The Differential Roles of Periosteal and Capsular Functional Matrices in Orofacial Growth
The Differential Roles of Periosteal and Capsular Functional Matrices in Orofacial Growth
The Differential Roles of Periosteal and Capsular Functional Matrices in Orofacial Growth
SUMMARY Historically students of craniology believed, erroneously, that only the active processes
of surface deposition and resorption and of interstitial expansion were involved in skull growth. The
introduction of the method of functional cranial analysis placed primary emphasis on the morphogenetic
role of the functional matrix. The two principal types of functional matrices, the periosteal and the
capsular, are defined. The former alter the size and shape of the skeletal tissues while the latter alter
spatial position. The majority of facial skeletal growth is shown to be due to the passive translation of the
skeletal tissues within the orofacial capsule, responding to the prior and primary volumetric expansion of
the oro-nasopharyngeal functioning spaces, acting as capsular matrices.
bundles and teeth are excellent examples. These matrices secondary, compensatory, manner to translations produced
act directly upon individually related micro-skeletal units. by volumetric expansion of capsular matrices.
Such matrices produce morphological expression of their Complete removal of sutural tissues results only in sutural
operational demands by the active processes of deposition dehisence (i.e., by a local loss of secondary transformation).
and resorption, thus altering the size and shape (i.e., the Similarly, removal of facial cartilages (or their congenital
form) of their micro-skeletal units by the processes of absence) does not interfere with orofacial translative growth.
transformation. In varying degrees, transformative growth The normal translation of the upper jaw in arrhinencephalic
changes produce ‘drift’ or ‘translocation’ of the micro- and bilateral cleft palate infants, as well as those missing
skeletal units. For example, the primary growth of the a septum, are clinical proof that the nasal cartilage is not
medial pterygoid and masseter muscles, of the temporalis a primary site of such translative growth. The normal growth
muscle and of the lateral pterygoid muscle causes a of all non-condylar mandibular micro-skeletal units in
secondary transformative growth change in the mandibular patients with congenital absence of their condylar processes
angular, coronoid and condylar processes respectively. Such establishes the non-translative role of these cartilages.
changes not only alter their form, but also the position of So true is this that young patients with either congenital or
these contiguous micro-skeletal units relative to each other. acquired ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint (unilateral
However none of these processes is responsible for the or bilateral) are treated successfully by bilateral condylectomy
motion of the totality of the mandibular micro-skeletal units (Moss and Rankow, 1968). We can study quantitatively the
of mandibular tracings on the mental foramina has been that passive translation accounts for a significant proportion
shown to be as accurate as that obtained by Björk (1964, of total vertical growth of the hard palate. Transformation is
1968) using metallic implants. Now we observe intraosseous responsible for the posterior ‘relocation’. Continuing work in
growth, which is totally transformative. Superimposition of our laboratory, to be published elsewhere, will deal with this
both sets of tracings permits the visual, biological and verbal topic more definitively.
subtraction of the transformation of intraosseous growth
from the sum of both the transformation and translation
of interosseous growth, leaving translation alone. Our
published data indicate that about 66-75 per cent of normal Professor Tulley congratulated Professor Moss on his paper:
vertical mandibular growth is due to the passive translation a great many of the things that had been said he personally
of the mandibular macro-skeletal unit as a secondary had believed for some time. He hated to disagree with
response to the primary volumetric expansion of the orofacial Professor Moss but nevertheless he intended to do so. Most
functioning spaces acting as a capsular matrix. The change people would agree with a great deal of what Professor
in position of ramal micro-skeletal units, as expected, is due Moss had said. They would not agree however that this was
to transformation. A striking example of the dominance of a new concept. The suggestions that were being put forward
capsular matrices in vertical mandibular growth is shown in were at least 50 years old. He agreed that those people who
Figure 1, taken from the data of Björk and Kuroda (1968). are just transplanting bones are not studying the entire
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Indeed, one of the basic points of functional cranial analysis Moss M L 1968a The primacy of functional matrices in orofacial growth.
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Acknowledgement Moss M L 1969a Functional cranial analysis of the mandibular angular
cartilage in the rat. Angle Orthodontist 39: 209–214
My colleague, Professor Letty Salentijn, Department of Moss M L 1969b A theoretical analysis of the functional matrix. Acta
Anatomy, Columbia University, played a major role in this Biotheoretica 18: 195–202
work, which was supported in part by a grant NB 00965, Moss M L, Bromberg B 1968 The passive role of nasal septal cartilage
in mid-facial growth. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 41:
National Institutes of Health. 536–542
Moss M L, Greenberg S N 1967 Functional cranial analysis of the human
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