Phil. Export and Foreign Loan Guarantee Corp. v. V.P. Eusebio Construction Inc. (2004)

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Phil. Export and Foreign Loan Guarantee Corp. v. V.P. Eusebio Construction Inc.


G.R. No. 140047           March 31, 2003

Lessons Applicable: No conflicts rule on essential validity of contracts (conflicts of law)


 November 8, 1980: State Organization of Buildings (SOB), Ministry of Housing and

Construction, Baghdad, Iraq, awarded the construction of the Institute of Physical
Therapy–Medical Rehabilitation Center, Phase II, in Baghdad, Iraq, (Project) to Ajyal
Trading and Contracting Company (Ajyal), a firm duly licensed with the Kuwait Chamber
of Commerce for ID5,416,089/046 (or about US$18,739,668)
 March 7, 1981: 3-Plex International, Inc. represented by Spouses Eduardo and
Iluminada Santos a local contractor engaged in construction business, entered into a
joint venture agreement with Ajyal.   However since it was not accredited under
the Philippine Overseas Construction Board (POCB), it had to assign and transfer all its
right to VPECI. 
 VPECI entered into an agreement that the execution of the project will be under their
joint management.
 To comply with the requirements of performance bond of ID271,808/610 and an an
advance payment bond of ID541,608/901, 3-Plex and VPECI applied for the issuance of
a guarantee with Philguarantee, a government financial institution empowered to issue
guarantees for qualified Filipino contractors to secure the performance of approved
service contracts abroad. 
 Subsequently, letters of guarantee were issued by Philguarantee to the Rafidain Bank of
Baghdad. Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait was, therefore, engaged to provide a counter-
guarantee to Rafidain Bank, but it required a similar counter-guarantee in its favor from
the Philguarantee
 The Surety Bond was later amended to increase the amount of coverage from P6.4
million to P6.967 million and to change the bank in whose favor the petitioner's
guarantee was issued, from Rafidain Bank to Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait
 SOB and the joint venture VPECI and Ajyal executed the service contract for the
construction of the Institute of Physical Therapy – Medical Rehabilitation Center, Phase
II, in Baghdad, Iraq.  It commenced only on the last week of August 1981 instead of
the June 2 1981
 Prior to the deadline, upon foreseeing the impossibility to meet it, the surety bond was
also extended for more than 12 times until May 1987 and the Advance Payment
Guarantee was extended three times more until it was cancelled for reimbursement 
 On 26 October 1986, Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait sent a telex call to the petitioner demanding
full payment of its performance bond counter-guarantee
 VPECI requested Iraq Trade and Economic Development Minister Mohammad Fadhi
Hussein to recall the telex call on the performance guarantee for being a drastic action in
contravention of its mutual agreement that (1) the imposition of penalty would be held in
abeyance until the completion of the project; and (2) the time extension would be open,
depending on the developments on the negotiations for a foreign loan to finance the
completion of the project.
o VPECI advised the Philguarantee not to pay yet Al Ahli Bank because efforts
were being exerted for the amicable settlement of the Project
o VPECI  received another telex message from Al Ahli Bank stating that it had
already paid to Rafidain Bank the sum of US$876,564 under its letter of
guarantee, and demanding reimbursement by Philguarantee
 VPECI requested the Central Bank to hold in abeyance the payment by the
Philguarantee "to allow the diplomatic machinery to take its course, for otherwise, the
Philippine government , through the Philguarantee and the Central Bank, would become
instruments of the Iraqi Government in consummating a clear act of injustice and
inequity committed against a Filipino contractor
 Central Bank authorized the remittance to Al Ahli Bank
 Philguarantee informed VPECI that it would remit US$876,564 to Al Ahli Bank, and
reiterated the joint and solidary obligation of the respondents to reimburse the
Philguarantee for the advances made on its counter-guarantee but they failed to pay so
a case was filed in the RTC
 RTC and CA: Against Philguarantee since no cause of action since it was expired
because VPECI. Inequity to allow the Philguarantee to pass on its losses to the Filipino
contractor VPECI which had sternly warned against paying the Al Ahli Bank and
constantly apprised it of the developments in the Project implementation.

ISSUE: W/N the Philippine laws should be applied in determining VPECI's default in the

performance of its obligations under the service contract


 No conflicts rule on essential validity of contracts is expressly provided for in our laws
o The rule followed by most legal systems, however, is that the intrinsic validity of a
contract must be governed by the lex contractus or "proper law of the contract."
This is the law voluntarily agreed upon by the parties (the lex loci voluntatis) or
the law intended by them either expressly or implicitly (the lex loci intentionis) -
none in this case
 In this case, the laws of Iraq bear substantial connection to the transaction, since one of
the parties is the Iraqi Government and the place of performance is in Iraq. Hence, the
issue of whether respondent VPECI defaulted in its obligations may be determined by
the laws of Iraq. However, since that foreign law was not properly pleaded or proved, the
presumption of identity or similarity, otherwise known as the processual presumption,
comes into play. Where foreign law is not pleaded or, even if pleaded, is not proved, the
presumption is that foreign law is the same as ours
 In the United States and Europe, the two rules that now seem to have emerged as
"kings of the hill" are (1) the parties may choose the governing law; and (2) in the
absence of such a choice, the applicable law is that of the State that "has the most
significant relationship to the transaction and the parties  Another authority proposed that
all matters relating to the time, place, and manner of performance and valid excuses for
non-performance are determined by the law of the place of performance or lex loci
solutionis, which is useful because it is undoubtedly always connected to the contract in
a significant way
 In this case, the laws of Iraq bear substantial connection to the transaction, since one of
the parties is the Iraqi Government and the place of performance is in Iraq. Hence, the
issue of whether respondent VPECI defaulted in its obligations may be determined by
the laws of Iraq. However, since that foreign law was not properly pleaded or proved, the
presumption of identity or similarity, otherwise known as the processual presumption,
comes into play. Where foreign law is not pleaded or, even if pleaded, is not proved, the
presumption is that foreign law is the same as ours
 delay or the non-completion of the Project was caused by factors not imputable to the
respondent contractor such as the war in Iraq

petitioner as a guarantor is entitled to the benefit of excussion, that is, it cannot be compelled to
pay the creditor SOB unless the property of the debtor VPECI has been exhausted and all legal
remedies against the said debtor have been resorted to by the creditor. It could also set up
compensation as regards what the creditor SOB may owe the principal debtor VPECI.  In this
case, however, the petitioner has clearly waived these rights and remedies by making the
payment of an obligation that was yet to be shown to be rightfully due the creditor and
demandable of the principal debtor.

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