Kenneth Cooper

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Some key takeaways from the passage are that aerobic exercise can improve heart health, boost mood, reduce risks of falls and diseases, and is recommended for most groups including children. It became popularized after Dr. Kenneth Cooper published his book detailing simple aerobic exercises and their health benefits. The three phases of an aerobic workout are the warm-up phase, aerobic workout phase, and cool-down phase. Some affordable ways to get aerobic exercise mentioned are walking, following free online workout videos, and checking with employers or health insurance providers about gym discounts.

Aerobic exercise became popularized after Dr. Kenneth Cooper published his book 'Aerobics' in 1968 detailing simple aerobic exercises like walking, running and cycling. The book was a bestseller and helped many Americans stay active as technology led to more sedentary lifestyles. Aerobic programs were later broadcast on TV and professional trainers emerged to lead classes.

The three phases of an aerobic workout are: 1) The warm-up phase which prepares the body for exercise. 2) The aerobic workout phase where the intensity is increased to target heart rate zones for calorie burning and fitness. 3) The cool-down phase which safely returns the body to resting state.

In the 1960’s, Dr.

Kenneth Cooper, a physiologist searched for an effective and easy way of keeping
healthy. His hard work resulted in the various ways of flexing muscles and burning calories to maintain
body fitness. He named his findings AEROBICS.

Since he was an employee of the Air Force, Dr. Cooper’s discovery was initially meant to keep the
astronauts in good shape.

However, in 1968 Cooper broke the secret when he wrote a book titled, ‘Aerobics’ detailing his simple
methods of exercising. Some of the aerobic exercises he mentioned in the book included cycling,
swimming, walking, running and others.

These exercises increase the oxygen consumption in the body that intensifies muscle activity and in the
process burn calories producing sweat.

After the book’s publication Cooper put it out for sale and it was an instant non- fiction best seller
reaching a million sales.

The release of the book was during the technology revolution that had led to increased redundancy
amongst Americans.

It was that time of cable technology when Americans spent most of their free on couches in front of the
screen and when video games were enjoying their first touch.

With over relaxation, there was prevalent weight increase amongst the American community and many
of them were caught in unhealthy conditions.

The timely publication of Cooper’s book saw many people taking on daily aerobic exercises at home to
regain their health.
Aerobics evolved as a commercial commodity. Exercising programmes were broadcast on television for
the convenience of homes.

And professional trainers emerged as early as 1978. The number of Americans alone practicing aerobics
reached 2 million but shot to 22million after a period of ten years.

The following two decades saw the introduction of aerobic sports. In 1983, sport aerobics was
introduced by Howard and Karen Schwartz. They came up with Sport Fitness International (SFI).

From local competition this later oversaw the first world championships at San Diego in March 1990. 15
countries attended. The content of Cooper’s book continued its effect beyond American boundaries.

Aerobic exercise is a great way to increase the efficiency of your heart and lungs, take off those extra
pounds and tone up your body. When exercising aerobically, however, it is important to realize that
your workout should be broken up into three distinct phases: Warm-up, aerobic workout and cooldown.
These three phases help prepare your body for the intensity of exercise, reduce the chances of a
workout-related injury and safely return your body to its resting state.

The Warm-Up Phase

The benefits of warming up prior to an intense aerobic workout session include more effective calorie
burning due to an increased core temperature, decreased chances of injury, improved range of motion
in your joints and better muscular contractions. The warm-up phase should consist of using the muscles
you’re going to use during the workout and getting your joints and muscles ready for the movements
associated with the specific exercises in which you're engaging. Since the purpose of the warm-up is to
prepare your body for the intense exercise to come, it should last only between 5 and 10 minutes, but
the warm-up should be intense enough to raise your heart rate before you begin intense exercise.

The Aerobic Workout Phase

The aerobic workout phase of an exercise regimen is the time when you increase the intensity of your
exercise program, raising your heart rate to it's target aerobic zone, thereby increasing the delivery of
oxygen to your muscles. This phase often lasts between 15 and 50 minutes, ideally lasting between 20
and 40 minutes. Whether you’re taking a step aerobics class, jogging or performing Zumba, the exercises
you're performing should be performed at a high enough intensity to raise your heart rate and body
temperature, but not so vigorous that you become faint or dizzy.

Intensity, Frequency are Key During Aerobic Workout Phase

During the aerobic workout phase of your exercise session, it is critical to take your body to its target
exercise zone in order to reap the maximum rewards. This zone is measured as a percentage of your
maximum heart rate. If you don’t know your maximum heart rate, one good rule of thumb is to subtract
your age from the number 220. This will be your maximum heart rate. You should exercise at between
60 and 80 percent of your maximum heart rate. After you subtracted your age from 220, multiply the
number by .6 and .8, and you will know your target heart rate for your workout. It is also important to
understand that you should exercise aerobically at least three times a week in order to reap the rewards
of your exercise program.

The Cooldown Phase

After your invigorating aerobic workout exercise phase, it is important to allow your body to return to its
resting state, slowing your heart rate and breathing down to normal levels. The cooldown phase should
ideally last between five and 10 minutes, and should include very low-intensity activities like walking,
sport-specific movements, or marching in place. This portion of your exercise session is the ideal time to
stretch your muscles and joints while they are still warm from the intensity of the aerobic phase, since
stretching can reduce the chances of muscular soreness and help you to recover from the intensity of
the aerobic workout phase.
1. Improves cardiovascular health

Aerobic exercise is recommended by the American Heart Association and by most doctors to people

with, or at risk for, heart disease. That’s because exercise strengthens your heart and helps it more
efficiently pump blood throughout the body.

Cardiovascular exercise can also help lower blood pressure, and keep your arteries clear by raising
“good” high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and lowering “bad” low-density lipoprotein
(LDL) cholesterol levels in the blood.

If you’re specifically looking to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, aim for 40 minutes of moderate- to
vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise between 3 and 4 times each week.

2. Lowers blood pressure

Cardiovascular exercise may help you manage symptoms of high blood pressure. That’s because
exercise can help lower blood pressure. Here are other ways to lower blood pressure without medicine.

3. Helps regulate blood sugar

Regular physical activity helps regulate insulin levels and lower blood sugar, all while keeping body
weight in check. In a study on people with type 2 diabetes, researchers found that any form of
movement, either aerobic or anaerobic, may have these effects.
4. Reduces asthma symptoms

Aerobic exercise can help people with asthma lessen both the frequency and severity of asthma attacks.
You should still talk to your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine if you have asthma,
however. They may recommend specific activities or precautions to help keep you safe while working

5. Reduces chronic pain

If you have chronic back pain, cardiovascular exercise — specifically low-impact activities, like swimming
or aqua aerobics — may help youTrusted Source get back muscle function and endurance. Exercise can
also help you lose weight, which may further reduce chronic back pain.

6. Aids sleep

If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, try cardiovascular exercise during your waking hours.

A study on individuals with chronic sleep issues revealed that a regular exercise program combined
with sleep hygieneeducation is an effective treatment for insomnia.

Participants engaged in aerobic activity for 16 weeks and then completed questionnaires about their
sleep and general mood. The activity group reported better sleep quality and duration, as well as
improvements in their daytime wakefulness and vitality.

Exercising too close to bedtime may make it more difficult to sleep, however. Try to finish your workout
at least two hours before bedtime.

7. Regulates weight
You may have heard that diet and exercise are the building blocks to weight loss. But aerobic exercise
alone may hold the power to help you lose weight and keep it off.

In one study, researchers asked overweight participants to keep their diets the same, but to engage in
exercise sessions that would burn either 400 to 600 calories, 5 times a week, for 10 months.

The results showed significant weight loss, between 4.3 and 5.7 percent of their starting weights, for
both men and women. Most participants walked or jogged on treadmills for the majority of their
exercise sessions. If you don’t have access to a treadmill, try taking a few brisk walks or jogs a day, such
as during your lunch break or before dinner.

Depending on your weight and speed, you may need to walk or jog up to 4 miles to burn 400 to 600
calories. Cutting calories in addition to aerobic exercise can reduce the amount of exercise needed to
lose the same amount of weight.

8. Strengthens immune system

Researchers at Pennsylvania State University examined active and sedentary women and the impact of
exercise on their immune systems.

one group exercised on a treadmill for 30 minutesanother group did a burst of intense activity over 30
secondsthe last group did not exercise

All women had their blood taken before, after, and at different intervals in the days and weeks after
these exercise sessions.

The results showed that regular and moderate aerobic exercise increases certain antibodies in the blood
called immunoglobulins. That ultimately strengthens the immune system. The sedentary group of
women saw no improvement in immune system function and their cortisol levels were much higher
than those in the active groups.
9. Improves brain power

Did you know that the brain starts losing tissue after you reach age 30? Scientistshave uncovered that
aerobic exercise may slow this loss and improve cognitive performance.

To test this theory, 55 older adults submitted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans for evaluation.
The participants were then examined to assess their health, including aerobic fitness. The adults who
were most fit showed fewer reductions in the frontal, parietal, and temporal areas of the brain. Overall,
their brain tissue was more robust.

What does this mean for you? Aerobic exercise does the body and brain good.

10. Boosts mood

Moving your body may also improve your mood. In one study on individuals with depression,
participants walked on a treadmill doing intervals for 30 minutes a session. After 10 days, they were
asked to report any changes in their mood.

All participants reported a significant reduction in their symptoms of depression. These results suggest
that engaging in exercise, even for a short period of time, may have a big impact on mood.

You don’t need to wait almost two weeks to see improvement. The study results revealed that even a
single exercise session may be enough to give you a boost.

11. Reduces risk of falls

One in three people over the age of 65 fall each year. Falls can lead to broken bones, and potentially
create lifelong injuries or disabilities. Exercise may help reduce your risk for falls. And if you’re worried
you’re too old to start exercising, don’t be. You have much to gain.

Results from a study on women ages 72 to 87 revealed that aerobic dance, for example, can reduce the
risk of falling by promoting better balance and agility. The women worked out for an hour, 3 times a
week, for a total of 12 weeks. The dance sessions included plenty of squatting motions, leg balance, and
other basic gross motor tasks.

At the end of the study, the women in the control group performed significantly better on tasks like
standing on one leg with their eyes closed. They also had better grip strength and reach, all important
physical strengths that can protect the body from falls.

Be sure to talk to your doctor before starting a new workout routine, and start slow. Group classes can
be a great way to safely exercise. The instructor can tell you if you’re doing moves correctly and they can
also give you modifications, if needed, to reduce your risk for injury.

12. Safe for most people, including kids

Cardiovascular exercise is recommended for most groups of people, even those who are older or who
have chronic health conditions. The key is working with your doctor to find what works best for you and
is safe in your particular situation.

Even children should get regular aerobic exercise. In fact, recommendations for kids are slightly higher
than for adults. Aim to get your child moving at least 60 minutesTrusted Sourceor more each day.
Moderate activities are good, but kids should get into the vigorous zone at least three days each week.

13. Affordable and accessible

You don’t need any fancy equipment or a gym membership to work out. Getting daily exercise can be as
easy as taking a walk around your neighborhood or going for a jog with a friend on a local trail.
Other ways to get your aerobic exercise for free or cheap:

Check local schools or community centers for pool hours. Many offer free admission to residents or have
sliding scale rates. Some centers even offer free or inexpensive fitness classes to the general
public.Browse online to find free workouts on sites like YouTube. Fitness Blender, Yoga with Adriene,
and Blogilates are popular channels.Check with your employer about discounts or free memberships at
area gyms. If your workplace doesn’t offer anything, you may be eligible for incentives through your
health insurance provider.

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