(IJCST-V8I3P4) :sakshi Gupta, Dr. T. Uma Devi

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 8 Issue 3, May-Jun 2020


YOLOv2 based Real Time Object Detection

Sakshi Gupta [1], Dr. T. Uma Devi [2]
Student [1], Department of Computer Science,
GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Associate Professor [2], Department of Computer Science,
GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India

Object detection could be a primitive work to spot objects in an image and video processing. It's considered to be one among the
difficult and challenging tasks in computer vision. There are many machine learning and deep learning models are proposed in
the past like F-CNN, RNN, YOLO. Within the current scenario, requirement of detection algorithm is to figure end to finish and
take minimum time to compute. Real-time object detection and classification from images and video provide the bottom for
generating many sorts of scientific aspects as an example the majority of traffic signals during a particular district or total
objects during a particular image. In process, the work usually encounters occurrence of errors or the slow processing of
detection and classification due to the tiny and light-weight datasets to beat these problems, this paper proposes You Only Look
Once version 2 (YOLOv2) based detection and classification approach. This model improves the time of computation and speed
also as efficiently identify the objects in images and videos. Additionally, COCO-2017 dataset used for implementing
YOLOv2due to the pretrained model of detection is already exist in it and it uses GPU to reinforce the speed and processes 40
frames per second.
Keywords :-- R-CNN, YOLOv2, Object classification, Object detection, F-CNN

Object detection is one among the classical problems in
computer vision where the human employed to acknowledge
what and where—specifically what objects are inside a given
image and where are within the image. The real-time
application is self-driving cars, ship detection, etc [1][3].
Object detection not only includes recognizing whether
specific object is present or not, but also finds the precise
position of that specific region where object is present. The
matter of object detection is more complex than classification,
which can also recognize objects but doesn’t indicate where
the thing is found within the image and also classification Sample of COCO Dataset
doesn’t work on images containing quite one object. The aim
of this paper is to detect multiple objects from an image and
video. There are various techniques for object detection, it will Neural networks have made the work very simple. Fast R-
often split into two categories, one is Classification based. CNN neural networks to Faster R-CNN, all models have
Classification based categories like CNN, RNN and F-CNN shared a crucial role within the field of computer vision. This
pick out the interested regions from the image and classify paper focuses in classification and detection area from single
them using convolutional neural network and this process class objects to multi class objects. Here, YOLO comes into
called Selective Search [4]. CNN is incredibly slow because it picture where there is no need to select the regions in image.
predicts a selected region for each run. Subsequent category is Instead, YOLO predicts the classes and bounding boxes of
predicated on Regressions. Sample of COCO dataset shown in multiple objects in a complete image using a single neural
figure consisting of sample objects like bottle, sofa, chair, network. YOLO could be a clever convolutional neural
motorbike, car presents the picture for detection and network for object detection in real-time. YOLO is extremely
classification. fast and process 40 frames per second. This algorithm makes
localization errors but predicts less false positives within the
background. YOLOv2 is that the extension of YOLO which

ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 26

International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 8 Issue 3, May-Jun 2020

works on framework called Darknet. YOLOv2 focuses on classifier using YOLO approach [2]. Object Detection and
anchor boxes and use the features that are fine grained to vary Recognition in Images, by Sandeep Kumar, Aman Balyan,
smaller objects are often predicted better. Manvi Chawla. This paper used Easynet model to recognize
images and detection of objects for instances of real objects
Darknet framework is employed to train neural networks, like bicycles, fruits, animals and buildings in images [3].
inspired by GoogleNet architecture which is written in Object Detection and Classification Algorithms using Deep
C/CUDA. YOLOv2 is far faster than traditional approaches Learning for video Surveillance Applications, by Mohana and
like R-CNN and produce minimum errors [4]. This model H. V. Ravish Aradhya. This paper prior work is the
divides each image into grid boxes and every grid box makes classification of objects in images and video, have use
prediction on bounding boxes related to confidence levels. YOLOv2 approach [4].
Consistent with threshold values, most of the bounding boxes
and grid boxes automatically removed if threshold value is III. WORKING OF YOLOV2 ALGORITHM
extremely less.
Step 1- An image is taken and divide it into a grid cell. Here,
example has taken where the image splits into grids of 7x7
matrices. It will divide the image into any number of grids,
looking on the complexity of the image.

Step 2- Once the image is split, classification and localization

of the image is performed in each grid cell. If an object is
detected then it represents the probability of each grid vector.
The output of this is the dimension of bounding box and class.
Step 3- Now, thresholding is performed and based on the
value grid cells with the highest probabilities are picked. This
step produces the removal of bounding boxes which doesn’t
have object or the confidence score less than a threshold of
Fig. 1. Speed v/s Accuracy of detecting algorithms. Step 4- The YOLOv2 algorithm uses Anchor Boxes which
detects the objects in single grid cell and gives the location of
object. Finally, Non-max suppression uses Intersection over
Fig. 1. shows the graph of speed v/s accuracy between several Union for final detection.
detecting algorithms [4]. This paper uses YOLOv2 algorithm
on darknet framework and run it on the image dataset and
video, which can predict the bounding boxes on the objects.
OpenCV library is used for detection to recognize and classify
face, objects on images using the features like shape, length,
width, etc. [4]. There are two major problems within the
traditional algorithms that motivates this work i.e. low
accuracy rate and slow
speed of algorithm due to GPU (CNN, R-CNN, F-CNN
doesn’t have GPU support). YOLOv2 uses sliding window-
based method for detecting objects in single shot detection


Fig. 2. Working of YOLOv2
Real-Time Object Detection with YOLO, by Geethapriya. S,
N. Duraimurugan, S.P. Chokkalingam. In this paper, their
work is to detect multiple objects from an image using YOLO In fig 2. Shows the working of the algorithm which divides the
approach [1]. You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time image into SxS grid cell and every grid cell predicts bounding
Object Detection, by Joseph Redmon. This paper explains boxes and class probabilities which is mapped in different
object detection as regression problem and repurposes colors [2].

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 8 Issue 3, May-Jun 2020

A. Flow Diagram of YOLOv2 Model PxP cells. Now these cells find the mid-point of the object and
if an object found within the midpoint the localization task is
completed. If this mid-point coincides with two objects then
YOLOv2 picks one of the objects among them.

Fig 4. Example of anchor boxes and prediction values

B. Bounding Boxes
The YOLOv2 model is used to provide accurate prediction of
boxes in the image as shown in fig 3. Here, image contains In fig 4. shows the image is divided into 3x3 grids containing
two cars and this image is divided into 3x3 grids to predict the a car and a person. If the image classification and object
bounding boxes in each grid. Later, it shows the class localization algorithm is applied to classify three sets of
probabilities to predict the object in that specific grid. Label is categories, for example, mango, banana and orange, then the
allotted to each grid of the image in the predicted bounding output vector “target variable” of the neural net are usually
boxes which is applied to both image classification and object outlined as a matrix of eight possible outcomes.
localization. Finally, when object is detected then bounding
box shown on the image and the grid which doesn’t contain D. CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture)
any object their class probability is shown as 0. CUDA is a parallel processing architecture developed by
Nvidia to make use of GPU resources. It is used in a variety of
applications like machine learning, parallel computing, etc.
This paper uses Darknet framework with GPU support and to
use this framework having CUDA is necessary. It boosts the
speed of darknet in image processing because CPU may cause
hindrance to productivity for any processing of images or
video. CUDA only supports Nvidia hardware, it can be used
with several different programming languages like C++,
python. The host and therefore the device work hand in hand
to enhance the workflow and computation speed. In YOLOv2,
CUDA environment plays an important role. In current
scenario, normalization of object is easier using CUDA as
noise reduction and object redundancy is predicted easily and
fastly. cuDNN is a library of CUDA which provides GPU
Fig 3. Example of bounding box and class values support to boost the speed of system.

C. Anchor Boxes
Anchor boxes is a set of bounding boxes that is predefined
with a specific height and width. The anchor boxes are used The paper proposes YOLOv2 to make reorganization layer.
to solve the issues i.e. prediction of the localization of object. The reorganization layer uses alternate pixel and then creates a
Here, algorithm divides the input image into any grids like special channel. For instance, with 3x3 pixels in a single
channel the reorganization layer reduces the size and creates

ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 28

International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 8 Issue 3, May-Jun 2020

pixels in different channels that is adjacent. YOLOv2 uses

batch normalization in all convolutional layers which
improves mAP. Here, fig 5. shows the network architecture of
YOLOv2 which represents the convolutional layer starting
with 3x3x32 and ends with 3x3x1024 and shows how this
network process40 frames at a time.

Fig 7. Detection of multiple objects in single image

When it comes to video records, it’s totally different. In
video records objects are moving and continuously changes
in very high speed. Here, images are taken from the video
record that has recorded in traffic signal. Fig. 8, shows how
the algorithm works with accuracy and speed including the
object detection. Objects in video are multiple like car,
person, bag, signal, etc. but the detection using darknet
framework and YOLOv2 model are accurate whether the
objects are increasing continuously.

Fig 5. YOLOv2 Network

For using the model it’s mandatory to install Microsoft Visual
Studio 2015, NVIDIA GEFORCE with GPU and CUDA 9.
To use pretrained model MS COCO dataset all these are
useful to detect objects and classify objects. To use Darknet
framework CUDA installation is necessary. Now, the results
of detection of objects has shown below where single object
image given as input and fig6.shows the detection and Fig 8. Real time detection using video records in traffic
labelling of the objects with localization on that single image. signal

This paper proposes YOLOv2 algorithm for the detection of
objects in images with localization and video records. The
main aim of this paper is to detect the objects in real time i.e.
live detection using webcam and also through video records.
GPU version is extremely fast which helps the functionalities
perform accurate using anchor boxes. The dataset used in this
paper is COCO which consists 80 classes. Using the model
YOLOv2 it is easy to detect objects with grids and boundaries
Fig 6. Detection and labelling of single image
prediction and also it helps in predicting with very small
objects or objects which very far in the image. In video
Now, if further when objects count increases then GPU records detection of moving objects are easier using darknet
support doesn’t lower the execution speed.Fig. 7 shows the and it produces .avi file with detections. In live detection
detection of multiple objects in a single image. Both images system uses webcam to detect live objects. Pretrained datasets
show the detection of different objects like dog, person and helped to detect in efficient way and classifying the objects in
horse and in another image bicycle, car, person, etc. less time.

ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 29

International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 8 Issue 3, May-Jun 2020

I would like to show my gratitude to Dr. T. Uma Devi,
Associate Professor, GITAM Institute of Science for sharing
her ideas in this paper and helping to remove anomalies.

[1] Redmon Joseph, et al. "You only look once: Unified, real-
time object detection." proceedings arXiv in May 2016.

[2] Geethapriya. S, et al. “Real-Time Object Detection with

Yolo” proceedings of the International Journal of
Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) inFeb

[3] Swetha M S, et al. “Object Detection and Classification in

Globally Inclusive Images Using Yolo” proceedings of the
International Journal of Advance Research in Computer
Science and Management Studies (IJARCM) in Dec 2018

[4] Keerthana T, et al. “A REAL TIME YOLO HUMAN

ON VIDEO CONTENT ANALYSIS” proceedings of the
International Research Journal of Engineering and
Technology (IRJET) in Jun 2019

[5] Sandeep Kumar, et al. “Object Detection and Recognition

in Images” proceedings of the International Journal of
Engineering Development and Research (IJEDR)in 2017

[6] M R Sunitha, etal. “A Survey on Moving Object Detection

and Tracking Techniques” proceedings of the International
Journal of Engineering and Computer Science (IJEAC) in

[7] Jifeng Dai, et al. “R-FCN: Object Detection via Region-

based Fully Convolutional Networks”, proceeding of the
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29
(NIPS) in 2016.

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