Foreign Currency Loan (FCL)
Foreign Currency Loan (FCL)
Foreign Currency Loan (FCL)
24 21 Records / Reporting 15
24 22 Journal Entries 16
24 22 1 Inception 16
24 22 2 Recovery of interest 17
24 22 3 Crystallisation of interest income 17
24 22 4 Repayment 18
24 22 5 Inception ‘A’ cat branches 18
24 22 6 Recovery of interest 19
24 22 7 Repayment 19
Add No Addendum
1 FCL/FCTL-Calculation of Interest through 20
Annex No Annexure
24 The Scheme
Reserve Bank of India vide para 4 (I) (ii) of Notification No.FEMA-3/2000-RB dated
03.05.2000 permits Authorised Dealers to grant loans to their constituents in India
in Foreign Currency for meeting their Foreign Currency requirements or for their
rupee working capital requirements or capital expenditure subject to compliance
with prudential norms, interest rate directives and guidelines, if any, issued by
Reserve Bank of India in this regard. The scheme is mostly based on the earlier
notification by RBI.
In line with the permission given by RBI, a scheme is a scheme for grant of Foreign
Currency Loans to resident constituents is prepared by us, salient features of which
are as under:
24.1. PURPOSE:
1 )Resident constituents of good track record and classified under Standard Assets
as per Prudential norms of classification.
2) Foreign currency loan will be considered of parties having credit ratings of CR1
to CR5 only.
3) Constituents with lower rating will be considered for FCL/FCTL only on a
selective basis. Generally, such exceptions will be considered only in case of
stressed accounts and with an intension of protecting the asset. GM (LC) and
GM(SME) will give clearance to such exception on case to case basis.
4) New account will be considered for FCL/FCTL on case to case basis by GM (LC)
and GM (SME), C.O. based on value of connection, allied business available to the
bank from the client etc.
5) Other conditions relating to eligibility are as under
a) Limit should have been availed in Rupee before conversion to Foreign
Currency Loan
b) All terms and conditions of the sanction of the facility in INR should be
complied with fully. In case of term loan , as on date of availing FCL , there
should not be any overdue installment / interest.
c) Limits in INR enjoyed by constituent should not be overdue for renewal.
24.3. LIMIT:
1. FCL/FCTL be made available on short term basis with the existing credit
facilities sanctioned in Indian Rupees subject to approval by competent authority.
2. FCL in lieu of Cash Credit Limit will be restricted to 60 % of the sanctioned cash
credit limit. Exceptions will be approved by General Manager (IBD) depending upon
the availability of the foreign currency resources and the availability of working
funds with the customer to meet the day to day operational requirement. In any
case it should not exceed 80 % of the limit.
3. Adhoc limits approved shall not be eligible for FCL/FCTL.
4. No stand alone FCL/FCTL be sanctioned by credit sanctioning authority. Only
sub-limit with-in Rupee Credit to be approved. Availment and pricing shall be
determined by IBD subject to availability of the funds. Only in case of JVs/ WOS of
Indian Companies Foreign Currency Loans up to one year can be approved.
24.4. SOURCE:
Loans will be normally extended in US Dollars. Request for FCL in other currencies
i.e. GBP and EURO will be considered subject to availability of resources in that
24.6. QUANTUM:
24.7. TENOR:
1. FCL against working capital limits for a period of 6/12 months at a price
with at a price with benchmark LIBOR of 6/12 months.
2. FCTL beyond 12 months will be considered on case-to-case depending up on
the available funds and ALM. Pricing will be bench marked to either 6
months/ 12 months LIBOR only.
1. Interest to be charged on floating rate basis and will be related to the LIBOR
corresponding to the tenor of the loan prevailing at the time of the disbursal of
the loan plus a predetermined spread.
2. LIBOR for shorter tenor with re-setting will be considered only at the discretion
of the bank.
3. Pricing of the FCL/FCTL will be done based on the Credit Rating enjoyed by the
constituents and the interest rate being charged on the rupee finance in
substitution of which the FCL/FCTL is considered.
4. Interest will be recovered separately from the party in Foreign Currency on
monthly basis. The same will be recovered at the end of every month as is done
in the case of loans in Indian rupees.
5. Re-setting of LIBOR if stipulated will be done at the agreed intervening periods
and interest will be recovered at the revised rates at the end of every month
including for the broken period if resetting is done during the month.
6. In case the FCL/FCTL Loan is denominated in USD, number of days for the calc
ulation of interest will be taken as 360 days in a year and for rest of the curren
cies viz GBP,EUR and JPY etc, 365 days in a year.
7. As the FCLs are mostly interest savings measures, the normal interest saved
should not exceed 2.5 %. Exceptions will be made for the following cases
a) In case of stressed accounts.
b) Where customer provides foreign currency resources through their friends
and relatives
c) Where loans for JV/WOS is sanctioned in foreign currency
d) Financing of Imports
e) Loan against FCNR deposits
f) Any other case as approved by CMD/ED
The pricing given by IBD will be valid only for 15 days from the date of conveying of
the sanction to the borrower. The bank will have the liberty to re-price the loan if
the borrower desires to avail the same after the lapse of the said period of 15 days.
24.10. CHARGES:
Processing Charges at the rate of Rs 5,000/- per USD 5 mn. or part thereof with
minimum Rs 5,000/- will be recovered upfront by the branch concerned for
processing each request of a Foreign Currency Loan. Rollover of the FCL done with
due date falling within a period of one year from the date of disbursal of the
original loan will be exempted from charging of processing charges. Any roll over
with repayment date beyond the period of one year from the date of disbursal of
the original loan will be charged processing charges on annual basis at the above-
specified rate of Rs 5,000/- per USD 5 mn, min Rs 5,000/-.This is over and above
normal credit processing charges. The charges will be revised periodically along
with other service charges.
These guidelines will apply to all Foreign Currency Loan/ Foreign Currency Term
Loans given to customers including exporters and importers.
All customers except those specified below having availed Foreign Currency Loan in
substitution of working capital, Working Capital Demand Loan or Term Loan in
Indian Rupees, shall hedge their currency exchange risk through one or more
derivatives product offered by the bank.
a) Where there is a natural hedge by means of future foreign currency flows by
exports in foreign currency. Export customers having un-hedged surplus
export receivables to the extent of FCL/FCTL can seek exemptions from
hedging from the competent authority.
b) Where the loan in foreign currency is granted for meeting forex expenditure
provided the customer has un-hedged export receivables to the extent of
c) Corporates who have exchange risk management cell and have laid down
policies manages the overall exposure of the company on a regular and day-
to-day basis through their experienced dealers in foreign exchange. The
company should give the details of such arrangements along with other
details as required by the bank and seek specific exemptions from the
hedging of FCL and also undertake to bear the exchange risk and absorbs
any losses arising from keeping their positions open. The competency of the
persons manning the cells, past track record of risk management, policy of
the company on exchange risk etc should be ascertained by the branch.
Delegation at FGMO
(i) All customers having unhedged exposure less than USD 2.00 Mio would be
generally asked to fully hedge their unhedged foreign currency exposure through
one or more derivatives like forwards, options etc. However, in exceptional case,
FGMO may permit waiver based on financial strength of the customers, Credit
Rating, association with our bank provided collateral upto 25% of fund based
exposure is obtained. Permitting obtaining collateral less than 25% rests with CAC-
II for unhedged exposure less than USD 2.00 Mio.
(ii) Unhedged exposure more than USD 2.00 Mio to USD 5.00 Mio provided account
otherwise falls within delegated authority of FGMO or below
Delegation at CAC-II
Unhedged exposure more than USD 5.00 Mio to USD 25.00 Mio provided account
otherwise falls within delegated authority of CAC-II or below.
Delegation at CAC-I
Unhedged exposure more than USD 25.00 Mio to USD 50.00 Mio provided otherwise
falls within delegated authority of CAC-I or below.
a) Branch Manager will have delegated authority to book forward contract, options
and other hedging products to the extent of FCL/FCTL. This limit for forward hedge
will be over and above the limit available to exporters & importers as per IC No
7916 dated 27.02.2008.
b) Forward cover for repayment of the Foreign Currency Loan for appropriate
maturity is to be booked at the time of disbursal of the Foreign Currency Loan.
c) Forward contract for the repayment of the installments falling due during the
currency of the FCL and for conversion of the balance amount at the end of the
tenor of the FCL into Indian Rupees is to be booked at the time of disbursal of the
d)Past track record of the client, risk management policy of the client, experience
of the persons managing the treasury operations of the company, Net Worth,
Turnover etc
e) Internal credit rating of the client is preferably CR 5 and above While approving
waiver, the approving authority may also stipulate obtaining collaterals specifically
for unhedged foreign currency exposure i.e. collaterals need not be common for all
f) The approving authority would also take into consideration the customer‟s ability
to pass on their input cost fluctuations to the market.
g) All such unhedged exposure should be priced for credit risk premium as per
internal credit rating.
h) The clients, who have been approved waiver, should undertake that –
i) It has the capability and financials to absorb the losses, if any, arising out of
unhedged exposure.
ii) It will at appropriate time hedge its position to the extent of 100% of UFCE
progressively and if called upon to do, will arrange to furnish acceptable
securities/margins/collaterals etc
iii) Such undertaking is to be signed by the Director/Chief Financial
Officer/Finance Director/Partner or any person who heads the Finance / Treasury
24.12. ROLLOVER:
NOTE: The party should make Request for rollover of the FCL, two weeks prior to
the date of repayment.
In order to obviate the delays, FGM/ DGMs head of regions not coming under
jurisdiction of FGMO are empowered to permit rollover of FCL/FCTL at the existing
level after getting the fresh pricing from IBD, CO, as the facility is fully secured
and regular Working Capital Limits / Term Loan sanctioned by the competent
authority are earmarked. The FGM/ DGMs head of regions not coming under
jurisdiction of FGMO cannot sanction FCL/FCTL by earmarking Working Capital
Limits/ Term Loans but permit only the rollover of FCL/FCTL originally sanctioned
by the competent authority.
Rollover of FCL/FCTL at the existing level can be permitted by the FGM provided
- Limits are in force and valid documents held on records
- All sanction stipulated have been complied with
- There are no audit or other irregularities persisting in the account
- Operations in the account are satisfactory
- No deterioration in credit rating
- No overdue in any facility
- Rollover of FCL/FCTL by FGM will be permitted only for a period of 6
months at a time. Rollover for longer tenors will be referred to the
competent authority under the policy.
Documentation for the Foreign Currency Term Loans and facilities in substitution of
C/C Hyp facility are under compilation. Till such time, apart from the
documentation obtained for the rupee finance, the undertaking to execute any
other additional documents should be obtained. The documents obtained should be
vetted as per the prescribed guidelines by RO/the Bank's advocate on approved
Foreign Currency for repayment of the loan and interest thereon can be recovered
from the party in any of the following manner:
o Bullet repayment (lump sum) of the principal amount in foreign currency on the
date of repayment at the pre-agreed exchange rate (incase where forward
contract/ hedge contract is booked) or at ready rate where booking of forward
contract/hedge contract is waived by the sanctioning authority.
o Consequent to the volatility and depreciation of rupee in case of FCL/FCTL,
there could be occasions of the outstanding in Rupee terms are in excess of the
sanctioned limits on account of adverse exchange rate movement. In such case,
the actual outstanding in Rupee terms should be determined on the basis of the
rate at which the forward contract/ hedge contract is booked. In case, no
forward contract/ hedge contract has been booked, the outstanding should be
determined on the basis of the ongoing TT selling rates. On the due date, if
there is any excess in the loan on converting into Indian rupees as compared to
the loan amount in rupees terms as per original sanction terms, which may be
on account of forward premium / adverse moment of rates, it should be
recovered immediately.
o If further rollover is requested by the customer, it should be recommended for
the original amount of Rupee loan sanctioned. In other words, the rupee
equivalent of FCL should not exceed loan amount sanctioned even in cases of
o In the event the reconverted amount is less than the amount originally
sanctioned due to forward discounts enjoyed or favourable movement of spot
rates, the benefit should be passed to the customers accounts classified as
"Standard Assets." The benefit however should not be passed on in case of
irregular accounts and the benefit accrued should be utilized for reduction of
the exposure by way of the outstanding in the working capital facilities to the
extent required.
o Interest to be recovered separately every month at the current ready
rate/forward rate.
that would have remained outstanding in Indian Rupees after reckoning
payment of the installments which would have fallen due during the period of
o In the event the reconverted amount is less than the amount originally
sanctioned amount due to forward discounts enjoyed or favorable movement of
spot rates, the benefit should not be passed to the customers. The rollover
should be recommended if requested by the customer at the reduced amount.
The original repayment schedule to that extent has to be realigned. The
benefit if it is to be passed on to customers, should be done only with approval
of sanctioning authority and only in case of accounts classified as "Standard
o In case where FCTL is sanctioned
o Interest to be recovered separately every month.
24.16. Cases
For the purpose of better understanding, we give below the examples for fixing of
repayment schedules:
24.16.1. Case I
24.16.2. Case II
The company has been sanctioned Working Capital Demand Loan of Rs 12.00
The company request for conversion of WCDL to FCL with prior approval of the
sanctioning authority. It is converted into FCL USD @ 60.00 and the loan amount is
USD 20,00,000. Forward contract up to due date is booked @ Rs 59.00. On due date
FCL is converted into Rupee Loan which comes to Rs 11,80,00,000/-.Less amount of
Rs 20.00 lacs has to refund the party.
The original amount of Rs 12.00 crores is rolled over at current exchange rate of Rs
59.00 and the FCL is USD 20,33,898.
o Application for the loan to be made by the borrower in the format enclosed as
annexure No.24(1)
o The branch concerned will forward the application on the format enclosed vide
annexure No.24(2) to Large Corporate Dept/ SME Dept. through their
controlling office with a copy to IBD for pricing purpose.
o Specific recommendations regarding the spreads to be stipulated are to be
made by the branch and endorsed by the controlling office. It should be the
effort of branch to keep themselves informed of market rates specially those
being offered by consortium member banks / other banks and persuade the
applicant to accept market realistic spreads. Branches while recommending the
spread over LIBOR should also take into account the loss of spreads that the
bank will suffer if the finance was to continue as a Rupee advance.
o Pricing will be conveyed by IBD to Branch as well as Large Corporate Dept/ SME
Dept. with a copy to the Treasury Branch, Mumbai / FGMO/ RO. Large
Corporate Dept/ SME Dept. will convey the final sanction of the Foreign
Currency Loan including the pricing to the concerned branch/FGMO/RO.
o Loans are made available at 'A' category branches and designated 'B' category
branches. In case of customers of 'C' category branches, loans to be controlled
at designated 'B' category branch. 'C' category branches should control
drawings/adjustment in dummy loan ledger without passing accounting entries
and show outstanding loan amount as a footnote in W-1 STATEMENT.
o Permission to control the loan at “C” category branch will be given by IBD on
selective basis on recommendation of the concerned FGMO and after
ascertaining that the necessary expertise is available at the “C” category
branch to handle transactions in foreign currency.
o Transactions are to be reported to Treasury branch, Mumbai, two clear days
prior to draw down confirming compliance of sanction stipulations including
obtaining of security documents. Treasury branch, Mumbai will quote interest
rate taking into account the relevant ruling LIBOR + agreed spread.
o In case of Rupee conversion, transactions are to be reported to Treasury
Branch, Mumbai on the day of draw down and entries to be passed at the
exchange rate (TT Buying) obtained.
o The loan is to be availed within 15 days from the date of conveying of the
sanction to the party. However, disbursal of the loan after 15 days of
communication of the sanction will be at the sole discretion of the Bank as the
pricing conveyed will be valid only for 15 days. The bank reserves the right of
re-pricing of the loan in case of disbursal of the same beyond 15 days of the
conveying of the sanction.
o The account should be monitored as per our usual guidelines issued for the
monitoring of respective loans which otherwise would be outstanding in
Indian Rupees. It is the primary responsibility of the branch where the loan
was sanctioned to monitor the operations, verify securities and renew the
o If for any reason, as per the prevailing guidelines issued for the monitoring
of the various loans (Non submission of stock statement, MSOD, QIS etc.) the
account becomes liable for charging of penal interest, the same at 2% should
be recovered in foreign currency till the time the loan is outstanding in
foreign currency till the time the loan is outstanding in foreign currency.
(separate folios in one register for this purpose can be allocated), recording
the following details:
24.22.1. INCEPTION
2. In case of conversion of foreign currency loan into Indian rupees for domestic
purchase purposes, obtain ready purchase (TT Buying) from Treasury Branch,
Cr. Customer's CD/CC/WCDL/TL a/c.
[Entry to be passed in rupees by converting amount of FCL reported to Treasury
Branch, Mumbai at the exchange rate (TT Buying) obtained from them].
To be done immediately on the day it is charged and recovered from the borrower.
The amount of interest to be crystallized at TT Buying rate to be obtained from
Treasury Branch, Mumbai.
Dr. Local Branch a/c. / POB a/c. FEX Treasury Branch, Mumbai
Cr. Income a/c interest on loans/cash credits/overdrafts etc. (FCD 44).
Cr. Local Branch a/c / CO, "C" category branch.
[Amount of interest recovered in foreign currency from party crystallized and
accounted as income of the branch. Income pertaining to "C" category branch
remitted to the concerned "C" category branch]
24.22.4. REPAYMENT
(At designated 'A' category branch)
24.22.5. INCEPTION
[Amt. of Disbursal of the Foreign Currency Loan at notional rate by way of payment
made through Nostro]
(Dual currency voucher / posting)
2. Conversion of foreign currency loan into Indian rupees for domestic purchase
24.22.7. REPAYMENT
3. By inward remittance.
Dr. Nostro (Notional Rate)
Cr. Foreign Currency Settlement a/c.(Notional Rate)
24.23 Addendum FCL/FCTL-Calculation of Interest through Finacle
- Press F10.
- Get it verified.
For new For any new FCL/FCTL
accounts opened accounts to be opened from
from date of date of issue of the revised
issue of this guidelines, interest rates as
circular and described above to be
thereafter. entered in field A/ c .
Pref.Int. (Dr.)' at the time of
opening only.
2. Calculation Interest amount Menu Option `LADGEN'
of Interest for the relevant - Enter currency of
Amount in period will be FCL/FCTL.
Foreign calculated in the
currency - Enter A/c No. in field 'A/C
respective From' and To‟ (separately
currency of for each of the accounts).
FCL/FCTL - Enter D' in field 'Interest
Print Details'
- Enter 'N' in field 'Force
Interest Run' .
- In field 'Interest Till Date',
enter the date up to which
interest has been last
calculated manually and
recovered in the previous
month (say, 31-10-2014).
- Generate the report.
Once the above process has
been completed for the
interest calculation upto
previous month for which
interest has been calculated
manually by the branches,
the branches shall do the
following process for the
current month in which the
interest is to be charged.
3. Application Accounting All the accounting entries as
of interest entries to be per the extant guidelines to
passed be passed through 'TM' Menu.
To be done immediately on the day it is charged and recovered
from the borrower. The amount of interest to be crystallized at
TT Buying rate to be obtained from Treasury Branch, Mumbai.
Annexure 24(1)
The Manager
Union Bank of India
__________ Branch.
Dear Sir,
I/We request you to grant us Foreign Currency loan as per details shown herein
1. Amount of Loan:
3. I/We undertake to repay the Loan, together with the interest at rates as
stipulated by the bank, on maturity date in one of the following ways.
a. By submission of Export documents for purchase
b. From proceeds of Exports bills sent on collection basis.
c. By purchase of Foreign Currency from the Bank on maturity, at Banks
Spot Selling rate; or at the agreed rate in case of forward contracts.
d. Out of balances in EEFC account.
4. The loan will be availed by me/us within 15 days from the date of conveying of
the approval by the bank. I/We undertake to pay commitment charges @ 1%
p.a. for the period of delay in availing of the loan beyond 15 days from the date
of communication of sanction of the facility by the bank to me. I/We on the
amount of FCL sanctioned will pay such commitment charges. In addition I/We
understand that bank has the liberty to do the re-pricing of the loan, as the
pricing will be valid for 15 days only.
5. In case the Loan is required to be extended for a further period, I/we shall give
a request for extension sufficiently in advance (at least two weeks notice), to
enable Bank to consider the same. It is understood that any extension/Rollover
of the Loan is at the option of the bank and subject to availability of foreign
currency funds of appropriate maturity and at fresh pricing.
4. I/We authorize bank to recover interest by debit to CD/C.C. accounts at
appropriate TT selling rate/forward contract rate on a monthly basis and
before adjustment/ extension/Rollover of the Loan.
5. In the event of prepayment of the loan, I/we undertake to pay the funding cost
subject to minimum of 1% p.a. (irrespective of whether there is a funding cost
involved or not) on the amount outstanding at that time for the un-expired
period of the loan.
6. It is understood that outstanding under „Foreign Currency Loan‟ is exposed to
Exchange Rate Risk. I/We undertake to hedge the exchange risk, either by
matching export receivables to the amount and maturity or by booking of
Forward Contract. It is understood that Exchange Cover is to be taken, unless
the Bank permits waiver of the same. In case of waiver, the bank may stipulate
a suitable margin, in lieu of Exchange cover, which I/we undertake to maintain
with the Bank. In case the exchange risk of Foreign Currency Loan remains,
uncovered, I/we undertake to repay the Loan plus interest thereon, by
purchase of Foreign Currency from the bank at appropriate rate prevalent on
the date of repayment.
7. In the unlikely event of Foreign Currency Loan becoming overdue, we
undertake to abide by the banks policy on crystallization of the foreign
currency exposure into Indian Rupees and pay overdue interest at appropriate
rate specified by the bank from time to time, for the overdue period.
8. I/We undertake to apply the amount of Foreign Currency Loan advanced by the
bank to me/us exclusively towards the purpose specified above in para 2.
9. I/We further undertake to execute such documents as may be required by the
bank in the form and the manner prescribed by the bank from time to time and
also discharge such obligation which may arise out of the aforesaid request and
consequential granting of the above loan to me/us.
10. I/We undertake agree that in the event of breach of any of the Terms
mentioned herein above/and or contained in the agreement executed by
me/us, to be executed by me/us, with the bank from time to time and/or
Terms and Condition prescribed by the bank from time to time, the bank shall
be entitled to recall the said loan along with interest due.
11. I/We undertake to adjust the said loan along with interest due in Foreign
Currency within one week from the date of receipt of notices issued by the
12. In the event of any dispute regarding interpretation of the Terms of this
letter/and or agreement that will be executed by me/us, the interpretation
that may be made by the Bank shall be final and conclusive and binding on
13. I/we agree and undertake to comply with the provision of all statutes, rules,
regulations made from time to time in respect of Import/Export of goods.
14. Nothing in this letter of request, shall entitle me/us to claim any right, to get
the aforesaid loan in foreign currency and the bank shall be entitled to grant or
refuse the said loan it its sold discretion.
Annexure 24(2)