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Input Data For Test Cases Used in Triaxial Failure Theories PDF

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Article M AT E R I A L S
Journal of Composite Materials
46(19–20) 2295–2312
! The Author(s) 2012
Input data for test cases used in Reprints and permissions:
benchmarking triaxial failure theories DOI: 10.1177/0021998312449886
of composites

AS Kaddour1 and MJ Hinton2

This article gives details of the input data provided for use in the Second World-Wide Failure Exercise (WWFE-II) for
benchmarking triaxial failure criteria. It includes (a) three-dimensional elastic constants, ultimate strains and strengths
and the nonlinear stress–strain curves for five unidirectional laminae and their constituents and (b) a description of 12
challenging test cases of 5 composite laminates, the lay-ups, layer thicknesses, stacking sequences and the loading
conditions. The originators of 3D failure theories were requested to use the exact data provided here in their blind
predictions of the test cases. The instructions issued to the contributors are also presented at the end of this article.

Three-dimensional elastic properties, WWFE-II, test cases, input data

consideration was limited to laminated continuous

Introduction fibre-reinforced polymer composites. Taking into con-
In a recent activity, known as the first World-Wide sideration the availability of suitably extensive experi-
Failure Exercise (WWFE),1 the authors completed an mental data for laminates, two important and widely
important phase in benchmarking failure criteria for used classes of fibres (anisotropic carbon and isotropic
continuous fibre reinforced polymer composites when glass) and one class resin system (epoxy resins) were
subjected to two-dimensional (2D) states of stress. It selected for the exercise.
was concluded from that activity that the predictive A unidirectional (UD) lamina made of continuous
capabilities of failure criteria for dealing with triaxial fibres in a softer matrix is considered to be the basic
or 3D states of stresses remain largely unknown. To building block for the multidirectional laminates. The
close this gap in our knowledge, the authors have properties of the laminate depend very much on the
launched a new international activity – the Second properties (especially the relative orientation) of the
World-Wide Failure Exercise (WWFE-II).2 laminae. The behaviour of each lamina is, in turn, gov-
In the WWFE-II, 12 groups representing well- erned by its constituents, i.e. the properties of the fibres,
known originators of 3D failure criteria were requested the surrounding matrix, the interface and the relative
to run their models to make predictions for a set of amount of fibres and matrix in the lamina.
challenging test cases. They were asked to use an For performing a theoretical analysis of the mech-
agreed, common set of input data (material properties, anical behaviour of multidirectional laminates
geometry, lay-up, loading conditions, etc.) for all of under various loadings, most theories require as
these test cases. This article provides details of the input data the properties of each of the individual
input data given to and employed by the participants laminae that constitute the laminate. The properties
of the WWFE-II. Details of 12 models used and their required include: elastic constants and thermal proper-
predictions are published in various associated refer- ties, strengths, failure strains and in some cases, the
ences.3–14 A comparison between all of these predic- full stress–strain curves. Some methods of analysis
tions is made in Kaddour and Hinton.15
QinetiQ, Farnborough, UK
General considerations 2
QinetiQ, Fort Halstead, Sevenoaks, UK

Many different types of composite materials are avail- Corresponding author:

able and these include woven, nonwoven, braided, AS Kaddour, QinetiQ, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 0LX, UK
stitched, z-pin. To make the exercise manageable, Email: [email protected]
2296 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

Figure 2. A schematic showing a positive fibre orientation

angle (y) in relation to the reference axes.
Figure 1. A schematic showing lamina coordinates: 1: fibre
direction, 2: transverse direction, 3: through-thickness direction.

– transverse tensile and compressive properties (YT,

require property information of the constituent fibres and e2T, YC and e2C)
matrix. – through-thickness tensile and compressive proper-
The 3D elastic constants for an orthotropic UD ties (ZT, e3T, ZC and e3C)
lamina consist of the following independent in-plane – in-plane and through-thickness shear properties
and through-thickness properties: (S12,  12u, S13,  13u, S23 and  23u).

– Longitudinal (along the fibre) modulus E1,

– Transverse (perpendicular to the fibre) modulus E2,
Material properties
– Through-thickness (perpendicular to the fibre) Five types of fibres were selected in the analysis, two
modulus E3, types of glass fibre and three types of carbon fibre. They
– In-plane shear modulus G12, were chosen for consistency with data for particular
– Transverse shear modulus G13, laminates. The fibres are:
– Through-thickness shear modulus G23,
– Major in-plane Poisson’s ratio 12, – E-Glass fibres
– Transverse Poisson’s ratio 13 and – S2-Glass fibres,
– Through-thickness Poisson’s ratio 23 – T300 carbon fibres
– AS carbon fibres
where the subscripts 1, 2 and 3 refer to the three mutually – IM7 carbon fibres
perpendicular principal material directions. Figures 1
and 2 show schematic diagrams of a UD lamina with Five types of epoxy matrices were used in the ana-
the co-ordinate system used. Typically, the remaining lysis. These are:
Poisson’s ratios can be obtained by applying the recipro-
cal Maxwell relations, which give ij/Ei ¼ ji/Ej. Four of – MY750
these constants (E1, E2, 12 and G12) pertain to the in- – Epoxy 1
plane behaviour of thin laminae and the remainder relate – Epoxy 2
to the through-thickness (direction 3) behaviour. – PR-319
It is normally assumed that a unidirectional fibre- – 8551-7
reinforced lamina can be treated as transversely iso-
tropic. This assumption thereby reducing the number Using the above matrices and fibres, five types of
of independent elastic constants to five because E2 ¼ E3, laminae were used and these are
G12 ¼ G13, 12 ¼ 13 and G23 ¼ E2/2(1 þ 23).
Orthotropic composites generally possess nine 1. E-Glass/MY750
strengths and nine failure strain values. These are: 2. S2-Glass/epoxy
3. AS carbon/epoxy
– longitudinal tensile and compressive properties 4. IM7/8551-7 carbon/epoxy
(XT, e1T, XC and e1C) 5. T300/PR319 carbon/epoxy
Kaddour and Hinton 2297

Table 1. Mechanical properties for five unidirectional laminae

Fibre type IM7 T300 A-S S2-glass E-Glass

Matrix 8551-7 PR-319 Epoxy 1 Epoxy 2 MY750

Fibre volume fraction Vf (%) 60 60 60 60 60
Longitudinal modulus E1 (GPa) 165a 129 140a 52 45.6
Transverse modulus E2 (GPa) 8.4 5.6c 10 19 16.2
Through-thickness modulus E3 (GPa) 8.4 5.6c 10 19 16.2
In-plane shear modulus G12 (GPa) 5.6a 1.33c 6a 6.7a 5.83a
Transverse shear modulus G13 (GPa) 5.6a 1.33c 6a 6.7a 5.83a
Through-thickness shear modulus G23 (GPa) 2.8 1.86 3.35 6.7 5.7
Major Poisson’s ratio 12 0.34 0.318 0.3 0.3 0.278
Major transverse Poisson’s ratio 13 0.34 0.318 0.3 0.3 0.278
Through-thickness Poisson’s ratio 23 0.5 0.5 0.49 0.42 0.4
Longitudinal tensile strength XT (MPa) 2560 1378 1990 1700 1280
Longitudinal compressive strength XC (MPa) 1590 950 1500 1150 800
Transverse tensile strength YT (MPa) 73 40 38 63 40
Transverse compressive strength YC (MPa) 185b 125b 150b 180b 145b
Through-thickness tensile strength ZT (MPa) 63 40 38 50 40
Through-thickness compressive strength ZC (MPa) 185b 125b 150b 180b 145b
In-plane shear strength S12 (MPa) 90b 97b 70b 72b 73b
Transverse shear strength S13 (MPa) 90b 97b 70b 72b 73b
Through-thickness shear strength S23 (MPa) 57 45 50 40 50
Longitudinal tensile failure strain "1T (%) 1.551 1.07 1.42 3.27 2.807
Longitudinal compressive failure strain "1C (%) 1.1 0.74 1.2 2.21 1.754
Transverse tensile failure strain "2T (%) 0.87 0.43 0.38 0.33 0.246
Transverse compressive failure strain "2C (%) 3.2 2.8 1.6 1.5 1.2
Through-thickness tensile failure strain "3T (%) 0.755 0.43 0.38 0.263 0.246
Through-thickness compressive failure strain "3C (%) 3.2 2.8 1.6 1.5 1.2
In-plane shear failure strain  12u (%) 5 8.6 3.5 4 4
Transverse shear failure strain  13u (%) 5 8.6 3.5 4 4
Through-thickness shear failure strain  23u (%) 2.1 1.5 1.5 0.59 0.88
Longitudinal thermal coefficient 1 (106/ C) 1 1 1 8.6 8.6
Transverse thermal coefficient 2 (10-6/ C) 18 26 26 26.4 26.4
Through-thickness thermal coefficient 3 (106/ C) 18 26 26 26.4 26.4
Stress free temperature ( C) 177 120 120 120 120
Initial modulus.
Nonlinear behaviour and stress–strain curves and data points are provided.
Please note that values are considered to be low, compared with typical data for the same material published somewhere else or quoted by the
manufacturers. We have not attempted to change them in order to facilitate a comparison with test data in Part B of the exercise.

Tables 1 to 3 show typical data for the properties of laminae. All fibres were assumed to behave in a linear
five unidirectional laminae, five epoxy resin matrices elastic manner up to failure.
and five types of glass or carbon fibres. It was noted Some of the properties of the epoxy matrices are non-
in Table 1 that the stress–strain behaviour of some linear. The nonlinear stress–strain curves and the asso-
composite laminates is sometimes highly nonlinear, ciated data are shown in Figure 5 and in Tables 6 to 8.
particularly in shear and under transverse compression.
Figures 3 to 5 show typical stress–strain curves for the
Details of the test cases
selected laminae and the matrices under a variety of
uniaxial loadings. Data from these figures are also pre- Twelve test cases were selected for the benchmark
sented in tabular form in Tables 4 to 6 for the UD study in WWFE-II. The test cases have been chosen
2298 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

Table 2. Mechanical properties of fibres

Fibre type IM7 T300 AS S2-glass E-Glass

Longitudinal modulus Ef1 (GPa) 276 231 231 87 74

Transverse modulus Ef2 (GPa) 19 15 15 87 74
Transverse modulus Ef3 (GPa) 19 15 15 87 74
In-plane shear modulus Gf12 (GPa) 27 15 15 36 30.8
Major Poisson’s ratio f12 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Major Poisson’s ratio f13 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Transverse shear modulus Gf23 (GPa) 7 7 7 36 30.8
Longitudinal tensile strength Xf1T (MPa) 5180 2500 3500 2850 2150
Longitudinal compressive strength Xf1C (MPa) 3200 2000 3000 2450 1450
Longitudinal tensile failure strain "f1T (%) 1.87 1.086 1.515 3.27 2.905
Longitudinal compressive failure strain "f1C (%) 1.16 0.869 1.298 2.82 1.959
Longitudinal thermal coefficient f1 (106/ C) 0.4 0.7 0.7 5 4.9
Transverse thermal coefficient f2 (106/ C) 5.6 12 12 5 4.9
Through-thickness thermal coefficient f3 (106/ C) 5.6 12 12 5 4.9

Table 3. Mechanical properties of various matrices

Matrix type 8551-7 epoxy PR319 epoxy Epoxy 1 Epoxy 2 MY750

Elastic modulus Em (GPa) 4.08 0.95a 3.2 3.2 3.35

Elastic shear modulus Gm (GPa) 1.478 0.35a 1.2 1.2 1.24
Elastic Poisson’s ratio m 0.38 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
Tensile strength YmT (MPa) 99 70 85 73 80
Compressive strength YmC (MPa) 130 130 120 120 120
Shear strength Sm (MPa) 57 41 50 52 54
Tensile failure strain "mT (%) 4.4 7.3 2.65 2.5 2.7
Compressive failure strain "mC (%) 9 13.6 3.75 5 5
Shear failure strain  m (%) 5.1 11.5 4.16 6 6
Thermal expansion coefficient m (106/ C) 46.7 60 58 58 58
These values are considered to be low, compared with typical data for the same material published somewhere else or quoted by the manufacturers.
We have not attempted to change them in order to facilitate a comparison with test data in Part B of the exercise.
The behaviour of materials PR319 and Epoxy 1 is taken as linear.

carefully to stretch each theory to the full and thereby Table 9 summarises laminate type, material type and
shed light on their strengths and weaknesses. They the graphical results requested. Five different lay-ups
are focused on a range of classical, continuous fibre, were chosen in the exercise and these are
laminated, reinforced polymer composites subjected,
in the absence of stress concentrations, to a variety of 1. A base resin with isotropic properties,
triaxial loading conditions. The key issues being 2. 0 unidirectional lamina,
explored are: 3. Quasi-isotropic (0 /45 /90 )s laminate,
4. Angle-ply (35 )s laminate and
– The means by which the theories distinguish (if at all) 5. Cross-ply (0 /90 )s laminate.
between the effects of anisotropy and heterogeneity.
– The types of failure mechanism employed and the
way that each is implemented within any given The loadings include the following:
– The accuracy and bounds of applicability of each 1. Nine failure envelopes under the following combin-
theory ations of stresses
Kaddour and Hinton 2299



Shear stress MPa

40 IM7/855-1 carbon/epoxy
20 A-S Carbon/epoxy
T300/PR319 carbon/epoxy

0 2 4 6 8 10
Shear strain %

Figure 3. In-plane shear stress–strain curve for the various unidirectional materials.

Transverse compressive stress MPa



IM7/8551 carbon/epoxy
A-S Carbon/epoxy
T300/PR319 carbon/epoxy

-4 -2 0
Strain %

Figure 4. Transverse compressive stress–strain curves for the various unidirectional materials.

2. Three stress–strain curves described as follows:

–  x, versus  y (with  y ¼  z) for test case 1 – Shear stress–strain curves ( 12 versus  12 curves)
–  12 versus  1 (with  1 ¼  2 ¼  3) for test case 2 under  1 ¼  2 ¼  3 ¼ 600 MPa, for test case 4.
–  12 versus  1 (with  1 ¼  2 ¼  3) for test case 3 –  y versus "y and  y versus "x for  x ¼  y ¼
–  2 versus  1 (with  1 ¼  3) for test case 5  z ¼ 100 MPa followed by  x ¼  z ¼ 100
–  1 versus  2 (with  2 ¼  3) for test cases 6 and 7 MPa, for test case 9.
–  y versus  z (with  x ¼  z) for test case 8 – Compressive through-thickness stress–strain
–  zy versus  z (with  x ¼  y ¼ 0) for test cases 10 curves  z versus "z (and "y and "x) for  x ¼
and 11  y ¼ 0, for test case 12.
2300 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)


8551-7 epoxy Tension

MY750 epoxy 50
Strain %
-12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12

stress MPa


Figure 5. Tensile, compressive and shear stress–strain curves for 3 epoxy materials.

Table 4. Data for the in-plane shear stress–strain curve of the various unidirectional laminae

IM7/8551-7 E-glass/epoxy S-glass/epoxy AS carbon/epoxy T300/PR319

Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear
stress (MPa) Strain (%) stress (MPa) strain (%) stress (MPa) strain (%) stress (MPa) strain (%) stress (MPa) strain (%)

0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0 0 0.00

5 0.09 5 0.07 6.99 0.1 5 0.08 5 0.38
10 0.18 10 0.15 13.36 0.2 10 0.17 10 0.75
15 0.27 15 0.22 19.18 0.3 15 0.25 15 1.13
20 0.36 20 0.30 24.50 0.4 20 0.34 20 1.50
25 0.45 25 0.37 29.34 0.5 25 0.42 25 1.88
30 0.54 30 0.45 33.73 0.6 30 0.52 30 2.26
35 0.64 35 0.53 37.70 0.7 35 0.63 35 2.63
40 0.75 40 0.63 41.30 0.8 40 0.77 40 3.01
45 0.88 45 0.74 44.54 0.9 45 0.96 45 3.39
50 1.03 50 0.90 47.45 1 50 1.20 50 3.77
55 1.21 55 1.14 50.06 1.1 55 1.54 55 4.16
60 1.44 60 1.51 56.33 1.4 60 2 60 4.55
65 1.73 62 1.72 60.75 1.7 64 2.49 65 4.96
70 2.10 64 1.96 64.65 2.1 66 2.79 70 5.39
75 2.58 66 2.25 67.70 2.6 68 3.12 75 5.86
80 3.20 68 2.59 70.27 3.2 70 3.50 80 6.37
85 4 70 3.01 72.99 4 85 6.95
90 5 72 3.50 90 7.62
97 8.79
Kaddour and Hinton 2301

Table 5. Data for the transverse compressive stress–strain curve of five unidirectional laminae

IM7-8551-7 E-glass/epoxy S2-glass/epoxy AS carbon/epoxy T300/319 epoxy

s2 (MPa) e2 (%) e1 (%) s2 (MPa) e2 (%) e1 (%) s2 (MPa) e2 (%) e1 (%) s2 (MPa) e2 (%) e1 (%) s2 (MPa) e2 (%) e1 (%)

0 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.000 0 0 0
10 0.111 0.002 10 0.062 0.006 10 0.053 0.004 10 0.100 0.002 10 0.179 0.002
20 0.222 0.004 20 0.123 0.012 20 0.105 0.008 20.0 0.200 0.004 20 0.357 0.005
30 0.333 0.006 30 0.185 0.018 30 0.158 0.013 30 0.300 0.006 30 0.536 0.007
40 0.444 0.008 40.0 0.247 0.024 40 0.211 0.017 40 0.400 0.009 40 0.714 0.010
50 0.556 0.010 50 0.309 0.030 50 0.263 0.021 50 0.500 0.011 50 0.894 0.012
60 0.667 0.012 60 0.371 0.037 60 0.316 0.025 60 0.600 0.013 60 1.075 0.014
70 0.779 0.014 70 0.434 0.043 70 0.369 0.029 70 0.700 0.015 70 1.260 0.017
80 0.892 0.016 80 0.499 0.049 80 0.423 0.033 80 0.801 0.017 80 1.454 0.020
90 1.007 0.018 90 0.566 0.056 90 0.478 0.038 90 0.903 0.019 90 1.664 0.022
100 1.127 0.020 100 0.640 0.063 100 0.535 0.042 100 1.006 0.022 100 1.905 0.026
110 1.252 0.023 110 0.723 0.071 110 0.597 0.047 110 1.111 0.024 110 2.196 0.030
120 1.389 0.025 120 0.822 0.081 120 0.664 0.053 120 1.221 0.026 120 2.570 0.035
130 1.541 0.028 130 0.944 0.093 130 0.741 0.059 130 1.337 0.029 125 2.800 0.038
140 1.718 0.031 140 1.103 0.109 140 0.832 0.066 140 1.462 0.031
145 1.819 0.033 145 1.200 0.119 145 0.885 0.070 145 1.529 0.033
150 1.930 0.035 150 0.944 0.075 150 1.600 0.034
155 2.054 0.037 155 1.010 0.080
160 2.192 0.039 160 1.084 0.086
170 2.522 0.045 175 1.375 0.109
175 2.720 0.049 170 1.265 0.100
180 2.945 0.053 175 1.375 0.109
185 3.200 0.058 180 1.500 0.119

Table 6. Data for the compressive stress–strain curve of three epoxies used

8551-7 Epoxy 2 MY750 epoxy

Stress, s (MPa) Strain, e (%) Stress, s (MPa) Strain, e (%) Stress, s (MPa) Strain, e (%)

0.00 0 0 0 0 0
5 0.12 5 0.16 5 0.15
10 0.25 10 0.31 10 0.30
15 0.37 15 0.47 15 0.45
20 0.50 20 0.63 20 0.60
25 0.63 25 0.78 25 0.75
30 0.77 30 0.94 30 0.90
40 1.07 40 1.25 40 1.19
50 1.43 50 1.56 50 1.49
60 1.86 60 1.88 60 1.80
70 2.38 70 2.20 70 2.11
80 3.02 80 2.55 80 2.44
90 3.81 90 2.93 90 2.82
100 4.77 100 3.41 100 3.31
110 5.94 110 4.06 110 3.98
120 7.33 120 5 120 5
130 9
2302 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

Table 7. Data for the tensile stress–strain curve of three of the matrices used

IM7/8551-7 Epoxy 2 MY750

Stress, s (MPa) Strain, e (%) Stress, s (MPa) Strain, e (%) Stress, s2 (MPa) Strain, e2 (%)

0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0.12 5 0.16 5 0.15
10 0.25 10 0.31 10 0.30
15 0.39 15 0.47 15 0.45
20 0.53 20 0.63 20 0.60
25 0.68 25 0.78 25 0.75
30 0.84 30 0.94 30 0.90
40 1.19 35 1.10 35 1.04
50 1.58 40 1.27 40 1.19
60 2.03 45 1.44 45 1.34
70 2.55 50 1.61 50 1.50
80 3.12 55 1.79 55 1.65
90 3.76 60 1.97 60 1.81
99 4.40 65 2.17 65 1.99
70 2.37 70 2.18
73 2.50 75 2.41
80 2.70

Table 8. Data for the shear stress–strain curve of 8551-7 epoxy

IM7/8551-7 Epoxy 2 MY750

Shear stress (MPa) Shear strain (%) Shear stress (MPa) Shear strain (%) Shear stress (MPa) Shear strain (%)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

2.93 0.20 2.00 0.17 2.00 0.16
5.83 0.40 5.00 0.42 5.00 0.40
8.68 0.60 10.00 0.84 10.00 0.81
11.48 0.80 15.00 1.27 15.00 1.21
14.24 1.00 20.00 1.69 20.00 1.61
16.94 1.20 25.00 2.11 25.00 2.02
20.89 1.50 30.00 2.54 30.00 2.43
24.71 1.80 35.00 3.00 35.00 2.85
28.41 2.10 40.00 3.52 40.00 3.33
33.11 2.50 45.00 4.23 45.00 3.94
38.61 3.00 50.00 5.35 50.00 4.85
43.67 3.50 52.00 6.00 54.00 6.00
48.24 4.00
52.31 4.50
55.85 5.00
56.48 5.10
Kaddour and Hinton 2303

Table 9. Details of the test cases

Test case Laminate lay-up Material Description of required prediction

1 Resin MY750 epoxy  x versus  z (with  y ¼  z) envelope

2 0 T300/PR319  12 versus  2 (with  1 ¼  2 ¼  3) envelope
3 0 T300/PR319  12 versus  2 (with  1 ¼  2 ¼  3) envelope
4 0 T300/PR319 Shear stress–strain curves ( 12 –  12) (for  1 ¼  2 ¼  3 ¼ 600 MPa)a
5 90 E-glass/MY750 epoxy  2 versus  3 (with  1 ¼  3) envelope
6 0 S-glass/epoxy  1 versus  3 (with  2 ¼  3) envelope
7 0 A-S carbon/epoxy  1 versus  3 (with s2 ¼  3) envelope
8 35 E-glass/MY750 epoxy  y versus  z (with  x ¼  z) envelope
9 35 E-glass/MY750 epoxy Stress–strain curves ( y – "x and  y – "y) at  z ¼  x ¼ 100 MPab
10 (0 /90 /45 )s IM7/8551-7  yz versus  z (with  y ¼  x ¼ 0) envelope
11 (0 /90 )s IM7/8551-7  yz versus  z (with  y ¼  x ¼ 0) envelope
12 (0 /90 )s IM7/8551-7 Stress–strain curves ( z – "z,  z – "x and  z – "y) for  y ¼  x ¼ 0
Please first apply  1 ¼  2 ¼  3 ¼ 600 MPa to the lamina. Then apply the shear loading till final failure takes place.
Please first apply  y ¼  z ¼  x ¼ 100 MPa and record the resulting strain values. Then increase the stress  y (beyond 100 MPa) gradually till final
failure takes place. Please plot the full stress–strain curves ( y – "x and  y – "y).

Figure 6. Schematic of a failure envelope where initial and final failure stages are marked.

The instructions to participants (Appendix 1) that the angles of the fibres in each layer are
specify how loads were to be applied and how measured from x direction as shown in Figure 2.
results were to be presented. In some cases, failure In addition to details of the loading configurations,
envelopes are requested and Figure 6 shows a diagram- Figures 7 to 18 show also the scales of the graphs
matic representation of a failure envelope where vari- the organisers have supplied to all of the participants
ous stages of failure could take place before final to follow, in order to facilitate comparison between
failure. the various predictions. In those situations where the
Schematic diagrams showing the loading directions, predicted curves fall outside of the scales that were
layer and laminate dimensions and stacking sequence provided, the contributors were advised to use scales
of the laminates are shown in Figures 7 to 18. Note that suited their predictions.
2304 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

Figure 7. Recommended scales for plotting the theoretical prediction for test case 1. Variation of the compressive strength ( x) of
polymeric resin matrix with stress  y( ¼  z).

Figure 8. Recommended scales for plotting the theoretical prediction for test case 2. Variation of shear strength ( 12) with stress
 2( ¼  1 ¼  3) for a unidirectional carbon/epoxy.

Selection of test cases

stress–strain characteristics and fracture of composite
It is recognised that there are many interesting and laminates under triaxial stresses. Hence, selecting the
unresolved problems in the area of predicting the laminates and loading conditions to be analysed was
Kaddour and Hinton 2305

Figure 9. Recommended scales for plotting the theoretical prediction for test case 3. Variation of shear failure strain ( 12) with
stress  2(¼ 1 ¼  3) for a unidirectional carbon/epoxy.

lay-ups were chosen and these are a polymeric

material, (0 ), (0 /45 /90 )s, (35 )s and (0 /90 )s.
. The test cases should include laminates that are of
practical use. For this matter, laminates used in air-
crafts (e.g. (0 /45 /90 )s), pressure vessels (e.g.
(35 )s), struts and space were included in the
. A wide range of loading conditions should be ana-
lysed. The cases selected included generating the
complete failure envelopes under combined stresses
( x,  y and  z), ( x,  y,  z and  xy) ( z versus  zy) and
pure through-thickness ( z) loading.
. The problems should include predicting the stress–
strain curves under both uniaxial and triaxial load-
ing because changes in laminate stiffness may be crit-
ical in some applications.
. The laminates analysed should be capable of
developing different types of damage due to loading
in shear, tension and compression, transverse and
Figure 10. Recommended scales for plotting the theoretical parallel to the fibre direction.
prediction for test case 4. Test case 1: Shear stress–strain curve
. Both linear and nonlinear behaviour of unidirec-
( 12 versus  12) for a unidirectional carbon/epoxy for
tional laminae should be considered.
 1 ¼  2 ¼  3 ¼ 600 MPa.
. Experimental results should be available which
could be used to check the effectiveness of the the-
oretical predictions.
not easy. The following factors were taken into
consideration: Test case 1 is aimed at assessing how the composite
failure theories predict the compressive strength of an
. The problems should cover a wide range of lay-ups, isotropic polymer material in the presence of hydro-
starting from an isotropic material to lamina and static pressure compression. This represents the sim-
then to a laminate. For this reason, five different plest form of triaxial failure of isotropic materials.
2306 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

Figure 11. Recommended scales for plotting the theoretical prediction for test case 5. Variation of transverse compressive strength
 2 with  3 (where  1 ¼  3) for a unidirctional glass/epoxy.

Figure 12. Recommended scales for plotting the theoretical prediction for test case 6. Variation of the longitudinal strength  1 with
through-thickness stress ( 3 ¼  2) for a unidirectional glass/epoxy.

Test cases 2 to 4 are dealing with studying how large presence of stresses in the perpendicular directions.
hydrostatic pressure affect the shear strength, ultimate In test case 5, the lamina is subjected to a stress in
shear failure strain and the shape of the shear stress– the transverse direction ( 2) and an equal stress com-
strain curve behaviours of a carbon/epoxy unidirec- ponent in the fibre and through-thickness directions
tional lamina. ( 1 ¼  3).
Test cases 5 to 7 are concerned with assessing the However, in test cases 6 and 7, the laminae are sub-
enhancement (or reduction) in the transverse or longi- jected to a stress in the fibre (longitudinal) direction ( 1)
tudinal strengths of a unidirectional lamina with the and an equal stress component in the transverse and
Kaddour and Hinton 2307

Figure 13. Recommended scales for plotting the theoretical prediction for test case 7. Variation of the longitudinal strength s1 with
through-thickness stress (s3 ¼ s2) for a UD Carbon/epoxy.

Figure 14. Recommended scales for plotting the theoretical prediction for test case 8. Variation of axial compressive strength  y
with through-thickness stress  z for (þ35 /35 )s glass/epoxy laminate, where  x ¼  z).14

through-thickness directions ( 2 ¼  3). The difference stresses ( 2 ¼  3) in the transverse and through-thick-
between these two cases is that one of them (test case ness directions.
6) deals with isotropic fibres and the other (Test Case 7) Test cases 8 to 12 look into the behaviour of multi-
deals with anisotropic fibres. For these cases, even in directional laminates under stresses containing one in
the absence of no longitudinal stress component the through-thickness direction.
( 1 ¼ 0), the solution of these cases provide information Test cases 1, 5 and 8 (and 9) are important in a
on the failure of a unidirectional under equi-biaxial number of aspects and can provide lessons on a
2308 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

Figure 15. Recommended scales for plotting the theoretical prediction for test case 9. Axial compressive stress–strain curves for
(þ35 /35 )s glass/epoxy laminate under  x ¼  z ¼ 100 MPa.15

Figure 16. Recommended scales for plotting the theoretical prediction for test case 10. Variation of the through-thickness shear
( zy) versus through-thickness stress ( z) for (þ45 /45 /90 /0 )s carbon/epoxy laminate.

number of fundamental issues. In order to assess how deals with an isotropic material subjected to a range of
the current theories deal with the prediction of isotropic triaxial compressive stress states and test case 5 is con-
and anisotropic materials, two test cases were set up cerned with a unidirectional laminate subjected to the
and these are test case 1 and test case 5. Test case 1 same conditions. Note that the epoxy (MY750) exhibits
Kaddour and Hinton 2309

Figure 17. Recommended scales for plotting the theoretical prediction for test case 11. Variation of the through-thickness shear
( zy) versus through-thickness stress ( z) for (0 /90 )s carbon/epoxy laminate.

Figure 18. Recommended scales for plotting the theoretical prediction for test case 12. Compressive through-thickness stress–
strain curves for (0 /90 )s carbon/epoxy laminate.

isotropic stiffness and its uniaxial tensile strength and low values in the transverse direction (Tables 1
is lower than the uniaxial compressive strength. and 3).
The E-glass/MY750 UD lamina in test case 5 The two cases (1 and 5) are interrelated insofar as the
exhibited large strength values in the fibre direction epoxy polymer material studied in case 1 is the same
2310 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

resin matrix used in making the E-glass/epoxy compos-

ite laminate in test case 5. Hence, in choosing test cases
Conflict of interest
1 and 5 these will begin to illuminate the assumptions None declared.
made in each theory regarding the treatment of mater-
ial isotropy/anisotropy and material heterogeneity. References
Test cases (1 and 5) selected here are important 1. Hinton MJ, Kaddour AS and Soden PD. Failure criteria
building blocks in our understanding of traditional, in fibre reinforced polymer composites: The World-Wide
high performance, continuous fibre, laminated compos- Failure Exercise. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd, 2004.
ites which typically contain 60% fibre volume fraction 2. Hinton MJ and Kaddour AS. The background to the
in order to gain both stiffness and strength. It is Second World-Wide Failure Exercise (WWFE-II): 3D
accepted that a number of failure models rely on failure criteria for fibre reinforced polymer composites.
micro-mechanics to model the behaviour of the com- J Compos Mater 2012; 46: 2283–2294.
posite starting from that of the constituents, namely 3. Cuntze RG. The predictive capability of failure mode
fibres and matrix. For this reason, a full understanding concept - based strength conditions for laminates com-
posed of UD laminae under static tri-axial stress states.
of the response of resin matrix is crucial for gaining an
J Compos Mater 2012; 46: 2563–2594.
insight into how these micro-mechanics models tackle 4. Kress G. Examination of Hashin’s failure criteria for the
the behaviour of one of the main constituents of a com- Second World-Wide Failure Exercise. J Compos Mater
posite material. 2012; 46: 2539–2561.
Test case 8 is related to the prediction of a multi- 5. Nelson EE, Hansen AC and Mayes S. Failure analysis of
directional laminate made of the same plies as those composite laminates subjected to hydrostatic stresses: a
used in test case 1 and test case 5. However, the fibre multicontinuum approach. J Compos Mater 2012; 46:
directions are oriented at 35 and þ35 relative to the 2461–2483.
x direction. The laminate is subjected to various triaxial 6. Deuschle HM and Kröplin B-H. Finite element imple-
loadings, including hydrostatic pressure similar to that mentation of Puck’s failure theory for fibre-reinforced
encountered in test cases 1 and 5. Hence, a study of this composites under three-dimensional stress. J Compos
Mater 2012; 46: 2485–2513.
laminate would provide an insight into how changing
7. Ye J and Zhang D. Prediction of failure envelopes and
fibre orientation and lamination could affect the
stress strain curves of composite laminates under triaxial
strength and deformation under 3D stress loadings. loads. J Compos Mater 2012; 46: 2417–2430.
8. Pinho ST, Darvizeh R, Robinson P, et al. Material and
Conclusions structural response of polymer-matrix fibre-reinforced
composites. J Compos Mater 2012; 46: 2313–2341.
. This article has presented the full input data pro- 9. Carrere N, Laurin F and Maire J-F. Micromechanical
vided to all the 12 participants taking part in the based hybrid mesoscopic 3D approach for non-linear
WWFE-II. progressive failure analysis of composite structures. J
. The article described the 12 test cases that were set- Compos Mater 2012; 46: 2389–2415.
up to challenge the models employed by the partici- 10. Zand B, Butalia TS, Wolfe WE, et al. A strain energy
based failure criterion for nonlinear analysis of composite
pants. This included the five laminates, five mater-
laminates subjected to triaxial loading. J Compos Mater
ials, nine loading conditions and the forms for
2012; 46: 2515–2537.
presenting the predictions. Nine failure envelopes 11. Zhou YX and Huang Z-M. A bridging model prediction
and three stress–strain curves were also described. of the ultimate strength of composite laminates sub-
. All the guidelines issued to the participants were also jected to triaxial loads. J Compos Mater 2012; 46:
listed in the article. 2343–2378.
12. Bogetti TA, Staniszewski J, Burns BP, et al. Predicting
the nonlinear response and progressive failure of compos-
Funding ite laminates under tri-axial loading. J Compos Mater
This work was partially funded by the Royal Society in the 2012; 46: 2443–2459.
United Kingdom. 13. Rotem A. The Rotem failure criterion for fibrous lami-
nated composite materials: three dimensional loading
case. J Compos Mater 2012; 46: 2379–2388.
Acknowledgements 14. Ha SK, Jin KK, Huang Y, et al. Prediction of composite
The authors would like to thank the UK Royal Society for laminate failure with micromechanics of failure.
awarding Dr Kaddour the Royal Society Industry J Compos Mater 2012; 46: 2431–2442.
Fellowship. We also thank Prof PA Smith (The University 15. Kaddour AS and Hinton MJ. Benchmarking of triaxial
of Surrey) and Dr Shuguang Li (Nottingham University) for failure criteria for composite laminates: comparison
the supports and the technical advice throughout the period between models of Part (A) of WWFE-II. J Compos
of running the Second World-Wide Failure Exercise. Mater 2012; 46: 2595–2634.
Kaddour and Hinton 2311

Appendix 1
13. If your theory requires additional (or different)
Instructions to contributors information from that provided, please let us
The following provides general guidelines and instruc- know as soon as possible and we will endeavour
tions that you may find helpful when writing your to provide that information. If you have default
paper and making your submission. values for any missing parameters (e.g. interaction
coefficients), we prefer you to use those.
1. The in-plane loads (section stresses) should be
14. In some cases the theory employed may not be
applied in the x and y directions defined in the
intended to be applied to the whole range of lami-
diagrams provided for each laminate.
nates specified here. In that case, you may opt to
2. The through-thickness stresses should be applied in
analyse only some of the laminates but please
the z direction.
explain the reasons for not analysing the other lami-
3. The section stresses  x and  y are defined in the
nates in your paper.
usual way as the in-plane loads per unit width
15. The paper should describe your failure theory and
divided by the total thickness of the laminate.
method of application to laminates in sufficient
4. Unless otherwise stated, please assume that the
detail to allow your predictions to be reproduced
loads are increased monotonically, keeping any
by others, comment on the nature and the effects of
combination of the following ratios  x/ y/ z/ xy/
the failures predicted and, if appropriate, how your
 xz/ yz constant. (For test cases 4 and 9, please
predictions could be used for design.
refer to the notes below Table 9.)
5. Please, record and tabulate the magnitude of the
After receiving all the theoretical papers for publica-
stresses (and if appropriate the type and location of
tions, the experimental results will be superimposed on
failure as well as the mode of failure) at which each
the theoretical predictions. The superimposed graphs
failure is predicted.
will be sent back to you together with tables of the
6. Repeat the calculation to cover the range of stress
experimental results for your future use and informa-
ratios (2 or 4 quadrants) indicated by the graphs
tion on how the experimental results were obtained.
provided for each laminate.
The second paper (Part B) would present graphs of
7. If possible, please plot the results using the scales
superimposed results with any comment you may wish
provided for each laminate.
to make on the correlation between experiment and
8. Draw curves through the results to represent the
theory. You may choose to add a figure (or figures)
initial (inner), and final (outer) failure envelopes.
and appropriate sections to demonstrate refinement
Indicate any intermediate failure points/curves.
or particular features of your approach. You
Figure 6 shows a schematic of a failure envelope
could indicate any future development to your theory
representing various stages of failure. The aim
which would allow you to consider a wider variety of
of this figure is to illustrate what a failure
laminates than those you are able to analyse
envelope is. It is possible that not all the envelopes
will be closed and, in this case, please indicate the
For those participants who have integrated failure
stress ratios and stress regime where the envelope is
analyses and structural analysis packages, details of
the specimen geometries that you may opt to analyse
9. For the stress–strain curves, please plot the section
as part of the second paper, will be sent as soon as you
stress versus strain curves as requested for particu-
request them.
lar laminates using the scales provided.
10. It would be extremely helpful if you would also Further clarifications, instructions and guidelines to the
send us your tables of results, but these will prob- participants of WWFE-II
ably not be included in the paper. Results in the
form of data files sent to us by E-mail or other 1. We recommend that, for the sake of completing Part
accessible forms (e.g. CD) would be appreciated. A submission, all the participants consider no edge
11. We are asking all of the contributors to use the effects on the failure of the laminates. For those
same material properties even if you have reserva- models that are capable of analysing the influence
tions about the values provided. of edge effects on failure, details of specimen’s geo-
12. Your theory may not require all the lamina proper- metry and shapes would be provided in Part B of the
ties provided (e.g. some models and computer pro- exercise.
grams assume linear elastic properties). In that case 2. Please assume that the specimen’s dimensions are
please employ your usual assumptions and neglect large enough so that the ‘gauge length’ is much
any information which is not needed. larger than the ‘decay length’.
2312 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

3. For the laminates in test cases 8 to 12, the organisers 5. As for the mixed mode toughness, please employ
have deliberately not specified the number of your best curve you are familiar with.
plies because we were not certain whether the avail- 6. The stresses in Figures 23 and 24 should have read
able models could cope with dealing with changing  yz rather than  yz.
the number of plies, say from 4 to 50 or 100 7. The schematic in Figure 23 should be that of a (0 /
plies. Having a large number of plies could under- 90 /þ45 /45 )s laminate.
mine the computational capabilities of some of 8. For those models capable of considering the effects
the models and hence we have refrained from sug- of thermal stresses, we recommend the analysis be
gesting the number of plies that should be carried out for two cases (a) with thermal stresses
analysed. If, however, your model takes into account and (b) with no thermal stresses.
the effect of thickness and the number of plies on the 9. Guidelines for the curing cycles are as follows:
failure predictions, please consider the following – For E-glass/MY750 laminates:
– All the laminates are balanced and symmetric. 2 h at 90 C, 1.5 h at 130 C and then 2 h at 150 C
– All the plies have the same thickness. with maximum rate of change of 1 C/min.
– Please provide predictions describing the effect
of thickness and number of plies on the failure – For IM7/8551:
of the laminates. The thickness could vary from
2 to 30 mm. 1 h at 107 C followed by 2 h at 177 C.
4. As for the values of the fracture toughness, please
use the following values for your Part (A) paper.

Material GIC (J/m2) GIIC (J/m2)

IM7/8551-7 200 610

E-glass/epoxy 240 1500

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