About The Company
About The Company
About The Company
Chapter 1
SEE WILL Constructions Consultant and Builders are building contractors established in 2013.
Constructing various types of buildings and have been successful in completing these projects
based on their respective contract termination periods. Due to vast experience; the firm has
attained a well-organized organizational makeup for running the business. They own a wide
variety of construction machineries, transport and various facilities. For instance; concrete
mixers, dumpers, vibrators, excavators and compactors can be listed out of the construction
machineries. Apart from this; they have experienced professional workers who are found at
various sites and offices.
Guided by their vision, they shall provide quality services exceeding client’s expectation while
adhering to the highest standards of technical and individual excellence trough continuous
improvement training and innovation.
Adding value to clients.
Nurturing and promoting talents.
Respecting employee’s intense efforts and contribution
Project management
Soil investigations
Topographic Surveys
Construction supervision
Fig. 1.2: Residential Building in Vijayanagara Fig. 1.3 Residential building in Hassan
Some of the photographs of completed projects taken after completion of works are shown
Apart from the completed projects, The Company is currently constructing various projects in
different areas. As they have improved their capacity; they have increased their participation in
large construction contracts. Some of the current projects found are,
The company currently maintains its office in Hassan. The complete profile as follows,
SEE WILL Construction Consultant and Builder
Properator: Suneel Gowda
1st Floor HKS Plaza, opp. Suvarna
Conventional Hall, Hassan-573201
Email Id: [email protected]
The sites we have visited during the internship under SEEWILL CONSTRUCTIONS are
1. Udaygiri
2. Satyamangala
3. Hemavathi nagar
4. Shantinagar
5. Vijayanagar
6. Hunsinkere
7. SBM colony
Chapter 2
Time is the basic variable in scheduling construction works. The schedule is used to
determine the optimal order for the execution of activities. It requires a series of basic steps
During the planning stage, all work activities should be properly understood,
and planned in detail to optimize the allocation of resources and reduce the potential
for ‘unknowns’. Estimates can then be made of how long each activity will take. This is
critical to the setting of milestones and deadlines, for allocation of resources, and for
determining the pricing of contracts and cash flow requirements.
As well as work packages, time management should also make allowance for activities:
2.4.2 Selecting:
Once the supply list has been completed and specifications have been decided, it is time to reach
out to potential vendors and suppliers that can offer the items needed. This is the selecting
process. Selecting can be done with conferences and/or communication with potential suppliers
so they are aware of the needs of the company and are able to answer any questions. Bidders can
then submit their proposals. Because Betty knows she needs glass eyes and yarn, the purchasing
department looks for vendors that offer these supplies. They then decide to invite them to a web
conference so they can explain the specifications, such as colour, quantity, and timeframe. Once
the conferences end, all of the potential vendors are asked to submit a proposal for Super
Toyland to consider.
Chapter 3
The basic construction materials include cement, steel, sand, water, ready mix concrete,
binding wires, building stones, coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, bricks, blocks etc. Any
material used in building construction has to be selected carefully to ensure safety and long-
lasting life of the building.
Other materials used in the construction of any building in later stages may include
plywood, doors and windows, floor and roof tiles, white cement, paints and varnishes, adhesives
etc. All the building construction materials come in different grades, sizes and brands which are
used for different purposes in construction based on their functionality and strength.
3.1.1 Following are the materials used for the construction of a building:
1. Bricks.
2. Concrete Blocks.
3. Cement.
4. Stone.
5. Coarse Aggregates.
6. Fine Aggregates.
7. Timber.
8. Steel.
9. Floor Tiles.
10. Roof Tiles.
11. Metal.
12. Doors & Windows.
13. Paints & Varnishes.
14. Brick Ballast.
15. Sanitary Materials.
16. Electric materials.
17. Water etc.
3.1.1 Batching
The process of measuring different concrete materials such as cement, coarse aggregate,
sand, water for the making of concrete is known as batching. Batching can be done in two
different ways.
Volume Batching
Weight Batching.
In volume batching the measurements of concrete materials are taken by volume & On the
other hand the measurements are taken by weight in weight batching.
3.1.2 Mixing
In this process, all the materials are thoroughly mixed in required proportions until the paste
shows uniform color and consistency. Hand mixing and machine mixing are the two different
methods of mixing.
Fig.3.1 Mixing
When the mixing is done properly the freshly made concrete is then transported to the
construction site, this process is known as transportation. After that, the concrete is correctly
placed on the formworks. Concrete can be transported to the site location in two ways
Manual Transportation.
Mechanical Transportation.
Wheel barrows
Transit mixers
Belt conveyors
Tower cranes
Compaction is the process in which the air bubbles are eliminated from the freshly placed
concrete. It is required to increase the ultimate strength of concrete by enhancing the bond with
Curing is the process in which the concrete keeps its moisture for a certain time period to
complete the hydration process. Curing should be done properly to increase the strength of
Required Curing days:
Ordinary Sulphate Resistant Cement – 8 Days.
Low Heat Cement – 14 Days.
Fig.3.3 Curing
A ceiling is an overhead interior surface that covers the upper limits of a room. It is not
generally considered a structural element, but a finished surface concealing the underside of the
roof structure or the floor of a story above. Ceilings can be decorated to taste, and there are many
fine examples of frescoes and artwork on ceilings especially in religious buildings.
Fig.4.(a) Ceiling
Fig.4. (b)
Fig.4.(c) Ceiling
The exposure to the company environment for duration of 4 weeks was a good experience which
helped us to know working environment and exposure to the higher knowledge level in many
different ways. There are several different experiences to students because of internship
depending on the field of working. It is a good experience to learn from each individuals in
different departments of the company. The internship program as it is known was started with a
major plan of enabling students acquire enough technical and practical knowledge concerning
how the works are performed in the practical world in relation to their field of study.
4.1 PRACTICAL SKILLS: I have been able to accumulate certain practical skills which are
important in running a construction project. As I have noticed this sector requires the availability
of enough practical knowledge and very educated professionals. In the time elapsed I have
worked with professionals that helped me acquire practical skills both on the site and in the
office. As I have explained before performing works in the office was my activity where I was
able to thoroughly understand and practice work tasks conducted in the office. Based on this I
have practiced preparing take off sheet s for different work items. On the site I have practiced the
works of various structural parts by following the procedures utilized for each specific categories
of work. In this respect the concrete works, bar bending, formwork preparation, and demolishing,
chiselling and plastering works were included. Another practical activity I have obtained was the
skill of supervision which includes controlling, commanding and leading a group of workers in
performing a task.
4.3 EXPERIENCE GAINED: I had a great experience in SEE WILL properties. It is good
platform for the fresher’s to get knowledge about the site activities. I have learnt time
management and labour management effectively which is the main aspect of execution. High
Quality work is maintained, so that it gives knowledge about how to achieve quality works. My
external guide during internship was Mr.Suneel, site engineer from whom I have learned a lot
during my internship. During execution I have learnt time management and labour management
effectively which is the main aspect of execution.
4.4 WORK ETHICS: In every profession, there are ethics to be followed. These rules help
workers maintain appropriate professional discipline. Without these ethics, it would be difficult
to conduct ones work effectively. There is labour discipline that each worker should observe and
respect. These could relate to norms, mode of carrying out a work, protection of the property and
means of working and managing activities. Failure to observe such ethical rules would result in
penalty which ranges from suspension to dismissal. Thus workers are expected to observe
professional rules so as to be more productive and to establish good rapport with other workers.
Some important ethical values that should be followed are discussed below.
The main objective of the industrial training is to provide an opportunity to undergraduates to
identify, observe and practice how engineering is applicable in the real industry. It is not only
to get experience on technical practices but also to observe management practices and to
interact with on field workers.
It was an opportunity to learn the way of work in an organization, the importance of being
punctual, the importance of maximum commitment and the importance of team spirit.
The main aim of studies within this project was to investigate how a structure is constructed
within its desired properties. Company give opportunity to get knowledge about the basic &
advanced techniques of building construction as well as saw the challenges that has to face
during construction i.e. labor problems, cost management, environmental challenges etc.