List of Critical Terms: Commentary Commentary On The Collected Poems of B. Yeats, 1968

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List of Critical Terms

The object of this List is to indicate how a number of

important terms which are used in different (often widely
different) ways in current practice are used in this book. There
is no suggestion that the practice adopted here might be
generally adopted. For terms not listed, see Index.

COMMENTARY: The traditional term for a series of notes

on a literary text covering points of grammatical difficulty,
historical and literary background, etc. Unlike INTERPRETA-
TION, which, in modern usage, is continuous and critical,
commentary is discontinuous and avoids critical issues. E.g., A.
Norman Jeffares's Commentary on the Collected Poems of w. B.
Yeats, 1968.

DECONSTRUCTION: A term invented as a reaction

against structuralist criticism, intended to emphasize that
reading is not wholly a process of synthesis and submission to
a text. See Harold Bloom et al., Deconstruction in Criticism, 1979.

DISTANCING: Originally, a term used by psychologists to

denote the relationship between emotional involvement and
actual physical involvement. E. Bullough's classical paper
"'Psychical distance" as a factor in art and an aesthetic
principle', British Journal of Psychology 5, 1912, 87-98, is often
referred to. In literary criticism, the term denotes the degree of
detachment set up in certain texts by the author's speaking
voice as well as the corresponding detachment generated in
the reader.

256 How Literature Works

FORM: In this book, form denotes the conventions which

govern the layout and manner of treatment of a literary work.
See Chapter 2, Section IV. It is thus opposed to structure,
which is the working out of those conventions in a particular
text. Form is what a text has in common with other texts
sufficiently like it to be seen as a single family or tradition;
structure is what is unique to a particular text. In contemporary
critical usage, the two terms are often used as more or less
interchangeable. For form, as used here, some critics substitute
'genre', a term which has disparaging overtones (tending to
imply over-adherence to formal conventions). Many English
speakers, moreover, find genre difficult to pronounce in a way
that is not disagreeable in the ear.

INTERPRETATION: l(a) The mental process by which we

apprehend statement as meaningful. The activity of commun-
icating this understanding to others - telling them what the
statement means (a sense taken over from actual translation
by an interpreter). (b) In particular, the process of reading
meaning into a text, either silently, or in oral performance.
2 The emerging understanding of a text which accompanies
1(a) and leads normally to a more or less coherent under-
standing of the text as a whole. That understanding serves as
a basis for subsequent readings, which often expand or correct
earlier readings.
Interpretation Sense 2 is thus a product of Sense 1. It is a
mental state, not something tangible or concrete. The tradi-
tional metaphors employed when we speak of 'building' or
'constructing' an. interpretation (derived from the Greek
concept of a literary text as a poiema - a 'made thing') are
misleading in so far as they suggest something fixed or static.
An interpretation of a particular text is better regarded as a
tension in the mind, holding together an understanding of that
text which is flexible, open to correction, threatened, even, by
the fresh evidence of a further reading. There is an evident
analogy here with modern concepts of the nature of philo-
sophical or scientific theories. See Thomas Kuhn, The Structure
of Scientific Revolutions, 2nd edn, 1970.
The term interpretation is also used by some critics of a more
or less drastic brief restatement of a text which purports to
List oj Critical Terms 257
isolate its essential meaning. Here, as with Sense 2, a tempta-
tion exists to regard the activity of interpretation as teleological,
a form of problem-solving.

INW ARD EAR: A term often used by critics to denote the

mental process enabling the silent reader to catch the rhythm,
etc., which the reader's interpretation would give the text in
performance aloud. Perhaps an adaptation of Wordsworth's
'inward eye' which is described in his poem 'I wandered
lonely as a cloud' as 'the bliss of solitude', enabling him to
reconstruct in thought what he had seen.

MEANING: A term prone to confusion but which it would be

unnatural to avoid in a book like the present. Umberto Eco
offers a useful brief historical survey of the problem:

Classical criticism aimed at finding in a text either (a) what

the author intended to say, or (b) what the text says
independently of its author. Only after accepting the
second principle can one ask if what is found is (i) what the
text says by virtue of its textual coherence and of an original
underlying signification system, or (ii) what the addressees
found in it by virtue of their own system of expectations.
(U m berto Eco, 'Some paranoid readings',
Times Lit. Suppl., 1990, 706)

As the term is used in this book, meaning is a property of verbal

structures, the product of (I) syntax, which draws out an
appropriate sense for the words and indicates a grammatical
relation between them, and (2) rhythm, which controls the
distribution of emphases, and, in more complicated verbal
structures, serves as an indicator and determinant of the way
what is said is to be taken (see RHYTHM) .
The reading of meaning into a literary text is an operation
which takes place within the mind of the reader. The indica-
tions of rhythm and even of syntax in a text, like all linguistic
indicators, are frequently ambiguous (language does not work
like mathematics); there are those who argue, therefore, that
this is a process in which the writer of the text is left behind,
and the reading in of meaning left in the con trol of the reader,
258 How Literature Works

who is free to read an infinite variety of meanings into the

verbal structure. The view is gaining ground in contemporary
literary theory that this freedom has been exaggerated by
postmodernist critics.
The position adopted in this book is that (I) an implicit
social contract exists between writer and reader which allows
considerable freedom (since two minds are involved, the
writer's and the reader's, not one), but which it is irrespon-
sible to repudiate; (2) the freedom of the reader as interpreter
is limited by the rhythm built into any complex text by the
writer, which establishes an authorial voice heard by the
Talk of the 'meaning' of a symphony or a painting, while
well established by usage, is better regarded as involving a
metaphor; compare the metaphor we employ when we speak
of a building as 'making a statement'.

MENTAL SET: A focusing of the attention determining the

attitude or frame of mind in which we read a text. Mental set
implies a prior assumption that the text will form a coherent
whole. See Chapter I, Section III. For 'set' as a term of
Gestalt Psychology ('a pre-established attitude which deter-
mines what is to be perceived and how we shall react') see
Allport, 1955 in Bibliography.

PERFORMANCE: A particular reading of a text, especially

one embodying the performer's interpretation, usually aloud.
Most often, of actors, though a distinction between 'reading'
is tentative or exploratory and 'performance' as something
more definitive would be useful, if it could be supported by

POSTMODERNISM: A term current in the 1970s and 80s,

used most often to denote the work of novelists whose chief
common characteristic was a determination to break free from
traditional conventions of plot structure. Proclaimed as
successors of the 'Moderns', who were considered to end, in
English literature, with Joyce and Virginia Woolf and their
experiments with stream of consciousness technique. Also
applied to critics sympathetic to postmodern writing. The
List of Critical Terms 259

difficulty with 'modern' and 'postmodern' is that the assertion

of contemporaneity quickly becomes out of date. In the 1980s
'Postmodernism' lost ground to 'Magic Realism', a term taken
over from German critics of the 1920s, and now used to
describe the massive complex plot structures of Garcia
Marquez, Umberto Eco and others. See Gerald Graff, Litera-
ture Against Itself, 1979; David Lodge, After Bakhtin, 1990.

READING (noun): Most often, in this book, of the act of

reading meaning into a printed text; the process whereby the
text becomes a more or less coherent experience in the mind of
the reader.
Since 'a reading' in this sense is the outcome of an
interpretation of the text, or forms the basis for subsequent
interpretation, 'reading' and 'interpretation' are often treated
as synonyms.
A reading may be either silent or aloud. Most would agree,
however, that a reading aloud, since it forces decisions upon
us, or warns us more plainly that the text will not work the
way we try to take it, is the 'truer' interpretative act.

RECEPTION: A term for the understanding or popularity of

a literary work, at a given moment, past or present (e.g., at the
moment of publication), or across subsequent centuries
(Shakespeare, e.g., was little understood, as it seems to us, in
the eighteenth century - hence Johnson's forthright, down-
to-earth, patronizing appraisals; was rediscovered by Roman-
tic critics, German as well as English; then drastically,
reinterpreted by twentieth-century critics. Donne, after being
neglected throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries,
was rediscovered in the twentieth century).
The concept of a constantly changing reception serves as a
corrective to that implied by the term 'survival' of an author's
works, which suggests that a work is best understood in the
author's lifetime or at the moment of publication; that its
impact can only fade or wither; that the role of the critic is
analogous to that of the restorer of Old Masters. In fact, many
works take time to permeate to understanding and apprecia-
tion (the metaphor of the time-bomb might be more
appropriate in these cases); or the understanding of them
260 How Literature Works

wanes, and then revives in different circumstances and in a

new light, so that the appropriate metaphor is perhaps that of
a virus passing through a series of mutations (e.g., Virgil's
Aeneid, after a long period of rejection by Romantic critics as
second-rate and imperialistic, suddenly increased in popular-
ity and understanding in the USA during the Vietnam War,
when Virgil's view of war as a progressive corruption of moral
standards evoked a response that would have been impossible
in Victorian England).

RHYTHM: A convenient, if imprecise, name for an elusive

property of all speaking and writing; in texts where the
meaning is not explicit, the ultimate vehicle of meaning.
The most obvious component of rhythm is the distribution
of the stresses: both the individual 'natural' stress that falls on
a particular syllable of most of the words in a phrase or
sentence (giving, as it were, the beat of the phrase, and in
verse serving as the basis of metre) and the additional
'affective' stress given certain syllables (not necessarily the
syllable normally stressed), so that these act as indicators and
determinants of tone, attitude, nuance, etc., and thus of
meaning. For metrical purposes, syllables are usually treated
simply as stressed or unstressed; in actual speech or careful
reading aloud, the degrees of stress possible are numerous and
complicated, and the eflect produced by a minor variation
often subtle.
Rhythm, as used in this book, includes other features of
spoken (or heard) language besides stress. In addition to the
phonetic properties of individual words (length and weight of
vowels and consonants and consonant-grouping - properties
exploited, e.g., by Edith Sitwell in Fafade) rhythm is to be
taken as including variations in pitch (sentence intonation),
tempo, attack, phrasing; variations in the spacing of words in
a phrase, in the insistence on words related by sense, sound or
grammatical form. A mistake in any of these can instantly be
felt as a misreading threatening the meaning of a line or
sentence by the reader or the listener.
In addition to selecting an appropriate reading from the
possibilities offered by the syntactical structure, rhythm can
offer a wide range of overtones or modifiers of the selected
List oj Critical Terms 261

meaning, virtually ensuring that every reading of a text can be

fresh or experimental, opening up new possibilities, and
therefore unique.
In a well-written text, the rhythm varies almost constantly as
it follows and sustains the meaning, forming a complex unity.
Translators of such texts, by neglecting rhythm in pursuit of an
apt translation of individual phrases, often end up with a
rhythm which is disjointed, or vaguely chaotic. It is obvious
that paraphrase, by destroying rhythm, can be even more
destructive of meaning.
See M E ANING, SOUND OF SENSE; more in Chapter 1, Section II;
also Bibliography under Berry, Bolinger, Harding. On Fa~ade
see Edith Sitwell, Taken Care oj, 1965, 139-44.

SIGNIFICANCE: A term devised to stress the capacity of a

literary work to place itself in some larger context which
enhances or extends its verbal or translatable meaning; the
structure of reference which builds up in our minds as we
read . For 'significance' opposed to 'meaning' see Hirsch, 1967
and 1976 in Bibliography.
MEANING is what the text says. Significance is what we make
of what the text says. The distinction is obviously useful and
important. The problem is in the terms used to express the
polarity. 'Meaning' is used by some critics as a blanket term,
covering everything; others oppose 'verbal meaning' and
'total meaning'. The problem is made worse by the fact that
meaning is a concept confined to the English language. The
corresponding French word is signification, usually translated
as significance, especially by linguists trained in the tradition of
Ferdinand de Saussure; others use sens (cf. German Sinn)
which, if translated as 'sense', introduces further confusion.
In this book, significance occurs mainly in the phrase 'Field
of Significance', employed to oppose the sideways expansion
of, e.g., a narrative text in our mind to the onward thrust of
the narrative itself. For 'Field' as °a term of Gestalt Psychol-
ogy, see Allport, 1955 in Bibliography. See MEANING.

SOUND OF SENSE: Robert Frost in a letter to John T.

Bartlett dated 4 July 1913 (written during Frost's visit to
England), after remarking 'I alone of English writers have
262 How Literature Works

consciously set out to make music out of what I may call the
sound of sense', goes on:

An ear and an appetite for these sounds of sense is the first

qualification of a writer, be it of prose or verse. But if one is
to be a poet he must learn to get cadences by skillfully
breaking the sounds of sense across the regular beat of the
metre. Verse in which there is nothing but the beat of the
metre furnished by the accents of the polysyllabic words we
call doggerel. Verse is not that. It is a resultant from these

I t is clear from the examples Frost quotes that by the sound of

sense he has in mind patterns of stress, pitch, intonation, etc. as
they occur in natural speech. It is only by attending to these
that a writer can implant the imprint of the thinking mind of
the speaker upon the syntactical patterns he employs. In a
letter to Sidney Cox dated 2 February 1915, Frost takes the
theory a stage further, arguing that the number of such
patterns is limited:

Remember, a certain fixed number of sentences (sentence

sounds) belong to the human throat just as a certain fixed
number of vocal runs belong to the throat ofa given kind of
bird. These are fixed I say. Imagination cannot create
them. It can only call them up for those who write with
their ear on the speaking voice.

In this second passage, Frost anticipates modern linguistic

theories of 'deep' syntactical structures advanced by the
proponents of transformational grammar.
Verse based on a tension between the rhythm of the natural
speaking voice and the beat of the metre is at least as old as
the sixteenth century in English . It is a natural development
once verse is freed from the necessarily more regular cadences
of song. See Chapter 3 for the theory developed there of the
difference between the singing and the speaking voice. Shakes-
peare is usually credited with being the first to exploit this
tension in his dramatic verse. Frost seems to have hammered
at his theory for a year or so at the beginning of his poetic
List of Critical Terms 263

career; reference then drops from his correspondence, perhaps

as part of a growing dislike for theoretical discussion. But it is
clear that the theory continued to underlie his practice as a
poet. The effect is not simply an easy colloquial note; more
important is the illusion of a speaker actually thinking his way
along the line of statement as he speaks. What Edward
Thomas (who perhaps discussed the theory with Frost during
their meetings in England in 1913-14) seems to have meant
when he wrote of 'the patterns of stress and pause which
reflect a mind actually engaged in the act of thinking, rather
than offering concluded thoughts' (quoted by Andrew
Motion, The Poetry of Edward Thomas, 1980, 82).
In this book, the term RHYTHM is used (1) as roughly
equivalent to Frost's 'the sound of sense'; (2) as roughly
equivalent to the tension described above by Frost between
the natural sound of the sense and the metrical beat. See


TEXT: As used by literary critics, the term implies a piece of

writing complete in itself, the structure of which has been
fixed, normally by publication (it is those words, in that order,
making those statements, etc.), as opposed to an oral composi-
tion (an oral epic, or an anecdote, e.g.), the form of which is
fixed, while the structure remains fluid.The original metaphor
is from weaving (a text is a woven thing), implying pattern,
organized structure, as well as finality.
Texts are commonly spoken of as having a 'context' (the
literary, intellectual, political, etc., circumstances which sur-
round their composition and publication or which they evoke;
the setting in which the story unfolds, or to which the
argument of a poem has reference, whether explicit or left
unstated). Two further related terms, both borrowed from
contemporary French critics, are frequently used. One is
'Subtext' the pattern of implication which underlies what is
actually said; the message, as we say in everyday speech, is
incomplete unless we can 'read between the lines'. The other
is 'Intertextuality', a term used to describe a property of
density or complexity which a literary text acquires as a result
264 How Literature Works

of the relationship which the text sets up (by direct reference

or quotation, or more obliquely) between itself and other
texts. Poems are made out of other poems, novels out of other
novels, and this property of intertextuality can be part of the
pleasure of reading them rather than a basis for accusations of
In this book, the term 'Field of Significance' is used to cover
appropriate aspects of these three terms.
Further Reading

Books about literary theory start with Aristotle's Poetics, and

end with the latest new book to bring to the subject - not a
definitive answer to all our questions, but perhaps (to quote
again a line from Robert Graves) a fresh understanding of our
For older standard works the reader can be referred to the
comprehensive Bibliography (arranged under subject head-
ings) in Warren and Wellek, Theory of Literature, 1949. For
more recent works (particularly those giving emphasis to
structuralist theories of literature), the very full Bibliography
in Jonathan Culler, Structuralist Poetics, 1975, can be recom-
mended; for a bibliography of works compiled strictly from
the point of view of contemporary literary theory, see Josef
Bleicher, Contemporary Hermeneutics, 1980. The following list
comprises (1) a sprinkling of standard works outside the area
ofliterary theory proper; (2) books which I have found useful;
(3) recent books which have attracted attention; these are
cited more as an indication of current trends than as items in a
basic reading list; many have been the subject of controversy;
some exemplify the almost impenetrable prose which has
become fashionable in certain quarters among those who
discuss literature. Only works available in English have been
Books dealing with the criticism of particular texts (and not
concerning themselves, except incidentally, with the theory of
interpretation) have in general been left out.

266 How Literature Works

ALLPORT, Floyd Henry, Theories of Perception and the Concept

of Structure, 1955
AUERBACH, Erich, Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in
Western Literature, 1945; English translation 1953
AUSTIN, J. L., How To Do Things With Words, 1962
BARTHES, Roland, S/Z: An Essay, 1970; English translation
BATESON, F. W., A Guide to English Literature, 1965
BERRY, Cicely, The Actor and his Text, 1987
BLEICHER, Josef, Contemporary Hermeneutics, 1980
BLOOM, Harold, Kabbalah and Criticism, 1975
- - and others, Deconstruction in Criticism, 1979
BOLINGER, Dwight, Intonation and its Parts: Melo4J in Spoken
English, 1986
BOOTH, Wayne C., A Rhetoric of Irony, 1974
- - , The Rhetoric of Fiction, 1961
- - , Critical Understanding, 1979
BOWRA, C. M., Primitive Song, 1962
CHOMSKY, Noam, Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, 1965
COHEN, Ralph (ed.), New Directions in Literary History, 1974
CRANE, R. S., The Languages of Criticism and the Structure of
Poetry, 1953
CULLER, Jonathan, Structuralist Poetics, 1975
- - , The Pursuit of Signs, 1981
ECO, Umberto, 'After Secret Knowledge' and 'Some Para-
noid Readings', Times Lit. Suppl. 1990,666 and 678; 694 and
706 (= Tanner Lectures, 1990)
FISH, Stanley, Doing What Comes Naturally, 1990
FORSTER, E. M., Aspects of the Novel, 1927
FOWLER, Roger, A Dictionary of Modern Critical Terms, 1973
FRYE, Northrop, Anatomy of Criticism, 1957
FUSSELL, Paul, Poetic Meter and Poetic Form, revised edition
GOODMAN, Nelson, Ways of Worldmaking, 1968
GOODMAN, Paul, The Structure of Literature, 1954
GRAFF, Gerald, Literature Against Itself: Literary Ideas in Modern
Society, 1979
HARDING, D. W., Words into Rhythm, 1976
HARTMAN, Geoffrey H., Criticism in the Wilderness, 1980
HIRSCH, E. D. Jr, Validity in Interpretation, 1967
- - , The Aims of Interpretation, 1976
Further Reading 267

ISER, Wolfgang, The Implied Reader: Patterns in Communication

in Prose Fiction Jrom Bunyon to Beckett, 1974
- - , The Act oj Reading: A Theory oj Aesthetic Response, 1978
JAMESON, Fredric, The Prison-House oj Language, 1972
KERMODE, Frank, The Sense oj an Ending: Studies in the Theory
oj Fiction, 1966
- - , The Genesis oj Secrecy, 1979
LAKOFF, George & JOHNSON, Mark, Metaphors We Live
By, 1980
LANGER, Suzanne K., Form and Feeling, 1953
LEAVIS, F. R., The Great Tradition, 1948
LEAVIS, Q. D., Fiction and the Reading Public, 1932
LEGOUIS and CAZAMIAN, History oj English Literature (The
Middle Ages and the Renaissance, by Legouis, originally
published 1926; many times reprinted)
LODGE, David (ed.), Language oj Fiction: Essays in Criticism
and Verbal Analysis oj the English Novel, 1966
- - , After Bakhtin: Essays in Fiction and Criticism, 1990
MUECKE, D. C., Irony, 1970
POPPER, Karl, The Logic oj Scientific Discovery, 1959
RICHARDS, I. A., Practical Criticism, 1929
RICOEUR, Paul, The Conflict oj Interpretations, 1969; English
translation 1974
RUTHVEN, K. K., Critical Assumptions, 1979
SARTRE, Jean-Paul, What is Literature? 1948; English trans-
lation 1950
SAUSSURE, Ferdinand de, Course in General Linguistics, 1915;
English translation 1959
SCHOLES, Robert, Structuralism in Literature: An Introduction,
SEARLE, John R., Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy oj
Language, 1969
SONTAG, Susan, 'Against Interpretation' and Other Essays, 1966
STEIN, Jack, Poem and Music in the German Lied Jrom Gluck to
Hugo Wolf, 1971
STEINER, George, Real Presences (Stephen Lecture), 1986
TODOROV, Tzvetan, The Poetics oj Prose, 1977
VALDES, Mario and MILLER, Owen (eds), Interpretation oj
Narrative, 1976
WARREN, Austin & WELLEK, Rene, Theory oj Literature,
268 How Literature Hlorks

WATSON, George, Concise Cambridge Bibliography of English

Literature, 2nd edn 1965
- - , The Study of Literature, 1969
- - , The Story of the Novel, 1979
WATT, Ian, The Rise of the Novel, 1957
- - (ed.), The Victorian Novel, 1971
WHITE, Hayden, Metahistory: The Historical Imagination m
Nineteenth-Century Europe, 1973

Adcock, Fleur, Boccaccio,

'Advice to a Discarded Lover', Decameron, 100, 167
quoted 199 Boll, Heinrich,
'Tigers', quoted 5, 147 And Never Said a Word, 86
Angry Penguins, 159 Bowra, C. M., 132
Anouilh, Jean, 79, 114 Brasch, Charles,
Arendt, Hannah, 162 'Ambulando', quoted 202
Aristotle, 28, 97, 98, 110, 233 'Tempora Mutantur', quoted 203
Arnold, Matthew, 37, 180, 184, 'Watch-Dog', quoted 203
209 'Why?', quoted 204
Culture and Anarchy, 241 Brecht, Bertolt, 112, 145
Auden, W. H., Britten, Benjamin, 133
'Fleet Visit', quoted 198 Browne, Thomas,
'Musee des Beaux Arts', quoted Urn Burial, quoted 39
129, 147 Browning, Robert, 106
on 'dishonest' poetry, 125 Burns, Robert, 134
'The Cave of Making', quoted Byron,
57, 199 Childe Harold, quoted 224
Austen, Jane, 49, 188, 242
Emma, 123, 219, 238; quoted 227 Caesar, Julius, 96
Mansfield Park, quoted 243 Cambridge English School, 158
Persuasion, 240 canon, 41
Cary, Joyce,
Bacon, Francis, 167 Except the Lord, quoted 50
Baxter, James K., 127 Not Honour More, quoted 32
'Blood Test', quoted 122, 147 Prisoner of Grace, 49
'The Lion Skin', quoted 123, 147 catharsis, 28, 98
Bishop, Elizabeth, Catullus, 248
'Visits to St Elizabeth's', 230; Poem 75, quoted 140
quoted 185 Chaucer, 167
Blake, William, Pardoner's Prologue, quoted 216
'Tyger', 136 Chevalier, Maurice, 145

270 Index

Cicero, 35 on meaning, quoted 257

Clare, John, The Name of the Rose, III
'Badger', quoted 195 Edmond, Lauris,
Clark, Manning, quoted 221 'The Condition', quoted 161-3
Coleridge, S. T., 15, 249 Eliot, George, 49
'Kubla Khan', quoted 158 Eliot, T. S., 13, 42, 159, 209, 211
on 'suspension of disbelief, 88 on emotion in poetry, 152
Comedie Fran~aise, 109 'The Love Song of J. Alfred
commentary, 255 Prufrock', quoted 244
Conrad, Joseph, Empson, William, 159
Amy Foster, quoted 203 epigram, 135-45
Heart of Darkness, 81, 96; quoted essential truth, 91, 94, 103,223,
89 249
Nostromo, 223; quoted 208 expression, 121
Coward, Noel, 145
Crane, R. S., quoted ix Ferlinghetti, Lawrence,
current output, 40 A Coney Island of the Mind, quoted
Dante, 167 field of significane, 61-7, 85, 10 I,
Davies, Robertson, 23 237, 261
deconstruction, 15, 255 Fielding, 175
Defoe, 81 Amelia, 123, 239; quoted 218
Moll Flanders, 100, 120, 174; fine writing, 49, 91, 93
quoted 30, 51; Preface, Flaubert, Gustave, 198
quoted 217 Madame Bovary, 42, 97, 100;
Robinson Crusoe, 60 quoted 100, 189, 190, 192,
Dichtung, 46 247,251
Dickens, Charles, 115, 120, 238, form, 27, 29, 61, 169, 256
242 Forster, E. M., 100
Our Mutual Friend, quoted 99, Freud, 79
236 Frost, Robert, 121; quoted 2
Dietrich, Marlene, 145 'Acquainted with the Night',
'Look Me Over Closely', 133, quoted 17
134; quoted 128 on 'sound of sense', 262
distancing, 28, 255 Fry, Christopher, 113
Donne, 143, 144, 146, 159 Frye, Northrop, 181
Holy Sonnets, 133 Fuentes, Carlos,
'The Sun Rising', quoted 29 Terra Nostra, 82
'The Triple Foole', 147; quoted
129 Garda Marquez, Gabriel, 259
Drabble, Margaret, 120 One Hundred Years of Solitude, 89,
The Radiant Way, 60, 61, 62, 97; quoted 87
quoted 12 Gilmore, Mary,
dramatic form, 106-18 'Nationality', quoted 207
Graves, Robert, 20 I
Eco, Umberto, 20, 60, 259 'Around the Mountain', quoted
Foucault's Pendulum, 82, 123; 18
quoted 119,208 'In Broken Images', quoted 220
Index 271

'The Halls of Bedlam', 238; interpretation, 19, 256

quoted 231 intertextuality, 263
Greek tragedy, 113 inward ear, 257
Greene, Graham, 123 irony, 66
Brighton Rock, 61; quoted 7, 48
The Heart of the Matter, III, 219 James, Henry, 60, 98, 116, 245
The Quiet American, 98 Notebooks, quoted 39
The Ambassadors, 21, 86; quoted
Hardy, Thomas, 67-9
Far from the Madding Crowd, 61; The Portrait of a Lady, 87
quoted 43-5 The Wings of the Dove, quoted
'Ten Years Since', quoted 200 69-72, 95, 170
The Return of the Native, quoted Johnson, Samuel, 36
62 Jonson, Ben, 102
'The Ruined Maid', III; quoted Joyce, James, IQ2, 258
106 Ulysses, 82; quoted 116
'To the Virgins', 141; quoted 22 Keats, 5, 155
highly structured style, 204 'Ode on a Grecian Urn', quoted
Hitchcock, 103, 104 209
Hobbes, Thomas, 209 'Ode to a Nightingale', 206;
Leviathan, quoted 179 quoted 152
Holland, Philemon, 'To Autumn', quoted 24
his Livy, quoted 168 Kuhn, Thomas, S., quoted 3
Homer, 60, 132,238 Kundera, Milan,
Iliad 22, quoted 172 The Unbearable Lightness of Being,
Hooker, Richard, 38, 167 quoted 83
Hope, A. D.,
'Last Look', quoted 230 Larkin, Philip, 127, 196
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 'Ambulances', quoted 194
'Carrion Comfort', quoted 120, 'Church Going', quoted 157
157 'Myxomatosis', quoted 197
'Felix Randal', quoted 125 Lawrence, D. H., 146, 238
Horace, 146 'Moonrise', 211; quoted 4
Odes, 143 Sons and Lovers, quoted 234
Odes, I, 5, quoted 138 White Peacock, quoted 32
Odes, 2, 13, quoted 148 Leavis, F. R., 42
'House that Jack built, The', Leavis, Q. D., 57
quoted 184 Lieder, 108-9, 145
Housman, A. E., 103, 134, 197 Lincoln, Abraham, 225
'When I watch the living meet', literature
quoted 214 defined, 35
Hughes, Ted, 201 litterae, 35
Huxley, T. H., 37 Lovelace, Richard,
'Tell me not', quoted 133
insight, 92 Lucian, 175
integrity, 51, 127 Lucretius, 76-9, 141
intention, 20 Lyly, John, 168
272 Index

magic realism, 259 Piaf, Edith, 145

making sense of life, 219-38 Pinter, Harold,
Mallarme, Stephane, 159 The Birthday Party, 85
'Sonnet en i majeur', quoted 160 Plautus, 100, 109
Malley, Ern, 27; quoted 159 poetry
Ma10ry, 168 future of, 193-204
Morte d'Arthur, quoted 171 Pope, Alexander,
Malraux, Andre, 162 Essay on Criticism, quoted 178
Marquez Garcia, see Garcia Essay on Man, 178
Marquez, Gabriel Popper, Karl R., 209
Marx, 79 on tradition, 181
meaning, 65, 257 popular song, 145
mental set, 25, 27, 194,258 postmodernism, 258
Mill, John Stuart, Pound, Ezra,
On Liberty, quoted 180 Elizabeth Bishop's poem on, 184
Milton Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, quoted
Paradise Lost, 60, 61, 82, 176; 242
quoted 88, 243 The Garden', quoted 202
mimesis, 110 Propertius
Modigliani, 93-4, 238 Elegies 2, II, quoted 141
Moliere, 100 Elegies 2, 12, quoted 142
Moore, Marianne, Proust, Marcel,
'Poetry', quoted 197 Looking for Lost Time, 82; quoted
moralist and moralizing, 213 115
moral vision, 92, 103
More, Thomas, 167 Rabelais, 219
Murray, Les A., Ransom, John Crowe,
'An Absolutely Ordinary 'Dead Boy', quoted 150
Rainbow', quoted 6 Ravel, Maurice, 185
readability, 48
narrative energy, 89 reading, 259
New Critics, 18-19 reception, 259
Nietzsche, quoted 14 repertoire, 40
nouvelle vague, 82 representation, 47, 55, 219, 233
novel rhetoric, poetic, 113
development of the form, 79-91, rhythm, 11,48,92,116,182-93,
174-5 260
Rilke, Rainer Maria,
'objective' and 'subjective', 37, 177 'Die Erblindende', quoted 154
objective prose, 64,67, 96, 175-82 Robinson, Marilynne,
O'Connor, Frank, 200 Housekeeping, 230
ostensible logic, 58 Royal Society, 36, 175-6, 178

pathetic fallacy, 91 St John's College, Cambridge

Percy, Bishop, 36 Statutes, quoted, 9
performance, 258 Sassoon, Siegfried, 146
perspective, 85, 91-6, 245 Schubert, 108
Petrarch, 138, 143 Seferis, George, 134
Index 273
self-sufficiency of fictional Thomas, Edward,
characters, 96-101 on stress patterns, quoted 135,
Shakespeare, 108, 113 263
As You Like It, quoted 134, 136 'The Owl', quoted 156
Hamlet, 3, 15, 110, 121 tone, 27
Measure for Measure, quoted 246 tradition, 42
Othello, 27 tragic and comic view, 215-19
Sonnet 12, 147; quoted 137 translations, 56
Sonnet 64, quoted 22 tricolon crescendo, 5, 137, 162
The Winter's Tale, quoted 127 Trollope
Shaw, G. B., 113 Barchester Towers, 81; quoted 8,
Shelley, 254 28,85
'Ode to the West Wind', quoted
244 Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 134
Sidney, Philip, 46, 158 verbal texture, 47,49, 50, 91-6,
significance, 27, 47, 261; see also 102
field of significance Virgil, 15, 260
Simonides, quoted 140 Aeneid, 21, 105,234; quoted
Sitwell, Edith, 260 73-9, 245
Snow, C. P., 37 Voltaire
soap opera, 241 Candide, 219
song, beginning of, 131-5
sonnet form, 143 White, Patrick, 60, 120, 200, 249
Sontag, Susan, 19 A Fringe of Leaves, 240; quoted 31
Sophocles, 114 Riders in the Chariot, 107; quoted
sound of sense, 2, 261 104,118
speaking voice, 20 The Twybom Affair, 123
Sprat, Thomas, Voss, quoted 188
History of The Royal Society, Whitman, Walt,
quoted 176, 179 'When lilacs last ... ', quoted 226
starting point in reality, 146-9 Woolf, Virginia, 116, 198
Steiner, George, 20 Mrs Dalloway, quoted 169
Stephens, James, Wordsworth, 257
'The Snare', quoted 196 'Daffodils', 55; quoted 128
Stevens, Wallace, 159 'Intimations of Immortality',
Strachey, Lytton, 8 quoted 250
structure, 29, 47, 50, 61, 256 'She dwelt among the untrodden
'subjective', see 'objective' and ways', quoted 136
'subjective' 'The Solitary Reaper', quoted
subtext, 263 154
'Sweet Hernia', 26
syntax, 167 Yeats, W. B., 146
'Death', quoted 150
testability, 245 'The Lamentation of the Old
text, 263 Pensioner', 106, III; quoted
Theodorakis, Mikos, 134, 145 45
Thomas, Dylan, 194,201 'The Scholars', quoted 248

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