What Do We Need For A Superhydrophobic Surface? A Review On The Recent Progress in The Preparation of Superhydrophobic Surfaces
What Do We Need For A Superhydrophobic Surface? A Review On The Recent Progress in The Preparation of Superhydrophobic Surfaces
What Do We Need For A Superhydrophobic Surface? A Review On The Recent Progress in The Preparation of Superhydrophobic Surfaces
DOI: 10.1039/b602486f
Superhydrophobic surfaces have drawn a lot of interest both in academia and in industry because
of the self-cleaning properties. This critical review focuses on the recent progress (within the last
three years) in the preparation, theoretical modeling, and applications of superhydrophobic
surfaces. The preparation approaches are reviewed according to categorized approaches such as
bottom-up, top-down, and combination approaches. The advantages and limitations of each
strategy are summarized and compared. Progress in theoretical modeling of surface design and
wettability behavior focuses on the transition state of superhydrophobic surfaces and the role of
the roughness factor. Finally, the problems/obstacles related to applicability of superhydrophobic
surfaces in real life are addressed. This review should be of interest to students and scientists
interested specifically in superhydrophobic surfaces but also to scientists and industries focused in
material chemistry in general.
1350 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2007, 36, 1350–1368 This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007
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as antibiofouling paints for boats,14,15 antisticking of snow for with special focus on the fabrication methodology, materials,
antennas and windows,16,17 self-cleaning windshields for and structures. The fourth section discusses the recent progress
automobiles,18 metal refining, stain resistant textiles, antisoil- in theoretical modeling, while the fifth section gives an
ing architectural coatings.19 The wettability of a surface is overview of the potential application of superhydrophobic
directly related to the surface energy. Materials with low surfaces. Finally a personal perspective of the principles of
surface energy, for example a surface with hexagonally packed fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces is given.
–CF3 groups gives water contact angles as high as 120u.20,21
These surfaces are easy to clean, however, they do not have 2 Theoretical background and characteristics of
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form the basic guidelines for the study of superhydrophobic surfaces behavior, which is critical in designing superhydro-
surfaces.11,31–36 phobic surfaces. Thus, many research interests have been
The basic assumption in Wenzel’s theory is that the liquid devoted to modeling superhydrophobic surfaces. The new
follows the roughness of the surface as shown in Fig. 1 (left). models for predicting surface wettability will be discussed in
At thermodynamic equilibrium, there is a linear relationship more detail in section 4.
between the apparent contact angle of the surface and the
roughness factor of the given surface: 2.2 Structures of natural superhydrophobic (SH) surfaces
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Fig. 4 Images of the non-wetting leg of a water strider. (a) a water droplet on a leg with a contact angle of 167.6 ¡ 4.4u; (b) and (c), scanning
electron microscope images of the leg showing numerous oriented spindly microsetae (b) and the fine nanoscale grooved structures on a seta (c).
Scale bars: (b) 20 mm, (c) 200 nm. (Reprinted with permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: [Nature].22 Copyright 2004.)
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Fig. 5 Schematic illustration of nanocasting and SEM images of (a) a natural lotus leaf and (b) its positive PDMS replica. (Images reprinted with
permission from Sun et al.42 Copyright 2005, American Chemical Society.)
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Fig. 8 Schematic illustration of the capillary lithography, tilted SEM images for various PEG copolymer nanostructures with a negative PUA
mold, and the corresponding contact angles of water with time at t = 0 and 60 s.75 (a) the bare PEG; (b), (c), (d) and (e) with a pillar height of 170,
310, 440 and 500 nm, respectively. (Images reprinted with permission from Suh et al.75 Copyright 2005. American Chemical Society.)
diameters; the pore diameter was adjusted to the desired initial contact angle was less than 80u and the water droplet
dimension by wet-chemical etching. On the other hand, the easily invaded the surface grooves, leading to a reduced
length of PS nanofibers could be controlled by appropriately contact angle at equilibrium (Wenzel state). At relatively
varying the thickness of the AAO template. The resultant higher heights (.400 nm) on the other hand, the nanostruc-
surfaces showed water CA between 155.8 (1.1u) and 147.6 tured PEG surface showed a hydrophobic nature and no
(1.9u). A water drop placed on the surface rolls easily on the significant change in contact angle was observed with time
horizontal surface upon slight tilting, reflecting the high degree (Cassie–Baxter state). However, due to the hydrophilic nature
of water-repellent surface property. of PEG, the obtained CAs were relatively low (95u), the
Unlike imprint nanolithography, capillary force lithography contact angle might be further improved by changing the
involves a patterned elastomeric mold instead of a hard polymer material or optimizing the geometry of the mold.
master, where the mold is directly laid onto a spin coated A similar capillary lithographic approach was demonstrated
polymer film on a substrate (Fig. 8). The negative replica of the by Jin et al.81 An alumina membrane was used as the mold for
mold is formed by raising the temperature above the polymer’s the preparation of aligned polystyrene (PS) nanotubes. The PS
glass transition temperature after solvent evaporation (tem- solution was cast on glass and the membrane was then brought
perature-induced capillarity) or by direct molding prior to into contact with the PS cast. After capillary molding, the
solvent evaporation (solvent induced capillarity). membrane was dissolved in NaOH and aligned PS nanotubes
Suh and Jon75 have demonstrated the use of capillary were obtained. The PS nanotubes showed a contact angle of
lithography for the preparation of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) 162 ¡ 1.7u. The authors concluded that the water droplet was
structures with controllable wettability by changing the
geometry of the nanostructures. PEG nanostructures were
prepared by the use of an ultraviolet (UV) curable mold Table 1 Contact angle of PEG after capillary force lithography75
consisting of functionalized polyurethane with acrylate group. Sample 1 2 3 4
Two distinct wetting states were observed depending on the
d/nm 150 150 150 150
height of the nanostructures. The feature size, initial contact h/nm 170 310 500 440
angles, and equilibrium contact angles of the surfaces are h/d 1.13 2.07 3.33 2.93
shown in Table 1. A flat PEG surface is relatively hydrophilic s/nm 500 500 500 500
with an initial water contact angle of 61u. At relatively lower r 1.3 1.58 1.90 1.79
CA (adv./rec.) 75/46 81/56 95/90 88/81
heights (,300 nm for 150 nm pillars with 500 nm spacing), the
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H indicates pits, and P indicates pillars. d: diameter of the pits or
pillars; h: depth or height of feature; l: center to center pitch.
Fig. 12 Photograph of a water drop deposited onto the self-adaptive surface: the image shows that a water drop jumps and rolls on the
ultrahydrophobic surface obtained after exposure of the sample to toluene (a). In contrast, exposure to acidic water switches the sample to a
hydrophilic state and the water drop spreads on the substrate. (Reprinted with permission from Minko et al.84 Copyright 2003, American Chemical
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assemble in solution or the gas phase until a stable structure of Wu et al.107 also used CBD for the preparation of
minimum energy is reached. Bottom-up approaches that have superhydrophobic surfaces of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods on
been applied for the preparation of superhydrophobic surfaces glass slides starting from a solution mixture of Zn(NO3)2,
include chemical deposition methods such as chemical NH4Cl, urea, and ammonia. ZnO nanorods with diameters
bath deposition (CBD),51,63,64,66 chemical vapor deposition ranging from 400 to 600 nm form a uniform and dense film on
(CVD),63,64 and electrochemical deposition,60,62,65 layer-by- the substrates. The surfaces were then modified with SAMs of
layer (LBL) deposition via electrostatic assembly,52,57 colloidal alkanoic acids of different chain length. All the SAM modified
assembly,59,68,70 sol–gel methods,35,57,70,93–104 hydrogen bond- surfaces showed high advancing contact angle (.150u), the
Published on 31 January 2007. Downloaded by Louisiana State University on 10/22/2019 8:47:55 PM.
ing,67 and chemical synthesis.105 In the following paragraphs, receding angles of the surfaces depends strongly on the chain
some important examples will be given and discussed in detail. length of the alkanoic acids.
Huang et al.108 have prepared aligned carbon nanotubes by
3.2.1 Chemical deposition. Chemical deposition takes place chemical vapor deposition on a Fe–N coated silicon substrates.
in a chemical reaction, where the product self-assembles After the deposition a ZnO layer, the substrates showed water
and deposits on a suitable substrate. Chemical deposition is CA of 159u. The surface, however, became hydrophilic after
commonly used for generating thin films of crystalline prolonged exposure to UV illumination. The hydrophobicity
inorganic materials, such as ZnS, CuSe, InS, CdS etc. of the surface can be restored after storage in the darkness.
Depending on the deposition conditions, several terms have This tunable wettability is interesting in microfluidic devices.
been used such as chemical bath deposition (CBD), chemical Other chemical deposition methods such as electrochemical
vapor deposition (CVD), and electrochemical deposition. deposition of the zinc oxide,65 gold clusters,109 or silver
Depending on the material and the deposition conditions, aggregates have been used to prepare superhydrophobic
different surface morphologies have been obtained from surfaces.60 In these examples, the deposited structures were
nanopins, nanotubes to nanorods. modified with SAMs to render hydrophobicity.
Hosono et al.106 have used CBD for the creation a of
nanopin film from a solution of CoCl2 and NH2CO in water. 3.2.2 Colloidal assemblies. Monodispersed particles can form
The film was deposited on commercial borosilicate glass slides close packed assemblies on surfaces because of van der Waals
in an autoclave. Because each metal complex in the solution interactions. The particle assemblies render roughness to the
is singly deposited on the surface based on thermodymanic underlying substrates. Further treatment such as plasma
equilibrium conditions, single crystalline-like structures are etching110 can also be applied to improve the roughness. The
formed. After deposition, the nanopin was modified with colloidal particles can vary from polymer beads to inorganic
lauric acid (with h = 75.1). A picture of the nanopin is shown spheres. Colloidal assembly is cost effective since no expensive
in Fig. 13. The top of the needle is very sharp with a diameter lithographic technique is required. This method is easy to
of 6.5 nm. The water CA of the resulted film is 178u, which is master and to apply under laboratory conditions.
the highest contact angle that has been reported so far. Monodipersed polystyrene (PS) beads can form closely
packed superhydrophobic surfaces by spin coating.110 Oxygen
plasma etching was used to control the solid–air fraction of
these nanostructures. The sizes of beads were reduced by
controlling the etching conditions. After plasma treatment, the
surfaces were coated with a layer of gold and eventually a layer
of octadecanethiol SAM to render hydrophobicity. SEM
images of the PS beads and the corresponding water CA are
shown in Fig. 14.
Zhang et al.59 have used binary colloidal assemblies for the
creation of superhydrophobic surfaces. CaCO3-loaded hydro-
gel spheres were dip-coated on silicon substrates (Fig. 15).
These assemblies were employed as templates for the self-
assembly of silica nanoparticles or polystyrene beads. Due to
the hydrophilicity difference between silicon wafers and
CaCO3-loaded hydrogel spheres, the regio- selective localiza-
tion of silica or polystyrene spheres leads to irregular binary
structures with a hierarchical roughness. The subsequent
modification with deposition of gold and SAM formation
yield superhydrophobic surfaces with water CA of 160u for
silica based assembly and 156u for PS based assembly.
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honeycomb film (Fig. 22). The pore size over the major part of
the film was 300 nm. Pin cushion structures were obtained
after peeling off the upper layer of the honeycomb film. The
sizes of the honeycomb and pincushion structures were easily
controlled by varying the casting volume of polymer solution.
A superhydrophobic surface with the maximum contact angle
of 170u was observed for pincushion structures prepared from
honeycomb films with 1.6 mm pores.
Recently, Wessling’s group has reported superhydrophobic
surfaces with two-scale roughness prepared in a single step by
casting of membrane solution of Hyflon AD.122 This process is
denoted as phase separation micromolding (PSmM). The films
were prepared by casting Hyflon AD solution on a silicon
template patterned by photolithography. The patterns on the
templates were optimized separately. This method provides
a surface that contains roughness on two independently
controllable levels, i.e., the microstructure level (from the
template) and the level of porosity stemming from the phase
inversion (Fig. 23).
In conclusion, membrane casting is relatively easy to
perform because the roughness is generated during the film
formation process. However, in order to get optimized
results, many parameters have to be adjusted such as the
Fig. 21 SEM images of FPU/PMMA mixtures: (a) pure FPU film;
selection of solvents, nonsolvents, the solution concentra-
(b) film of pure PMMA; (c) enlarged image of (b); (d) mixture of tion, and the conditions for membrane casting. Nevertheless,
PMMA/FPU; (e) enlarged image of (d); (f) cross sectional view of the the phase separation micromolding122 appears to be a pro-
mixture surface. (Images reprinted with permission from Xie et al.120 mising technique in the preparation of superhydrophobic
Copyright 2004, Wiley–VCH.) surfaces.
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giving even higher water contact angles because low molecular roughness factor). Further periodic spacing between the pillars
polymer yielded more bead formation than the high renders the substrate insensitive to whether a wetted contact or
weight molecular polymers. The highest static contact angle a composite contact is formed. The model was tested with the
of the films made of low molecular weight polymers was data of Bico et al.,128 which showed very good agreements.
around 167u. Lundgren et al.129 have reported molecular dynamics
Ma et al.63 showed the combination of electrospinning of modeling of the different wetting properties of the top and
poly(caprolectone) (PCL) with initiated chemical vapor deposi- the sides of the pillars, which play an important role in
tion (i-CVD) of polymerized perfluoroalkyl ethyl methacrylate determining the contact angle. For low pillar heights (h), the
Published on 31 January 2007. Downloaded by Louisiana State University on 10/22/2019 8:47:55 PM.
(PPFEMA). The hierarchical surface roughness inherent to the system is in the Wenzel regime and a change to the Cassie–
PCL electrospun films and the extremely low surface free Baxter regime is seen when the pillar height was increased. The
energy of the coating layer obtained by i-CVD yields stable contact angles seem to be independent of the pillar height
superhydrophobicity with a contact angle of 175u and a when h exceeds 15 Å.
threshold sliding angle less than 2.5u for a 20 mg water droplet. Extrand130 has developed a linear model for predicting
Because of the low surface energy coating PPFEMA, the contact angle and hysteresis on rough and ultraphobic
resulting surfaces not only showed high hydrophobicity (water surfaces. In his model, a linear relationship between the
CA up to 175u) but also high oleophobocity (118u for decane). apparent contact angle and the Young’ contact angle was
used to predict the dynamic contact angles by taking into
4 Modeling the superhydrophobic surfaces consideration the contact line fraction of the asperities instead
of the solid fraction, which is a modified expression of Cassie–
As stated in section 2, both Wenzel and Cassie–Baxter theories
Baxter’s equation. Extrand compared his theoretical calcula-
give only a qualitative prediction of roughness effects. In
tion of Oner and McCarthy’s33 designs with the theoretical
practice, the conclusion comes always after the wettability
predictions of the Wenzel and Cassie–Baxter models. The
measurements. It is critical in designing superhydrophobic
comparison showed that the advancing contact angles and
substrates to predict accurately the wetting state. Moreover,
contact angle hysteresis fit Extrand’s prediction very well. For
often the question arises as whether there is an optimal surface
determining the state of wetting, a parameter was introduced
geometry for wetting. This problem has been addressed by
denoted as contact line density. This parameter is determined
many groups. The results have been controversial so far. In the
by the length of asperity perimeter per unit area that could
following paragraph, we will summarize the controversy and
potentially suspend a water droplet. The criteria for suspension
try to give an unbiased opinion on the results.
or penetration were established by a critical contact line
density, which was determined by examining the balance
4.1 The roughness factor
between the body weight of the drop and the surfaces forces.
According to Wenzel’s theory, the roughness factor plays an When the textures have contact line density values higher than
important role in determining the wettability of the surface the critical value, drops will suspend, otherwise, the drop will
where the roughness effects enhance both the hydrophocity collapse. These criteria are quite useful in predicting how the
and the contact angle hysteresis. However, in the Cassie– designed surfaces will behave. It is also interesting, here, that
Baxter theory, no roughness effect is considered. again the superhydrophobic state is not related to the etch
Regularly textured surfaces are often used for modeling the depth of the posts as predicted in Cassie–Baxter’s theory.
surface wetting behavior because the shape, height, and surface Using Bico’s data, Extrand also showed the models’s ability to
coverage are easily monitored and many parameters can be correctly predict experimental observations. In conclusion, the
easily calculated. Bico et al.128 were among the pioneers in author suggested that for the superhydrophobic state, a sole
modeling regularly textured superhydrophobic surfaces with roughness or solid fraction is insufficient, other factors such as
spikes, holes, and stripes. Substrates with specified roughness asperity slopes, liquid density, and surface tension must be
were prepared via templation and sintering of silica gel. The considered.
surfaces were functionalized with silane SAMs to render them The Extrand models predict the contact angle variations.
hydrophobic. Regardless of the value of the roughness factor Since the model has been tested with many research data, it has
of the resulting surfaces, all surfaces showed contact angles proven to be very versatile in predicting contact angles and
that meet the CB prediction. Accordingly, it was concluded contact angle hysteresis. However, this model does not address
that for hydrophobic surfaces, the apparent contact angle is a the observed transitions from suspensions to collapsed drops.
sole function of solid fraction or air fraction. However, it must
be pointed out that for the surfaces with holes, the static
4.2 Transition state
contact angle is 131u with a huge hysteresis (63u). In this sense,
it is hard to conclude that the water droplet on the substrate is It has been observed that a water drop on a superhydrophobic
in a composite state as the authors have indicated and that the surface can transit from a composite to a fully wetted
large hysteresis was due to the water retained in the holes at the state.76,128 Water drops on these type of surfaces are in a
retraction. metastable state and upon external disturbance transitions
Patankar79 has modeled surfaces with square posts. The from one state to another are evident. He et al.76 have shown
modeling was based on minimized energy during the drop that depending on how the drop is placed, both suspension
forming process. Contrary to Bico’s conclusion, his results and wetting state were observed. Even a lotus leaf can be
recommend to use high pillars at given pillar size (high wetted depending on how the water drops were formed.131
1364 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2007, 36, 1350–1368 This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007
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Nosonnovsky and Bhushan132 have used a stochastic model surfaces are prominent.4,25 These properties are desirable for
to simulate the metastable state. For a rough surface, increased many industrial and biological applications such as antibio-
solid–liquid interfacial area results in increased interface fouling paints for boats,14,15 antisticking of snow for antennas
energy and higher contact angle for non-wetting liquids. For and windows,16,17 self-cleaning windshields for automobiles,18
a very rough surface, a composite solid–liquid–air interface metal refining, stain resistant textiles, antisoiling architectural
may form air pockets trapped in the valleys between asperities, coatings,19 the separation of water and oil,137 and in the textile
as opposed to the homogeneous solid–liquid interface. Both industry such as in the manufacture of water-proof, fire-
the fully wetted and composite interface configurations retardant clothes.97,138–140
Published on 31 January 2007. Downloaded by Louisiana State University on 10/22/2019 8:47:55 PM.
correspond to local energy minima of the system and therefore, Recently, antifouling behavior of superhydrophobic has
there are stable states associated with different energy levels. been tested on a silica nanoparticles embedded in polysiloxane
The system may transform from one stable state to the other materials.141 Comparison of the fouling behavior of a smooth
due to small perturbations, such as capillary waves. Based on polysiloxane polymer film and roughened superhydrophobic
this model, the authors propose that distances between the coatings revealed that the effect of nanoscale interfacial
asperities should be long. The energy theory also agrees with roughness is crucial as witnessed by the fact that micro-
others, however, the authors did not use any available data to organism did not attach to the superhydrophobic surfaces in
fit their model. the first weeks of the fouling tests.
Patankar78 explained the metastable state also in terms of The superhydrophobic phenomenon known for long time,
the energy argument. The two distinct contact angles are stable has been recognized and it has provoked a lot of research
equilibrium positions, i.e. they are all local minimum energy interests in the last decade mostly benefited from the fast
states, but one has a lower energy level than the other. The progress in nanotechnology. The advantages of superhydro-
lower contact angle has a global minimum energy. To move phobic surfaces are apparent, but before real applications
one equilibrium position to the other, an energy barrier has to come into our daily life some problems have to be solved or
be overcome, such as that squeezing the water droplet changes addressed.
the apparent contact angle reported by Bico et al.128
Zheng et al.133 have modelled thoroughly the underlying Contamination
mechanisms of stability, metastability, or instability of the
Cassie–Baxter and Wenzel wetting modes and their transitions The naturally occurring superhydrophobic surfaces such as
on superhydrophobic surfaces decorated with periodic micro- lotus leaves are living objects. The surfaces can be easily
pillars quantitatively. A pillar slenderness ratio g was repaired or regenerated, for example, epicuticular wax is
introduced and defined a function of the pillar height (H), secreted by the leaf continuously. For man-made super-
perimeter (L), and area (A). hydrophobic surfaces, the water repellent capability gradually
degrades during long-term outdoor exposure and accumula-
A H HL tion of contamination. This problem was addressed by
l~ g~ ~ (5)
L l A introduction of photocatalytic coatings, such as TiO212 and
apatite.142 Both catalysts can oxidize organic stains under UV
ge (i.e., the equienergy slenderness ratio) was derived by energy
illumination. However, a drawback of TiO2 is that the surface
analysis and is formulated as a function solid fraction (f) and
becomes superhydrophilic after the irradiation,143 which has
Young’s contact angle (h) as follows:
inherent higher affinity to stains. The apatite based catalyst
1{f 1z cos h does not transform the surface property under UV illumina-
ge ~{ (6)
f cos h tion, which seems promising.
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