2016 Simp Boliv Bogota Talara
2016 Simp Boliv Bogota Talara
2016 Simp Boliv Bogota Talara
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3 authors, including:
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Eduardo A. Rossello , Stephen P.J. Cossey and Guzman Fernandez
1) CONICET-Universidad Buenos Aires, FCEN, Ciudad Universitaria, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
2) Cossey & Associates Inc., Durango, Colorado 81302, U.S.A.
3) Union Oil and Gas Group. Plaza Independencia 177, 1100 Montevideo, Uruguay.
Figure 4. Prospects are located within a mini passive-margin setting downdip of a large down-to-west growth-fault
controlled by gravitational gliding. The offshore Talara location is in the oil kitchen of the traditional Talara oil fields
(Los Organos- Peña Negra).
The oldest formation in the region is the The coastline is marked by a series of raised
Amotape Fm. which is exposed in the Amotape Pleistocene marine terraces (tablazos)
Mountains and consists of Devonian to composed of transgressive limestone and
Permian age low-grade metamorphic rocks coquina beds, covering about 60% of the
(Shepherd and Moberly 1981). Mesozoic rocks onshore basin and have limited the usefulness
are not well exposed in any part of the basin of seismic in exploration (De Vries 1988).
and the few known outcrops are difficult to
access. The Cretaceous Pananga and Muerto PROSPECTIVENESS
formations rest unconformably on the Amotape
Fm. and consist of limestone and bituminous Seismic mapping within the mini passive-
marl. margin growth faults (Fig. 4) has revealed
several structural stratigraphic traps which
The Muerto Formation is overlain by a series of formed early in the structural development of
Cretaceous and Paleocene siliciclastic units. the area (Fig 5).
Various authors have suggested that shales
and limestones of the Cretaceous are the The key mapping horizons in the area are
petroleum source rocks for the Talara basin subtle unconformities which control the trap
(mostly Muerto Fm. bituminous marl and the and do not necessitate the presence of a four-
Redondo Fm. black shale) (Zuñiga-Rivero et way structural closure (Fig. 4).
al. 1999a, 1999b, Arispe 2001a, 2001b,
Gonzales and Alarcon 2002). These traps are developed in the center and
the lateral edges of the large growth faults
The Eocene strata are characterized by within the mini passive-margin (Fig. 6).
alternating marine shales, sandstones, and Normally, these types of prospects are found
conglomerates deposited almost continuously within ―normal‖ passive-margin settings and
during the early Tertiary. Many of the Eocene not in subduction tectonic settings.
sandstone intervals are producing reservoirs