Joel's Philosophy of Ministry
Joel's Philosophy of Ministry
Joel's Philosophy of Ministry
Joel Dorman
Foreword ....................................................................................................................................... i
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................... ii
Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 1
Matthew 22:36-40............................................................................................................... 1
Matthew 28:18-20............................................................................................................... 2
Jesus said, “I will build my church…” (Matthew 16:18b). This is the foundational principle
from which anyone’s philosophy of ministry cannot stray: it is Jesus’ church. A pastor is not the
church’s Savior; Jesus is. A pastor is not the one purifying the church; Jesus is. Scripture, as the
Word of God, must be the foundation of any philosophy of ministry. Furthermore, the Scriptures
provide the best rubric to evaluate the church. This brief treatment serves as an introduction to my
philosophy of ministry.
Biblical Foundations
At any level, ministry in the church must find itself in the Scriptures. Three passages demand
particular attention as they relate directly to the church, its function in the world, and its leadership.
These are the some of the essential elements for church ministry: Matthew 22:36-40, Matthew
28:18-20, and Ephesians 4:11-13.
Matthew 22:36-40
Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied: “Love the Lord
your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the
first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as
yourself.” All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
In this passage, Jesus silences His critics once again but germane to this discussion, He
presents His priorities to His people. It is so critical to notice, Jesus could have chosen any of the
purity laws meant to keep His people set apart as witnesses and mediators of His presence to the
world, but He did not. Instead, He chose the familiar opening of the Shema (cf. Deuteronomy 6:5).
Jesus’ first priority, and therefore the priority of the Father, was love for
“…Jesus could have
Him. Loving the Lord is obedience to the Lord. 1 Samuel 15:22(a) chosen any of the
asks, “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much purity laws meant to
as in obeying the voice of the Lord?” This underscores the importance
keep His people set
apart…but He did
of worship in the life of the Christian and the church. There is an issue not.”
in too many churches of trading worship for something imitating it.
“The focus of worship,” Webber writes, “is not human experience, not a lecture, not entertainment,
but Jesus Christ—his life, death, and resurrection.”1 Jesus said the Father is seeking worshippers (cf.
Robert E. Webber, Worship is a Verb, 2nd ed. (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1992), 1.
John 4:23). This should immediately cause any Christian to make notes: the Father wants to be
loved by the only part of His creation that bears His image: humanity. This is not simply an emotion;
this is surrender. Jesus said, “if you love me, you will obey what I command” (John 14:15).2
Since love for the Lord is, by definition, obedience to the Lord, the connection Jesus made to
the second half this passage is also critical: love one’s neighbor. Jesus demonstrated His love for the
world (His “neighbors”) by willingly dying for them (cf. John 3:16-17; Romans 5:8; 1 John 4:10).
Since one obeys the Lord, then by definition, they will love others like the Lord. “Loving one
another”, Frizzell states, “is of…enormous kingdom priority.”3 True worship, then, moves the church
to care for the world around them and share the gospel.
It is not an issue of a social gospel. Certainly, the church should be caring for those who
cannot care for themselves, but service projects void of the Gospel are not the mission-oriented
activities to Christ has called us. Jesus did not feed the multitudes only to fill their stomachs.
Matthew 28:18-20
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been
given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end
of the age.
These were the final marching orders to Jesus’ soldiers. Again, because the church loves Him
and obeys Him, the church loves others as He does. This love finds a natural expression in telling the
world about Jesus one soul at a time. The love of Christ in the heart of a Christian creates “an
understanding of the power and consequences of sin that compels us to share life with the people
around us”.4 It is love for the Lord and His love’s manifestation in His church that compels the
church to evangelize. Understanding this connection, the church moves through the world (in both
senses: locally and globally) preaching the good news of Jesus’ redemption. Evangelism, in all its
importance and significance, is an empty ritual if not motivated by love. “A new command I give
you,” Jesus told the apostles, “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one
For discussion surrounding the so-called “Worship Wars”, see Appendix A.
Gregory Frizzell, Releasing the Revival Flood: A Churchwide Journey to Miraculous Unity and God-Glorifying Fellowship
(Fulton, KY: The Master Design, 2005), preface.
Kenneth Hemphill, Splash (Tigerville, SC: Auxano Press, 2007), 74.
another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34-
The church has been guilty, at times, of evangelism without its
“Evangelism, in all its
counterpart: discipleship. This occurs because of too much time spent
importance and
emphasizing the wrong thing. When Jesus said, “go and make
significance, is an
empty ritual if not disciples” (Matthew 28:19), the emphasis was not on “go” but on
motivated by love.” “make disciples”. They were to win the lost to Christ wherever they
would find themselves.5
“People are reached and discipled,” Robinson writes, “one by one, not by masses.”6 Jesus did
not spend time on evangelistic methodology as much as He addresses discipleship methodology. In
these verses (Matthew 28:18-20), Jesus tells the apostles and all witnessing the ascension to teach
these new converts “everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:20a). This phrase, in concept
if not in word, is sometimes absent from modern church practice. The reason is simple: discipleship
is the more difficult work to perform. Leading someone to Christ is straightforward. Guiding that
new convert into maturity in Christ is a lifetime of work filled with incredible highs and, sometimes,
bone rattling lows. The church, however, is commanded to provide comprehensive discipleship.
Jesus told us teach the new converts “everything” He had “Guiding that new convert into
commanded. Jesus taught a lot. Most of Jesus’ teachings maturity in Christ is a lifetime
rested on volumes of knowledge already revealed in the of work filled with incredible
pages of the Old Testament. highs and, sometimes, bone
rattling lows”
When leaders simply command, "go make disciples",
it is echoing a command from Jesus. There is no question: this should be enough to motivate Jesus’
followers to action. However, if the commonly offered statistic is true that only four percent of
Christians ever share their faith, one should wonder if the followers of Christ understand their
motivation in fulfilling the Great Commission. A mentor in pastoral ministry offered advice following a
sermon, "tell them 'why' and they will find any 'how'." This concept represents a radical shift in
preaching, teaching, discipleship and evangelism. The "why" of the Great Commission is the Great
Craig Blomberg, vol. 22, Matthew, electronic ed., Logos Library System; The New American Commentary (Nashville:
Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2001), 431.
Darrell W. Robinson, Total Church Life: How to be a First Century Church in a 21st Century World. (Nashville, TN: Broadman
& Holman Publishers, 1997), 155.
Commandment. It is love for the Lord that creates love for the souls of the world. It is love for the
church that creates the love for discipling them to maturity. Only then can the church achieve “the
whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13b).7
This lifestyle of love (that is, obedience) to the Father is most capable of fulfilling both the
Great Commandment and the Great Commission. Paul further underscores this need of discipleship
in Ephesians 4:11-13.
Ephesians 4:11-13
It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists,
and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so
that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the
knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of
the fullness of Christ.
Dr. Tim Searcy made a statement I have never forgotten, “your job, if you really believe
Ephesians 4:11-13, is to train yourself out of a job.” His challenge has served as a guiding principle
from then through today. His point was not a church’s ability to survive without leadership (although
the ability of a church to continue in ministry through pastoral transition is a sign of health), but a
complete understanding of the role of a pastor in the greater context of the church.
The first thing we are reminded in this passage is found in the first three words “it was he.”
Jesus Christ Himself provided for His bride by giving her all she needed to accomplish her mission on
earth. This verse, then, supports the rest of the New Testament in the same assertion Jesus made:
it is His church. As the groom, He gave these gifts to the church. This is not a methodology of
human invention; its origin was divine.
These specific callings listed here focus on the teaching of the Word of God. A common
theme throughout the New Testament is the danger of false teaching. There is a clear concept,
“Your job, if you really believe then, that the teaching of the Word is vitally important to the
Ephesians 4:11-13, is to train church. False doctrine robs a church of its power and
yourself out of a job.” witness. One of Satan’s most effective tools against the
–Tim Searcy
church is subtle heresy. It started in the garden with four
deadly words: “Did God really say…?” (Genesis 3:1). The church still struggles with the same issue
Eve struggled with that day in the garden: did God really say…? Clear teaching of the “whole will of
For discussion surrounding “Discipleship Methodology”, see Appendix B.
God” results in one “who correctly handles the word of truth” (Acts 20:27 and 2 Timothy 2:15).
Teachers of the Word of God have a high expectation from the Master because it is His bride for
which they are caring (and are a part) but additionally, we “know that we who teach will be judged
more strictly” (James 3:1).
These teachers of the Word of God are “to prepare God’s people for works of service” so the
congregation is prepared to minister to each other and the world. The result of this equipping is
unity in faith, knowledge of Jesus, and maturity. The goal, then, is mature Christ followers.
Robinson states, the “Super-Hired Holy-Man-Syndrome” is a “dangerous virus…spreading among
evangelical churches”.8 This is very true and this passage counteracts it. The “works of service” was
not listed as the responsibility of the apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastor-teachers, but God’s
prepared people. Subsequently, Dr. Searcy’s assertion hits the mark: “your job [as a pastor]…is to
train yourself out of a job.”
These three passages provide the foundation for my personal mission statement: through the
empowerment of the Holy Spirit, equip the saints for ministry to the world and each other by
intentional and strategic discipleship motivated by love for Christ and His will.
A Healthy Church
Any organism suffering from disease or injury is
compromised. Depending on the severity of the illness, the “If the mission of Jesus was
organism might be rendered helpless or unable to care for
finding and bringing salvation
to those who were lost, then
itself. Worse case, the injured or ill organism dies. Since
why would the mission of His
the church is an organism and not merely an organization,
church be any different?”
the overall health of a church is of paramount importance to
building a great church. A great church is a healthy church. This presents the obvious question:
how does a “healthy church” look? Too many churches simply do not ask this profoundly critical
In simplest terms, a healthy church is one that resembles Christ and seeks His will. Christ’s
mission, in His own words, was to “seek and to save what was lost.” (Luke 19:10). Humanity was,
and is, lost and utterly without hope unless the grace of God intervenes through Jesus Christ. If the
Robinson, 84.
mission of Jesus was finding and bringing salvation to those who were lost, then why would the
mission of His church be any different? It is not. As previous stated, His final (though certainly not
only) command was to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). With this in mind, a healthy church is
not measured by how many people fill their worship facilities on a given weekend, but by how many
disciples are produced who in turn march into the world to continue Jesus’ mission.
A paramount issue remains in the goal of a healthy church: conflict. Sadly, so many churches
are embroiled with cold wars and open conflicts. Does this have to be normative? I am blessed to
have served in several healthy churches, including the one at which I am currently serving. Likewise,
I have been blessed in serving in unhealthy churches. This is a blessing because the trials of an
unhealthy church make the need for unity so much more apparent. A sick church has essentially no
witness in their community, no waters of baptism being stirred, and no disciples being trained. Their
worship is empty, their song is mute, and their prayer life is nonexistent. These unhealthy churches
need revival—not a week of services, but a spiritual renewal that changes hearts and lives. They
must move from their sinful state of disunity to a gloriously powerful state of unity.9
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for
building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do
not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of
redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with
every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,
just as in Christ God forgave you. (Ephesians 4:29-32)
Only a healthy church is capable of storming the kingdom of the enemy. Only a unified church
can be called great and a great church is, by definition, a healthy, loving, God-worshipping, disciple-
making church.
Final Thoughts
Certainly, there are many questions this philosophy of ministry raises that space simply does
not allow to answer. Some are found in the subsequent appendices, but in all likelihood, these
additional questions are ones of “how”. As Stanley states, “your ministry is perfectly designed to
achieve the results you are currently getting.”10 However, the issue of “how” is always secondary to
“why.” Additionally, the “why” question is always best answered not in a “cookie-cutter” fashion with
Although no specific quotes were made, the concept for this section came from Frizzell, preface - 25.
Andy Stanley, et al., 7 Practices of Effective Ministry (Colorado Springs, CO: Multnomah Books, 2004), 185.
a preexisting mold but with a team approach formulated by those “on the ground”. My philosophy of
ministry, then, is again summarized in my personal mission statement: through the empowerment of
the Holy Spirit, equip the saints for ministry to the world and each other by intentional and strategic
discipleship motivated by love for Christ and His will.
street. This does not negate their ministry as there are people who wish to attend there and
not your church. This is the cultural water in which the contemporary church swims.
In conclusion, a thriving church is a church worshiping its Savior and Groom, the Lord Jesus
Christ. With this sustaining focus, the issues surrounding fashion become tools to reach out and
influence the community of churched, unchurched, and dechurched.
Stanley, 101.
These small groups are the path to discipleship for their church. Although the exact definition of
“small group” might be an issue of debate (on-campus verses off-campus, sermon-based or non
sermon-based, etc.), they are all groups under fifteen people that share life together. Some simple
churches have many of the same ministries of menu-driven churches except they are done in a small
group setting. This is not to say all simple churches are built on small-groups, but a simple church is
one devoted to a simple path from new believer to mature leader.
Lest it go overlooked, simple churches still require administrative support. The sheer
percentage of involvement makes this high level of support necessary; however, the result of this
administrative involvement is very specialized and has greater results. Typically, these churches
need less administrative support overall which makes them more cost-effective, thereby making them
better stewards of the resources the Lord has given them.
Having been involved in both styles, I can safely say the simple church model has many
advantages and certainly nets better results due to its focused effort. Furthermore, the simple
methodology allows the church to use its core values as a decision making tool instead of the drive to
fill a menu with religious services. It helps the church say “no” to periphery programs so it can say
“YES” to ministries and programs that will advance the vision God has given them.
Works Cited
Blomberg, Craig. Vol. 22, Matthew. electronic ed. Logos Library System; The New American
Commentary. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2001.
Frizzell, Gregory. Releasing the Revival Flood: A Churchwide Journey to Miraculous Unity and
God-Glorifying Fellowship. Fulton, KY: The Master Design, 2005.
Robinson, Darrell. Total Church-Life: How to Be a First Century Church in a 21st Century World.
Nashville, TN: B&H Books, 1997.
Stanley, Andy, et al. 7 Practices of Effective Ministry. Colorado Springs, CO: Multnomah Books,
Webber, Robert E. Worship is a Verb, 2nd ed. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1992.