Life 2e - Elementary - Unit 1 Test - Word
Life 2e - Elementary - Unit 1 Test - Word
Life 2e - Elementary - Unit 1 Test - Word
1 Choose the correct option (A, B or C) to complete the sentences. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
0 There aren’t many families with the ____________ Cumberbatch.
A first name B surname C brother
1 My neighbour is from New Jersey originally, and her ____________ is poet and artist!
A surname B age C occupation
2 Her ____________ is a famous doctor.
A husband B married C relationship
3 That man is a ____________ and his pictures are very interesting.
A retired B photographer C parent
4 She has two children, a son and a ____________ .
A cousin B aunt C daughter
5 My mother and her cousin have the same ____________ : Isabel.
A first name B surname C brother
6 My ____________ is a writer and her books are very famous.
A mother-in-law B nephew C grandparent
7 Patti is my cat’s name. She’s a ____________ cat.
A female B male C girl
8 My brother travels a lot for work, but he ____________ in Bucharest.
A speaks B works C lives
9 She’s ____________ , but she still works almost every day.
A American B over 70 C average
10 Patrick got married yesterday and he and his ____________ are travelling to Rome!
A aunt B stepmother C wife
(10 points)
1. C 2. A 3.B 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. C
2 Read the descriptions and write the word. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 I am her son. She is my ... m o t h e r
1 You have the same mother but a different father with this boy. He is your ... h alf brother
2 Her mother and my father are married. stepmother
3 The teacher speaks and the students ... listen
4 My dad’s ... is a photographer. job
5 He isn’t married, he’s … single
6 She is your brother’s daughter. niece
7 This person writes for news websites. journalist
8 They are husband and ... wife
9 We … the internet to talk to people. use
10 My sister is my grandfather’s … granddaughter
(10 points)
3 Complete the text with ONE word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Do (0) ____you_____ know who Jon Snow is? He (1) _____is______ a character in a TV series; Jon Snow
is a journalist. He’s (2) _____from____ England and he works (3) ___in______ the news industry. (4)
____his_____ wife is Zimbabwean and (5) ____She______ is a scientist. Jon Snow is very famous in the
UK. He (6) __have_______ a large collection of very colourful ties. His socks (7) __colourful___ also
famous. (8) ____his______ real name isn’t Jon Snow. (9) ____He______ is Jonathan Snow. People with
long names in films and on TV often change (10) ____their______ names.
(10 points)
4 Choose the correct option to complete the text. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Norilsk is a city (0) on / in / at Russia and (1) it’s / it has / he is in the Arctic Circle. (2) It / Its / It’s
population is a bit (3) at / on / over 175,000 and most people (4) is / are / be miners. The city (5) isnot /
isn’t / isnt’ very big, but it has a museum, cinemas and an art gallery.
In summer, there (6) are / be / is no night from 21st May to 24th July – the sun is always in the sky. In
winter, there is no sun from 30th November to 13th January. Norilsk (7) s’ / ’s / s climate is usually very
cold, but in summer the temperature (8) is / be / are around 20°C. The long warm days and sunny nights
(9) are / is / be very nice. If (10) he / you / they want to visit Norilsk, it’s not possible, because only
Russians and people from Belarus can go.
(10 points)
5 Read the article about two countries. Are the sentences ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not
enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C). There is an example at the
beginning (0).
The world’s oldest country
The country with the oldest population in the world is Japan. Some people in Japan live to be 112! About
25% of Japan’s population is over 65, and around 55,000 people are 100 years old or more. The average
age of the population is 47 years old. Scientists say that Japanese people often work in groups, so they
have friends. People with good friends are generally happy. Many people in Japan eat well, scientists
say, with fish and vegetables, and drink tea and water. 66% do exercise. Japan’s climate isn’t hot or cold.
Families are small but relationships in the family are good.
The world’s youngest country
The country with the youngest population in the world is Niger. People speak French in Niger and the
country’s capital city is Niamey. Africa’s people are young in general, but in Niger the average age is
fifteen. It’s a very hot, dry country, but most people work in agriculture. 21% live in towns or cities. 49%
of Nigerians are under fifteen; many families have seven children. When there are a lot of children in a
country, you have a problem – no money for schools. Over 71% of the population can’t read.
0 Children speak French in Niger.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
1 Many Japanese people are over 100 years old.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
2 65% of Japanese people are under 65 years old.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
3 The average person in Japan is under 50.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
4 The average person in Japan has friends and good relationships at work.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
5 The average person in Japan works in industry.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
6 All Japanese people have a good diet and do a lot of exercise.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
7 In Niger, only around 50% are over fifteen years old.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
8 The number of children in a Nigerian family is equal to a Japanese family.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
9 In Niger, the percentage of workers in agriculture is low.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
10 About 30% of the population in Niger go to school.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
(10 points)
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. C
6 [Track 116] Listen to Harry and Jamie talking about these people. What do they say about each
person? Write two letters (A–H) next to each person. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 Harry __D_ _F___
1 Jenna __H__ __C__
2 Tom __E _ ____
3 Brigitte _J__ _I__
4 Rolf __B_ __K__
5 Jamie __A__ __H__
A speaks Arabic
B Brigitte’s husband
C lives in Germany with her husband
D Jenna’s cousin
E Harry’s cousin’s husband
F has a sister
G works in marketing
H works in medicine
I works in Munich
J is a photographer
K comes from Switzerland
(10 points)
7 Read the personal information and write a personal profile (25–35 words).
Personal information
First name Samir (Sam)
Surname Abbas
Job/Occupation engineer
Home country UK
Language English, German, Arabic
Family wife, three children, brother, sister
Personal profile
HELLO my name is Samir and my last name is Abbas. I am from Uk and. I am engineer and I speak three
languages English, German and Arabic. In my family there are seven people. My wife, my three children,
my brother, my sister and me. My wife´s name is Lucia, my children´s names are Luis, Julio and Hector,
My brother´s name is Ronaldo , My sister´s name is Carla.
(10 points)
8 Read the task below and give your presentation in class.
Prepare a one-minute presentation for your teacher and classmates about you and your family.