Faculty of Physics & Nuclear Engineering: Dalat University

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Dalat University

Faculty of Physics & Nuclear Engineering

Nguyễn Đăng Chiến, Ph.D.

Associate Professor


Chapter 1: Introduction to the Course

Chapter 2: Symmetry Principles

Chapter 3: The Calculus of Variations

Chapter 4: The Principle of Virtual Work

Chapter 5: Lagrangian Mechanics

Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

Chapter 7: Hamiltonian Mechanics

3 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

Contents of Chapter 6

I. Invariance Transformations

II. Noether’s Theorem

III. Energy Conversation Law

IV. Momentum Conservation Law

V. Angular Momentum Conservation Law

VI. Center of Mass Theorem

4 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

I. Invariance Transformations

 Generalized coordinates transformation: (dependent variables)

• Consider a 1-1 transformation of generalized coordinates:

= , ,…, ,
→ :
= ( , ,… , )

Note: Generalized coordinates (or ) are dependent variables.

• This new set of coordinates results new Lagrangian:

, ̇ , = ( , ), ̇ ( , ̇ , ), [≡ , ̇ , ],

we can demonstrate that the Lagrange’s equations do not change

under generalized coordinates transformation.

5 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

I. Invariance Transformations

 Proof:
• From the total differential of :

= + ⇔ ≡ ̇ = ̇ +

⟹ =

• In the other hand:

̇ =
= ̇ +

= ̇ + +

= ̇ + =

6 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

I. Invariance Transformations

 Proof:

′ ̇
⟹ = + = +
̇ ̇

′ ̇
⟹ = + =
̇ ̇ ̇ ̇ ̇

= (functions do not contain ̇ )

⟹ = +
̇ ̇ ̇

⟹ − = −
̇ ̇

7 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

I. Invariance Transformations

 Proof:

• Because the determinant

⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ≠ (due to the transformation ↔ is 1-1)

⟹ − = ⟺ − = , ( = , ,…, )
̇ ̇

 The form of Lagrange’s equations does not change under the

transformations of generalized coordinates (dependent variables).

8 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

I. Invariance Transformations

 Dependent & independent coordinates transformation:

• To avoid unnecessary clutter, consider a system with 1-degree of

freedom. The generalization to many degrees is trivial.
o Dependent coordinate:
o Independent coordinate:

• Consider the [passive] transformation

in configuration space:
= , , = ( , )

• Two observers:

o “prime” stands in ( , )

o “unprimed” stands in ( ′, ′)

9 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

I. Invariance Transformations

 Covariance of Lagrange’s equation:

• If path is a possible actual motion of the system, then the action:

is stationary and is given as a solution

= , , of Lagrange’s equations:

( / )

• Since 2 coordinates are equivalent,

the unprime observer writes: ′ = ′ , , ′=

and he still finds that is a possible actual path, i.e.

′ ′
=  Lagrange’s equation is covariant
′ ( ′/ ′) ′

10 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

I. Invariance Transformations

Mathematically, prove that Lagrange’s equation is

covariant, i.e. maintains the same general form, under
arbitrary transformations of the dependent and
independent variables.

• Solution:
Do similar procedure as before, but
take attention to time-derivatives
(see Calkin, p. 93).

Transformation: active point of view

11 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

I. Invariance Transformations

 Non-uniqueness of Lagrangian:

• Consider a Lagrangian ′( , ̇ , ) that differs from ( , ̇ , ) by a term

which is a total derivative of a function of & :

, ̇, = , ̇, + ( , )

• The actions of and are: = ′ , ̇, , = , ̇,

• We have: = ′ = ( + )= + ⟹ =

= ( is a definite function)

= ⟺ =  ′( , ̇ , ) and ( , ̇ , ) lead to the

same explicit equations of motion.

12 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

I. Invariance Transformations

 Condition for invariance:

• Definition: A transformation is considered as an invariance

transformation if the explicit equations of motion before and after
applying the transformation are the same.

• Strictly in mathematics, an invariant transformation makes the

Lagrangian itself invariant, i.e.

o Dependent-variable transformation:

, ̇, = ′, ̇ ′, = ′, ̇ ′,

o Dependent- & independent-variables transformation:

, → ,
, ̇, = ′, / ′, ′ = ′, / ′, ′

13 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

I. Invariance Transformations

 Condition for invariance:

• However, from the non-unique property of Lagrangian, an invariance

transformation if the Lagrangian varies as:

o Dependent-variable transformation:

, ̇, = ′, ̇ ′, = ′, ̇ ′, + ( ′, )

o Dependent- & independent-variables transformation:

, → ,
, ̇, = ′, / ′, ′ = ′, / ′, ′ + ( ′, )

• Integrating both sides: , ̇, = ′, / ′, ′ ′ + ( ′, )

⟹ − = ∆ = − ( ′, )  This is invariance condition

expressed in terms of the action

14 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

I. Invariance Transformations

 Condition for invariance under Infinitesimal transformations:

• The invariance condition for general transformations in previous page

is expressed in terms of new variables ( , ).

• For Infinitesimal transformations = + , = + , we have:

∆ , ̇, =− + , + =− [ , + , ]

• Because ∆ = if = = , we have:

= , = =

⟹ ∆ , ̇, =− [ , ] ⟺∆ =− ( , )

15 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

I. Invariance Transformations

For the motion in 1 dimension of a free particle of

mass m, consider the transformation: ⟶ = + .
Determine the function ( ) so that it is an invariant

• Solution: ( , ̇, ) = ̇ ; ̇ = ̇+ ̇

⇒ , ̇ , = ̇ − ̇ = , ̇ , − ̇ ̇ + ̇

⇒ ′, =− ̇ ̇ + ̇ ⟺ ′, =− ̇ + ̇

⇒ =− ̇ ; = ̇
′ = + ( , : constants)

=− ̈ ; = ⇒ ̈ =
′ ′

16 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

II. Noether’s Theorem

 Infinitesimal transformations [of dependent variables]:

• Usually, transformations contain adjustable parameters " “ :

⟶ = ; ,

; , =

• Transformations for which the parameters are infinitesimally close to

, and for which the new coordinates differ infinitesimally from the
old , are called Infinitesimal transformations.

• For Infinitesimal transformations, we have:

= +
⟶ = +

17 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

II. Noether’s Theorem

 Variation of Lagrangian:

• Lagrangian varies under Infinitesimal transformations as:

, ̇, ′, ̇ ′,
⟶ = +

• For an invariance transformation, must have the form:

′, ̇ ′, = ′, ̇ ′, + , , = , =

= + , ̇+ ̇, + ( + , )

, ̇, = , ̇, + , ̇, + [ , + , ]

⟺ , ̇, + , =

18 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

II. Noether’s Theorem

 Constant of the motion:

• Using the expression of the variation of under virtual displacement

(see Ch. 5, p. 22), we have:

− + + ,…, , =
̇ ̇

• The first term vanishes since the generalized coordinates satisfy

Lagrange’s equations of motion. Therefore, the quantity:

+ ,…, ,

is the constant of the motion.

19 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

II. Noether’s Theorem

 Generalization for both dependent & independent variables:

• Consider a infinitesimal transformation

of configuration space with both
dependent & independent variables:
= +∆ , , = +∆ ( , )

• Note that ∆ is used to distinguish

with virtual change (time-frozen).
∆ ∆
⟹ = + , = +

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
⟹ = + + ≈ − +

 The change in the generalized velocity is no longer simply the time

derivative of the change in the generalized coordinate.

20 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

II. Noether’s Theorem

 Consideration in the view point of virtual displacement:

• The change ⟶ ′ by the transformation

= +∆ , , = +∆ ( , )

can also be performed by a virtual

= + ,
with the time frozen, but is a function of ∆
= ∆ − ̇∆ .
• Proof:

in the picture of virtual displacement: = + ∆ − ̇∆

∆ ∆ ̇ ∆ ∆
⟹ = + − − ∆ ≈ − +

21 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

II. Noether’s Theorem

 Variation of the action ∆ :

• The action for path ′ based on the

transformation of both , variables:

[ ]= ′, / ′, ′ ′

• The action for path ′ based on the virtual


(Note: ′s in the two integrands

[ ]= ′, / ,
are different)

⟹∆ = ′, / , − , ̇,

22 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

II. Noether’s Theorem

 Calculation for ∆ :

= ′, / ,

= ′, / , + ′, ′/ , + ′, / ,

• Since − =∆ | and − =∆ | are infinitesimal, functions

in the 1st and 3rd integrals are approximately considered as constants:

⟹∆ = , , − , , + ∆ = + ∆

23 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

II. Noether’s Theorem

 Calculation for ∆ :

• Using the expression of the variation of under virtual displacement

(see Ch. 5, p. 22)
= − +
̇ ̇

& noting that is an actual path, we have: ⟹ ∆ = + ∆


• Finally, recalling that = ∆ − ̇ ∆ , we can express ∆ as:

∆ = ∆ − ̇− ∆ = ∆ − ∆
̇ ̇ ̇

where = ̇− is called the Hamiltonian.


24 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

II. Noether’s Theorem

 Constant of the motion: (for arbitrary invariance transformation)

• From the condition of invariance for an infinitesimal transformation

(expressed in term of the action)

∆ =− ( , ) ⟹ ∆ − ∆ + , =

• Generalizing to many degrees of freedom, therefore, the quantity:

∆ − ∆ + ,…, , , with = ̇ − ,
̇ ̇

is the constant of the motion.

 Noether’s theorem: for each symmetry of the Lagrangian there

corresponds a conservation law (and vice versa).

25 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

III. Energy Conversation Law

 What is ?

• If the constraints are time-independent, i.e.

⟹ ̇ = ̇ (p. 14, ch. 5)

⟹ = ̇ = ̇ = ̇ ̇

• In the other hand = = ̇ (pp. 15, 20, ch. 5)

̇ ̇

⟹ = ̇ ̇ − = − = +

 is the total energy. In any event, thought of as “generalized energy”.

26 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

III. Energy Conversation Law

 Energy conversation

• Performing a time displacement: = + , = , ∆ =

• The time-uniform property requires that

, → ,
, ̇, = ′, / ′, ′ = ′, / ′, ′ + ( ′, )

• If does not depend explicitly on the time:

, = + , , = ⟹ = ∆ = ∆ , ∆ =

• From the invariance condition expressed in terms of the action, the

constant of the motion is given by:
− ∆ + = − + ∆ = ⟹ =

 The uniformity of time leads to the conversation of energy.

27 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

IV. Momentum Conversation Law

 Spatial displacement

• Consider a closed system of particles interacting with one another

via potentials which depend only on the distances between them:

( ,…, , ̇ ,…, ̇ , ) = ̇ − − , ≠

• Performing a spatial displacement, we have:

= ⟹∆ = , = +

where = = , ∀

⟹ ̇ = ̇

⟹ − = −

28 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

IV. Momentum Conversation Law

 Momentum Conversation

• The Lagrange itself is invariant under this transformation:

,…, , ̇ ,…, ̇ , = ( ,…, , ̇ ,…, ̇ , )

⟹ = ⟹ = ⟹ =

 The space is homogeneous.

• From the invariance condition expressed in terms of the action, the

constant of the motion is given by:

= ̇ = = ⟹ =

 The uniformity of space leads to the conversation of momentum.

29 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

V. Angular Momentum Conversation Law

 Spatial rotation

• Consider a closed system of particles interacting with one another

via potentials which depend only on the distances between them:

( ,…, , ̇ ,…, ̇ , ) = ̇ − − , ≠

• We rotate the system through an infinitesimal

angle about the -axis:
= cos − sin = −
= sin + cos = +

= , = ⟹ ∆ =

⟹ =− , = , =

30 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

V. Angular Momentum Conversation Law

 Angular momentum Conversation

• Since the length of vectors is an invariance, the Lagrange itself is

invariant under this transformation:

⟹ = ⟹ = ⟹ =

 The space is isotropic.

• From the invariance condition expressed in terms of the action, the

constant of the motion is given by:

+ + = − ̇ + ̇ = =
̇ ̇ ̇

 Similarly for , ⟹ =

 The isotropy of space leads to the conversation of angular momentum.

31 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

VI. Center of Mass Theorem

 Galilean transformation

• Consider a closed system of particles interacting with one another

via potentials which depend only on the distances between them:

( ,…, , ̇ ,…, ̇ , ) = ̇ − − , ≠

• For Galilean transformation, we give

each of the particles of the system an
additional velocity :

= + ⟹ =

⟹ ̇ = ̇ +

but the time is invariant: =

32 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

VI. Center of Mass Theorem

 Variation of Lagrangian

• The new Lagrange is given by:

= ̇ − − − − +

= − ̇ +  is not invariant .

• Since Galilean transformation is an invariance transformation, the

variation of must satisfy:

, ̇, + , =

⟹ =− +

33 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

VI. Center of Mass Theorem

 Center of mass theorem

• The constant of the motion is given by:

+ = ̇ − + +

= ( ̇ − ) = − =

is radius vector to
= is the total mass =
the center of mass.

⟹ − = = ⟹ = +

 Theorem: the center of mass of a closed

system moves with a constant velocity: = =

34 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

Assignments (due on next class)

The motion of a particle of mass which moves vertically in the

uniform gravitational field near the surface of the earth can be
described by an action principle with Lagrangian

= ̇ −

1. Show that the action principle is invariant under the

a) = +
where , are any constants
b) = +

2. Find the associated constants of the motion.

Exercise 5.02: see Calkin, Solution,p. 103.

35 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws

36 Chapter 6: Conservation Laws


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