~ Chemical Equilibn
; : i Chateliers
Objective: — To study the shift in equilibrium of reversible reactions using Le
Background es
composivon OF
» # ie poccible ta change the
aibiurn co of the factors
equilibrium mixture by changing the conditions of the reaction. The so a jes will find
which alter the position of equilibrium is commercially important as Te eo are
the ontimum conditions ior te vields and at the semic th
as long
lowest cost of production, The reaction system remains in dynemic Sl ilerey eee
as the system remains isolated or closed where there is no exchange of mal g
betw a
the externai conditions such 2s temperature, concentration and pressure oF cine fen
are changed, the equilibrium will shift to 2 new position of equilibrium. The direction ir
hich an Went whan one ni thece changes is made can be predic! by
applying Le Chatelier’s principle. Le Chatelier’s principle states that when a system at
equilibrium is subjected to @ change in temperature, pressure,-or concentration of a reactant
ee ft mn pesition so as to partial
xt, the system will, if po
counteract the effect of the change.
Jn this experiment, you will study the following reactions:
1 Hing + H;O_ = HsO'~g + IM'ag
colouriess colouriess pink
2 NH.OH = NHy" ag + Otay
2C1O,¥ joy + 2H"eg = CHOr* oy + Hm
$< [CU(H,O)¢}"teg + 4NHyaq = [CU(NH:).}" ey + 4H20q
fight blue dark blue
« FoChia, | NELSON: = EeISCNICL + NHLChey
light yellow biood red :
Phenolphthelein, 1.0 M NH.OH, solid NH.Cl, 1.0 M NaOH, 1.0 MCHsCOOH, solid NaCl,
1.0 M K;CrO,, 3.0 M HNOs, 0.1 M CuSO,, 0.02 M FeCl, 0.2 M NH.SCN, conc. NHa.
1. Add(5 mL of water and 2 drops of phenolphthaleinyinto @ test tube, Add a few drops
MTD MNELO LE Oheanve the colonr of the solution
Add a few drops of 1.0 MCH:COOH until the colour of the solution changes. Record
the colour obtained.
of 1.0 M NOH) Divide the little Solid NHC! to one
peed of the oe and shake well. Compare the colour of the two eae =Scanned with CamScannerScanned with CamScannerScanned with CamScannerthe solutions as required. Pre:
inthe results in the tabie proviced.
Results and Discussion
Chemical solution
4. ‘distilled water
Scanned with CamScannerScanned with CamScannermixture
point of pure A and ihe line PE repre
V the percentage of 8 increases.
f ets at point | !
Scanned with CamScannernaphthalene (9)
Freezing point temperature (°C)
Percentage of naphthalene (%)
naphthalene (g)
Scanned with CamScannerWhat ere the pi
Scanned with CamScanner