Received 30 August 2005; received in revised form 13 July 2006; accepted 3 August 2006
Multiple researchers have validated indicators and measures of infant pain. However, infants at risk for neurologic impairment (NI)
have been under studied. Therefore, whether their pain responses are similar to those of other infants is unknown. Pain responses to heel
lance from 149 neonates (GA > 25–40 weeks) from 3 Canadian Neonatal Intensive Care units at high (Cohort A, n = 54), moderate
(Cohort B, n = 45) and low (Cohort C, n = 50) risk for NI were compared in a prospective observational cohort study. A significant
Cohort by Phase interaction for total facial action (F(6, 409) = 3.50, p = 0.0022) and 4 individual facial actions existed; with Cohort
C demonstrating the most facial action. A significant Phase effect existed for increased maximum Heart Rate (F(3, 431) = 58.1,
p = 0.001), minimum Heart Rate (F(3, 431) = 78.7, p = 0.001), maximum Oxygen saturation (F(3, 425) = 47.6, p = 0.001), and minimum
oxygen saturation (F(3, 425) = 12.2, p = 0.001) with no Cohort differences. Cohort B had significantly higher minimum (F(2, 79) = 3.71,
p = 0.029), and mean (F(2, 79) = 4.04, p = 0.021) fundamental cry frequencies. A significant Phase effect for low/high frequency Heart
Rate Variability (HRV) ratio (F(2, 216) = 4.97, p = 0.008) was found with the greatest decrease in Cohort A. Significant Cohort by Phase
interactions existed for low and high frequency HRV. All infants responded to the most painful phase of the heel lance; however, infants
at moderate and highest risk for NI exhibited decreased responses in some indicators.
2006 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 416 813 6595; fax: +1 416 813 8273.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Stevens).
0304-3959/$32.00 2006 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Stevens et al. / Pain 127 (2007) 94–102 95
1.1. Pain in neonates at risk for neurologic impairment Due to the exploratory nature of this research, sample size
was calculated based on regression modeling and the number
of response indicators that were to be examined. Based on
Approximately 10% of neonates are admitted to the an estimate of 30 indicators (e.g., facial actions, cry and phys-
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) (Joseph et al., iologic indicators) and using 5 subjects per variable, we deter-
1998) and 10% of these infants are at risk of NI (Robert- mined that 150 infants or 50 per risk group were required.
son et al., 1998). Neurologic impairment is the result of
a multiplicity of factors including; congenital syndrome/ 2.2. Data collection procedures
chromosomal abnormalities (e.g., congenital trisomies),
birth trauma (e.g., fractures, nerve injuries), extreme The study was approved by all Research Ethics Boards at
preterm birth (e.g., intraventricular haemorrhage the participating hospitals and associated universities. Eligible
[IVH]; necrotising enterocolitis [NEC]), and acquired ill- infants and their cohort assignment were determined by the
nesses with CNS involvement (Robertson et al., 1998). Research Coordinator at each of the 3 participating NICUs
In a retrospective cohort study of 194 neonates stratified and validated with the study steering group. After parents of
infants consented for their infant to participate in the study,
by risk for NI, Stevens et al. (2003) found that the high-
a research nurse who provided no clinical care for the partici-
est risk group for NI underwent significantly more pain-
pating infants abstracted the following data from the infant’s
ful procedures (>15/day) and were administered less chart: Birth weight, gestational age (GA) at birth, 1, 5 and
opioids than infants at minimal or no risk for NI. 10 min Apgar scores, severity of illness (SOI) (Neonatal Ther-
The purpose of this study was to compare behaviour- apeutic Interventions Scoring System; NTISS (Gray et al.,
al and physiological responses of neonates at high, mod- 1992)), neonatal mortality risk (Score for Neonatal Acute
erate and low risk for NI to a routinely performed Physiology: Perinatal Extension, SNAP:PE score (Richardson
painful procedure (i.e., heel lance) during hospitalization et al., 1993; Richardson and Escobar, 1998)), neurodevelop-
in the NICU. mental risk potential (Neurobiologic Risk Score; NBRS
(Brazy et al., 1993)), and the nature and frequency of painful
procedures, and analgesics and sedatives used throughout the
2. Methods first 7 days of life.
pain, the Neonatal Facial Coding System (NFCS; – Grunau (Nellcor Pulse Oximeter, Model N-3000; Hayward, CA) and
and Craig, 1987) was developed and validated (Grunau and the SATMASTER data collection system (EMG, Los Angeles,
Craig, 1990). Facial actions were collected by videotaping CA). Data were recorded second to second and sampled at
infant’s faces on an 8 mm camcorder (Sharp, Panasonic or 100 Hz. Signals were digitalized in the pulse oximeter, and
Sony) and audiotaping 4 standardized phases of the heel lance downloaded into a personal computer (PC). ECG segments
that included: baseline (3 min), warming (2 min), post-proce- of 128 s in the baseline/warming and immediate post-proce-
dure (heel stick, heel squeeze; 30 s blocks) and return to base- dure/return to baseline phases were edited, linearly detrended
line (5 min) of the heel lance procedure. Facial actions were and analyzed for power spectral density using HRView soft-
coded second-to-second according to the NFCS (Grunau ware (Boston Medical Technologies, Boston, MA). Standards
and Craig, 1990) by two trained research assistants who did defining specific frequency bandwidths commonly used to
not have any interactions with the infants. The videotapes were characterize and study power spectral analysis of heart rate
played back in real time on a Panasonic AG-1970 with stop- variability (HRV) in infants were followed. Normalized power
frame capability and clocked to the 4th decimal place. Each spectral values were calculated and reported for: high-frequen-
recording session was scored repeatedly for each of the facial cy power (0.15–1 Hz); low frequency power (0.04–0.15 Hz) and
actions, using laptop computer software developed in the lab the ratio of low-/high-frequency power (Saul et al., 1991; Task
written in BASIC that recorded the scores and allowed for Force of European Society of Cardiology, 1996; Berntson
information on artifacts to be included. A final score based et al., 1997).
on percentage of time the action was present was calculated
for the block of time of interest. 2.3. Data collection measures
Cries were audio recorded using a small Sennheiser unidi-
rectional microphone that was placed 10 cm from the infant’s Severity of illness is an important construct in infants in the
mouth. The microphone was connected to a Sony 500 high-fre- NICU but there is no gold standard measure for this construct
quency audiotape recorder with a tone generator to mark in infants. Therefore, two measures were utilized to tap into
events. A research assistant, blind to the study design, was different domains of SOI in the neonatal period. The Score
trained to conduct cry analyses using CSPEECH (Milenkovic, for Neonatal Acute Physiology: Perinatal Extension
1998). The first cry from the stick phase of each heelstick pro- (SNAP:PE, Richardson et al., 1993) captures predicted risk
cedure was digitized at 20 kHz using a 16-bit analog to digital for mortality and is a 26 item scale based on routine clinical
converter and low-pass filtered with a high-frequency cut-off of tests and vital signs during the first 12 h of life to predict out-
10 kHz to avoid aliasing. Cry analysis from Fast-Fourier come. Birth weight, Apgar score at 5 min, and small size for
transform spectrography was performed using a Pentium GA are added to the base SNAP score to form a newborn ill-
microcomputer with C-SPEECH SP that was modified to ness severity and mortality risk score, the SNAP:PE. This mea-
accommodate fundamental frequencies up to 4 kHz. One sure has been validated with over 27,000 infants (Richardson
research assistant conducted the cry analyses under the super- et al., 2001). The Neonatal Therapeutic Interventions Scoring
vision of a cry expert co-investigator (CJ) who was blind to System (NTISS, Gray et al., 1992), adapted from the Thera-
group assignment. The screen-mark function was used to iden- peutic Interventions Scoring System (TISS, Cullen et al.,
tify the voiced and unvoiced segments of each cry. Subsequent 1974), captures SOI through the frequency and intensity of
analysis only considered the pitch characteristics for voiced diagnostic procedures performed over time during the NICU
segments of the cries. The percent of voiced/voiceless data hospitalization. Validity was established with 1643 infants by
were reported but no other measurements were made for the comparing NTISS scores with mortality risk estimates
voiceless segments. The definition of voiceless and voiced is (r = 0.69, p < 0.0001), in hospital mortality rates (p < 0.05)
based on work by Michelsson (Michelsson, 1971). Cries were and a measure of nursing acuity (Medicus, r = 0.69,
analyzed from the auditory perspective of pitch which refers p < 0.0001). The Neurobiologic Risk Score (NBRS, Brazy
to how high or low the cry sounds and is precisely measured et al., 1993), used to assess infant neurobehavioural outcome,
as fundamental frequency (F0) and the temporal perspective is a 7-item scale scored at discharge to determine the degree of
of cry duration. These two cry characteristics are commonly hypoxemia, ischemia, metabolic aberration, and brain injury
assessed due to their saliency and usefulness to both lay and occurring during the course of the infant’s hospitalization.
professional care providers as well as researchers. Intra-rater The NBRS has demonstrated significant correlation with the
reliability was conducted every six months and was 98% for Bayley Mental Index (r = 0.43) and Psychomotor Develop-
pitch. ment (r = 0.51) and neurologic examination score (r = 0.65)
for up to 24 months corrected age.
2.2.2. Physiologic response
Disposable ECG electrodes and pulse oximetry probes were 2.4. Data management and statistical analyses
placed on the infants and ECG, respiratory rate and oxygen
saturation were continuously recorded using a cardiorespirato- All raw facial action, heart rate and oxygen saturation data
ry monitor and personal computer (1000 Hz sampling rate). were coded and reduced by trained coders in Dr. Stevens’s lab
Mean respiratory rate was recorded and an electronic event using methods developed by Stevens et al. (Stevens et al., 1999)
marker was used to mark each phase of the procedure. Simul- for each of the 4 phases of the heel lance and summarized for
taneous verbal and electronic event markers signaled each each event phase. Expert data coders were blinded to risk
phase of the heel lance procedure on the physiologic data col- group allocation status and to the purpose of the study. The
lection system (electronic) and videotaped data (verbal). Phys- coders typically simultaneously code data from multiple ongo-
iologic indicators were recorded using a pulse oximeter ing studies in a laboratory far removed from the clinical setting
B. Stevens et al. / Pain 127 (2007) 94–102 97
Table 1
Neonatal characteristics of study sample by group
Cohort A Cohort B Cohort C F, p value
GA at birth (weeks) 34.00 (5.27)* n = 54 31.11 (5.34) n = 45 31.42 (3.93) n = 50 F(2, 146) = 5.41, p = 0.005
Birth weight (g) 2227.74 (1134.44)** n = 54 1784.73 (1097.09) n = 45 1656.88 (735.69) n = 50 F(2, 146) = 4.62, p = 0.011
Apgar (5 min) 7.23 (2.14)*** n = 53 7.69 (1.34) n = 45 8.26 (1.27) n = 50 F(2,145) = 5.03, p = 0.008
SNAP: PE scorea 20.85 (21.65) n = 53 24.24 (21.20)**** n = 45 13.14 (16.66) n = 50 F(2, 145) = 3.92, p = 0.022
NTISS scoreb 15.58 (8.82) n = 53 16.67 (7.70) n = 45 14.44 (5.21) n = 50 F(2, 145) = 1.07, p = 0.346
NBRS Scorec 5.28 (4.12)***** n = 54 4.40 (2.83) n = 45 1.98 (1.68) n = 50 F(2, 146) = 15.65, p = 0.001
All values expressed as means (standard deviation).
Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology: Perinatal Extension, SNAP:PE score (Richardson and Escobar, 1998, Richardson et al.).
Neonatal Therapeutic Interventions Scoring System; NTISS (Gray et al., 1992).
Neurobiologic Risk Score; NBRS (Brazy et al., 1993).
* Cohort A significantly higher than Cohort B + C; no difference between Cohorts B + C.
** Cohort A significantly higher than Cohort B + C; no difference between Cohorts B + C.
*** Cohort A significantly lower Apgar scores than Cohort C; no difference between Cohorts A + B and Cohorts B + C.
**** Cohort B significantly higher SNAP:PE scores than Cohort C; no difference between Cohorts A + B and Cohorts B + C.
***** Cohort A significantly higher than Cohort C; no difference between Cohort A + B and Cohort B + C.
98 B. Stevens et al. / Pain 127 (2007) 94–102
Table 2
Neonatal clinical outcomes by group
Cohort A Cohort B Cohort C F, p value
Days on ventilator 9.83 (15.37) n = 53 24.58 (27.97)*
n = 45 7.86 (17.01) n = 50 F(2, 145) = 9.31, p = 0.001
Days on CPAP 4.39 (7.92) n = 54 6.69 (12.80) n = 45 3.66 (7.00) n = 50 F(2, 146) = 1.32, p = 0.269
Days on low flow O2 air 14.94 (27.88) n = 53 28.67 (38.69)** n = 45 14.18 (28.90) n = 49 F(2, 144) = 3.05, p = 0.050
Days until no apnea, bradycardia 26.90 (35.43) n = 51 46.17 (44.67)** n = 42 28.58 (30.26) n = 50 F(2, 140) = 3.75, p = 0.026
and/or desaturation spells
Days to regain birth weight 11.49 (5.21) n = 45 10.67 (4.73) n = 36 13.26 (4.74) n = 42 F(2, 120) = 2.89, p = 0.059
Days to full enteral feeds 17.50 (16.85) n = 50 25.61 (22.48) n = 38 19.83 (19.51) n = 48 F(2, 133) = 1.92, p = 0.150
Days to full bottle/breast feeds 33.69 (36.65) n = 26 46.28 (45.77) n = 29 37.22 (28.35) n = 36 F(2, 88) = 0.870, p = 0.423
Days in hospital 48.46 (40.58) n = 52 58.91 (46.20) n = 44 45.51 (33.06) n = 49 F(2, 142) = 1.41, p = 0.247
All values expressed as means (standard deviation).
* Cohort B significantly higher than Cohorts A and C; no difference between Cohorts A + C.
** Cohort B significantly higher than Cohort A; no difference between Cohorts A + C and Cohorts B + C.
for a clinically important difference. Infants in Cohort B Cohort C during the post-procedure phase of the heel
had significantly higher SNAP:PE scores than infants in lance only (p < 0.001).
Cohort C, which was considered clinically significant Cry data were available for 82/149 infants. Of the
and therefore was controlled for in the analyses of pain remaining 67 infants, 28 did not cry, 28 were ventilat-
indicators. ed and could not produce an audible cry and 11 cry
samples were unable to be analyzed. Controlling for
3.3. Neonatal clinical outcomes SOI, there was a statistically significant difference
between Cohort groups (F(2, 77) = 3.41, p = 0.0381) on
Clinical outcomes, comparative statistics and post the minimum fundamental cry frequency. Bonferronni
hoc contrasts across cohorts are presented in Table 2 adjusted p-values for pair-wise comparisons indicated
(NBRS scores are reported in Table 1). Statistically sig- a statistically significant difference between Cohorts
nificant differences were noted in days on the ventilator, A and B only (p-value = 0.0355). Similar results were
days until no apnea episodes and NBRS scores. Post hoc found for the mean fundamental cry frequency. Con-
tests revealed that infants in Cohort B (those at moder- trolling for SOI, there remained a statistically signifi-
ate risk for NI and who had the highest SNAP:PE cant difference between Cohort groups (F(2, 77) = 3.82,
scores) required significantly more ventilatory support p = 0.0262). Bonferronni adjusted p-values for pair-
than infants in Cohorts A and C. Consistent with more wise comparisons indicated a statistically significant
severe illness, infants in Cohort B had significantly high- difference between Cohorts A and B only (p-value =
er mean number of days until they were free of apnea, 0.0229). Cohort B, therefore, had significantly higher
bradycardia and/or desaturation spells compared to minimum and mean fundamental cry frequencies com-
Cohort A, but not with Cohort C. Infants in Cohort pared to Cohort A (Fig. 3). There were no significant
A had significantly higher NBRS scores than infants in differences between Cohorts for the duration of first
Cohort C. cry (mean duration of 2.84 s in Cohort A; 2.48 s in
Summary of Cry Frequencies by infants (e.g., non-nutritive sucking). However, the con-
Cohort verse could also be true. This preliminary comparison
Cohort A of responses across cohorts is the precursor for generat-
1600 ing behavioural and physiological indicators of pain and
Cohort B*
to determine if existing infant pain measures are valid
Cohort C for assessing pain in this vulnerable infant population.
1200 Assuming that pain is a multidimensional phenome-
1000 non, the best validated infant pain measures are multi-
Hz item scoring systems comprised of multidimensional
behavioural indicators or a composite of behavioural
600 and physiological indicators (Carbajal et al., 1997,
400 2003). A few of these measures include context and indi-
vidual infant characteristics (Stevens et al., 1996; van
200 Dijk et al., 2000) but none have incorporated risk for
0 NI. Infants with NI may show fewer and less clear emo-
Mean Maximum Minimum tional responses than healthy controls (Fraiberg, 1979;
Fundamental Frequency (F0) Yoder, 1987) making pain assessment more challenging.
All infants responded to heel lances performed in the
Fig. 3. Summary of cry frequencies by cohort. *Note: Cohort B is
significant higher for mean and minimum fundamental frequency. NICU, although response magnitude differed across
cohort groups. The meaning of response differences is
complicated as no direct ‘‘gold standard’’ measure of
Cohort B; 2.23 s in Cohort C); F(2, 79) = 1.35, pain exists in neonates. To better understand the mean-
p = 0.266. ing of response differences, we standardized the method
of conducting the painful procedure and collecting
3.4.2. Physiologic indicators response data over four distinct phases of the procedure
A significant main Phase effect was found across using a cadre of indicators that currently possess the
groups with increased maximum heart rate in the return best evidence for pain in this age group. Yet, it is a dis-
to baseline phase (F(3, 431) = 58.1, p = 0.001), increased tinct possibility that a broader range of indicators is
minimum heart rate in the post-procedure phase, required. From the physiologic domain, Slater et al.
(F(3, 431) = 78.7, p = 0.001), and lowest maximum oxy- (2006) and Bartocci et al. (2006) have both used Near
gen in the post-procedure phase (F(3, 425) = 47.6, Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) to evaluate cortical
p = 0.001). There were no Cohort by Phase interactions responses of infants to heel lance and intravenous starts,
and no Cohort group main effects with these physiologic respectively. From the behavioural perspective, War-
indicators. nock and Sandrin (2004) used an ethological approach
Controlling for SOI, there were significant Cohort by to identify 11 classes of behaviours within 5 phases of
Phase interactions for high-frequency HRV circumcision including head and upper body move-
(F(4, 214) = 2.74, p = 0.0294) and low frequency HRV ments, cry, hand movements, breath holding and facial
(F(4, 214) = 2.69, p = 0.0322) in the post-procedure phase grimacing. These approaches demonstrate the benefits
immediately following the heel lance. However, post hoc of systematic observation to articulate additional indica-
Bonferonni pair-wise comparisons, adjusted for SOI, tors to complement those that have already been
indicated no significant cohort differences. There was a validated.
significant Phase effect for the low frequency/high fre- To date, facial expression has been reported as the
quency HRV ratio (F(2, 216) = 4.97, p = 0.008) with the most consistent, sensitive and reliable indicator of pain
greatest decrease at post-procedure. in infants. However, there is speculation that differences
in facial musculature, hypotonia, and aberrant neural
4. Discussion information programming may affect facial pain
responses in this population (Ciccihetti and Sroufe,
Infants at risk for NI may suffer more pain than 1978; Ciccihetti and Beegley, 1990) but there has been
healthy infants due to; (a) discounting or denial of sig- no empirical validation during an acute painful event.
nals of acute distress by health professionals and parents If we hypothesize that facial expression is the most valid
(Walco et al., 1994), (b) misconceptions about the and consistent means of determining pain in infants with
capacity and sensitivity for pain, (c) effects of underlying NI, then, we may conclude, based on selected physiolog-
disease on the nociceptive system, (d) inadequate knowl- ical and behavioural indicators, that either the cohorts
edge to systematically study the problem (Oberlander differed in their pain experience or that the ability of
et al., 1999; Oberlander and O’Donnell, 2001) and (e) infants in the different cohorts to express or display pain
the inability to use analgesic methods used in other was the reason for the variation observed. Further
100 B. Stevens et al. / Pain 127 (2007) 94–102
exploration into factors that may influence this expres- a reliable index of central NI related to neurological
sion is required. These differences were sustained when damage, increased risk of poor developmental outcome,
the confounding effects of SOI were removed. However, and death in infants (Porges, 1995). The HRV analysis
this conclusion is only valid in somuch as the selected may be useful as an index of pain-related stress during
range of indicators employed. noxious procedures such as heel stick (Gunnar and
Crying is an innate behaviour that gains the attention Porter, 1995; Lindh et al., 1997; Oberlander et al.,
of caregivers. Certain diagnostic categories, specifically 2000; Grunau et al., 2001; Morison et al., 2001) and cir-
hyperbilirubinemia (Wasz-Hockert et al., 1971), cumcision (Porter et al., 1997). The interpretation of
asphyxia (Michelsson, 1971), crie du chat syndrome similarity in response across all the physiological param-
(Vuorenkosk et al., 1966), Down’s syndrome eters could, on the one hand, raise doubts about the
(Wasz-Hockert et al., 1968) and prematurity (Michels- added value of measuring HRV. This indicator may
son et al., 1983; Lester, 1987) were identified by Scandi- have particular importance in assessing pain in infants
navian researchers several decades ago using cry at risk for NI, because HRV responses indicated interac-
characteristics, in particular, F0, as well as melody and tive differences amongst the risk groups and particular
bi-phonation. In response to pain, the cries of infants phases of the procedure whereas HR and oxygen satura-
with Down syndrome or asphyxia (Fisichelli et al., tion did not. However, when SOI was controlled, cohort
1966; Lind et al., 1970; Michelsson, 1971; Michelsson differences were not sustained. Further research is need-
et al., 1977; Michelsson et al., 1983) were less frequent, ed to explore the complex interrelationships with other
less variable in intensity and F0 (pitch) and of longer reactivity systems within the individual. Challenges in
latency from the painful stimulus than cries in infants terms of feasibility and clinical utility of such an indica-
with no disabilities (Fisichelli et al., 1966). Conversely, tor will also need to be considered.
Robb found that infants ‘‘at risk’’ were no different from As pain has both immediate- and long-term
those of infants not at risk on cry characteristics (Robb consequences, we must be able to assess the efficacy of
and Goberman, 1997). This inconsistency may be attrib- pain-relieving interventions, to prevent or minimize con-
uted to the different methods of cry analyses and dura- sequences and enhance infant outcomes in all infants.
tion of the temporal domain. Oberlander et al. (2002) examined responses in preterm
In this study, F0 was significantly higher in infants in infants at 32 weeks PCA, who had parenchymal brain
Cohort B, who also had the highest SOI. When SOI was injury (PBI) compared to a matched group of infants
controlled in the analyses, the group at moderate risk without neurologic injury. No significant differences in
for NI continued to demonstrate higher minimum and facial expression (except to tongue protrusion), finger
mean fundamental frequency than other groups, splay, or physiologic indicators (HR, HRV) (Oberlander
suggesting that other factors may be involved either et al., 2002) were found. Although most of the infants
independently or in interaction with NI risk status to with PBI went on to develop cerebral palsy, in the neo-
account for differences. Evaluation of additional cry natal period, pain responses remained intact. These
characteristics including peak spectral energy, phona- results differ somewhat from the results of the present
tion, jitter and other temporal characteristics (latency, study, where differences in selected behavioural vari-
expiration, pause, inspiration, and rhythmicity) should ables existed between the cohort groups. Differences in
also be evaluated in future cry analyses. these two studies warrant further investigation to
Consistent with previous research (Craig et al., 1993; expand and validate indicators for pain assessment in
McIntosh et al., 1993; Stevens and Johnston, 1994; infants with a broad range of neurologic impairments
Stevens et al., 1994; Stevens et al., 1997; Abu-Saad and developmental ages.
et al., 1998; Stevens, 1998), heart rate increased and oxy- Establishment of the psychometric properties and
gen saturation decreased during the most painful phases feasibility of existing infant pain measures provides a
of the procedure. However, there was no impact of risk solid basis for understanding pain in infants with NI.
for NI on these variables. Because of the potentially Although the applicability of existing measures is not
altered physiological arousal and responsiveness to pain fully understood, until we achieve a more comprehen-
and other sensory stimuli in the neurologically impaired sive understanding of the impact of NI on infant pain
infant, new or additional physiological indicators may responses (and revised or novel indicators, measures or
be required to more accurately assess pain in these measurement approaches), both clinicians and research-
infants. Data from the present study challenge this ers need encouragement to use existing validated mea-
assumption to some extent; however, the rationale for sures. All these infants responded to pain in the most
the lack of response differences is not clear. painful phase of the heel lance procedure even though
Heart rate variability has been hypothesized to be a the response magnitude differed according to the NI risk
more sensitive indicator of parasympathetic and sympa- status in some indicators. Differences were mostly
thetic reactivity and autonomic function in relation to observed between infants at least risk for NI and either
acute and chronic stressors, such as pain. HRV has been those at moderate to severe risk (where few differences
B. Stevens et al. / Pain 127 (2007) 94–102 101
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