Derivation: Algebraic Simplification Rule: If P Q, Let GCD Polygcd (P (X), Q (X), X), If GCD 1, Then

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:  u P[x]p Q[x]q ⅆ x when p ∈ ℤ+ ∧ q ∈ ℤ- ∧ PolyGCD[P[x], Q[x], x] ≠ 1

Derivation: Algebraic simplification

Rule: If p ∈ ℤ+ ∧ q ∈ ℤ-, let gcd = PolyGCD[P[x], Q[x], x], if gcd ≠ 1, then
p q p+q p q
 u P[x] Q[x] ⅆ x ⟶  u gcd PolynomialQuotient[P[x], gcd, x] PolynomialQuotient[Q[x], gcd, x] ⅆ x

Program code:

Int[u_.*P_^p_*Q_^q_,x_Symbol] :=
Intu*gcd^(p+q)*PolynomialQuotient[P,gcd,x]^p*PolynomialQuotient[Q,gcd,x]^q,x /;
NeQ[gcd,1] /;
IGtQ[p,0] && ILtQ[q,0] && PolyQ[P,x] && PolyQ[Q,x]

Int[u_.*P_*Q_^q_,x_Symbol] :=
Intu*gcd^(q+1)*PolynomialQuotient[P,gcd,x]*PolynomialQuotient[Q,gcd,x]^q,x /;
NeQ[gcd,1] /;
ILtQ[q,0] && PolyQ[P,x] && PolyQ[Q,x]
Rules for integrands of the form u (a+b x+c x^2+d x^3)^p 2

Rules for integrands of the form P[x]p

0:  u P[x]p ⅆ x when p ∉ ℤ ∧ P[x] ⩵ xm Q[x]

Derivation: Piecewise constant extraction

Basis: If P[x] ⩵ xm Q[x], then ∂x
xm p Q[x]p

Rule: If p ∉ ℤ ∧ P[x] ⩵ xm Q[x], then

P[x]FracPart[p] mp
 u P[x] ⅆ x ⟶ ux Q[x]p ⅆ x
xm FracPart[p] Q[x]FracPart[p]

Program code:

Int[u_.*P_^p_.,x_Symbol] :=
P^FracPart[p]x^(m*FracPart[p])*Distrib[1/x^m,P]^FracPart[p]*Intu*x^(m*p)*Distrib[1/x^m,P]^p,x /;
FreeQ[p,x] && Not[IntegerQ[p]] && SumQ[P] && EveryQFunctionBinomialQ[#,x],P && Not[PolyQ[P,x,2]]
Rules for integrands of the form u (a+b x+c x^2+d x^3)^p 3

1.  P[x]p ⅆ x when P[x] ⩵ P1[x] P2[x] ⋯

1:  Px2  ⅆ x when p ∈ ℤ- ∧ P[x] ⩵ P1[x] P2[x] ⋯

Derivation: Algebraic simplification

Note: This rule assumes host CAS distributes integer powers over products.

Rule: If p ∈ ℤ- ∧ P[x] ⩵ P1[x] P2[x] ⋯, then

2p 2 p 2 p
 Px  ⅆ x ⟶  ExpandIntegrandP1x  P2x  ⋯, x ⅆ x

Program code:

Int[P_^p_,x_Symbol] :=
Int[ExpandIntegrand[ReplaceAll[u,x→x^2]^p,x],x] /;
NotSumQNonfreeFactors[u,x] /;
PolyQ[P,x^2] && ILtQ[p,0]
Rules for integrands of the form u (a+b x+c x^2+d x^3)^p 4

2:  P[x]p ⅆ x when p ∈ ℤ- ∧ P[x] ⩵ P1[x] P2[x] ⋯

Derivation: Algebraic simplification

Note: This rule assumes host CAS distributes integer powers over products.
Rule: If p ∈ ℤ- ∧ P[x] ⩵ P1[x] P2[x] ⋯, then

p p p
 P[x] ⅆ x ⟶  P1[x] P2[x] ⋯ ⅆ x

Program code:

Int[P_^p_,x_Symbol] :=
Int[ExpandIntegrand[u^p,x],x] /;
NotSumQNonfreeFactors[u,x] /;
PolyQ[P,x] && ILtQ[p,0]
Rules for integrands of the form u (a+b x+c x^2+d x^3)^p 5

2:  P[x]p ⅆ x when p ∈ ℤ ∧ P[x] ⩵ P1[x] P2[x] ⋯

Derivation: Algebraic simplification

Note: This rule assumes host CAS distributes integer powers over products.
Rule: If p ∈ ℤ ∧ P[x] ⩵ P1[x] P2[x] ⋯, then

p p p
 P[x] ⅆ x ⟶  P1[x] P2[x] ⋯ ⅆ x

Program code:

Int[P_^p_,x_Symbol] :=
Int[u^p,x] /;
NotSumQNonfreeFactors[u,x] /;
PolyQ[P,x] && IntegerQ[p]
Rules for integrands of the form u (a+b x+c x^2+d x^3)^p 6

x:  Pn [x]p ⅆ x when Pn [x] ⩵ Qn1 [x]q Rn2 [x]r ⋯ ∧ p ∉ ℤ

Derivation: Piecewise constant extraction

Pn [x]p
Basis: If Pn [x] ⩵ Qn1 [x]q Rn2 [x]r ⋯, then ∂x
Qn1 [x]p q Rn2 [x]p r ⋯

Rule: If Pn [x] ⩵ Qn1 [x]q Rn2 [x]r ⋯ ∧ p ∉ ℤ, then

Pn [x]p pq
 Pn [x] ⅆ x ⟶  Qn1 [x] Rn2 [x]p r ⋯ ⅆ x
Qn1 [x]p q Rn2 [x]p r ⋯

Program code:

(* Int[Pn_^p_,x_Symbol] :=
Pn^pDistributeDegree[u,p]*IntDistributeDegree[u,p],x /;
Not[SumQ[u]] /;
PolyQ[Pn,x] && Not[IntegerQ[p]] *)
Rules for integrands of the form u (a+b x+c x^2+d x^3)^p 7

2.  P[x]p ⅆ x when p ∈ ℤ+

1:  a + b x + c x2 + d x3  ⅆ x when p ∈ ℤ+ ∧ c2 - 3 b d ⩵ 0

Derivation: Integration by substitution

p 2 c2 x3 p
Basis: If c2 - 3 b d ⩵ 0, then a + b x + c x2 + d x3 ⩵ 1
Subst 3 a cc-b + b
 , x, c
+ x ∂x  3cd + x

Rule: If p ∈ ℤ+ ∧ c2 - 3 b d ⩵ 0, then
2 3 p 1 3 a c - b2 c2 x3 p
 a + b x + c x + d x  ⅆ x ⟶ p
Subst + ⅆ x, x, + x
3 c b 3d

Program code:

Int[(a_.+b_.*x_+c_.*x_^2+d_.*x_^3)^p_,x_Symbol] :=
1/3^p*SubstIntSimp[(3*a*c-b^2)/c+c^2*x^3/b,x]^p,x,x,c/(3*d)+x /;
FreeQ[{a,b,c,d},x] && IGtQ[p,0] && EqQ[c^2-3*b*d,0]

2:  P[x]p ⅆ x when p ∈ ℤ+

Derivation: Algebraic expansion

Rule: If p ∈ ℤ+ , then

p p
 P[x] ⅆ x ⟶  ExpandToSumP[x] , x ⅆ x

Program code:

Int[P_^p_,x_Symbol] :=
Int[ExpandToSum[P^p,x],x] /;
PolyQ[P,x] && IGtQ[p,0]
Rules for integrands of the form u (a+b x+c x^2+d x^3)^p 8

3:  P[x]p ⅆ x when p ∈ ℤ ∧ P[x] ⩵ a + b x + c x2  d + e x + f x2  ⋯

Derivation: Algebraic expansion

Rule: If p ∈ ℤ ∧ P[x] ⩵ a + b x + c x2  d + e x + f x2  ⋯, then

p p
 P[x] ⅆ x ⟶  ExpandIntegrandP[x] , x ⅆ x

Program code:

Int[P_^p_,x_Symbol] :=
Int[ExpandIntegrand[P^p,x],x] /;
PolyQ[P,x] && IntegerQ[p] && QuadraticProductQ[Factor[P],x]
Rules for integrands of the form u (a+b x+c x^2+d x^3)^p 9

4.  a + b x + c x2 + d x3  ⅆ x

1.  a + b x + d x3  ⅆ x

1.  a + b x + d x3  ⅆ x when 4 b3 + 27 a2 d ⩵ 0

1:  a + b x + d x3  ⅆ x when 4 b3 + 27 a2 d ⩵ 0 ∧ p ∈ ℤ

Derivation: Algebraic expansion

Basis: If 4 b3 + 27 a2 d ⩵ 0, then a + b x + d x3 ⩵ 1
33 a2
(3 a - b x) (3 a + 2 b x)2

Rule: If 4 b3 + 27 a2 d ⩵ 0 ∧ p ∈ ℤ, then

3 p 1 p 2p
 a + b x + d x  ⅆ x ⟶ 3p  (3 a - b x) (3 a + 2 b x) ⅆ x
3 a2 p

Program code:

Int[(a_.+b_.*x_+d_.*x_^3)^p_,x_Symbol] :=
1/(3^(3*p)*a^(2*p))*Int[(3*a-b*x)^p*(3*a+2*b*x)^(2*p),x] /;
FreeQ[{a,b,d},x] && EqQ[4*b^3+27*a^2*d,0] && IntegerQ[p]

2:  a + b x + d x3  ⅆ x when 4 b3 + 27 a2 d ⩵ 0 ∧ p ∉ ℤ

Derivation: Piecewise constant extraction

a+b x+d x3 
Basis: If 4 b3 + 27 a2 d ⩵ 0, then ∂x
(3 a-b x)p (3 a+2 b x)2 p

Rule: If 4 b3 + 27 a2 d ⩵ 0 ∧ p ∉ ℤ, then
Rules for integrands of the form u (a+b x+c x^2+d x^3)^p 10

a + b x + d x3 
3 p 2p
 a + b x + d x  ⅆ x ⟶  (3 a - b x) (3 a + 2 b x) ⅆ x
(3 a - b x)p (3 a + 2 b x)2 p

Program code:

Int[(a_.+b_.*x_+d_.*x_^3)^p_,x_Symbol] :=
(a+b*x+d*x^3)^p/((3*a-b*x)^p*(3*a+2*b*x)^(2*p))*Int[(3*a-b*x)^p*(3*a+2*b*x)^(2*p),x] /;
FreeQ[{a,b,d,p},x] && EqQ[4*b^3+27*a^2*d,0] && Not[IntegerQ[p]]

2.  a + b x + d x3  ⅆ x when 4 b3 + 27 a2 d ≠ 0

1:  a + b x + d x3  ⅆ x when 4 b3 + 27 a2 d ≠ 0 ∧ p ∈ ℤ

Derivation: Algebraic expansion

2 b3 d r3
Basis: If r → - 9 a d2 + 3 d 4 b3 d + 27 a2 d2 
, then a + b x + d x3 ⩵ 3 r3
- 18 d2
+ b x + d x3
2 b3 d r3 1/3 121/3 b2 d2 r2 1/3
Basis: 3 r3
- 18 d2
+ b x + d x3 ⩵ 1
 18 3 rb d - r
+ d x  b3d + 3 r2
+ 3×121/3
- d  231/3brd - r
 x + d 2 x2 

Rule: If 4 b3 + 27 a2 d ≠ 0 ∧ p ∈ ℤ, let r → - 9 a d2 + 3 d 4 b3 d + 27 a2 d2 
, then
3 p
 a + b x + d x  ⅆ x ⟶
p p
1 181/3 b d r bd 121/3 b2 d2 r2 21/3 b d r
 - +dx + + -d - x + d 2 x2 ⅆx
d2 p 3r 181/3 3 3 r2 3 × 121/3 31/3 r 181/3

Program code:

Int[(a_.+b_.*x_+d_.*x_^3)^p_,x_Symbol] :=
Simp[b*d/3+12^(1/3)*b^2*d^2/(3*r^2)+r^2/(3*12^(1/3))-d*(2^(1/3)*b*d/(3^(1/3)*r)-r/18^(1/3))*x+d^2*x^2,x]^p,x /;
FreeQ[{a,b,d},x] && NeQ[4*b^3+27*a^2*d,0] && IntegerQ[p]
Rules for integrands of the form u (a+b x+c x^2+d x^3)^p 11

2:  a + b x + d x3  ⅆ x when 4 b3 + 27 a2 d ≠ 0 ∧ p ∉ ℤ

Derivation: Piecewise constant extraction

Basis: If r → - 9 a d2 + 3 d 4 b3 d + 27 a2 d2 1/3, then
p 1/3 p 121/3 b2 d2 r2 1/3 p
∂x a + b x + d x3   18 3 rb d - 18r1/3 + d x  b3d + 3 r2
+ 3×121/3
- d  231/3brd - r
 x + d2 x2  ⩵ 0

Rule: If 4 b3 + 27 a2 d ≠ 0 ∧ p ∉ ℤ, let r → - 9 a d2 + 3 d 4 b3 d + 27 a2 d2 
, then
3 p
 a + b x + d x  ⅆ x ⟶
p p
p 181/3 b d r bd 121/3 b2 d2 r2 21/3 b d r
a + b x + d x3   - +dx + + -d - x + d 2 x2 ·
3r 181/3 3 3 r2 3 × 121/3 31/3 r 181/3
p p
181/3 b d r bd 121/3 b2 d2 r2 21/3 b d r
 - +dx + + -d - x + d 2 x2 ⅆx
3r 181/3 3 3 r2 3 × 121/3 31/3 r 181/3

Program code:

Int[(a_.+b_.*x_+d_.*x_^3)^p_,x_Symbol] :=
Simp[b*d/3+12^(1/3)*b^2*d^2/(3*r^2)+r^2/(3*12^(1/3))-d*(2^(1/3)*b*d/(3^(1/3)*r)-r/18^(1/3))*x+d^2*x^2,x]^p,x /;
FreeQ[{a,b,d,p},x] && NeQ[4*b^3+27*a^2*d,0] && Not[IntegerQ[p]]

2:  a + b x + c x2 + d x3  ⅆ x

Derivation: Integration by substitution

Rules for integrands of the form u (a+b x+c x^2+d x^3)^p 12

p 2 c3 - 9 b c d + 27 a d2 c2 - 3 b d x c
2 3
 a + b x + c x + d x  ⅆ x ⟶ Subst - + d x3 ⅆ x, x, x + 
2 3d 3d
27 d

Program code:

Int[P3_^p_,x_Symbol] :=
SubstIntSimp[(2*c^3-9*b*c*d+27*a*d^2)/(27*d^2)-(c^2-3*b*d)*x/(3*d)+d*x^3,x]^p,x,x,x+c/(3*d) /;
NeQ[c,0] /;
FreeQ[p,x] && PolyQ[P3,x,3]

5.  a + b x + c x2 + d x3 + e x4  ⅆ x

p b2 b3 b4
1:  a + b x + c x2 + d x3 + e x4  ⅆ x when p ∈ ℤ- ∧ a ≠ 0 ∧ c ⩵ ∧ d⩵ ∧ e⩵
a a2 a3

Derivation: Algebraic simplification

b2 b3 b4 a5 -b5 x5
Basis: If a ≠ 0 ∧ c ⩵ a
∧ d⩵ a2
∧ e⩵ a3
, then a + b x + c x 2 + d x3 + e x4 ⩵ a3(a-b x)

b2 b3 b4
Rule: If p ∈ ℤ- ∧ a ≠ 0 ∧ c ⩵ a
∧ d⩵ a2
∧ e⩵ a3
, then
2 3 4 p 1 (a - b x)-p
 a + b x + c x + d x + e x  ⅆ x ⟶  ExpandIntegrand , x ⅆ x
a3 p a5 - b5 x5 

Program code:

Int[P4_^p_,x_Symbol] :=
1/a^(3*p)*Int[ExpandIntegrand[(a-b*x)^(-p)/(a^5-b^5*x^5)^(-p),x],x] /;
NeQ[a,0] && EqQ[c,b^2/a] && EqQ[d,b^3/a^2] && EqQ[e,b^4/a^3] /;
FreeQ[p,x] && PolyQ[P4,x,4] && ILtQ[p,0]
Rules for integrands of the form u (a+b x+c x^2+d x^3)^p 13

2:  a + b x + c x2 + d x3 + e x4  ⅆ x when b3 - 4 a b c + 8 a2 d ⩵ 0 ∧ 2 p ∈ ℤ

Derivation: Integration by substitution

Basis: If b3 - 4 a b c + 8 a2 d ⩵ 0, then
a + b x + c x2 + d x3 + e x4 ⩵ -16 a2
Subst (b-41a x)2  (b-41a x)4 a -3 b4 + 16 a b2 c - 64 a2 b d + 256 a3 e - 32 a2 3 b2 - 8 a c x2 + 256 a4 x4 ,
x, 4a
+ 1x  ∂x  4ba + 1x 

Note: The substitution transforms a dense quartic polynomial into a symmetric quartic trinomial over the 4th power of a
Rule: If b3 - 4 a b c + 8 a2 d ⩵ 0 ∧ 2 p ∈ ℤ, then
2 3 4 p
 a + b x + c x + d x + e x  ⅆ x ⟶
1 a -3 b4 + 16 a b2 c - 64 a2 b d + 256 a3 e - 32 a2 3 b2 - 8 a c x2 + 256 a4 x4  b 1
-16 a2 Subst ⅆ x, x, + 
2 4 4a x
(b - 4 a x) (b - 4 a x)

Program code:

Int[P4_^p_,x_Symbol] :=
x,b/(4*a)+1/x] /;
NeQ[a,0] && NeQ[b,0] && EqQ[b^3-4*a*b*c+8*a^2*d,0] /;
FreeQ[p,x] && PolyQ[P4,x,4] && IntegerQ[2*p] && Not[IGtQ[p,0]]
Rules for integrands of the form u (a+b x+c x^2+d x^3)^p 14

6:  a + b x2 + c x3 + d x4 + e x6  ⅆ x when p ∈ ℤ- ∧ b2 - 3 a d ⩵ 0 ∧ b3 - 27 a2 e ⩵ 0

Algebraic expansion
Basis: If b2 - 3 a d ⩵ 0 ∧ b3 - 27 a2 e ⩵ 0, then
a + b x 2 + c x3 + d x4 + e x6 ⩵ 3 a + 3 a2/3 c1/3 x + b x2  3 a - 3 (-1)1/3 a2/3 c1/3 x + b x2  3 a + 3 (-1)2/3 a2/3 c1/3 x + b x2 
27 a2

Note: If m+1
∈ ℤ+, then c xm + a + b x2m ⩵ ∏mk=1 a + (-1)k 1-
1 1

m c m x + b x2 

Rule: If p ∈ ℤ- ∧ b2 - 3 a d ⩵ 0 ∧ b3 - 27 a2 e ⩵ 0, then
2 3 4 6 p
 a + b x + c x + d x + e x  ⅆ x ⟶
1 2/3 p p p
 ExpandIntegrand3 a + 3 a c1/3 x + b x2  3 a - 3 (-1)1/3 a2/3 c1/3 x + b x2  3 a + 3 (-1)2/3 a2/3 c1/3 x + b x2  , x ⅆ x
33 p a2 p

Program code:

Int[Q6_^p_,x_Symbol] :=
(3*a+3*(-1)^(2/3)*Rt[a,3]^2*Rt[c,3]*x+b*x^2)^p,x],x] /;
EqQ[b^2-3*a*d,0] && EqQ[b^3-27*a^2*e,0] /;
ILtQ[p,0] && PolyQ[Q6,x,6] && EqQCoeff[Q6,x,1],0 && EqQCoeff[Q6,x,5],0 && RationalFunctionQ[u,x]

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