You Are What You Wear. ESL Handout.
You Are What You Wear. ESL Handout.
You Are What You Wear. ESL Handout.
1. Before you read the article look at the photos. Discuss these questions.
1. Which person do you think probably has more money? What makes you
think that?
2. Which person do you think is younger? Why?
3. Which person do you think is the most likely to get good service in an
expensive department store? Why?
2. Read the article. Does the article agree with your answers to Exercise 1?
1. How do you usually dress for work? What sort of clothing do office
workers in your country usually wear?
2. What do you think Mark Zuckerberg’s casual dress says about him?
3. Do you think the experiment described in paragraph 1 would have the
same result in the place where you live?
4. What about the experiment described in paragraph 2?
5. Can you think of other ways of dressing that might have similar results to
the experiments described in paragraph 3? For example, what might
happen if someone put on a soldier’s uniform?
6. What do all three experiments say about the power of personal
9. Make notes describing the clothes worn by someone you know or a well-
known person. Use the adjectives from Exercise 6.