Multi-Factor Authentication: For Your Applications, Websites, Iot Devices, Servers, Vpns

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for your applications, websites,
IoT devices, servers, VPNs
«2019 was a rough
year for breach
activity» 7,098 15.2B
data breaches records were
15.2B reported exposed

43% 279
involved small days to identify
business victims and contain a breach


8.4B records exposed

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 in Q1 2020
How much a data breach costs?

Data breach costs impacted
organizations for years
per record
➔ Direct expenses
Detection & escalation
➔ Business disruption &
Total cost
Notification 31.1% revenue loses
Post breach cost ➔ Lost customers turnover
Lost business cost
$3.92M ➔

Decreased employee
Reputation loses

of breach costs
came in the
first year
Who are behind the breaches?
➔ 69% perpetrated by outsiders Zero Trust: organizations should not
➔ 34% involved internal actors trust any entity inside or outside of
➔ 2% involved partners their perimeter at any time.
➔ 39% criminal groups were behind WIKIPEDIA

71% of breaches were

financially motivated 32% involved phishing

25% were motivated by the

gain of strategic
29% involved use of
stolen credentials
The likelihood an organization will
have another data breach

29.9% 80% 99. 9%

The probability of
of breaches tied to less likely to be
passwords compromised, if
experiencing a breach
in the next two years you use MFA
Passwords are a thing of the past.
What about other methods?

SMS codes USB tokens OTP applications

● Need to pay SMS ● Many companies block operations ● Application can be
sending fees. with USB ports. hacked.
● Cannot be used in case ● Prices start from $20. ● Smartphone battery can
of the absence of the ● The token is easily forgot inserted discharge.
cellular coverage or into computer. Some people leave ● Token can be lost and
phone itself. them inserted all the time for the its recovery is a great
● SIM swap opportunity convenience, which undermines the pain.
allows attackers to steal whole concept of 2FA.
the number. ● USB connection itself leaves the
Password managers
● SMS messages can be opportunity of some kind of ● 40% of them may be
intercepted with a malicious code injection and trojans. vulnerable to
variety of methods. ● It is desirable to buy tokens in pairs in cyber-attack by fake
case of loss. apps.
MUL’s mission is to
eliminate data
breaches from the
user experience.
Secure all resources Multiple methods
● websites ● MUL Application/SDK
● business applications ● MUL Bots for Telegram,
● internal applications Whatsapp, and Wechat
● smart devices ● Universal web
● autonomous robots authentication and
● other network devices biometrics
● servers ● One-time passwords
● VPNs ● USB Tokens

phishing iot botnets sim fraud

keyloggers lost tokens
MUL Application Less is More
compared to other MFA products, and nothing gives you as
nothing weighs less than a MUL much as a MUL App

● It’s super easy to scan a QR code
for creating account.
● You can quickly approve logins
with a push notification or OTP.
● takes less space ● You can use your device security
● drains less battery to approve each login.
● consumes less data ● We protect your privacy. The
application doesn’t collect any
data from your devices.
MUL Dashboard
to manage all your users, settings, access
objects, and authentication methods.

Access policy Access Log Notifications

Flexible settings, All login attempts of your ● login from a new device
based on the roles: users will be recorded. ● simultaneous login from
different IP addresses
● available methods ● unsuccessful login attempts
● setup of access to
different resources
● access restriction by
IP-address or address
● access restriction by
weekdays and time
Benefits for your business

Increase security Improve UX

Forget passwords and SMS codes. It’s Improve your user
99.9% more secure to log in with the on-boarding/login experience,
MUL app, a favorite messenger, or your boost conversion rates, and
fingerprint increase happy user engagement

Reduce costs As easy as 123

Start saving money with MUL’s solutions, ● Simple Integration via REST
which are cheaper, than other API or SDK in just ONE DAY
authentication methods and their ● Your users can setup auth.
integration/maintenance costs methods by themselves
1. Cost of a Data Breach Report 2019 — Ponemon Institute, 2020
2. 2019 Year End Report Data Breach QuickView — Risk Based Security, 2020
3. 2019 Data Breach Investigation Report — Verizon, 2019
4. Breaking Password Dependencies: Challenges in the Final Mile at Microsoft — Alex Weinert, Lee Walker, 2020
5. The Pros and Cons of Different Two-Factor Authentication Types and Methods – Denis Shokotko

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