rules of the Department/Government to which
he is proceeding. The expenditure on this account will also be borne by the
Department/Government to which he is proceeding.
3. Pay and dearness allowance.─ During the period of deputation he may elect to
(a) either the pay in the higher pay structure of deputation post, if any, plus
dearness allowance as per rules of lending Department; or
(b) basic pay of the parent cadre plus deputation allowance and dearness
allowance thereon as per rules of parent Department.
4. Compensatory allowances.─ All compensatory allowances (excluding dearness
allowance) shall be regulated as per provision in the rules of lending Department
or borrowing Department which are more beneficial for him.
5. Medical facilities.─ He shall be entitled to the medical facilities as per provision
in the rules of the lending Department. If he desires, he may opt to avail the
medical facilities of the borrowing Department in lieu thereof.
6. Facility of rent free accommodation and/or free conveyance.─ No rent free
accommodation, free conveyance or any conveyance allowance be provided at
the expenses of parent Department unless such benefits are normally attached
as a condition of service to the post to which he is deputed in the borrowing
7. Allotment of residential accommodation.─ He shall be entitled to avail the
facility of allotment of residential accommodation for the period of deputation
according to the rules of the borrowing Department/Government.
8. Retention/Fresh allotment of Government accommodation.─ He shall be
entitled to retain/fresh allotment of Government accommodation already allotted/
to be allotted by the competent authority at the same station provided the licence
fee will be charged from him by the borrowing Department and will be deposited
in the following Head if residential accommodation belongs to Haryana
(See rule 110)
Standard terms & conditions in respect of Haryana Government
employees transferred to Chandigarh Administration
1. Period of deputation.─ Shri ________________________________________,
_________________(designation) is being/has been transferred on deputation
from __________________ to __________________ unless he is recalled
2. Joining time, joining time pay and transfer travelling allowances.─ He shall
be entitled to avail joining time, pay for the period of joining time and transfer
travelling allowance both on joining the post on deputation and on reversion
therefrom to the parent Department as per the rules of the Chandigarh
Administration or parent Department to which he is proceeding. The expenditure
on this account will also be borne by the Chandigarh Administration/parent
Department to which he is proceeding.
3. Pay and dearness allowance.─ During the period of deputation he shall draw
pay equal to the pay admissible to him, from time to time, in his parent
Department. He will be entitled to dearness allowance equal to the rate of his
parent Department.
4. Compensatory allowances.─ All compensatory allowances (excluding dearness
allowance) will be regulated as per provision in the rules of parent Department/
Chandigarh Administration which are more beneficial for him.
5. Medical facilities.─ He shall be entitled to the medical facilities as per provision
in the rules of the lending Department. If he desires, he may opt to avail the
medical facilities of the Chandigarh Administration in lieu thereof.
6. Facility of rent free accommodation and/or free conveyance.─ No rent free
accommodation, free conveyance or any conveyance allowance be provided at
the expenses of parent Department unless such benefits are normally attached
as a condition of service to the post to which he is deputed in the Chandigarh
7. Allotment of residential accommodation.─ He shall be entitled to avail the
facility of allotment of residential accommodation for the period of deputation
according to the rules of the borrowing Department or Chandigarh Administration.
8. Retention/Fresh allotment of Government accommodation.─ He shall be
entitled to retain/fresh allotment of Government accommodation already allotted/
to be allotted by the competent authority at the same station provided the licence
fee will be charged from him by the Chandigarh Administration and will be
deposited in the following Major Head if he has been allotted Government
accommodation by Haryana Government:-
“0216-Housing-01-Haryana Government Residential Buildings-106-
General Pool Accommodation”
Note.─ In case residential accommodation belongs to Department other than PWD
(B&R) Haryana, the rent shall be payable to the receipt head of the relevant
(See rule 110)
Specimen of standard terms & conditions in respect of Haryana
Government employees transferred on deputation to Bhakra Beas
Management Board.
1. Period of deputation.─ Shri ________________________________________,
___________________________ (designation) is being/has been transferred on
deputation from _____________________ to ______________________ unless
he is recalled earlier.
2. Joining time, joining time pay and transfer travelling allowance─ He shall be
entitled to avail joining time, pay for the period of joining time and transfer
travelling allowance both on joining the post on deputation and on reversion
therefrom to the lending Department as per the rules of the Bhakra Beas
Management Board or Government to which he is proceeding. The expenditure
on this account will be borne by the Bhakra Beas Management Board/parent
Department to which he is proceeding.
3. Pay and dearness allowance.─ During the period of deputation he may elect to
(a) either the pay in the pay structure of deputation post and dearness
allowance as per provision in the rules of Bhakra Beas Management Board;
(b) pay and dearness allowance as per provision in the rules of his parent
4. Compensatory allowances.─ All compensatory allowances (excluding dearness
allowance) shall be regulated as per provision in the rules of parent
Department/Bhakra Beas Management Board which are more beneficial for him.
5 Medical facilities.─ He shall be entitled to the medical facilities as per provision
in the rules of the lending Department. If he desired, he may opt to avail the
medical facilities of the Bhakra Beas Management Board in lieu thereof.
6 Facility of rent free accommodation and/or free conveyance.─ No rent free
accommodation, free conveyance or any conveyance allowance be provided at
the expenses of lending Department unless such benefits are normally attached
as a condition of service to the post to which he is deputed in the Bhakra Beas
Management Board.
7 Allotment of residential accommodation.─ He shall be entitled to avail the
facility of allotment of residential accommodation for the period of deputation
according to the rules of Bhakra Beas Management Board.
8. Retention/Fresh allotment of Government accommodation.─ He shall be
entitled to retain/fresh allotment of Government accommodation already allotted/
to be allotted by the competent authority at the same station provided the licence
fee will be charged from him by the Bhakra Beas Management Board and will be
deposited in the following Major Head if he has been allotted Government
accommodation by Haryana Government:-
(See rule 141)
2. Joining time, joining time pay and transfer travelling allowance.─ He shall
be entitled to avail joining time, pay for the period of joining time and transfer
travelling allowance both on joining the post on deputation and on reversion
therefrom to the parent Organization as per the rules of the parent Organization
and the expenditure on this account will be borne by the borrowing Department.
3. Pay and dearness allowance.─ During the period of deputation he may elect to
(a) either the pay in the pay structure of deputation post and dearness
allowance as per provision in the rules of borrowing Department; or
(b) pay in the pay structure of the post in his parent Organization and dearness
allowance thereon.
(i) is/was in service at the time of actually availing leave travel concession of
home town or anywhere in India; or
(ii) remained in service for a period more than two years during the period of
the respective block, in case one month salary in lieu of leave travel
concession is availed by him.
10. Leave and pension.─ During the period of deputation, he will continue to be
governed by the Leave and Pension/Contributory Provident Fund Rules of
lending Organization.
11. Leave salary contribution.─ The borrowing Department shall pay leave salary
contribution quarterly within fifteen days @ 11% of emoluments admissible
during the period of foreign service, otherwise after this penal interest @ Rs. 10/-
per day shall be charged. It shall be deposited in the following account (it is to be
mentioned by the parent Organization concerned):-