Name: - Group No: - Section: - Rating
Name: - Group No: - Section: - Rating
Name: - Group No: - Section: - Rating
Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac
Bamban, Tarlac
Activity 1
Sea water! See Water and Salt!
Materials: seawater or brine solution, alcohol lamp,tripod, wire gauze,evaporating dish, hand lens,spoon,erlenmeyer
flask, and test tube.
1. Prepare a distillation setup.Place about 60 ml of seawater in the sample flask.A brine(saline)solution may be
used instead if seawater is not available.To prepare a brine solution, add 0.59 g table salt and 2 ml water. Mix
well and filter undissolved particles.
2. Apply heat to sample flask until you have collected about 10 ml of the distilled water(distillate).
3. Taste a portion of the distillate. Compare the taste of the distillate with that of seawater or brine solution.
4. Set the rest of the distillate aside for later use.Label it properly.
5. While allowing the remaining seawater or brine solution to cool, prepare an evaporation setup.
6. Transfer the cooled liquid to the evaporating dish.
7. Apply heat to the seawater until all the liquid has evaporated. Let it cool.Using a hand lens,examine what is
left in the evaporating dish.
Question 4. Did you notice the solid that was left after all the liquid has evaporated?_______
8. The solid that is left behind in the evaporating dish is called the residue. Taste a small portion of the residue.