Model Checking: Model Checking Is An Automatic Technique For Verifying Finite State
Model Checking: Model Checking Is An Automatic Technique For Verifying Finite State
Model Checking: Model Checking Is An Automatic Technique For Verifying Finite State
Model Checking
False:Error trace
Model of
Model Checker
True:Satisfies formula
of Property
Syntax of CCS
3. E1|E2, a Composition
4. E\L, a Restriction(L ⊆ L)
2p 1p
V = 2p.big.collect.V + 1p.little.collect.V
Modal Mu-Calculus
1. V [2p]hbigitt
2. V [2p]hbigihcollectitt
3. V [1p]hlittleitt
4. V [1p]hlittleihcollectitt
5. V 2 [2p]hlittleihcollectitt
ans ans
reply reply
• After a request has been made from the client systems response will
be either answer to the client or request to the server (P3)
• It is not possible to have both answer and request from the system
after request from client(P4)
Thank you