Recent Advances in Mobile Applications For Construction A Search For Cost Management of Projects

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Volume 5, Issue 5, May – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Recent Advances in Mobile Applications

For Construction; A Search for Cost
Management of Projects
Uchenna Sampson Igwe1, Sarajul Fikri Mohamed2, Mohamed Bin Mat Dzahir Azwarie3
Chima Onyebuchi Okoro4, Anthonia Oluwatosin Adediran5
Department of Quantity Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru Malaysia
School of Environmental Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Owerri Nigeria
Department of Estate Management, Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.

Abstract:- Construction industry is information- I. INTRODUCTION

oriented industry and the increasing demands for cost
effectiveness, process efficiency, and apt conveyance of One of the biggest recent developments in the
information for management action resulted to several management of construction projects is the integration of
innovations in the industry. Mobile technology is one of mobile technology. One of the numerous innovations that
the new trends of industrial innovations which has has made great impact on the global society is the use of
altered present day business operations for good and mobile phones [1]. The basic project management tools that
construction business is not an exception as it has supports in thwarting or eradicating kickbacks in the
assisted greatly in construction project management different phases of construction projects which include
and performance. It has therefore become an planning, designing, and building are being decoded and
indispensable tool during project execution as the use built in tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices.
makes information transmission and retrieval among Whether the construction project is a simple structure or
construction professionals and participants more complex edifice, there are a number of different
effective and efficient. Cost management in construction professionals and project participants involved, ranging
is a process and its operation need innovation, from project consultants to site supervisors and artisans,
automation, learning, involvement and commitment whose interest is to ensure effective management of the
from people. The ingredients of construction cost and project to avoid undue time and cost overruns. The
the activities involved in managing construction cost is construction industry is facing a new-fangled and revitalized
obtainable from all the construction participants which period with the support of technology through new
include the consultants, the contractors, and the client. applications and tools. These applications generated by
Integrating these ingredients and the activities becomes technology start-up companies are changing how
very paramount in delivering effective cost management construction companies are designing, planning and
practice. Hence, developing and adopting new ways to executing their projects [2].
save time and reduce costs of construction can help
construction firms to have a competitive edge in the The major challenges of construction industry are how
construction market and mobile technology offers to reduce costs, improve productivity and have a
construction companies the prospect to get to that level. competitive edge in when it comes to quality of service and
There are so many construction related mobile customer satisfaction. This challenge is communication-
applications currently in the market ranging from based challenges among project participants because of the
simple calculations to full rendering of construction dynamic features of the construction industry. [3] articulated
facilities. This paper presents recent innovations in the the major factors that lead to these challenges. According to
use of mobile technology in construction with emphasis them, these challenges can be attributed to:
laid on the use of the technology for construction cost  The huge measure of data that is required to be
management in real time. The paper reveals the basic exchanged and traded amid the construction phase of a
uses of mobile applications in construction, and their project
potentials for effective monitoring and control of  The dispersion of construction project team and
construction cost. construction works as well as recurrent changes of site
Keywords:- Mobile Technology, Real-Time Cost,  The way the industry is fragmented that involve many
Construction Innovations, Cost Management, and different stakeholders which creates gaps in data stream.
Construction Mobile Apps.  The separation of site offices from work sites.

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Volume 5, Issue 5, May – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 The need for apt transmission of information as the emphasis laid in cost management mobile applications in
construction industry has rigid deadlines and costly real time. The key benefits of mobile applications in
delays characteristics. construction were highlighted, recent innovations were
 The amplified dependence on subcontractors to execute explored, with a proposed real time cost management model
construction work as it was reported that at least 80% of using integrated mobile application.
the activities performed on a typical construction site is
delegated to specialty contractors which in turn II. AREAS OF MOBILE APPLICATION IN
expounds the fragmentation of the industry. CONSTRUCTION

These challenges are being addressed as The era of mobile technology is in full swing, and
communication has been made easy and transmission of construction companies are gradually but assuredly making
information is done effortlessly with the use of mobile the switch [9]. Though the construction industry is long
devices. Inadequate communication and management of known as slow adapters of technology, the industry is
construction programs results into cost overruns and catching up at 5G speeds [7]. Mobile devices are practically
imprecise construction schedule forecasts [4]. Mobile used in all phases of construction project development. The
project management has taken a rapid pace with the smartphone, as well as mobile computing technology,
introduction of the mobile devices, which is quickly provides a flexible and enabling environment for on-site
becoming an indispensable tool in construction project sites. construction management and it is anticipated to champion
Every participant in a project site performs a task that has the paradigm shift of the conventional construction
cost related implications. This means that the sources of all management practices [10]. Construction industry related
the cost ingredients which include materials, labour, plants applications presently obtainable in the market offer
and equipment, are traceable to the project participants who numerous functionalities ranging from simple calculations
practically cannot effectively deliver their services in the to detailed architectural renderings [8]. The basic areas of
present age without the use of mobile devices. The mobile application in the construction industry includes but
management of construction cost is the most vital not limited to;
determinant of project success, and the performance of any  Project planning
construction project is generally expressed in terms of cost  Project designs
and its deviation from the initial budget. Different  Cost management and control
innovations in construction have been in play especially in  Construction safety
this current day industrial revolution to ensure efficient and  Project management and control
effective project performance. When adequate control is
taken, even a well-thought-out and scheduled construction Mobile technology enables quick communication
system can lead to hitches, delays and cost overruns [5]. For between all stakeholders in any construction outfit. This
precise and resourceful information management, means that every project Participant will be acquainted on
information and communication technology (ICT) tools are how a project is going to be completed. Most construction
used in the construction industry [6]. The construction projects entail frequent communication among multiple
industry long known as slow adapters of technology is parties and slight break can be unfavorable to the
catching up at 5G speeds [7]. productivity of the project. [11]. Mobile technology gives
the parties the opportunity to resolve any information
There are so many construction applications currently transmission issues instantly via mobile email, or
existing. [8] cited that it is estimated that there may be submitting documents in real-time. Real-time access to
approximately 13,000 construction related development and information means less expensive mistakes [12].
design mobile applications currently in the market. New
technologies and innovations are still being invented and III. RECENT INNOVATIONS AND APPLICATIONS
adopted in executing construction related activities in recent IN CONSTRUCTION
times. The available mobile apps used in construction sector
are used for different range of activities including project A number of trends in the construction industry are
management, calculations, construction safety, integrated technology-related, either driven to a large extent by
construction cost and accounting, site operations, computer digitalization and other emerging technologies, or impacted
aided design, 2D and 3D designs and drawings, estimating, by technology [13]. [14] highlighted the recent innovations
and building information modelling (BIM). These in the construction industry from the year 2016 and beyond
applications are developed to increase productivity and (see figure 1 below) and mobile technology is one of the
efficiency and to manage workflow [8]. This paper explored areas of the recent innovations:
the recent advances in construction mobile applications with

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Volume 5, Issue 5, May – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 1:- Construction trends shaping the industry in 2016 and beyond; Adopted from [14]

Currently there are software and mobile solutions that cost. This is why virtually all developed mobile applications
can assist in managing different aspects of construction and softwares have capabilities of performing an integral
project. Ranging from preconstruction to work scheduling, part of cost management function directly or indirectly.
from project management and field reporting to managing These Apps and softwares have made construction
back office, there is already an existing software solution processes including management of cost and schedules easy.
that can help to streamline construction processes and Most software solutions are cloud-based, that allow making
improve productivity. Construction process entails adequate changes and up-to-date documentation, scheduling, and
management and harnessing of construction resources such other management functions in real time, facilitating better
as the materials, labour, plants and equipment to ensure the communication and collaboration [15]. Top 15 mobile
achievement of the proposed project as designed within the solutions used in construction are as listed in Table 1 below,
predetermined budget, not compromising quality, utility nor and their areas of applications.
appearance. The key determinant of a project performance is

S/N Technology Type Uses Areas Applicable

1 BIM 360 Docs Mobile Used to manage all project files and project Project Design, Cost Management,
application designs Project Management
2 Construction Mobile useful for making construction related Cost Management [Quantity
Master Pro App application calculations like length, area and volume Measurement and Estimating],
conversions. Project Planning
3 DroneDeploy Mobile DroneDeploy is used for site plans Project Management, Project
application development, monitoring of job progress, and Planning, Construction safety
comparing BIM models with actual site
conditions for safety improvement and to keep
projects on track.
4 eSUB Mobile fused exclusively for subcontractor’s Project Management, Cost
application workflow and needs. Management, Project planning
5 Fall Safety Pro Mobile actively monitors for falls and tracks location Project Management
application of falls in construction sites
6 GasBuddy Mobile Used to compare gas prices within a site Cost Management, Project
application location planning

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Volume 5, Issue 5, May – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
7 PlanGrid Mobile Enables users to share plans, markups, photos, Project Design, Project
application and reports with the whole project team from management, and Cost
their mobile device Management
8 SafetyCulture Mobile Provides a great checklist app. Paper checklist Project Management, Construction
iAuditor application are digitized to enable project team conduct safety
inspections faster
9 SmartBid Mobile SmartBid provides a cloud-based platform to Cost Management, Project
application send invitations to bid, share project Management, Project planning
documents, and work together with
subcontractors. SmartBid enables users to
securely access their network of
subcontractors for E-tendering
10 TrueLook Mobile Used to view construction sites in real-time, Project Management, project
application save and share webcam images. planning
11 JobFLEX This is an estimating and tender management Cost Management, Project
application that gives estimates on the spot, Management, project planning
with or without internet connections.
12 e-Builder Available in This is a construction project management Project Management, project
all platforms tool that enables real-time monitoring of planning
including project performance.
13 DEWALT Mobile Mobile DEWALT Mobile Pro is used fully for Cost Management
Pro application construction calculations and as a reference
14 Bridgit Closeout Available in Bridgit Closeout is a cloud-based job Project Management, project
different management solution for scheduling work, planning
platforms reporting, and note-taking. With the Closeout
including in app, task details can be shared among teams
15 Canvas Mobile Canvas makes reporting simpler and Cost Management, Project
application accessible. One can fill out estimates, forms, Management, project planning
inspections, work orders, and audits using
mobile devices.
Table 1:- Top Mobile Technologies Used In Construction

It is evident that majority of the above mobile getting relevant applications that are useful for any cost
applications, are relevant for construction cost management role they have to perform. This will greatly
management. Among the numerous benefits of mobile increase efficiency and accuracy of cost reports.
application in construction, increase in efficiency and
effectiveness of cost management processes is one of the IV. CONCLUSION
key importance. The key components of cost management
of construction projects include resource planning, cost Cost management in construction is a process and
estimation, cost budgeting, and cost control. Most of the implementing it demands innovation, automation, learning,
recent mobile applications and software has features to involvement and commitment from people especially in the
handle at least one of these key components. The training present era of digitization of processes. Integrating mobile
effort in the present era should be geared towards technology to specifically address real-time construction
improving the abilities of contractors and Cost Managers to cost will improve construction cost performance and
adopt a new digital approach rather than focusing on using drastically remove unnecessary bottlenecks faced by
the old analog and parametric estimating, cost adjustments project participants especially project managers and cost
and earned value [16]. Having established that mobile managers. The numerous varieties of mobile applications
application in construction cost management is an currently available in the market as revealed in the paper
indispensable tool in this current trend, it is therefore should be well adopted and utilized for construction cost
recommended that cost managers should be enthusiastic in management.

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Volume 5, Issue 5, May – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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