Burgos V Esperon Jr.
Burgos V Esperon Jr.
Burgos V Esperon Jr.
BRION , J : p
We resolve in this Resolution all the pending incidents in this case, specifically:
(a) The determination of the relevance and advisability of the public
disclosure of the documents submitted by respondents President
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Lt. Gen. Romeo P. Tolentino, Maj. Gen.
Juanito Gomez, Maj. Gen. Del n Bangit, Lt. Col. Noel Clement, Lt. Col.
Melquiades Feliciano, Director General Oscar Calderon, Chief of Staff
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Gen. Hermogenes Esperon,
Jr.; Commanding General of the Philippine Army, Lt. Gen. Alexander
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Yano; and Chief of the Philippine National Police, Director General
Avelino Razon, Jr. to this Court per paragraph III (i) of the fallo of our
July 5, 2011 Resolution; and
(b) The Urgent Ex Parte Motion Ex Abundanti Cautela 1 (together with sealed
attachments) led by petitioner Edita T. Burgos praying that the
Court: (1) order the persons named in the sealed documents
impleaded in CA-G.R. SP No. 00008-WA and G.R. No. 183713; (2)
issue a writ of Amparo on the basis of the newly discovered evidence
(the sealed attachments to the motion); and (3) refer the cases to the
Court of Appeals (CA) for further hearings on the newly discovered
evidence. aTEAHc
A. The Court's June 22, 2010 Resolution
These incidents stemmed from our June 22, 2010 Resolution referring the present
case to the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) as the Court's directly commissioned
agency, tasked with the continuation of the investigation of Jonas Joseph T. Burgos'
abduction with the obligation to report its factual ndings and recommendations to this
Court. This referral was necessary as the investigation by the Philippine National Police-
Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (PNP-CIDG), by the Armed Forces of the
Philippines (AFP) Provost Marshal, and even the initial CHR investigation had been less
than complete. In all of them, there were signi cant lapses in the handling of the
investigation. In particular, we highlighted the PNP-CIDG's failure to identify the
cartographic sketches of two (one male and one female) of the ve abductors
of Jonas, based on their interview with the eyewitnesses to the abduction .
In this same Resolution, we also a rmed the CA's dismissal of the petitions for
Contempt and issuance of a Writ of Amparo with respect to President Macapagal-Arroyo
who was then entitled, as President, to immunity from suit.
The March 15, 2011 CHR Report
On March 15, 2011, the CHR submitted to the Court its Investigation Report on the
Enforced Disappearance of Jonas Burgos (CHR Report), in compliance with our June 22,
2010 Resolution. On the basis of the gathered evidence, the CHR submitted the following
findings: ICAcaH
Based on the facts developed by evidence obtaining in this case, the CHR
nds that the enforced disappearance of Jonas Joseph T. Burgos had
transpired; and that his constitutional rights to life liberty and security
were violated by the Government have been fully determined .
Moreover, when the Team asked how certain Jeffrey was or [sic] that it
was indeed Baliaga that he saw as among those who actually participated in
Jonas' abduction. Jeffrey was able to give a graphic description and
spontaneously, to boot, the blow by blow account of the incident, including the
initial positioning of the actors, specially Baliaga, who even approached, talked to,
and prevented him from interfering in their criminal act.
A Rebel-returnee (RR) named Maria Vita Lozada y Villegas @KA MY, has
identi ed the face of the female in the cartographic sketch as a certain Lt.
Fernando. While Lozada refuses to include her identi cation of Lt. Fernando in
her Sinumpaang Salaysay for fear of a backlash, she told the Team that she was
certain it was Lt. Fernando in the cartographic sketch since both of them were
involved in counter-insurgency operations at the 56th IB, while she was under the
care of the battalion from March 2006 until she left the 56th IB Headquarters in
October 2007. Lozada's involvement in counter-insurgency operations together
with Lt. Fernando was among the facts gathered by the CHR Regional O ce 3
Investigators, whose investigation into the enforced disappearance of Jonas
Joseph Burgos was documented by way of an After Mission Report dated August
13, 2008.
Most if not all the actual abductors would have been identi ed
had it not been for what is otherwise called as evidentiary di culties
shamelessly put up by some police and military elites. The deliberate
refusal of TJAG Roa to provide the CHR with the requested documents
does not only defy the Supreme Court directive to the AFP but ipso
facto created a disputable presumption that AFP personnel were
responsible for the abduction and that their superiors would be found
accountable, if not responsible, for the crime committed . This observation
nds support in the disputable presumption "That evidence willfully suppressed
would be adverse if produced." (Paragraph (e), Section 3, Rule 131 on Burden of
Proof and Presumptions, Revised Rules on Evidence of the Rules of Court of the
Philippines). ISCaDH
b. ORDER Lt. Harry A. Baliaga, Jr. impleaded in CA-G.R. SP No. 99839 and
G.R. No. 183711, and REQUIRE him, together with the incumbent
Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines; the incumbent
Commanding General, Philippine Army; and the Commanding
O cer of the 56th IB, 7th Infantry Division, Philippine Army at the
time of the disappearance of Jonas Joseph T. Burgos, Lt. Col.
Melquiades Feliciano, to produce the person of Jonas Joseph T.
Burgos under the terms the Court of Appeals shall prescribe, and to
show cause why Jonas Joseph T. Burgos should not be released
from detention;
c. REFER back the petition for habeas corpus to the same Division of the
Court of Appeals which shall continue to hear this case after the
required Returns shall have been led and render a new decision
within thirty (30) days after the case is submitted for decision; and
d. ORDER the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and
the Commanding General of the Philippine Army to be impleaded as
parties, separate from the original respondents impleaded in the
petition, and the dropping or deletion of President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo as party-respondent.
SP No. 100230)
e. AFFIRM the dismissal of the petitioner's petition for Contempt in CA-
G.R. SP No. 100230, without prejudice to the re- ling of the
contempt charge as may be warranted by the results of the
subsequent CHR investigation this Court has ordered; and TEacSA
h. DIRECT Lt. Harry A. Baliaga, Jr., and the present Amparo respondents to
le their Comments on the CHR report with the Court of Appeals,
within a non-extendible period of fteen (15) days from receipt of
this Resolution.
j. ORDER the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the
Commanding General of the Philippine Army to be impleaded as
parties, in representation of their respective organizations,
separately from the original respondents impleaded in the petition;
and the dropping of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as party-
respondent; ADSTCI
a. The Summary of Information (SOI) of the o cers and enlisted personnel of the
56th IB, 7th ID from January 1, 2004 to June 30, 2007;
b. The Summary of Information (SOI) of the intelligence operatives who were
involved in the ERAP 5 incident; and
c. The Summary of Information (SOI) of 2Lt. Fernando, who was a member of the
56th IB, 7th ID. 5
ii. SOI of the intelligence operatives who were involved in the ERAP 5 incident; and
iii. SOI of 2Lt. Fernando who was a member of the 56th IB, 7th ID. 8
In our November 29, 2011 Resolution, we denied the CHR's request considering the
con dential nature of the requested documents and because the relevance of these
documents to the present case had not been established. We referred the CHR to our July
5, 2011 Resolution where we pointedly stated that these documents shall be "released
exclusively to this Court for our examination to determine their relevance to the present
case and the advisability of their public disclosure." 9 ETCcSa
We held that "[w]e see no reason at this time to release these con dential
documents since their relevance to the present case has not been established to our
satisfaction. It is precisely for this reason that we issued our October 24, 2011 Resolution
and directed the CHR to submit to this Court, within thirty (30) days from receipt of the
Resolution, a Report with its recommendations of its ongoing investigation of Jonas
Burgos' abduction, and the a davit of Virgilio Eustaquio, if any. Simply stated, it is only
after the CHR's faithful compliance with our October 24, 2011 Resolution that we will be
able to determine the relevance of the requested documents to the present case." 1 0
G. The March 20, 2012 CHR Progress Report and Eustaquio's Affidavit
On March 20, 2012, the CHR submitted its Progress Report detailing its efforts to
secure the a davit of witness Eustaquio in relation with his allegation that one of the male
abductors of Jonas, appearing in the cartographic sketch, was among the raiders who
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abducted him and four others, identi ed as Jim Cabauatan, Jose Curament, Ruben Dionisio
and Dennis Ibona (otherwise known as the "ERAP FIVE"). Attached to this Report is
Eustaquio's sworn affidavit dated March 16, 2012, which pertinently stated:
1. I was one of the victims in the abduction incident on May 22, 2006 otherwise
known as ERAP 5 and because of that, we led a case with the
Ombudsman against Commodore Leonardo Calderon, et al., all then ISAFP
elements, docketed as OMB-P-C-06-04050-E for Arbitrary Detention,
Unlawful Arrest, Maltreatment of Prisoners, Grave Threats, Incriminatory
Machination, and Robbery.
2. On March 16, 2012, I was approached again by the CHR Special Investigation
Team regarding the information I have previously relayed to them
sometime in September 2010 as to the resemblance of the cartographic
sketch of the man as described by the two eyewitnesses Elsa Agasang and
Jeffrey Cabintoy in the abduction case of Jonas Burgos; AHSEaD
3. I can say that the male abductor of Jonas Burgos appearing in the cartographic
sketch is among the raiders who abducted me and my four other
companions because the cartographic sketch almost exactly matched
and/or resembled to the cartographic sketch that I also provided and
described in relation to the said incident at my rented house in Kamuning,
Quezon City on May 22, 2006.
4. I am executing this a davit voluntarily, freely and attest to the truth of the
foregoing. 1 1
(5) DIRECTING the Commission on Human Rights to continue with its own
independent investigation on the enforced disappearance of Jonas Burgos
with the same degree of diligence required under the Rule on the Writ of
Amparo; and
(6) DIRECTING the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National
Police to extend full assistance to the Commission on Human Rights in the
conduct of the latter's investigation.
The Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Director General,
Philippine National Police and the Chairman, Commission on Human Rights are
hereby DIRECTED to submit a quarterly report to this Court on the results of
their respective investigation.
The filing of petitioner's Affidavit-Complaint against Maj. Harry A. Baliaga, Jr., et
al. before the Department of Justice on June 9, 2011 is NOTED . Petitioner is
DIRECTED to immediately inform this Court of any development regarding the
outcome of the case. 1 2
That the Honorable Court found a member of the Philippine Army or even a
group of military men to be responsible for the abduction of Jonas Burgos, does
not necessarily make the same a case of "enforced disappearance" involving the
State. There is dearth of evidence to show that the government is involved.
Respondent Baliaga's alleged participation in the abduction and his previous
membership in the 56th Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army, by themselves,
do not prove the participation or acquiescence of the State. 1 3
(1) required BGen. Roa and Lt. Gen. Emmanuel T. Bautista to fully comply with
the terms of Section III (i) of the dispositive portion of our July 5, 2011
Resolution within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the resolution;
(2) required Lt. Gen. Emmanuel T. Bautista to submit a written assurance within
fteen (15) days from receipt of the Resolution that the military personnel
listed in the submitted After Apprehension Report can be located and be
served with the processes that the Court may serve;
(3) issued a Temporary Protection Order in favor of the petitioner and all the
members of her immediate family;
(4) directed the DOJ and the NBI to provide security and protection to the
petitioner and her immediate family and to submit a con dential
memorandum on the security arrangements made;
(5) directed the NBI to coordinate and provide direct investigative assistance to
the CHR as it may require pursuant to the authority granted under the
Court's June 22, 2010 Resolution. 1 5
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i. The respondents' Comment from the petitioner's Urgent Ex Parte
Motion Ex Abundanti Cautela dated June 6, 2013
On June 6, 2013, the respondents, through the O ce of the Solicitor General, led
their comments on the petitioner's Urgent Ex Parte Motion Ex Abundanti Cautela. SHDAEC
First, the respondents alleged that the documents submitted by the petitioner do
not exist in the concerned military units' respective records, nor are they in the custody or
possession of their respective units. To support their allegations, the respondents
submitted the following:
a. Certi cation dated May 29, 2013 from Maj. Gen. Gregorio Pio P. Catapang, Jr.
Commander, 7th Infantry Division, Philippine Army stating that the
documents 1 6 submitted by the petitioner "do not exist nor in the
possession/custody of this Headquarters."
b. Certi cation dated May 29, 2013, from Lt. Col. Louie D.S. Villanueva, Assistant
Chief of Staff, O ce of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Personnel, G1, 7th
Infantry Division, Philippine Army stating that the documents submitted by
the petitioner "could not be found nor do they exist in the records of this
c. Certi cation dated May 24, 2013 from Lt. Col. Bernardo M. Ona, Commanding
O cer, 56th Infantry Battalion, 7th Infantry Division, Philippine Army
stating that the documents submitted by the petitioner "do not exist at this
d. Certi cation dated May 24, 2013 from 1Lt. Donal S. Frias, Acting Commanding
O cer, 72nd Military Intelligence Company, 7th Military Intelligence
Battalion, 7th Infantry Division, Philippine Army stating that the documents
submitted by the petitioner "do not exist at the records or in the possession
of this unit." 1 7
The respondents also submitted the a davits of Lt. Col. Melquiades Feliciano, Maj.
Allan M. Margarata and Cpl. Ruby Benedicto, viz.:
a. In his June 3, 2013 Affidavit, Col. Feliciano stated:
1. That I was assigned as Battalion Commander of 56th Infantry Division, 7th
Infantry Division, PA last 17 January 2007 to 17 August 2007.
4. I can only surmise that these are plainly a shing expedition on the part of Mrs.
Edita Burgos. A ploy to implicate any military personnel especially those
belonging to the 7th Infantry Division, Philippine Army.
1. That I was never assigned at 72nd Military Intelligence Company, 7th Infantry
Division, PA.
3. I vehemently oppose to (sic) the existence of the said documents and the
implication of my name in the said documents. The contents thereof are
false and utter fabrication of facts. How can I ever be at 72MICO if I was
never assigned thereat.
4. I have never been an interrogator in my entire military service. I have never been
a member of any operation which involves the name of Jonas Burgos or
any other military operation for that matter. I have never seen such
document until now.
5. Furthermore, I have never worked with Maj. Allan Margarata or of his unit,
72MICO. 1 8 ECSaAc
Second, the respondents note that none of the documents submitted by the
petitioner were signed; a writ of Amparo cannot be issued and the investigation cannot
progress on the basis of false documents and false information.
Lastly, the respondents argue that since the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
and CHR are conducting their own investigations of the case, the petitioner's motion at this
point is premature; the proceedings to be conducted by the CA will be at the very least
ii. The Respondents' Compliance dated June 7, 2013
On June 7, 2013, the respondents, through the O ce of Judge Advocate General,
complied with our April 11, 2013 Resolution by submitting the following documents:
a. Pro le/Summary of Information (SOI) with pictures of the personnel of 56th
Infantry Battalion (IB), 69th IB, and 7th Infantry Division, Philippine Army
(PA). These documents were submitted by the 7th ID in sealed nine (9)
small and three (3) big boxes (total of twelve (12) sealed boxes);
b. Investigation Report of the Intelligence Service, Armed Forces of the Philippines
(ISAFP) on the 2007 "ERAP 5" incident in Kamuning, Quezon City;
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Pro le/Summary of Information (SOI) with pictures of the Intel Operatives
involved in the "ERAP 5" incident; and certi cation issued by the Command
Adjutant of ISAFP concerning T/Sgt. Jason Roxas (Philippine Army), Cpl.
Maria Joana Francisco (Philippine Air Force), M/Sgt. Aron Arroyo
(Philippine Air Force), an alias T.L., all reportedly assigned with the Military
Intelligence Group 15 of the Intelligence Service, AFP (MIG 15, ISAFP).
These documents were submitted by ISAFP in a sealed envelope;
c. Pro le/Summary of Information (SOI) with a picture of 2LT Fernando PA. This
document was submitted by Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, G1, PA in
a sealed envelope;
d. A certi cation issued by 56IB and 69IB, 7ID, PA concerning
captured/surrendered rebels; DHSCEc
A. On the relevancy and disclosure of the documents submitted to this Court
per paragraph III (i) of the fallo of our July 5, 2011 Resolution
The directive for the submission of the above-mentioned documents arose from our
determination in our June 22, 2010 Resolution that the PNP-CIDG failed to identify the
cartographic sketches of two (one male and one female) of the ve abductors of Jonas,
based on their interview with eyewitnesses to the abduction. For this reason, the Court
directly commissioned the CHR to continue the investigation of Jonas' abduction and the
gathering of evidence. DTEIaC
Based on its March 15, 2011 Report, the CHR uncovered a lead — a claim made by
Eustaquio, Chairman of the Union Masses for Democracy and Justice, that the male
abductor of Jonas appearing in the cartographic sketch was among the raiders who
abducted him and four others, known as the "ERAP FIVE."
This prompted the CHR to request copies of the documents embodied in par. III (i)
of the fallo of the Court's July 5, 2011 Resolution from General Gilberto Jose C. Roa of the
O ce of the Judge Advocate General, AFP. Gen. Roa initially denied this request but
eventually complied with the Court's directive of July 5, 2011 to submit the documents via
the September 23, 2011 Manifestation and Motion and the June 7, 2013 Compliance. In
the same July 5, 2011 Resolution, the Court made it plain that these documents shall be
released exclusively to the Court for its examination to determine their relevance to the
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present case and the advisability of their public disclosure.
Pursuant to the Court's October 11, 2011 Resolution, the CHR submitted its March
20, 2012 Progress Report on its continuing investigation of Jonas' abduction. Attached to
this Progress Report was Virgilio Eustaquio's sworn a davit stating that: (1) he was one
of the victims of the abduction incident on May 22, 2006, otherwise known as the "ERAP
FIVE" incident; (2) as a result of this incident, they led a case with the Ombudsman
against Commodore Leonardo Calderon and other members of the Intelligence Service,
A FP (ISAFP) for arbitrary detention, unlawful arrest, maltreatment of prisoners, grave
threats, incriminatory machination and robbery; and (3) the male abductor of Jonas
appearing in the cartographic sketch shown to him by the CHR was among the raiders who
abducted him and his four companions because it resembled the cartographic sketch he
described in relation to the ERAP FIVE incident on May 22, 2006. HEDCAS
After reviewing the submissions of both the respondents 2 0 and the CHR 2 1
pursuant to the Court's July 5, 2011, August 23, 2011 and October 11, 2011 Resolutions,
we resolve to grant the CHR access to these requested documents to allow them the
opportunity to ascertain the true identities of the persons depicted in the cartographic
At this point, we emphasize that the sworn a davit of Eustaquio (that attests to the
resemblance of one of Jonas' abductors to the abductors of the ERAP FIVE) constitutes
the sought-after missing link that establishes the relevance of the requested documents to
the present case. We note that this lead may help the CHR ascertain the identities of those
depicted in the cartographic sketches as two of Jonas' abductors (one male and one
female) who, to this day, remain unidentified.
In view of the sensitive and con dential nature of the requested documents, we
direct the Clerk of Court of the Supreme Court to allow the duly-authorized representatives
of the CHR to inspect the requested documents in camera within ve (5) days from receipt
of this Resolution. The documents shall be examined and compared with the cartographic
sketches of the two abductors of Jonas, without copying and without bringing the
documents outside the premises of the O ce of the Clerk of Court of the Supreme Court.
The inspection of the documents shall be within o ce hours and for a reasonable period
of time su cient to allow the CHR to comprehensively investigate the lead provided by
Eustaquio. cDHCAE
To fully ful ll the objective of the Rule on the Writ of Amparo, further investigation
using the standard of extraordinary diligence should be undertaken by the CHR to pursue
the lead provided by Eustaquio. We take judicial notice of the ongoing investigation being
conducted by the Department of Justice (DOJ), through the NBI, on the disappearance of
Jonas. 2 2 In this regard, we direct the NBI to coordinate and provide direct investigative
assistance to the CHR as the latter may require, pursuant to the authority granted under
the Court's June 22, 2010 Resolution.
For this purpose, we require the CHR to submit a supplemental investigation report
to the DOJ, copy furnished the petitioner, the NBI, the incumbent Chiefs of the AFP, the
PNP and the PNP-CIDG, and all the respondents within sixty days (60) days from receipt of
this Resolution.
B. On the Urgent Ex Parte Motion Ex Abundanti Cautela
After reviewing the newly discovered evidence submitted by the petitioner and
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considering all the developments of the case, including the March 18, 2013 CA decision
that con rmed the validity of the issuance of the Writ of Amparo in the present case, we
resolve to deny the petitioner's Urgent Ex Parte Motion Ex Abundanti Cautela.
We note and conclude, based on the developments highlighted above, that the
bene cial purpose of the Writ of Amparo has been served in the present case. As we held
in Razon, Jr. v. Tagitis , 2 3 the writ merely embodies the Court's directives to police
agencies to undertake speci ed courses of action to address the enforced
disappearance of an individual. The Writ of Amparo serves both a preventive and a curative
role. It is curative as it facilitates the subsequent punishment of perpetrators through the
investigation and remedial action that it directs. 2 4 The focus is on procedural curative
remedies rather than on the tracking of a speci c criminal or the resolution of
administrative liabilities. The unique nature of Amparo proceedings has led us to de ne
terms or concepts specific to what the proceedings seek to achieve. In Razon Jr. v. Tagitis ,
2 5 we de ned what the terms "responsibility" and "accountability" signify in an Amparo
case. We said:
Responsibility refers to the extent the actors have been established by
substantial evidence to have participated in whatever way, by action or
omission, in an enforced disappearance, as a measure of the remedies this
Court shall craft, among them, the directive to le the appropriate criminal and
civil cases against the responsible parties in the proper courts. Accountability ,
on the other hand, refers to the measure of remedies that should be addressed
to those who exhibited involvement in the enforced disappearance without
bringing the level of their complicity to the level of responsibility de ned above;
or who are imputed with knowledge relating to the enforced disappearance and
who carry the burden of disclosure; or those who carry, but have failed to
discharge, the burden of extraordinary diligence in the investigation of the
enforced disappearance. 2 6 SHCaDA
In the present case, while Jonas remains missing, the series of calculated directives
issued by the Court outlined above and the extraordinary diligence the CHR demonstrated
in its investigations resulted in the criminal prosecution of Lt. Baliaga. We take judicial
notice of the fact that the Regional Trial Court, Quezon City, Branch 216, has already found
probable cause for arbitrary detention against Lt. Baliaga and has ordered his arrest in
connection with Jonas' disappearance. 2 7
We also emphasize that the CA in its March 18, 2013 decision already ruled with
finality on the entities responsible and accountable (as these terms are de ned in Razon,
Jr. v. Tagitis ) for the enforced disappearance of Jonas. In its March 18, 2013 decision, the
CA found, by substantial evidence, that Lt. Baliaga participated in the abduction on the
basis of Cabintoy's positive identi cation that he was one of the abductors of Jonas who
told him not to interfere because the latter had been under surveillance for drugs. In the
same Decision, the CA also held the AFP and the PNP accountable for having failed to
discharge the burden of extraordinary diligence in the investigation of the enforced
disappearance of Jonas. Thus, the CA issued the following directives to address the
enforced disappearance of Jonas:
(1) DIRECT the PNP through its investigative arm, the PNP-CIDG, to identify and
locate the abductors of Jonas Burgos who are still at large and to establish
the link between the abductors of Jonas Burgos and those involved in the
ERAP 5 incident;
(2) DIRECT the incumbent Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
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and the Director General of the Philippines National Police, and their
successors, to ensure the continuance of their investigation and
coordination on the enforced disappearance of Jonas Burgos until the
persons found responsible are brought before the bar of justice;
(3) DIRECT the Commission on Human Rights to continue with its own
independent investigation on the enforced disappearance of Jonas Burgos
with the same degree of diligence required under the Rule on the Writ of
Amparo; SHTaID
(4) DIRECT the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police
to extend full assistance to the Commission on Human Rights in the
conduct of the latter's investigation; and
(5) DIRECT the Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Director
General, Philippine National Police and the Chairman, Commission on
Human Rights to submit a quarterly report to the Court on the results of
their respective investigation. 2 8
We note that the respondents did not appeal the March 18, 2013 CA decision and
the May 23, 2013 CA resolution denying their motion for partial reconsideration.
Based on the above considerations, in particular, the nal ruling of the CA that
con rmed the validity of the issuance of the Writ of Amparo and its determination of the
entities responsible for the enforced disappearance of Jonas, we resolve to deny the
petitioner's prayer to issue the writ of Amparo anew and to refer the case to the CA based
on the newly discovered evidence. We so conclude as the petitioner's request for the
reissuance of the writ and for the rehearing of the case by the CA would be redundant and
super uous in light of: (1) the ongoing investigation being conducted by the DOJ through
the NBI; (2) the CHR investigation directed by the Court in this Resolution; and (3) the
continuing investigation directed by the CA in its March 18, 2013 decision.
We emphasize that while the Rule on the Writ of Amparo accords the Court a wide
latitude in crafting remedies to address an enforced disappearance, it cannot (without
violating the nature of the writ of Amparo as a summary remedy that provides rapid
judicial relief) grant remedies that would complicate and prolong rather than expedite the
investigations already ongoing. Note that the CA has already determined with nality that
Jonas was a victim of enforced disappearance. aEcDTC
We clarify that by denying the petitioner's motion, we do not thereby rule on the
admissibility or the merits of the newly discovered evidence submitted by the petitioner.
We likewise do not foreclose any investigation by the proper investigative and prosecutory
agencies of the other entities whose identities and participation in the enforced
disappearance of Jonas may be disclosed in future investigations and proceedings.
Considering that the present case has already reached the prosecution stage, the
petitioner's motion should have been led with the proper investigative and prosecutory
agencies of the government.
To expedite proceedings, we refer the petitioner's motion, this Resolution and its
covered cases to the DOJ for investigation, for the purpose of ling the appropriate
criminal charges in the proper courts against the proper parties, if warranted, based on the
gathered evidence. For this purpose, we direct the petitioner to furnish the DOJ and the
NBI copies of her Urgent Ex Parte Motion Ex Abundanti Cautela, together with the sealed
attachments to the Motion, within five (5) days from receipt of this Resolution.
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As mentioned, we take judicial notice of the ongoing investigation by the DOJ,
through the NBI, of the disappearance of Jonas. This DOJ investigation is without
prejudice to the O ce of the Ombudsman's exercise of its primary jurisdiction over the
investigation of the criminal aspect of this case should the case be determined to be
cognizable by the Sandiganbayan. 2 9
As we direct below, further investigation for purposes of the present proceedings
shall continue to be undertaken by the CHR, in close coordination with the NBI, for the
completion of the investigation under the terms of our June 22, 2010 Resolution and the
additional directives under the present Resolution.
As a nal note, we emphasize that our ROLE in a writ of Amparo proceeding is
merely to determine whether an enforced disappearance has taken place; to determine
who is responsible or accountable; and to de ne and impose the appropriate remedies to
address the disappearance.
As shown above, the bene cial purpose of the Writ of Amparo has been served in
the present case with the CA's nal determination of the persons responsible and
accountable for the enforced disappearance of Jonas and the commencement of criminal
action against Lt. Baliaga. At this stage, criminal, investigation and prosecution
proceedings are already beyond the reach of the Writ of Amparo proceeding now before
Based on the above developments, we now hold that the full extent of the remedies
envisioned by the Rule on the Writ of Amparo has been served and exhausted. SDAaTC
8. Id. at 3131.
9. Id. at 3131-3132.
10. Id. at 3132.
The appeal shall be given the same priority as in habeas corpus cases.
15. Rollo, pp. 3592-3594, Vol. 3; italics ours.
16. The documents refer to: Psycho-Social Processing Report dated April 28, 2007; After-
Apprehension Report dated April 30, 2007; Undated Autobiography of Jonas; and Picture
of Jonas.
17. Rollo, (no pagination), Vol. 3.
20. The respondents' submissions include the September 23, 2011 Manifestation and Motion
and the June 7, 2013 Compliance.
21. CHR Progress Report dated March 20, 2012; rollo, pp. 3451-3499, Vol. 3.
22. See Christine O. Avendano and TJ Burgonio, New NBI Probe to lead to truth behind Burgos'
disappearance-De Lima, Philippine Daily Inquirer, April 4, 2013.
23. G.R. No. 182498, December 3, 2009, 606 SCRA 598.
24. Secretary of Defense v. Manalo, 589 Phil. 1, 41 (2008).
27. See Jeanette I. Andrade and Nikko Dizon, Court orders arrest of Army Major in Jonas
Burgos Abduction, Philippine Daily Inquirer, October 22, 2013.
28. Rollo, p. 3601.
29. See Section 15 (1) of the Ombudsman Act of 1989 which provides:
The Office of the Ombudsman shall have the following powers, functions and duties:
(1) Investigate and prosecute on its own or on complaint by any person, any act or omission
of any public o cer or employee, o ce or agency, when such act or omission appears
to be illegal, unjust, improper or ine cient. It has primary jurisdiction over cases
cognizable by the Sandiganbayan and, in the exercise of this primary
jurisdiction, it may take over, at any stage, from any investigatory agency of
Government, the investigation of such cases .
See also Honasan II v. The Panel of Investigating Prosecutors of the Department of Justice ,
G.R. No. 159747, April 13, 2004, 427 SCRA 46, 70, where the Court held that the "DOJ
Panel is not precluded from conducting any investigation of cases against public
o cers involving violations of penal laws but if the cases fall under the exclusive
jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan, then respondent Ombudsman may, in the exercise of
its primary jurisdiction take over at any stage."