Prohibited Pleadings
Prohibited Pleadings
Prohibited Pleadings
Summary Small Claims Forcible Entry Rules of Writ of Writ of Writ of Habeas
Procedure and Unlawful Procedure for Kalikasan Amparo Data
detainer Environmental
Motion to Motion to Motion to Motion to Motion to Motion to Motion to
dismiss the dismiss dismiss the dismiss the dismiss dismiss dismiss
complaint or Statement of complaint complaint
information Claims except on the
except on the ground of lack
ground of lack of jurisdiction
of jurisdiction over the
over the subject matter
subject matter or failure to
or failure to comply with
comply with condition
condition precedent
Motion for a Motion for a Motion for a Motion for a Motion for a Motion for a Motion for a
bill of bill of bill of bill of bill of bill of bill of
particulars particulars particulars particulars particulars particulars particulars
Motion for new Motion for new Motion for new Motion for Motion for
trial, or for trial, or for trial, or for reconsideration reconsideration
reconsideration reconsideration reconsideration of interlocutory of interlocutory
of a judgment, of a judgment, of a judgment, orders or orders or
or for or for or for interim relief interim relief
reopening of reopening of reopening of orders orders
trial trial trial
Petition for Petition for Petition for
relief from relief from relief from
judgment judgment judgment
Motion for Motion for Motion for Motion for Motion for Motion for Motion for
extension of extension of extension of extension of extension of extension of extension of
time to file time to file time to file time to file time to file time to file time to file
pleadings, pleadings, pleadings, pleadings, return opposition, return,
affidavits or affidavits or affidavits or except to file affidavit, opposition,
any other any other any other answer, the opposition affidavit,
paper paper paper extension not paper and opposition
to exceed other pleadings paper and
fifteen (15) other pleadings
Memoranda Memoranda Memoranda Memorandum Memorandum
Petition for Petition for Petition for Petition for Petition for
certiorari, certiorari, certiorari, certiorari, certiorari,
mandamus, or mandamus, or mandamus, or mandamus, or mandamus, or
prohibition prohibition prohibition prohibition prohibition
against any against any against any against any against any
interlocutory interlocutory interlocutory interlocutory interlocutory
order issued by order issued by order issued by order order
the court the court the court
Motion to Motion to Motion to Motion to Motion to Motion to Motion to
declare declare declare declare declare declare declare
defendant in defendant in defendant in defendant in respondent in respondent in respondent in
default default default default default default default
Dilatory Dilatory Dilatory Motion for Dilatory Dilatory
motions for motions for motions for postponement motions for motions for
postponement postponement postponement postponement postponement
Reply Reply Reply Reply and Reply Reply Reply
Third party Third party Third party Third party Third party Third party
complaints complaints complaints complaints complaints complaints
Interventions Interventions Interventions Interventions Interventions
Counterclaim Counterclaim Counterclaim
or cross-claim or cross-claim or cross-claim