Interactive Effects of Nitrogen and Row Spacing On Growth and Yield of Cotton Varieties
Interactive Effects of Nitrogen and Row Spacing On Growth and Yield of Cotton Varieties
Interactive Effects of Nitrogen and Row Spacing On Growth and Yield of Cotton Varieties
3; 2012
ISSN 1916-9671 E-ISSN 1916-968X
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Received: January 16, 2012 Accepted: February 9, 2012 Online Published: June 26, 2012
doi:10.5539/ijb.v4n3p124 URL:
Response of different cultivars of cotton namely Sahel, N200 and Shirpan539 to different levels of row spacing
40 cmx 20 cm and 80 cm x 20 cm and 0, 75, 150 and 225 kg ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer was studied at Gharakhil
Agricultural research Station, North of Iran in 2010. Different row spacing influenced height and number of boll
and different nitrogen levels significantly influenced yield and yield components of cotton. Application of 150
kg.ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer produced maximum yield, number of boll and maturity coefficient as compared to
another nitrogen rates. In level of 225 kg.ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer we observed maximum height, number of node,
weight of boll and number of sympodial branch as compared to the another nitrogen rates. The varieties N200
and Sahel provided maximum yield as compared to Shirpan539.
Keywords: cotton, growth, nitrogen, plant spacing, yield, sympodial branch
1. Introduction
Cotton is the most valuable major cash crop. The need for cotton products have ensured its survival as one of the
world’s most widely cultivated crop, despite the stiff competition it faces from man-made fibers. Cotton
(Gossypium spp.) is grown in about 76 countries, covering more than 32 million hectares of land (Saranga et al.,
2001). Cotton has been economically cultivating in Iran since 85 years. Out of total 30 province, cotton is grown
in 17 provinces and 108000 ha area was covered by it (http:// www.Unicot.Org/en-News.html).
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.) is usually planted in rows spaced 76 to 80 cm apart andthese row spacing have
been utilized since mules and plows were the primary source of farm machinery (Williford, 1992). As farm
equipment evolved, this row spacing remained a common practice in order to accommodate tractors and
cultivators. In addition, there were few effective herbicides available in earlier cotton production systems that
could be applied topically for weed control so cultivation was a necessary practice. Planting cotton in
narrow-row patterns is now feasible due to seed technology and herbicide-resistant cotton varieties (Culpepper &
York, 2000).
Advances in planter technology allowing precise seed simulation and placement and improving finger strippers
for harvest have led to improved stand establishment and harvest efficiency.
Nichols et al. (2004) stated that plant height and number of sympodial branch, total nodes, and total bolls per
plant were reduced in cotton grown in ultra-narrow row spacing. In most cases, cotton grown in ultra- narrow
rows. had lint yields equal to or higher than those attained in the 101-cm spacing. According to Mcfarland et al.
(2002), the ultra-narrow row spacing is 19-38cm.
Nitrogen is generally considered to be a limiting factor for the growth, yield and radiation use efficiency of
various cotton cultivars (Nicholos et al., 2004). Its deficiency reduces vegetative and reproductive growth and
reducing yield due to leaf senescence (Tewolde & Fernandez, 1997). On the other hand, high N availability may
shift the balance between vegetative and reproductive growth toward excessive vegetative development, thus
delaying crop maturity and reducing seed cotton yield (Howard et al., 2001). Higher doses of N lead to more
vegetative growth and causes delay in maturity and ultimately reduction in the crop yield (Howard et al., 2001).
Effect of excess doses of N application on growth, yield and fruiting are less apparent than its deficiency
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(Jackson & Gerik, 1990). Lint yield response to increased N doses follows a diminishing return trend but total
dry matter, accumulated radiation and its efficiency show linear response (Girme et al., 1998). It is well
documented that yield of cotton varies among different cultivars. Boquet et al. (1994) found that cotton yield
enhanced due to increase in boll weight by the application of nitrogen at various rates. Due to different effects of
row spacing and nitrogen levels application on cotton yield associated traits, this study was carried out to
determine the suitable row spacings and nitorogen levels for improving yield and yield associated traits in cotton
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Field Preparation and Treatments
Research was conducted during 2010 at the Gharakhil agricultural Research Institute. This station located in
Mazandaran province, North of Iran, at N 56.18° and E 36.08°. According of meteorological research station, the
average precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature during 10 years were 742 mm, 30.6 and 5 ℃
Field preparation in the fall consisted of disking, sub soiling, and bedding. In the spring, beds were reduced to
approximately 8 cm with a reel and harrow conditioner. These low beds were suitable for irrigation and planting.
The soil of experimental sites was clay loam (fine mixed, calcareous, thermic fluvaquents). Analysis at a soil
depth of 30 cm indicates that it contains 3.55% organic matter, 2.06% organic carbohydrate, 0.172 total N, 19.5
mg kg-1p and 195 mg kg-1K and pH 7.5 at Gharakhil site. K2O@ 150 kg ha-1 as sulphate of potash were applied
as a basal dose in all treatments .The climate sites is temperate. Cotton varieties Sahel, N200 and Shirpan were
planted on May 12, 2009 by hand. Row spacing in this experiment was 40 cm × 20 cm and 80 cm × 20 cm and
four levels of 0, 75, 150 and 225 kg ha-1nitrogen fertilizerwere applied half the nitrogen as the base and the other
half use in two equal splits, at 1 and 2 nd. weeding.
Weed control procedures consisted of pre plant application of Treflan (1.5 lit.ha-1) and hand weeding. Pest
control was with Index acarb E.C.15 (250 mmha-1) was applied for controlling Helicoverpa armigera.
2.2 Data Collection
Ten plants from each plot were selected at random to record number of monopodial and sympodial branches
plant-1, number and weight of matured bolls plant-1 and plant height at maturity. The seed cotton was handpicked
and weighed for plot yields and then calculated in kg ha–1.
2.3 Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis
The experimental design was randomized complete block with split splits structure having four replications and
plot size of 7.0 m x 3.2 m. The data were analyzed at the 5% level by using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test
(Duncan, 1970) to compare the treatment means.
3. Results and Discussion
Analysis of variance carried out for studied traits are present in Table 1. This analysis showed that effect of
variety (factor A) was significant on some traits such as number of boll and maturity coefficient at 1% and yield
and number of sympodial branches at 5% level those showed significant statistical difference between varieties,
which is indicating the significant genetic differences of the genotypes.
This experiment showed that effect of row spacing (factor B) was significant on weight of boll and maturity
coefficient (%) at 1% and number of nodes at 5% level. The interaction of Ax B also was not significant for all
traits. These results showed that the trend variation of the traits in the genotypes were similar in different row
The effect of nitrogen fertilizer (factor C) was significant (at 1% level) on all studied traits. The interaction of
variety x nitrogen fertilizer and row spacing x nitrogen fertilizer were not significant on all traits. In this study
we observed that interaction of variety x row spacing x nitrogen fertilizer was significant only on number of boll
at 5% level with this experiment we concluded that nitrogen had significant effects on all of traits. The results
also indicated that nitrogen had significant effects had on all of traits.
125 International Journal of Biology Vol. 4, No. 3; 2012
Table 2. Effect of cotton varieties, row spacing and nitrogen rates on yield and yield components
Weight Maturity
Yield Number of
Plant Number Number of Boll Coefficient
S.O.V Sympodial
(kg.ha-1) Height(cm) of Node of Boll per
(%) Branch
Sahel 3007.16a 113.06ab 19.64a 13.70b 5.80a 52.59a 6.77 b
N200 3027.24a 125.62a 21.89a 19.23a 5.17b 49.96a 9.55 a
Shirpan 2622.39b 107.91b 20.77a 19.35a 5.13b 36.91b 8.35 ab
Row Spacing(S)
40×20 cm 2904.52a 118.14a 20.10 b 16.16a 5.19b 48.66a 8.01 a
80×20 cm 2866.67a 112.92a 21.43 a 18.69a 5.55a 44.32b 8.44 a
Nitrogen Fertilizer(N)
N1= 0 kg. ha-1 2534.31c 101.80 d 18.45 d 12.91c 4.88c 38.03c 7.46 b
N2=75 kg. ha-1 2783.33bc 112.31 c 20.34 c 16.60b 5.31b 46.96b 7.95 b
N3=150kg. ha-1 3262.89a 118.49 b 21.33 b 20.25a 5.59ab 56.65a 8.29 ab
N4=225kg. ha-1 2961.86ab 129.53 a 22.94 a 19.96a 5.70a 44.31b 9.19 a
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has been somewhat inconsistent. Jost and Cothren (2001) found evidence of substantially earlier maturity for
narrow row spacing than for conventional row spacing treatments in the initial study year, but did not find
treatment differences in the following year. Galanopoulou - Sendouka et al. (1980) found that narrow row
spacing treatments were significantly earlier in mean maturity date than a narrow row spacing treatment within
an early planting date in one study year. The maturity coefficient was 38.03%, 46.96%, 56.65% and 44.31% in 0,
75, 150 and 225 kg ha-1 in nitrogen fertilizers respectively. In this experiment it-1was observed that in 225 kg ha-1
nitrogen fertilizer maturity coefficient had significant difference with 150 kg ha nitrogen fertilizer. The findings
from our study agree with McConnell et al. (1996) who recorded decrease maturity coefficient by increasing N
3.6 Number of Sympodial Branches per Plant
Data representing number of sympodial branches per plant are presented in Table 2. There was significant effect
between Varieties for Number of sympodial branch. Maximum number of sympodial branches plant-1(9.55) was
recorded in variety N200. Plant spacing had non-significant effect on the number of sympodial branches per
plant. Statistically the maximum number of sympodial branches per plant (8.44) was recorded in conventional
row spacing (80 cm × 20 cm) which was statistically at par with ultra-narrow row spacing (40 cm × 20 cm).
Ghajari and Ghaderi (2006) who reported non-significant effect of row spacing on number of sympodial
branches. In this study observed increased nitrogen levels led to increased number of sympodial branches in per
plant. Maximum number of sympodial branches plant-1(9.19) was recorded in 225 kg.ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer and
Control (0 kg.ha-1) gave the lowest number of sympodial branches plant-1 (7.46). These results are in
contradiction with the findings of Kumbhar et al. (2008) who reported more number of sympodial branches per
plant in upper levels of nitrogen.
4. Conclusion
It may be concluded from this study that application rate of 150 kg.ha-1nitrogen fertilizer and row spacing 40 cm
x 20 cm produced optimum yield per hectare. The results also showed that in 40 cm x 20 cm and in rate of 150
kg.ha-1nitrogen fertilizer had higher maturity coefficient. Therefore, it is recommended that system arrangement
of 80 cm x 20 cm is most suitable for achieving higher yield of cotton under agro-ecological conditions in 2010
of Gharakhil station in north of Iran, especially for Sahel variety.
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