COVID RetailBestPractices Infographic 04092020 PDF

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Summary of Best Practices for Retail Food Stores, Restaurants,

and Food Pick-Up/Delivery Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic

• Employees - Stay home or leave • Wash your hands often with soap • Never touch Ready-to-Eat foods
work if sick; consult doctor if sick, and water for at least 20 seconds with bare hands
and contact supervisor • If soap and water are not available, • Use single service gloves, deli
• Employers - Instruct sick use a 60% alcohol-based hand tissue, or suitable utensils
employees to stay home and send sanitizer per CDC • Wrap food containers to prevent
home immediately if sick • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, cross contamination
• Employers - Pre-screen employees and mouth with unwashed hands • Follow 4 steps to food safety
exposed to COVID-19 for • Wear mask/face covering Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill
temperature and other symptoms per CDC & FDA


• Train employees on cleaning • Disinfect high-touch surfaces • Prepare and use sanitizers
and disinfecting procedures, frequently according to label instructions
and protective measures, per • Use EPA-registered disinfectant • Offer sanitizers and wipes to
CDC and FDA customers to clean grocery
• Ensure food containers and
• Have and use cleaning utensils are cleaned and sanitized cart/basket handles, or utilize
products and supplies store personnel to conduct
• Follow protective measures cleaning/sanitizing

• Help educate employees and • Avoid displays that may • Shorten customer time in store
customers on importance of result in customer gatherings; by encouraging them to:
social distancing: discontinue self-serve buffets -- Use shopping lists
-- Signs and salad bars; discourage
employee gatherings -- Order ahead of time, if offered
-- Audio messages • Set up designated pick-up
• Place floor markings and signs
-- Consider using every to encourage social distancing areas inside or outside retail
other check-out lane to establishments
aid in distancing


• If offering delivery options: • Encourage customers to use • Establish designated
-- Ensure coolers and transport “no touch” deliveries pick-up zones for customers
containers are cleaned and ORDER • Notify customers as the delivery • Offer curb-side pick-up
is arriving by text message or PICK-UP
-- Maintain time and phone call ZONE • Practice social distancing by
offering to place orders in
temperature controls vehicle trunks
-- Avoid cross contamination;
for example, wrap food
during transport

For more information, see Best Practices for Retail Food Stores, Restaurants, and Food Pick-Up/Delivery Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic April 2020

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