Gulfstream Park: Oxburger
Gulfstream Park: Oxburger
Gulfstream Park: Oxburger
Gulfstream Park 1Â MILES (Turf). (1:38) Md 25000(25-20) Purse $25,000 (includes
$3,000 FHBPA-FOA - FHBPA Florida Owners Awards) For Maidens, Three Years Old And Upward. Three Year
Olds, 119 lbs.; Older, 126 lbs. Claiming Price $25,000, if for $20,000, allowed 1 lb. (Rail at 48 feet).
Post time: 12:45 ET Wagers: $1 Daily Double, $2 Quinella, $1 Exacta, $.50 Beyer par: 70
Trifecta, $.10 Superfecta, $1 Super Hi 5, $.50 Bet 3 , $.50 Pick 5
1 Oxburger
Gr/ro. c. 4 (Feb) KEESEP17 $900,000 Life 7 M 1 2 $34,270 80 D.Fst 2 0 0 0 $0 63
Sire: Tapit (Pulpit) $200,000
Own: Lea Farms LLC
Wet(402) 1 0 1 0 $19,000 77
Dam:Comedy (Theatrical*Ire) 2020 2 M 0 0 $0 63
12-1 White, Black 'Lea Farms,' Sleeves With $25,000 Br: Stonestreet Thoroughbred Holdings LLC (Ky) L 121ª
Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2019 5 M 1 2 $34,270 80 Turf(344) 4 0 0 2 $15,270 80
TORRES C A (104 12 11 16 .12) 2020: (412 45 .11) Tr: Engler Jeff(>) 2020:(29 2 .07)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 92 Late 72 GP ê 0 0 0 0 $0 - Dstê(380) 1 0 0 1 $4,400 69
10ß20 Kee fst 4f :49¦ Bg 12/47
21á20= 8FG fst 1 ï :24.27 :48.59 1:13.37 1:38.83 3ÎMd�Sp�Wt�40k 22 4/6 3§ 4§ô 6¦¦ 6¦« 6¨§õ Sanjur S L125 3.20 57=15 DackJaniels118¦�LookinHigh125§ô�BnditSwnson125¨õ 5w1st�turn,retreated
25â20= 2FG fst 1¬¥ S :24.61 :49.19 1:14.03 1:43.63 3ÎMd�Sp�Wt�45k 63 7/7 3¨ 3§ô 4§ô 6¬ 7¦¥ö Beschizza A L123 2.10 78=11 Samaronti123§ô�Zachry123§ö�Whata�PerfectDay123É 4w�turns,5w1/4,empty
18â20 FG fst 5f 1:02 Bg 24/33
08â20 FG fst 4f :49§ Bg 12/29
12ã19= 6FG fm Í1Â ê :24.14 :50.66 1:15.94 1:47.12 3ÎMd�Sp�Wt�40k 69 5/8 3¨ 2¦ 3¦ 2¦ô 3¨ö Lanerie C J L121 *2.00 62=32 Attorney�Tim121ô�Lookin�High121¨õ�Oxburger121ö 3-4w�turns,shied1/16
02ã19 FG fst 4f :49§ Bg 9/25
21ä19 FG fst 5f 1:00© òBg 1/22
07ä19 Stt fst 4f :50© B 2/3
22Þ19= 4CD slyø 1° ï S :47.98 1:12.98 1:38.16 1:51.44 3ÎMd�Sp�Wt�92k 77 4/6 1Ç 1Ç 1Ç 2Ç 2Ç Santana R Jr L116 3.90 80=22 MorningSocil122Ç�Oxburger116É�WhtPrfctDy110É Long�drv,�out-nodded
25Ü19= 7CD fm 1° ê :47.36 1:12.58 1:37.71 1:50.04 3ÎMd�Sp�Wt�79k 77 3/10 5¨ö 5ª 5¨ô 4§ 3¨ô Santana R Jr L116 5.40 82=16 Kid�Lemuel118¦õ�Alfons�Walde116§õ�Oxburger116ô In�tight�str,flattened
25ß19= 9Kee fm 1° ê :47.83 1:13.39 1:38.45 1:50.39 3ÎMd�Sp�Wt�77k 80 5/11 9«ö 8©ö 8ªõ 5ö 5ö Lanerie C J L118 20.80 91=09 Preacher�Power123É�Bail�Out123É�Trinity123Ç Bid�str�ins,�flattened
24à19=12FG fm Í1 ê :23.47 :48.24 1:12.76 1:37.15 3ÎMd�Sp�Wt�40k 61 2/14 14¦§13¤ô 11¤ 9¤ö 8®õ Lanerie C J L118 3.90 77=14 FirewaterJake116¦õ�MorningSocial123§�FirebllJon123¦ô Off�slow,ducked�in
TRAINER: 61-180Days(14 .21 $3.31) MSWtoMCL(7 .29 $4.31) Dirt/Turf(12 .00 $0.00) Turf(48 .04 $0.73) Routes(101 .11 $1.31) MdnClm(58 .14 $1.31)
GP, race 1, page:1 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
415-1 Le Coste
Dk b/br g(09.22.19) 3 (Mar) Life 6 M 1 0 $12,063 60 D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Sire: Treasure Beach*GB (Galileo*Ire) $7,500
Own: Patricia A Generazio
Wet(220) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Outstanding Henny (Hennessy) 2020 3 M 0 0 $1,900 60
$25,000 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Kelly Green, Pink Dots, Green And Pink Br: Patricia Generazio & Helen Barbazon (Fla) L 119 2019 3 M 1 0 $10,163 58 Turf(292) 6 0 1 0 $12,063 60
MENESES M (115 2 7 14 .02) 2020: (335 22 .07) Tr: Orseno Joseph(38 3 1 3 .08) 2020:(119 9 .08)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 75 Late 69 GP ê 4 0 0 0 $2,300 60 Dstê(310) 2 0 0 0 $580 57
09Ü20 GP fst 4f :50§ B 97/139
12ß20= 8GP fm 1Â ê :24.63 :48.85 1:12.16 1:42.87 3ÎMd�32000(32-30) 57 4/10 5§ 5§ 6ªô 10®ö 7«ö Lebron V L119 12.00 76=15 Dyn127ö�Budget�Buster119§õ�Sir�Chubby126ô Midpack,weakened
28à20 GP fst 4f :49© B 34/69
22à20 GP fst 4f :50¨ B 41/67
20á20= 1GP fm 1 ê :24.08 :47.31 1:11.67 1:35.51 Md�50000(50-45) 60 10/11 6¨ 6ªô 6© 4ªô 4«õ Lopez P L122 23.70 78=16 BdBetBrin122É�RhythmSection122ªõ�BudgtBustr122ö 3-4wd,�one-paced�late
08á20 PmMfst 4f :51© B 36/37
10â20= 4GP fm 1 ê ÿ :23.14 :48.10 1:11.88 1:41.40 Md�75000(75-65) 38 4/7 1¦ 2Ç 4¦ô 7«ô 7¦«ô Saez L L120 2.40 73=13 MkStnd120¦õ�ClvlndSmpson120¨õ�BlssdJorny120¦ô Vied,check�while�fadng
03â20 PmMfst 4f :48§ B 7/19
7ã19= 3GP fm 1 ê :23.79 :48.83 1:13.59 1:37.20 Md�Sp�Wt�40k 58 5/12 5© 5§õ 3ô 2ô 5§ Rendon J L120 11.60 75=14 Majestic�Ro120Ç�Leading�West120¦ô�FakeMuse120ó Vied�3wd�tn,flatn�late
01ã19 PmMfm 4f ê :49 B 19/41
7ä19= 9Aqu fm 1 Ñ :23.15 :48.49 1:13.52 1:37.62 Md�50000 58 5/11 6©õ 5© 4§ 3¦ô 2ô Cancel E L119 26.00 82=14 King's�Honor119ô�Le�Coste119¨ô�Alley Oop Johnny119ö Rail6F,3w�upr,willing
27æ19= 5Bel fm 6f Ñ :22.33 :45.26 :56.49 1:08.06 Md�Sp�Wt�75k 24 1/9 8 6ªô 6©ô 6¦§ 8¦¤ô Carmouche K 119b 46.00 74=07 Jack�and�Noah119¦õ�Turned Aside119§ö�Now�Is119¦ô Rail�to�1/4,to�5p1/8
TRAINER: 2Off45-180(58 .14 $1.22) 31-60Days(136 .15 $1.56) Turf(230 .13 $1.53) Routes(156 .11 $1.52) MdnClm(111 .10 $0.73) J/T 2019-20 GP(2 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(2 .00 $0.00)
53-1 Limetini
Ch. c. 3 (Jan) KEESEP18 $240,000 Blinkers ON Life 2 M 0 1 $2,580 64 D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Sire: Tapiture (Tapit) $7,500
Own: Phoenix Thoroughbred LTD
Wet(385) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Lime Lady (Limehouse) 2020 2 M 0 1 $2,580 64
$25,000 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
White, Orange Stars On Sleeves, White Br: David Purvis & James Purvis (Ky) L 119 2019 0 M 0 0 $0 - Turf(306) 2 0 0 1 $2,580 64
VASQUEZ M A (220 31 27 28 .14) 2020: (434 50 .12) Tr: Pletcher Todd A(90 18 16 16 .20) 2020:(342 66 .19)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 89 Late 79 GP ê 2 0 0 1 $2,580 64 Dstê(320) 2 0 0 1 $2,580 64
17Ü20 GP fst 4f :50© B 88/122
30ß20= 1GP fm 1Â ê :24.64 :49.20 1:12.46 1:42.18 Md�25000(25-20) 64 7/10 2Ç 1ô 1ô 2ô 3§ô Saez L L122 3.90 84=13 Strong�Ending122ö�Cardiac�Kid122¦ö�Limetini122ªö Pace�inside,�weakened
23ß20 GP fst 4f :49© B 11/17
17ß20 GP fst 4f :49¦ B 14/26
2ß20= 9GP fm 1 ê S :24.26 :48.91 1:12.29 1:41.76 Md�Sp�Wt�38k 63 3/12 11¤õ11®ô 10¦¥ 10¦¦ 8¦¥ö Saez L L122 8.40 78=14 Ever�Dangerous122©�Bear�Alley122¦õ�This�Ill�Defend122ô Wide�str,no�bid
21à20 PBD fst 5f 1:02¨ B 8/12
14à20 PBD gd 4f ê :51 B 3/4
07à20 PBD gd 4f ê :49¨ B 1/2
TRAINER: 1stBlink(49 .14 $0.94) BlinkOn(55 .16 $1.01) Turf(465 .18 $1.46) Routes(779 .21 $1.49) MdnClm(156 .28 $1.70) J/T 2019-20 GP(1 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(1 .00 $0.00)
620-1 Plenum
Gr/ro. g(05.20.20) 3 (Feb) Life 0 M 0 0 $0 - D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Sire: Beau Choix (Elusive Quality) $2,500
Own: Just For Fun Stable LLC
Wet(341*) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Erin's World (Pomeroy) 2020 0 M 0 0 $0 -
$25,000 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Royal Blue, Green Star, Green Band On Br: Just For Fun Stable Inc (Fla) ÷ 119 2019 0 M 0 0 $0 - Turf(195) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
REYES L (145 5 10 18 .03) 2020: (158 5 .03) Tr: Amaya Gustavo(8 0 0 2 .00) 2020:(23 1 .04)
GP ê 0 0 0 0 $0 - Dstê(250) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
16Ü20 GPWgd 3f :37 B 4/8
09Ü20 GPWfst 4f :51 B 44/48
02Ü20 GPWfst 4f :51 Bg 33/35
TRAINER: 1stStart(12 .08 $4.30) 1stTurf(7 .00 $0.00) DebutMCL(8 .00 $0.00) Debut>=1Mile(1 .00 $0.00) Turf(69 .06 $0.63) Routes(59 .08 $1.26) J/T 2019-20 GP(46 .07 $1.93) J/T 2019-20(49 .06 $1.82)
720-1 Fortyeightstraight
Gr/ro. c. 3 (Apr) FTKOCT18 $5,000 Life 5 M 0 0 $2,920 60 D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Sire: The Factor (War Front) $17,500
Own: Blackstone Street Racing LLC
Wet(373) 1 0 0 0 $200 51
Dam:Miss C C (Vindication) 2020 4 M 0 0 $1,220 60
$25,000 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Orange, University Of Miami Mascot Br: River Bend Farm Inc (Ky) L 119 2019 1 M 0 0 $1,700 56 Turf(324) 4 0 0 0 $2,720 60
BRAVO J (59 4 9 11 .07) 2020: (143 9 .06) Tr: Lerman Michael(7 0 2 1 .00) 2020:(38 3 .08)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 70 Late 76 GP ê 4 0 0 0 $2,720 60 Dstê(348) 2 0 0 0 $2,040 60
18ß20= 7Tam gdø 1 ï S :25.04 :49.37 1:13.58 1:45.44 Md�Sp�Wt�20k 51 4/7 6© 7ªô 5« 5¦§ 5¦¬õ Hernandez H L120 12.50 64=18 MaroonMnic120§ö�KentuckyGhost120¨�LightCruiser120®ô 4wd�trip,�no�rally,
12à20=10GP gd 1 ê :23.71 :48.18 1:11.81 1:35.05 Md�50000(50-40) 58 7/10 7¦¥ 6ªô 8ªô 8ªô 7ª Zayas E J L122 13.10 81=13 Arithmetic122É�Mystery�Bank122§ô�Dr.�Doyle122Ç Wide�str,no�late�gain
30â20=10GP fm 1 ê :22.85 :47.96 1:12.54 1:43.15 Md�50000(50-40) 60 6/12 10« 11ªô 9¨ö 9©õ 5§õ Zayas E J L120 24.50 80=14 Jstnthnckotm120Ç�MvrckKttn120Ç�îRodRd120§ Keen�early,ins-2w�gain
4â20= 1GP fm 1 ê :22.95 :45.45 1:09.78 1:35.06 Md�50000(50-40) 53 2/8 1ô 2§ 3¦ 5¨ 7¤õ Juarez N L120 7.60 78=12 BlanketofRoses120¦�MontanMn120ö�Tolkien120¦ô Bump
13ã19= 4GP gd 1 ê ÿ :25.21 :48.90 1:12.19 1:43.41 Md�50000(50-40) 56 4/9 9¬ô 8« 8ª 8¤ 4ªö Juarez N L120 32.30 72=22 DomntThmomnt115¨õ�BdgtBstr120¦�RltrDnnyD120¦ô Lunge�st,by�tired�foes
06ã19 CM fst 4f :50¦ Bg 8/10
14ä19 CM fst 4f :49§ B 1/3
17å19 CM fst 4f :49 B 3/6
04å19 CM fst 4f :49§ B 4/7
26Þ19 Del fst 4f :49¨ Bg 3/9
04Þ19 Del fst 4f :51¦ B 13/18
TRAINER: Dirt/Turf(14 .07 $0.94) 31-60Days(40 .07 $0.93) Turf(47 .04 $0.42) Routes(49 .04 $0.29) MdnClm(51 .10 $1.53) J/T 2019-20 GP(1 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(1 .00 $0.00)
GP, race 1, page:2 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
9 Officer Country B. g(12.02.19) 3 (Feb) KEEJAN18 $42,000 Life 3 M 0 1 $2,970 51 D.Fst 1 0 0 1 $2,420 36
Sire: Atreides (Medaglia d'Oro) $2,000
Own: Flying Pheasant Farm LLC
Wet(361) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Glackety (Smoke Glacken) 2020 3 M 0 1 $2,970 51
12-1 Red, Green Crossed Sashes, Green Stars $25,000 Br: Barak Farm (Md) L 119 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2019 0 M 0 0 $0 - Turf(234) 2 0 0 0 $550 51
CAMACHO S (>) 2020: (374 73 .20) Tr: Eppler Mary E(18 0 0 4 .00) 2020:(58 7 .12)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 66 Late 55 GP ê 2 0 0 0 $550 51 Dstê(338) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
1Ü20= 1GP fst 7f ï :22.85 :46.17 1:11.53 1:24.62 3ÎMd�25000(25-20) 36 2/7 6 6©ô 6ªö 5¤ 3® Jaramillo E L119b 10.80 68=16 StrshpBubb119¦õ�NmblBst119¬ö�OffcrContry119Ç Bump&steady�st,�widest
2ß20= 1GP fm 5f ê :21.61 :44.15 :55.86 Md�50000(50-40) 51 4/12 5 7¨õ 7©ô 8ªõ 6©õ Maragh R L120b 42.40 85=09 LivingVicriously120¦�ShsJustQulity115ó�CllCurt120ó Wait�brief�insde�3/8p
23à20 PmMfst 4f :52¦ B 12/14
26á20= 1GP fm 5f ê :21.09 :44.12 :56.10 Md�c-(25-20) 43 9/11 10 10® 10¦¥ 7®ô 5¬õ Torres C Aª L115b 5.40 81=12 Young�Raymond120©�Putman120¦ô�Palace�Kid120¦õ Bmp�st,pass�tired�foes
19á20 PmMfm 4f ê :48© B�(d) 6/35
12á20 PmMfm 5f ê 1:01© B 5/11
04á20 PmMfst 4f :49§ Bg 13/28
25â20 PmMfm 5f ê 1:02§ B�(d) 2/7
18â20 PmMfm 5f ê 1:01§ B�(d) 6/18
TRAINER: Dirt/Turf(26 .08 $0.96) Sprint/Route(31 .19 $2.68) Turf(133 .12 $1.41) Routes(150 .15 $1.64) MdnClm(33 .15 $2.00) J/T 2019-20 GP(4 .25 $17.30) J/T 2019-20(4 .25 $17.30)
GP, race 1, page:3 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
11 Ringle Belle Dk. b or br c. 3 (Mar) KEESEP18 $1,700 Life 4 M 0 0 $1,000 53 D.Fst 2 0 0 0 $600 -
Sire: Cross Traffic (Unbridled's Song) $15,000
Own: Thoroughbred Champions Training Cente
Wet(363) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Ring My Belle (Harlan's Holiday) 2020 3 M 0 0 $600 53
30-1 Red, White Horse Emblem, Red Cap $25,000 Br: C Kidder N Cole & B Kidder (Ky) L 119 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2019 1 M 0 0 $400 - Turf(225) 2 0 0 0 $400 53
OLSSON F (45 2 3 2 .04) 2020: (109 5 .05) Tr: Mejia Jaime(19 3 0 2 .16) 2020:(36 6 .17)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 99 Late 40 GP ê 2 0 0 0 $400 53 Dstê(346) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
06Ü20 TCC fst 4f :49© B 1/1
29ß20 TCC fst 4f :50§ B 1/1
25à20= 4GP fm 1 ê :22.90 :47.14 1:11.42 1:35.26 Md�16000(16-14) 53 1/12 1§ 1¦ 2ô 5© 6¬õ Zapico S L122 8.60 78=13 PutinOnline122¦�BeachTraffic121§ô�StillSchemin122ô Set�pace,gave�way�upr
12á20= 3GP fm 1 ê :23.57 :46.73 1:10.90 1:36.10 Md�16000(16-14) 45 3/11 1Ç 2Ç 1Ç 2ô 7ªõ Zapico S L120 114.70 76=12 Juan�Boly120¦ö�Muhlenberg120ô�Shangassah120¦ Vied�inside,�gave�way
2â20= 6GP fst 1 S :23.45 :46.66 1:11.72 1:37.04 Md�16000(16-14) -0 7/8 6§ö 8¤ô 8§ª 8©¨ 8¬¤ Berrios Hector I L120 25.80 09=13 Smash120¦§õ�Consilium113©ö�Fast�One120¦ô Done�early,�eased�up
18ã19= 5GP fst 1 :24.19 :47.30 1:12.32 1:38.71 Md�Sp�Wt�40k -0 1/6 6¨ 6¬ô 6§¥ 6§® 6©¨õ Zapico S L120 56.40 31=22 Tiz�Rye�Time120ô�CandyTycoon120©ö�PointDriven120ö Urged�early,�eased�up
14ã19 GP fst 4f :51 Bg 73/85
06ã19 TCC fst 4f :49© òBg 1/4
29ä19 TCC fst 4f :50 B 1/3
23ä19 TCC fst 4f :50¦ Bg 2/3
TRAINER: 1stW/Trn(15 .27 $7.64) 31-60Days(36 .08 $1.29) Turf(87 .06 $1.98) Routes(74 .05 $1.89) MdnClm(143 .06 $1.62) J/T 2019-20 GP(3 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(3 .00 $0.00)
Also Eligible:
13 Apache Ch. c. 3 (Jun) OBSOPN19 $15,000 Life 3 M 0 0 $2,350 55 D.Fst 1 0 0 0 $1,700 55
Sire: Khozan (Distorted Humor) $8,500
Own: Brent Fernung
Wet(398) 2 0 0 0 $650 47
Dam:Readybdancing (More Than Ready) 2020 3 M 0 0 $2,350 55
8-1 Tan, Burgundy Circled Star, Burgundy $25,000 Br: Brent & Crystal Fernung M Sebastian D Flanaga (Fla) L 119 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2019 0 M 0 0 $0 - Turf(271) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
CAMACHO S (>) 2020: (374 73 .20) Tr: O'Connell Kathleen(19 1 2 3 .05) 2020:(208 30 .14)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 104 Late 31 GP ê 0 0 0 0 $0 - Dstê(301) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
10Ü20= 2GP slyø 1 :23.54 :46.50 1:11.37 1:37.79 3ÎMd�25000(25-20) 47 1/8 1ô 1ô 4§ô 6¤ô 6¦¨ô Saez L L119b *1.90 70=21 Three�Deep118ó�W�W�Candy119§ô�Aycapote119ªõ Bumped�tiring�uppr�str
23ß20 GPWfst 5f 1:02§ B 1/1
27à20= 3GP fst 6f :22.56 :45.33 :57.80 1:11.22 Md�50000(50-40) 55 2/9 3 3§ 4ªô 4ªô 4«ö Davis D L120b 16.40 80=17 Tapping120¨õ�Bourbon�Street120¦ö�Light�Fury120¦ö Driven�3wd�turn,evenly
15à20 GPWfst 4f :51 B 6/9
22á20= 3GP gd 7f :22.30 :45.40 1:10.97 1:24.21 Md�Sp�Wt�43k 32 2/9 4 5¨ 5© 6¦¥ 5§¥õ Rendon J L120b 13.20 59=10 Liam's�Point120ö�Mud�Pie120§ô�Ellis�Island120¦õ Hit�gate&bump�st,tired
14á20 GPWfst 4f :51 B 5/9
04á20 GPWfst 5f 1:02¦ B 2/4
15â20 GPWfst 5f 1:03 òBg 1/4
03â20 GPWfst 5f 1:02© Bg 1/3
TRAINER: 1stTurf(53 .11 $1.64) Dirt/Turf(76 .12 $1.69) Turf(296 .14 $1.48) Routes(397 .16 $1.63) MdnClm(259 .17 $1.63) J/T 2019-20(8 .38 $3.73)
GP, race 1, page:4 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 1, page:5 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
Gulfstream Park 1 MILE (1:33) Md 10000 Purse $16,000 (includes $2,000 FHBPA-FOA -
FHBPA Florida Owners Awards) For Maidens, Three Years Old And Upward. Three Year Olds, 118 lbs.; Older,
125 lbs. Claiming Price $10,000.
Post time: 1:15 ET Wagers: $1 Daily Double, $2 Quinella, $1 Exacta, $.50 Beyer par: 58
Trifecta, $.10 Superfecta, $1 Super Hi 5, $.50 Bet 3 , $.50 Pick 4
GP, race 2, page:6 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
612-1 Consilium
Ch. c. 3 (Feb) KEESEP18 $22,000 Life 13 M 4 0 $22,100 60 D.Fst 7 0 3 0 $15,600 60
Sire: Carpe Diem (Giant's Causeway) $15,000
Own: Cairoli Racing Stable
Wet(360) 3 0 1 0 $5,170 54
Dam:Luna Bean (Malibu Moon) 2020 7 M 4 0 $17,730 60
$10,000 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Royal Blue, Royal Blue 'Gs' On Red Ball Br: Joseph Treffiletti (Ky) L 113ª 2019 6 M 0 0 $4,370 50 Turf(283) 3 0 0 0 $1,330 36
TREJOS J (44 4 8 5 .09) 2020: (49 4 .08) Tr: Sano Antonio(78 11 10 10 .14) 2020:(217 21 .10)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 65 Late 75 GP 9 0 4 0 $19,150 60 Dst(336) 8 0 3 0 $15,750 60
10Ü20= 4GP slyø 1 ï ÿ :23.28 :46.05 1:10.66 1:37.47 3ÎMd�12500(12.5-10.5) 54 9/13 8« 9¬õ 5¦¥ 5¦§ 5¦¦õ Martinez G A¬ L111fb 6.00 74=21 More�Than�Usual118¬õ�Castillete122¦ô�Khattaf118§ô 4-5wd�turn,�evenly�str
26ß20=11GP slyø 1 ï :23.63 :48.01 1:13.49 1:48.81 Md�14000(16-14) 53 1/10 10¦§10¦¦ 8¬ô 5¨ô 2Ç Martinez G A¬ L115fb 7.70 65=23 Inconveyance123Ç�Consilium115É�JckBenstlk123É In�back,rail,inchng�up
19ß20= 3GP fst 1 ÿ :23.91 :46.60 1:11.24 1:37.99 3ÎMd�12500(12.5-10.5) 53 3/6 2ô 3ô 3© 4© 4¬õ Reyes L L119fb 4.00 76=15 Ingrido127¨ô�StrongEnding119ö�BipBipFullPowr111¨ Hard�bump�start,�faded
11ß20 GPWfst 5f 1:03 B 18/23
04ß20 GPWfst 5f 1:03¦ B 15/17
28à20 GPWfst 4f :49© B 21/37
21à20= 4GP fst 1 ÿ :25.03 :48.81 1:14.06 1:39.14 Md�12500 52 2/6 5¦ô 4§ 4§ô 2© 2«õ Lebron V L120fb *2.00 71=26 Purecrzidude120«õ�Consilium120¦õ�MountinTre113ô Stalked,inside,2wd�bid
14à20 GPWwf 5f 1:03 B 8/13
5à20= 1GP fst 1 :23.49 :45.63 1:10.16 1:37.14 Md�25000(25-20) 52 6/7 4¦õ 3© 5« 5¬ô 4¦§õ Gaffalione T L120fb 10.50 75=15 HlyMchch120§ô�EmbrcMyUncl120®ö�UnBbyBrd120Ç 3wd�turn,�faded�to�str
29á20 GPWfst 4f :49© B 10/16
22á20 GPWfst 5f 1:02§ B 11/25
16â20= 2GP fst 1 :23.64 :46.70 1:11.43 1:38.43 Md�12500 60 2/9 7ªô 7©ô 4¤ 3« 2É Martinez G A¬ L113fb 3.30 80=15 Bundi�Bundi120É�Consilium113¦�At�the�Beach120®ô Gaining�late,just�miss
2â20= 6GP fst 1 S :23.45 :46.66 1:11.72 1:37.04 Md�16000(16-14) 51 5/8 7©õ 5© 4©ô 3¬ô 2¦§õ Martinez G A¬ L113fb 5.50 75=13 Smash120¦§õ�Consilium113©ö�Fast�One120¦ô 3wd�turn,mild�response
15ã19= 7GP fst 1 :24.00 :47.43 1:12.94 1:39.00 Md�12500 40 5/11 9ªô10¬ô 9¤õ 7®ô 5¦¥ö Burgos A¬ L113f 3.50 61=28 Cstgno120É�AttheBech113©õ�ProspectProject120§ö Swung�5w,by�tired�foes
6ã19= 7GP fst 1 :24.27 :47.44 1:13.04 1:39.44 Md�25000 43 1/8 8« 8©õ 7«ô 5¬ô 4¤ô Burgos A¬ L113f 11.80 61=25 Point�Winner120¦ö�Bundi�Bundi120¦�Excalibur120ªö In�back�ins,5wd�bid
22ä19= 4GPWfm 1 ê :24.13 :48.93 1:14.06 1:39.71 Md�50000 33 3/7 7®ô 7® 7¦¦ 6¦¦ 6¦©õ Prado E S L119 24.60 69=13 I'm�More�Ready119§ô�Allgorilla119¨ô�Appraised119¨ö Outside,no�impact
TRAINER: Dirt(470 .12 $1.10) Routes(369 .13 $1.92) MdnClm(308 .10 $1.35) J/T 2019-20 GP(3 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(3 .00 $0.00)
GP, race 2, page:7 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 2, page:8 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 2, page:9 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
Gulfstream Park 6 Furlongs (1:08) çClm 25000N2L Purse $25,000 (includes $3,000
FHBPA-FOA - FHBPA Florida Owners Awards) For Fillies And Mares Three Years Old And Upward Which
Have Never Won Two Races. Three Year Olds, 120 lbs.; Older, 125 lbs. Non-winners Of A Race Since April 23
Allowed 2 lbs. Claiming Price $25,000
Post time: 1:45 ET Wagers: $1 Daily Double, $2 Quinella, $1 Exacta, $.50 Trifecta, $.10 Superfecta, $1 Super Hi 5, $.50 Bet 3 Beyer par: 70
2 Grey Jazmine
Gr/ro. f. 3 (Apr) KEESEP18 $10,000 Life 7 1 0 1 $14,550 61 D.Fst 5 1 0 0 $11,570 61
Sire: Graydar (Unbridled's Song) $4,000
Own: Thoroughbred Champions Training Cente
Wet(423) 1 0 0 1 $2,640 57
Dam:Jehan (Forest Wildcat) 2020 7 1 0 1 $14,550 61
10-1 Red, White Horse Emblem, Red Cap $25,000 Br: Twin Creeks Farm (Ky) L 118 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2019 0 M 0 0 $0 - Turf(239) 1 0 0 0 $340 -
ZAYAS E J (221 28 32 28 .13) 2020: (515 59 .11) Tr: Mejia Jaime(19 3 0 2 .16) 2020:(36 6 .17)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 74 Late 52 GP 6 1 0 1 $14,210 61 Dst(373) 3 0 0 1 $3,500 57
15Ü20= 8GP gd 6f S :22.46 :46.12 :58.62 1:11.58 çClm�25000(30-25) 57 6/6 2 5©ô 2§ô 2§ô 3« Trejos Jª L115b 12.10 80=14 SolidsRock121ªö�LovlyLdyLxi121É�GryJzmin115®ô Advncd4w,drift�in,wknd
23ß20= 2GP fst 6ôf ÿ :22.80 :45.69 1:11.11 1:17.95 3ÎçMd�16000 61 2/8 2 1¦ô 1¦ 1© 1ªõ Trejos Jª L113b 11.40 86=15 GreyJazmine113ªõ�Cbrin118¦§�Sheknowsthedrill118ª Soon�clear,drifted,drv
2ß20= 2GP fst 5ôf :22.53 :46.13 :58.42 1:05.00 3ÎçMd�16000(16-14) 28 2/11 6 10¦¦ 10¦§ 9¦ª 6¦« Berrios Hector I L119b 38.00 71=15 Bibiana119ªõ�Markistan119ö�Mystic Comin Home112ô 2wd,4wd,no�factor
8à20= 4GP fst 1 :24.67 :48.28 1:12.86 1:38.69 çMd�50000(50-40) 21 6/7 6§ô 6¨ 7¤ 7¦« 7§« Dominguez C G L120 67.50 53=18 Topo�Grigio120É�Flashing�Red120«�Witch�Hunter120¦õ Outside,empty�turn
28á20= 1GP fm 1 ê :22.59 :47.64 1:12.71 1:36.81 çMd�50000(50-40) - 9/10 5« 10¦¥ 10¨« - - Berrios Hector I L120 46.00 - 18 Special Liaison113©ô�Andiama120§�Madame�Moon120ô Pulled�up,walked�off
16á20= 1GP fst 6f :22.45 :45.85 :58.02 1:11.27 çMd�Sp�Wt�44k 29 4/9 5 5§ 7«ô 8¦¦ 9¦¤õ Berrios Hector I L120 58.20 69=10 Remanded120¦ô�RoyalMeghan120É�BePresent120Ç Dropped�back�thru�turn
11á20 TCC fst 4f :49¦ B 1/1
04á20 TCC fst 4f :48© B 1/1
27â20 TCC fst 4f :50 B 1/1
20â20 TCC fst 4f :49§ B 1/1
12â20= 4GP fst 6f :21.87 :44.75 :57.25 1:10.99 çMd�Sp�Wt�43k 31 4/9 2 5®ô 5¦¦ 7¦© 7¦¬ Berrios Hector I L120 25.50 72=09 Motivated�Seller120«�Senora�Roma120¦�Tonal�Vision120§ Through�early
27ã19 TCC fst 4f :49¨ òB 1/6
20ã19 TCC fst 4f :49© òB 1/6
TRAINER: Dirt(256 .05 $1.27) Sprint(269 .05 $1.33) Claim(95 .04 $1.08)
GP, race 3, page:10 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 3, page:11 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 3, page:12 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
Gulfstream Park 1 MILE (1:33) çMd 10000 Purse $16,000 (includes $2,000 FHBPA-FOA
- FHBPA Florida Owners Awards) For Maidens, Fillies And Mares Three Years Old And Upward. Three Year
Olds, 118 lbs.; Older, 125 lbs. Claiming Price $10,000.
Post time: 2:15 ET Wagers: $1 Daily Double, $2 Quinella, $1 Exacta, $.50 Trifecta, $.10 Superfecta, $1 Super Hi 5, $.50 Bet 3 Beyer par: 50
19-2 Crystalina
Ch. f. 3 (Feb) KEESEP18 $185,000 Life 4 M 1 1 $6,240 46 D.Fst 3 0 1 1 $5,900 46
Sire: Candy Ride*Arg (Ride the Rails) $100,000
Own: Super Super Stable
Wet(448) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Evening Garden (Unbridled's Song) 2020 4 M 1 1 $6,240 46
$10,000 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Red And Yellow Blocks, Red Sleeves, Red Br: Wygod Equine LLC (Ky) L 118 2019 0 M 0 0 $0 - Turf(333) 1 0 0 0 $340 4
BERRIOS HECTOR I (82 10 6 11 .12) 2020: (160 24 .15) Tr: Sanchez Amador M(36 3 3 5 .08) 2020:(137 12 .09)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 90 Late 39 GP 3 0 1 1 $5,900 46 Dst(405) 2 0 1 1 $5,750 46
13Ü20 GP fst 4f :52 B 26/27
3Ü20= 1GP fst 1 :23.54 :46.77 1:12.15 1:39.79 3ÎçMd�12500(12.5-10.5) 39 8/12 3¦ô 3¦ô 1¦ 1ô 3ªô Berrios Hector I L119b 11.70 68=18 Etana119¦õ�Upsy�Daisy�Do121©õ�Crystalina119¦ô Bmp�st,3-2wd,clear,wkn
29ß20 GP fst 3f :38§ Bg 11/12
18ß20= 2GP fst 5ôf 1:06.56 3ÎçMd�12500(12.5-10.5) 27 5/10 10 10¤õ 7¬ô 7« 5®ö Bravo J L119b 6.40 70=17 MystcComnHom119ó�Mrkstn119©ô�ImprssnGvn120¦õ Bumped�st,�5wd�1/4p
11ß20 GP fst 4f :51 B 96/109
14à20= 2GP fst 1 S :24.30 :48.17 1:13.33 1:40.52 çMd�c-(16-14) 46 1/6 1¦ 1¦ 1¦ 1¦ 2¦ô Gaffalione T L120b 1.70 68=17 Boss�Wife120¦ô�Crystalina120¬ô�Bust�Out�Lady120ö Set�pace,clear2nbest
07à20 PBD fst 4f :49© B 17/23
26á20= 5GP fm 1 ê :24.70 :48.13 1:11.88 1:36.95 çMd�50000(50-45) 4 1/10 7¬ 10¦¦ 10¦¤ 10§¥ 10¨¥ Castellano J J L120 3.90 47=15 MmphisShowbot120§õ�UncornSlly120§õ�Flordo120É Stead'd�erly,drop�back
17á20 PBD fst 4f :50§ Bg 13/17
09á20 PBD fst 4f :51§ Bg 24/27
TRAINER: Dirt(137 .11 $2.53) Routes(97 .12 $1.26) MdnClm(94 .11 $2.29) J/T 2019-20 GP(167 .17 $3.11) J/T 2019-20(182 .16 $2.93)
GP, race 4, page:13 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
420-1 Zandrea's
Ch. f. 3 (Feb) KEESEP18 $17,000 Life 4 M 0 0 $820 45 D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Sire: Animal Kingdom (Leroidesanimaux*Brz) $11,000
Own: Polivka Equine Holdings LLC
Wet(239) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Casa Pippo (Deputy Commander) 2020 4 M 0 0 $820 45
$10,000 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Green, Black Sash, Black Sleeves, Green Br: Godolphin & Ladyswell Bloodstock LLC (Ky) L 118 2019 0 M 0 0 $0 - Turf(337) 4 0 0 0 $820 45
VASQUEZ M A (220 31 27 28 .14) 2020: (434 50 .12) Tr: Walder Peter R(22 7 4 2 .32) 2020:(71 12 .17)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 61 Late 75 GP 0 0 0 0 $0 - Dst(358) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
16Ü20 GP gd 3f :37© B 11/14
17ß20= 4GP fm 1 ê ý :23.23 :46.87 1:11.34 1:36.02 çMd�16000(16-14) 32 9/12 3¦ô 5¨ô 8« 8¦¥ 8¦©ö Jaramillo E L122 28.20 66=21 La�Viexa122¦ö�Garner�State�Park122§ö�A BeautifulDay122§õ 4wd�turns,�faded
25à20= 2GP fm 1 ê :22.52 :45.90 1:10.55 1:35.75 çMd�16000(16-14) 27 6/10 4§ 4§ 7¨ô 8¤ 7¦¨ô Lopez P L120b 6.10 69=13 MssOvrThr120¦ô�HrmoncThundr120Ç�GrnrSttPrk120ô Forced�wide�1st�turn
21à20 GP fst 3f :39§ Bg 28/29
14à20 GP gd 4f :52¦ B 80/83
14á20=10GP fm 1 ê :23.21 :47.82 1:12.15 1:42.85 çMd�c-(16-14) 38 11/12 11®õ11®ö 11¤ö 10® 5¦¥ö Sanchez J L120 12.50 72=13 IllDoItMyWy120¨�BigBossLdy120É�BettrBgin120¦ô Bump�&�force�wide�1st
01á20 PmMwf 4f :50¨ B 19/24
20â20= 1GP fm 1 ê C :23.20 :48.42 1:13.37 1:37.42 çMd�25000(25-20) 45 10/12 11® 12¬ô 12«ô 11«õ 8ª Sanchez J L120 51.20 69=16 Tournesol120É�MriesMelody120¦õ�SubtleJoy120É Broke�slow,�uninvolved
11â20 PmMfst 4f :50¦ Bg 40/82
05â20 PmMfm 4f ê :50 B�(d) 23/26
TRAINER: Turf/Dirt(15 .27 $2.51) 31-60Days(104 .21 $3.60) Dirt(174 .22 $3.12) Routes(130 .15 $2.31) MdnClm(19 .11 $1.59) J/T 2019-20 GP(81 .27 $2.49) J/T 2019-20(83 .27 $2.43)
5 Water Wizard
Ch. f. 3 (Jan) Life 9 M 2 0 $10,760 39 D.Fst 6 0 2 0 $9,970 36
Sire: Flashstorm (Storm Cat) $2,500
Own: Angel M Medina
Wet(280) 1 0 0 0 $160 14
Dam:Gaizka (Point Determined) 2020 6 M 2 0 $9,960 36
12-1 Gold And Blue Diamond Halves, Red '3,' $10,000 Br: Angel M Medina (Fla) L 113ª
Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2019 3 M 0 0 $800 39 Turf(224) 2 0 0 0 $630 39
TREJOS J (44 4 8 5 .09) 2020: (49 4 .08) Tr: Medina Angel M(8 0 1 0 .00) 2020:(16 0 .00)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 58 Late 52 GP 7 0 2 0 $10,130 36 Dst(280) 1 0 0 0 $160 14
10Ü20= 1GP slyø 1 ï :23.61 :46.90 1:12.50 1:40.14 3ÎçMd�12500(12.5-10.5) 14 10/10 10¤õ10® 10¦¦ 6¦ª 6¦®ô Fuentes M¬ L112 11.50 52=21 GenericMark126É�BellaGianna118¨ö�Smartizr119© Swung�very�wide,outrun
23ß20= 2GP fst 6ôf ÿ :22.80 :45.69 1:11.11 1:17.95 3ÎçMd�16000 16 5/8 1 5¨ô 5©ô 4¦¦ 4§§õ Fuentes M¬ L111 4.80 64=15 Grey�Jazmine113ªõ�Cabrina118¦§�Sheknowsthedrill118ª 2wd�turn,�no�factor
5ß20= 1GP fst 6f :22.85 :46.91 1:00.03 1:13.73 3ÎçMd�12500(12.5-10.5) 34 4/9 1 9©õ 5© 4¨ 2©õ Fuentes M¬ L112 2.80 71=16 DistinctlySassy118©õ�WaterWizrd112§�SilverNin119¨ö Saved�ground,rail�bid
12à20= 4GP fst 7f :23.57 :46.42 1:12.45 1:26.14 çMd�16000(16-14) 36 8/8 1 7«ô 6®ô 3¨ 2¨ö Fuentes M¦¥ L110 7.00 66=16 StaminaPrincess112¨ö�WaterWizrd110¦õ�LViex120¦ô Unhurried,ins,2wd�gain
08à20 GP fst 4f :49§ B 21/57
13á20= 2GP fst 6f :23.29 :46.84 :59.36 1:12.69 çMd�12500(12.5-10.5) 29 7/11 1 6© 6©ô 6¤ 8¦¦ô Quiroz L L120 46.80 68=19 ìMystcCmnHm113§ö�Vckythbst120©�StmnPrncss114¦ö Mid-range,gave�way
26â20= 2GP fst 6f :23.07 :47.65 1:00.91 1:14.62 çMd�12500 24 3/12 1 9« 8ªõ 6¨ö 4¨ö Quiroz L L120 96.50 66=20 Anothersongndnce120¦ö�DixielndDrem115ô�Nnit120¦ô Mild�rally�far�outside
26ã19= 5GP fst 6ôf S :23.11 :46.40 1:12.89 1:19.32 çMd�12500 22 1/10 5 6©ô 6¬ 4¤ 6¦¦ö Alvarez J L L120 17.10 66=15 Hrtling120¦ô�AwsomEvil120«ô�SnowndLillylynn113¦ö Steadied�5/8pl,�outrun
5ã19=10GP fm 1 ê :22.85 :47.78 1:12.42 1:36.49 çMd�25000 14 6/11 4§ô 4¨ 7ªô 10¦¨ 11§§ö Gonzalez S L120b 66.70 58=15 Interest120¦�Fast�Fraction120¦ö�Better�Begin115¦õ In�range,faded�turn
24ä19 GP fst 3f :36 B 3/16
10ä19= 5GPWfm 5f ê :21.82 :46.00 :58.36 çMd�Sp�Wt�39k 39 3/8 3 3§ 5« 5©ö 7¬õ Batista J A L119b 48.20 82=08 NormsLove119ö�ChoosetoBeHppy119¦�Merseyside119¦ô Up�clse�early,wknd
06ä19 GP fst 3f :36¦ Bg 2/6
23å19 GP fst 4f :48¨ Bg 9/15
13å19 GP fst 4f :49© B 28/61
29æ19 GP fst 4f :49© Bg 40/63
TRAINER: Dirt(16 .00 $0.00) Routes(15 .00 $0.00) MdnClm(17 .00 $0.00)
6 Lola Wants
Dk. b or br f. 3 (Apr) Life 2 M 0 0 $640 29 D.Fst 2 0 0 0 $640 29
Sire: Chitu (Henny Hughes) $4,500
Own: Judy Karlin
Wet(348*) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:First Wife (Private Terms) 2020 1 M 0 0 $140 29
20-1 Brown, Orange Diamond Frame, Orange Yoke $10,000 Br: Judy Karlin (Fla) L 118 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2019 1 M 0 0 $500 24 Turf(250) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
REYES L (145 5 10 18 .03) 2020: (158 5 .03) Tr: Mongeon Kathy P(14 0 1 0 .00) 2020:(28 0 .00)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 62 Late 36 GP 2 0 0 0 $640 29 Dst(323) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
9Ü20= 5GP fst 6f S :22.90 :46.59 :59.40 1:13.05 3ÎçMd�10000 29 9/10 1 4©ô 4ªô 4« 5¬ Reyes L L118 6.80 71=12 Poseidons�Princess118ó�Nenita111¦ô�Socially Astray119ªô 3wd�turn,�no�rally
02Ü20 GP fst 4f :49¨ Bg 44/91
28ß20 GP fst 5f 1:01 B 4/11
18ß20 GP fst 5f 1:05¦ B 26/26
11ß20 GP fst 4f :49 B 45/109
04ß20 GP fst 4f :49§ B 51/113
28à20 GP fst 3f :36¨ B 6/13
28æ19= 9GP fst 5ôf :22.91 :46.14 :58.29 1:05.19 çMd�Sp�Wt�68k 24 4/11 6 8ª 9¤ô 10¦© 9¦¬ö Reyes L L119 75.00 69=14 Big�Affair119«�Heiressindy119ô�Glory�Dia119¦õ Btwn�early,faded
TRAINER: 2OffOver180(2 .00 $0.00) Sprint/Route(19 .05 $0.58) 2Sprints/Route(2 .00 $0.00) Dirt(52 .12 $3.05) Routes(50 .06 $2.59) MdnClm(10 .30 $2.70) J/T 2019-20 GP(23 .09 $0.79) J/T 2019-20(29 .14 $0.93)
78-1 Sheknowsthedrill
B. f. 3 (Apr) OBSAPR19 $15,000 Life 4 M 0 1 $3,410 32 D.Fst 4 0 0 1 $3,410 32
Sire: Drill (Lawyer Ron) $4,500
Own: Kathleen O'Connell
Wet(363) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Lady Elite (Mr. Greeley) 2020 3 M 0 1 $3,150 32
$10,000 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Yellow, Black Sash, Black Bars On Yellow Br: Best A Luck Farm LLC (Fla) L 118 2019 1 M 0 0 $260 - Turf(182) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
RODRIGUEZ A A (87 5 6 16 .06) 2020: (122 7 .06) Tr: O'Connell Kathleen(19 1 2 3 .05) 2020:(208 30 .14)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 87 Late 21 GP 3 0 0 1 $3,150 32 Dst(287) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
08Ü20 GPWfst 4f :51 B 11/15
23ß20= 2GP fst 6ôf ÿ :22.80 :45.69 1:11.11 1:17.95 3ÎçMd�16000 26 7/8 5 3§ 3¦ô 3¤ô 3¦¬õ Rodriguez A A L118b 4.00 69=15 GreyJazmine113ªõ�Cabrin118¦§�Sheknowsthedrill118ª Hit�gate,�chased�3wd
10ß20 GPWfst 5f 1:03¨ B 1/1
12à20= 4GP fst 7f :23.57 :46.42 1:12.45 1:26.14 çMd�16000(16-14) 32 3/8 3 1¦ 1¨ô 1¦ 4«ô Rendon J L120b 7.00 63=16 StaminaPrincess112¨ö�WaterWizard110¦õ�LaViex120¦ô Pace,collared�midstr
08à20 GPWfst 4f :51© B 16/19
13á20= 5GP fst 6f :22.90 :46.31 :58.92 1:12.39 çMd�25000(25-20) 11 7/8 5 6¨ 5©ô 7¦¥ 8§¦õ Rendon J L120b 12.70 61=19 Shellphone120ªõ�Pasatime120ô�Irish�Thunder120¦ô Bumped�st,�2wd,�tired
29â20 GPWfst 5f 1:02§ òBg 1/4
18â20 GPWfst 4f :50 B 9/15
01â20 GPWfst 4f :51 B 4/6
17å19= 1GPWfst 6f :22.80 :47.03 :59.70 1:12.80 çÐMd�35000 -0 6/6 1 3¦ 4§ 6¦ª 6¨¨õ Zayas E J L120b 5.50 46=16 Beasaichi115ó�Kozy Kat120¦¨ö�St.�Louie�Arch120ªö Up�clse�early,faded
TRAINER: Sprint/Route(72 .10 $1.22) Dirt(417 .19 $1.59) Routes(397 .16 $1.63) MdnClm(259 .17 $1.63) J/T 2019-20 GP(2 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(2 .00 $0.00)
GP, race 4, page:14 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
815-1 Liza
Ch. f. 3 (Jan) Blinkers OFF Life 5 M 0 0 $6,420 31 D.Fst 3 0 0 0 $5,830 31
Sire: Brethren (Distorted Humor) $7,500
Own: Arindel
Wet(365) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Liza Doolittle Day (Curlin) 2020 3 M 0 0 $1,020 31
$10,000 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
White, White Tree On Green Ball, White Br: Arindel (Fla) L 118 2019 2 M 0 0 $5,400 30 Turf(225) 2 0 0 0 $590 16
JARAMILLO E (206 24 23 23 .12) 2020: (474 61 .13) Tr: Alvarado Juan(41 8 1 3 .20) 2020:(96 15 .16)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 82 Late 33 GP 2 0 0 0 $830 31 Dst(326) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
16Ü20 Ari fst 5f 1:03¦ B 1/1
09Ü20 Ari fst 6f 1:18 B 1/1
02Ü20 Ari fst 4f :50 B 1/1
26ß20 Ari fst 5f 1:02 B 3/3
18ß20 Ari fst 5f 1:03 B 4/5
09ß20 Ari fst 5f 1:01© B 1/1
18à20= 1GP fm 5f ê :21.84 :44.06 :56.07 çMd�25000(25-20) 16 5/8 2 6© 8¤ô 7¦§ 7¦¨ö Zayas E J L120b 14.80 74=08 Royal�Jewel120ª�Dinner�At�Five120ô�Dream�Adrianna120¦ö Cut�corner,�tired
28á20= 1GP fm 1 ê :22.59 :47.64 1:12.71 1:36.81 çMd�45000(50-40) 14 1/10 1¦ 1ô 5§ô 8®õ 9§¨õ Zayas E J L119b 26.90 54=18 Special Liaison113©ô�Andiama120§�Madame�Moon120ô Pressured�pace,tired
10â20= 2GP fst 6f :22.36 :45.68 :58.35 1:12.31 çÐMd�Sp�Wt�43k 31 2/10 4 8ª 8¤ö 9¦¥ 8¦©ö Zayas E J L120b 71.30 67=19 Freezer�Burn120É�Shazzy�B120¨�Ms. Malevolence120¦ô Failed�to�respond
15ã19= 1GP fst 6f :22.82 :45.96 :58.23 1:11.77 çÐMd�Sp�Wt�40k 30 8/11 2 7©ô 6¬ 6¦§ 6¦©ô Maragh R L120b 37.40 69=17 DncingDestroyer120¦ô�DilyGrce120ªö�RomnticTle120§ 2wd�turn,no�rally�rail
2Ü19= 1Bel fst 5f :22.21 :45.25 :57.51 çMd�Sp�Wt�92k 19 3/5 4 3ô 3©ô 4¦§ 5§¦ô Maragh R L119b 8.40e 77=06 AureliGrlnd118ª�TlkYouOutofIt118ªö�SwetMlni118§õ 2w,ask�&�vie�btw�early
TRAINER: 61-180Days(23 .09 $1.28) Turf/Dirt(25 .28 $7.48) BlinkOff(5 .00 $0.00) Sprint/Route(33 .15 $1.49) Dirt(167 .14 $1.90) Routes(105 .16 $2.42) J/T 2019-20 GP(71 .28 $3.71) J/T 2019-20(75 .27 $3.51)
9 Amber Princess
Ch. f. 3 (Feb) Life 7 M 0 0 $4,210 48 D.Fst 2 0 0 0 $2,050 36
Sire: Amira's Prince*Ire (Teofilo*Ire) $2,500
Own: Kimberly D Black
Wet(321*) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Kinlin (Unbridled) 2020 4 M 0 0 $1,220 41
30-1 Green, Black And Gold Stars, Green Cap $10,000 Br: Helen Barbazon & Joseph Barbazon (Fla) L 111¬
Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2019 3 M 0 0 $2,990 48 Turf(304) 5 0 0 0 $2,160 48
FUENTES M (84 7 14 4 .08) 2020: (128 12 .09) Tr: Black Dolphin(4 0 0 0 .00) 2020:(10 0 .00)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 58 Late 68 GP 1 0 0 0 $600 36 Dst(318) 2 0 0 0 $2,050 36
3Ü20= 1GP fst 1 :23.54 :46.77 1:12.15 1:39.79 3ÎçMd�12500(12.5-10.5) 36 2/12 11¦¥ 9¦¥ 8®ô 6« 4¬ Vasquez M A L119 76.10 67=18 Etana119¦õ�Upsy�Daisy�Do121©õ�Crystalina119¦ô Slow�early,�mild�rally
23ß20= 1GP fm 1 ê :25.53 :49.88 1:14.18 1:45.15 3ÎçMd�12500(12.5-10.5) 17 4/12 3§ 3§ 5§ô 12¦¦ 12§ªõ Vasquez M A L119 7.40 47=13 Calentita126¦õ�Laska127®�Delia's�Pride112ô In�range�early,�tired
3ß20= 9GP fm 1 ê :24.91 :49.96 1:14.52 1:44.97 3ÎçMd�25000(25-20) 39 7/11 6ª 6©ô 7© 9«ö 9¦¦ Mitchell R L119b 96.30 62=23 SingsongBird127ó�CherokSound119ö�TondUp119ö Bump�start,steadied1st
22à20 GPWfst 3f :37© òB 1/5
18á20 GPWfst 5f 1:02§ B 3/3
8â20= 1GP fm 1 ê S :22.65 :46.89 1:11.13 1:41.69 çMd�25000(25-20) 41 6/11 10¦§10¦§ 8®ö 8¬ö 7¬ô Meneses M L120 19.30 82=12 JoyousTims120ó�CouplofNkks120É�ChrokSound120Ç Inside�1/4p,no�threat
14ã19= 1GP fm 1 ê :23.04 :46.79 1:12.44 1:36.47 çMd�25000(25-20) 41 6/9 9¦© 9¦¦ 6§ 4ª 4¤ô Gonzales J J L120 5.20 72=10 JustaBitSassy120©ô�MriesMelody120É�Puklni120¨ö Bumped�st,�swung�5wd
05ã19 GP fst 3f :38© B 6/6
27ä19 GP fst 4f :50 B 16/26
13ä19= 5GPWfst 1 ÿ :25.17 :49.74 1:15.07 1:42.07 çMd�50000 34 1/6 1Ç 3§ 5«ô 4¬ 4¤ô Gonzales J J L119 10.20 68=23 AbrrioForever119Ç�Gonesgirlcnget119ö�CtsJNJ119¬ö Tire�insd,lost�whip1/8
27å19= 3GPWfm 1 ê :22.57 :46.50 1:12.32 1:39.39 çMd�50000 48 6/9 7¦© 6¦¨ 6®ô 7©ö 6©ö Gonzales J J L119 31.90 80=12 PattyHeaney119§ô�SubtleJoy119¦õ�CoupleofNikkis119ö Off�pace,inside,3wd
19å19 GP fst 5f 1:01¨ B 16/36
12å19 GP fst 4f :48¨ Bg 31/96
TRAINER: Dirt(18 .00 $0.00) Routes(11 .00 $0.00) MdnClm(21 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20 GP(1 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(1 .00 $0.00)
10 Witch Hunter Dk. b or br f. 3 (Apr) OBSAPR19 $7,500 Blinkers ON Life 5 M 2 1 $11,300 56 D.Fst 5 0 2 1 $11,300 56
Sire: Khozan (Distorted Humor) $8,500
Own: Atlantis Service Tool CA Inc
Wet(396) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Wave Bye Bye (Congrats) 2020 2 M 1 1 $6,740 55
6-5 Navy Blue And Black Halves, White $10,000 Br: Brent Fernung & Crystal Fernung (NY) L 118 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2019 3 M 1 0 $4,560 56 Turf(245) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
ZAYAS E J (221 28 32 28 .13) 2020: (515 59 .11) Tr: Barboza V Jr(39 5 6 5 .13) 2020:(83 13 .16)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 72 Late 56 GP 2 0 1 1 $6,740 55 Dst(294) 3 0 1 1 $7,120 55
09Ü20 GP fst 5f 1:02¦ B 25/45
11ß20= 2GP fst 1 ÿ :23.97 :46.79 1:12.04 1:39.84 3ÎçMd�c-(12.5-10.5) 53 3/9 7©ô 4ª 4ª 2ªô 2É Gaffalione T L119 *.20 73=22 Union�Lane119É�Witch�Hunter119¬�Nenita119ªõ Getting�to�winner�late
05ß20 GP fst 4f :47§ B 6/65
29à20 GP fst 4f :48 B 7/62
22à20 GP fst 3f :38¨ B 28/33
8à20= 4GP fst 1 :24.67 :48.28 1:12.86 1:38.69 çMd�50000(50-40) 55 2/7 5¦ô 4§ 5©ô 5¤ô 3«õ Gaffalione T L120b 2.60 73=18 TopoGrigio120É�FlshingRed120«�WitchHunter120¦õ Wide�3/16p,along�show
02à20 GPWfst 5f 1:01 òB 1/5
24á20 GPWfst 3f :37§ B�(d) 2/7
20ä19= 1GPWfst 7f :22.61 :46.58 1:11.84 1:25.07 çMd�20000 56 5/9 4 3¦ô 5§ô 3« 2¬ö Torres C Aª L114b *.80 77=15 DreamMarie119¬ö�WitchHunter114¤õ�Mrs.Miniver119¦ô Lost�position,�rallied
3ä19= 4GPWfst 1 :25.38 :49.86 1:15.54 1:42.28 çMd�Sp�Wt�40k 26 5/9 6©õ 6¦ö 7©õ 7ªô 6¦§õ Juarez N L120b 5.00 64=24 Greater�Plan120§ô�So�Dear120¦ö�Abarrio Forever120¨ö Clip�heels�1st�turn
13å19= 4GPWfst 6ôf :22.30 :45.56 1:11.66 1:18.78 çMd�Sp�Wt�39k 52 6/9 9 9¨ô 8¬ö 6ªõ 6ªô Torres C Aª L114 20.40 84=10 Choose�Joy119¦õ�Glory�Dia119É�Freezer�Burn119É Inside,2wd,no�threat
TRAINER: 1stClaim(43 .53 $3.00) BlinkOn(14 .36 $1.80) 31-60Days(126 .21 $1.11) Dirt(220 .25 $1.37) Routes(103 .20 $1.21) MdnClm(77 .17 $1.06) J/T 2019-20 GP(33 .33 $1.78) J/T 2019-20(35 .31 $1.68)
GP, race 4, page:15 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
Gulfstream Park 1Â MILES (Turf). (1:38) Clm 12500(12.5-10.5) Purse
$20,000 (includes $3,000 FHBPA-FOA - FHBPA Florida Owners Awards) For Four Year Olds And Upward.
Weight, 123 lbs. Non-winners Of A Race At A Mile Or Over On The Turf Since April 23 Allowed 2 lbs. Claiming
Price $12,500, if for $10,500, allowed 1 lb. (Rail at 108 feet).
Post time: 2:46 ET Wagers: $1 Daily Double, $2 Quinella, $1 Exacta, $.50 Trifecta, $.10 Superfecta, $1 Super Hi 5, $.50 Bet 3 Beyer par: 81
230-1 Themanbehindtheman
B. g(06.08.18) 5 (Feb) Life 17 3 1 2 $107,083 84 D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Sire: Quality Road (Elusive Quality) $200,000
Own: Mitchell Goldberg Frank Catapano Mary
Wet(424) 1 0 0 0 $1,080 54
Dam:Fastbridled (Unbridled's Song) 2020 1 0 0 0 $190 54
$12,500 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Lime, Purple Diagonal Stripes, White Br: Jamm Ltd (Ky) L 121 2019 9 2 0 1 $43,752 84 Turf(338) 16 3 1 2 $106,003 84
PRADO E S (10 1 2 1 .10) 2020: (131 18 .14) Tr: McGoey Monica(18 1 0 0 .06) 2020:(83 11 .13)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 88 Late 80 GP ê 6 2 0 0 $38,630 84 Dstê(399) 7 1 1 2 $36,040 84
17Ü20 GP fst 3f :36 B 4/53
10Ü20 GP fst 3f :36© B 9/27
04Ü20 GP fst 4f :48¨ B 6/11
11ß20= 7GP fm 1 ê :24.06 :48.16 1:11.59 1:35.28 4ÎClm�16000(16-14) -W 54 8/11 1¦ô 1ô 2ô 5¨ô 10¦§ Meneses M L121 22.50 73=12 DrbyChmpgn121É�Robintkinchrg121ö�KingOrb121Ç Pace,headed�1/4,tired
07ß20 GP fst 3f :35© B 3/8
29à20 GP fst 4f :49© B 46/62
22à20 GP fst 4f :49§ B 26/67
14æ19= 5GP fm Í7ôf ê :24.26 :48.39 1:11.51 1:29.50 3ÎClm�16000B 47 5/9 6 7© 7¨ö 8¤ö 8¦¨ö Gutierrez R L122 *1.60 77=11 RemembertheMine122Ç�HotndHvy122¦ô�GloblEntry122ô 4wd�bid�tn,no�threat
13Û19=11Sar gd 1 Ñ :23.83 :48.12 1:12.49 1:36.27 3ÎClm�25000 74 3/10 4¨ô 4¨ô 4¨ 5§ 8ªô Gaffalione T L125 20.20 81=18 PatriotDrive125¦ô�DerbyChampagne123ô�CtchCb123¦õ Inside�journey,falter
5Û19= 7Mth fm 1Â ê :23.21 :47.31 1:11.04 1:41.99 Õ3ÎAlw�44250N1X 74 3/7 2¦ 3¦ô 4§ô 4« 5« Juarez N L120 5.80 86=12 WrTrety119¦ô�FreedomMttrs120©õ�RockthCuswy115ó Angled�out,�no�rally
10Þ19= 7Del slyø 1¬¥ ï :24.00 :48.49 1:13.75 1:43.97 3ÎAlw�41650N1X 54 3/7 2¦ 2ô 5§õ 5«ô 5¦ªö Garcia Jose A L121 3.30 57=38 Fact of War119¬õ�Bob's�My�Uncle121É�Zitman124§ô Chased�2-3wd,�tired�6f
25Ü19= 7Del fm Í1¬¥ ê :24.06 :48.41 1:12.58 1:41.30 3ÎAlw�36250N1X 73 2/7 1ô 1Ç 1Ç 1Ç 3¦õ Garcia Jose A L121 *1.10 96=02 Inclusiv116ö�MountinHoldy116ô�Thmnbhndthmn121§ Even�pace,�outkicked
11Ü19=11Mth fm 1Â ê :22.73 :47.10 1:11.13 1:42.04 Õ3ÎAlw�45250N1X 72 9/9 5¨ 5© 6ªô 6¤ 6«ö Gallardo A A L122 *1.30 84=12 Dharmaster120ö�King of Spades120§õ�Bantu120¦õ 3w�trip,�no�bid
23à19=11GP fm 1 ê ÿ :24.01 :48.22 1:11.89 1:41.12 4ÎAlw�50000s 84 5/8 2¦ 2Ç 1Ç 1¦ô 1§ Leparoux J R L121 2.20 90=15 Themnbhindthmn121§�Escondr121É�NtionlHonor121ó Vied�2pth,drew�clear
16á19= 1GP fm 1 ê :24.03 :47.76 1:11.26 1:35.82 4ÎAlw�50000s 80 3/7 5©ô 6¨ 6§ô 5¨ô 4©õ Castellano J J L121 *1.50 80=18 Valycove121Ç�Blakey121¦õ�All�Go121¨ Fractious�gate,�3-4wd
5â19= 8GP fm 1 ê :23.20 :47.08 1:11.23 1:35.86 4ÎClm�30000(30-25)N2L 82 3/12 5©ô 6ª 3© 2§ 1§õ Castellano J J L121 *2.20 84=18 Thmnbhindthmn121§õ�Andronikos119¦�Aprcdo121§ô 3wd�run,�wore�down�foe
TRAINER: 2OffOver180(4 .25 $1.75) 31-60Days(32 .06 $0.31) Turf(66 .14 $2.45) Routes(90 .11 $2.18) Claim(123 .11 $2.11) J/T 2019-20 GP(8 .25 $3.00) J/T 2019-20(8 .25 $3.00)
GP, race 5, page:16 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 5, page:17 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
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Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
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Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
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Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
Also Eligible:
13 Year of the Kitten Dk b/br g(10.13.19) 5 (May) Life 23 3 3 0 $129,170 83 D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Sire: Kitten's Joy (El Prado*Ire) $75,000
Own: Neal Hayias
Wet(352) 1 0 0 0 $850 44
Dam:Transformation (Langfuhr) 2020 5 0 0 0 $2,420 81
20-1 Pink, Gold 'J' On Black Diamond, Black $10,500 Br: Kenneth L Ramsey & Sarah K Ramsey (NY) L 115ª
Synth 1 0 1 0 $14,100 67
2019 8 1 1 0 $25,950 83 Turf(328) 21 3 2 0 $114,220 83
TREJOS J (44 4 8 5 .09) 2020: (49 4 .08) Tr: Reynolds Patrick L(5 0 0 0 .00) 2020:(14 0 .00)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 57 Late 87 GP ê 10 1 1 0 $24,840 83 Dstê(351) 11 1 1 0 $54,900 81
8Ü20= 5GP fm 5f ê :21.69 :44.03 :55.60 4ÎClm�14000(16-14) 50 2/8 7 7¦¦ 7¦¦ 7¦§ 7®ö Meneses M L120 16.00 80=10 New�York's�Finest121¦õ�Kyle120¨�Chief�White�Sox121§ Lacked�speed�inside
26ß20= 9GP slyø 1 ï S :25.13 :49.14 1:13.04 1:45.12 3ÎClm�12500 44 1/6 5© 5«ô 4®ô 4¦ª 4¦¤ Landeros C L125 10.10 66=23 Roddick127ó�MorningStride125¦ªõ�GreatKahun125§ö Inside,3-4w,no�threat
19ß20 PmMfst 4f :50 B 10/22
30à20 PmMfm 4f ê :49 B�(d) 16/34
14à20 PmMfst 4f :53 B 63/63
29á20= 1GP fm 1 ê :21.84 :45.79 1:09.82 1:34.03 4ÎClm�16000(16-14) 56 6/12 11¦©10©ô 11«õ 11¬õ 8¦¦ Lugo C D L121b 13.30 80=07 Gunslinger122É�Bondurant121¦õ�Hot�and�Heavy116ô Slow�st,in�tight�early
9á20= 5GP fm 1 ê :23.28 :47.24 1:10.78 1:34.04 4ÎClm�16000(16-14) 74 5/12 8« 8©ö 6ª 6« 7©ö Lebron V L121b 15.10 86=15 Flowmotion121ô�Just�the�Facts121É�The�Queens�Jules121É No�factor
03á20 PmMfst 4f :50 B 27/33
18â20=12GP fm 1 ê :24.51 :48.35 1:11.67 1:41.66 4ÎClm�c-(16-14) 81 8/10 8©ö 7¨ö 7¨õ 5¦ö 4¦õ Ortiz J L L121b 5.70 88=14 Bold�Daddy121ô�Gosilently121É�American Ninja121ô Shift�out,gradual�gain
13â20 PmMfst 5f 1:00¨ B 2/9
06â20 PmMfst 5f 1:03§ B 9/9
4ã19=10GP fm 1 ê :22.13 :45.13 1:09.12 1:33.46 3ÎClm�16000N3L 78 2/11 7¤ô 7¤ô 6© 7§õ 1É Ortiz I Jr L122b *2.00 96=09 Year�oftheKitten122É�GinsandTins119ó�HoneyDont122§õ 7wd�uppr,in�time
4å19= 2Med fm 1Â ê :23.71 :47.74 1:11.58 1:44.34 3ÎClm�10000(10-9) 62 6/10 4§ 3§ 3§ 2¨ô 4«ô Diaz H R Jr L119b 3.00 73=21 Rough Night112§ö�Senor�Louie119ö�Baltic�Art119¨ Bobbled�brk,�btwn
16æ19= 4Prx gd 7ôf ê 1:30.09 3ÎClm�20000 70 1/9 4 6¬ô 5ª 4©ô 4ªô Carmouche K L121b *1.80 95 - Cloontia121ó�Trilogy124©õ�Secret�Secret121¦õ Failed�to�sustain
11Ý19= 7Sar fm 1° Ñ :48.34 1:12.60 1:36.10 1:47.52 3ÎÐAlw�80000N1X 72 2/11 5¨ 6¨ 6§ö 7©ö 9«õ Lezcano J L123b 6.00 86=07 Cross Border123¦õ�Opt120ó�Southern�King118ô Keen�2p,ask4w1/4,empty
19ß19= 3GP fm 1 ê :23.17 :45.76 1:09.72 1:34.10 3ÎOC50k/SAL50k-N 83 5/7 5¨ 4¨ 2Ç 3ô 2¦ô Juarez N L122b 2.00 91=08 Morocco122¦ô�YeroftheKittn122ö�Justcllmnormn118§õ 3wd�adv�turn,dueled
TRAINER: Sprint/Route(10 .30 $3.26) Turf(39 .10 $0.95) Routes(35 .14 $1.49) Claim(30 .13 $1.17)
GP, race 5, page:21 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 5, page:22 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
Gulfstream Park 6ô Furlongs (1:14§) Md Sp Wt 45k Purse $45,000 (includes $5,000
FHBPA-FOA - FHBPA Florida Owners Awards) For Maidens, Three Years Old And Upward. Three Year Olds,
118 lbs.; Older, 124 lbs.
Post time: 3:16 ET Wagers: $1 Daily Double, $2 Quinella, $1 Exacta, $.50 Trifecta, Beyer par: 74
$.10 Superfecta, $1 Super Hi 5, $.50 Bet 3, $.20 Rainbow Pick 6
1 Man of Honor
B. c. 3 (Apr) Life 5 M 1 1 $15,200 74 D.Fst 4 0 1 1 $12,800 74
Sire: Curlin (Smart Strike) $175,000
Own: Louie Roussel III and Ronald Lamarque
Wet(423) 1 0 0 0 $2,400 67
Dam:Beyondallboundarys (Saint Liam) 2020 3 M 0 0 $3,900 68
15-1 Black, Titanium Lightning Bolts Br: Louie J Roussel III (Ky) L 118 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2019 2 M 1 1 $11,300 74 Turf(299) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
PRADO E S (10 1 2 1 .10) 2020: (131 18 .14) Tr: Roussel Louie J III(2 1 0 0 .50) 2020:(44 9 .20)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 101 Late 63 GP 0 0 0 0 $0 - Dst(400) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
18Ü20 GP fst 5f 1:02¦ B 5/8
11Ü20 GP gd 5f 1:00 òB 1/4
03Ü20 GP fst 4f :46¨ B 2/67
25ß20 MBFfst 3f :37© B 2/2
21à20= 7FG fst 1 :24.07 :48.59 1:13.37 1:43.66 Md�Sp�Wt�50k 65 12/12 2¦ 2ô 2ô 4ª 7¦§ô Geroux F L120b 13.20 80=10 Mystic�Guide120ª�Amani's�Eagle120ô�Verb120¦ö 5-4p1st,2-3p2nd,empty
15à20 FG fst 5f :59© òB 1/25
09à20 FG fst 5f 1:01 B 5/20
5á20= 8FG myø 1 ï :24.53 :48.65 1:14.10 1:40.07 3ÎMd�Sp�Wt�40k 67 1/7 1ô 1ô 1ô 2ô 4§ö Graham J L118 *1.70 80=19 Coach�Bahe118¦õ�Lookin�High125Ç�A.�K.�Safari125¦ô 2p�turns,headed�1/8
18â20= 8FG fst 6f :22.13 :45.90 :57.38 1:09.39 Md�Sp�Wt�50k 68 1/8 2 3§ô 4§ 5© 5¦¥õ Murrill M L120 5.20 87=06 Echo�Town120§ô�Earner120«�Chrystal Sphere120¦ô Taken�up�4-1/2�to�1/2
29ä19= 7FG fst 6f :22.06 :46.08 :58.12 1:10.73 Md�Sp�Wt�45k 74 7/7 1 2¦ 3¦ 2ô 2ô Murrill M L120 7.90 91=11 Incorruptible120ô�ManofHonor120É�FairCatch120¦õ 2p�turn,bid3/16,gamely
2ä19= 4Haw fst 6f ý :22.05 :45.77 :58.09 1:11.57 Md�Sp�Wt�23k 42 2/10 9 9¦© 9®õ 6¦¦ 3ªô Felix J E L120 4.00 77=12 Big�Man�Bob120ô�Wild�Wes120ª�Man�of�Honor120¦õ Inside,�3p,�late�gain
TRAINER: 61-180Days(49 .10 $0.85) Route/Sprint(17 .29 $3.55) Dirt(60 .18 $1.52) Sprint(86 .19 $1.68) MdnSpWt(39 .10 $1.09)
38-1 Curlingo
Ch. c. 3 (Feb) KEESEP18 $900,000 Life 0 M 0 0 $0 - D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Sire: Curlin (Smart Strike) $175,000
Own: Eclipse Thoroughbred Partners
Wet(436) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Whatdreamsrmadeof (Graeme Hall) 2020 0 M 0 0 $0 -
Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Black, Light Blue Sash, Light Blue Dots Br: Summer Wind Equine (Ky) ÷ 118 2019 0 M 0 0 $0 - Turf(256) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
VASQUEZ M A (220 31 27 28 .14) 2020: (434 50 .12) Tr: Pletcher Todd A(90 18 16 16 .20) 2020:(342 66 .19)
GP 0 0 0 0 $0 - Dst(385) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
17Ü20 PBD fst 5f 1:01§ òB 1/4
10Ü20 PBD fst 4f :49¨ Bg 2/5
03Ü20 PBD fst 5f 1:01¦ òB 1/4
26ß20 PBD fst 4f :50© Bg 11/15
18ß20 PBD fst 5f 1:03¦ B 9/10
11ß20 PBD fst 4f :50 B 10/19
04ß20 PBD fst 4f :50§ B 8/15
28à20 PBD fst 3f :38§ B 1/2
14à20 Bdw fst 4f :50 òB 1/10
17â20 Bdw fst 4f :51© B 3/4
10â20 Bdw fst 4f :52§ B 3/4
TRAINER: 1stStart(196 .21 $1.80) Dirt(672 .23 $1.52) Sprint(358 .22 $1.50) MdnSpWt(351 .23 $1.55) J/T 2019-20 GP(1 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(1 .00 $0.00)
GP, race 6, page:23 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 6, page:24 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 6, page:25 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
Gulfstream Park 5 Furlongs (Turf). (:53¨) OC50k/SAL50k Purse $33,000 (includes
$4,000 FHBPA-FOA - FHBPA Florida Owners Awards) For Three Year Olds Which Have Started For A Claiming
Price Of $50,000 Or Less And Which Have Never Won A Race Other Than Maiden Or Claiming Or Claiming Price
$50,000. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners Of A Race Since April 23 Allowed 2 lbs. Claiming Price $50,000 (Rail at 48
Post time: 3:49 ET Wagers: $1 Daily Double, $2 Quinella, $1 Exacta, $.50 Beyer par: NA
Trifecta, $.10 Superfecta, $1 Super Hi 5, $.50 Bet 3 , $.50 Pick 5
1 Public Safety
B. g(01.07.19) 3 (Feb) Life 3 1 1 0 $40,740 61 D.Fst 2 1 1 0 $40,400 61
Sire: Langfuhr (Danzig) $5,000
Own: Tim W Rosin
Wet(373) 1 0 0 0 $340 32
Dam:Jock's Girl (Belong to Me) 2019 3 1 1 0 $40,740 61
20-1 Green, Gold Cross And Stars, Green Stars $50,000 Br: Tim William Rosin (Minn) L 120 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2018 0 M 0 0 $0 - Turf(302) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
VASQUEZ M A (220 31 27 28 .14) 2020: (434 50 .12) Tr: Mongeon Kathy P(14 0 1 0 .00) 2020:(28 0 .00)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 83 Late 43 GP ê 0 0 0 0 $0 - Dstê(344) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
19Ü20 GP gd 3f :38 B 1/1
01Ü20 SPC fst 4f :52¦ B 11/12
19ß20 SPC fst 3f :39 B 2/3
14æ19= 7Cby fst 5f :22.77 :46.84 :59.63 ÐMd�Sp�Wt�34k 48 7/9 5 2Ç 3ô 2ô 1Ç Goncalves L D LB118 *1.10 87=11 Public�Safety118Ç�Dr.�Woz118§ô�Bandurria118¦õ Hustled�3wd,steady�bid
1æ19= 5Cby fst 6f :22.37 :45.70 :58.46 1:12.06 ÐNthLtsFutB100k 61 1/7 6 5¦ô 3§ 3§ 2¦ Goncalves L D LB115 11.10 82=14 HppyHorCowby120¦�PblcSfty115§õ�BgFlcnRckt120¦ Tracked�insd,bid�3w1/8
25Ý19 Cby fst 5f 1:00§ H 2/6
10Ý19= 5Cby slyø 5f :22.48 :46.11 :58.83 ÐMd�Sp�Wt�34k 32 5/9 4 3É 1Ç 3¦ô 5«õ Arrieta F LB118 3.90 85=08 HppyHorCowby119¦ö�MrDsLgnd118§ö�CrmlAngl118ô Vied�3wd�btw,�gave�way
03Ý19 Cby fst 5f 1:00¦ Hg 3/16
25Û19 Cby fst 4f :47© Hg 3/33
TRAINER: 1stW/Trn(16 .19 $1.88) +180Days(3 .33 $5.20) 1stTurf(2 .00 $0.00) TurfSprints(32 .16 $2.36) Dirt/Turf(20 .00 $0.00) Turf(66 .11 $1.46) J/T 2019-20 GP(2 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(2 .00 $0.00)
212-1 Factorino
Gr/ro. c. 3 (Feb) KEESEP18 $12,000 Life 10 1 4 0 $63,602 76 D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Sire: The Factor (War Front) $17,500
Own: Thoroughbred Champions Training Cente
Wet(378) 1 0 1 0 $8,400 51
Dam:Gracewood (Unbridled's Song) 2020 4 1 0 0 $29,090 76
$50,000 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Red, White Horse Emblem, Red Cap Br: Grace Thoroughbred Holdings LLC (Ky) L 120 2019 6 M 4 0 $34,512 74 Turf(346) 9 1 3 0 $55,202 76
BERRIOS HECTOR I (82 10 6 11 .12) 2020: (160 24 .15) Tr: Mejia Jaime(19 3 0 2 .16) 2020:(36 6 .17)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 102 Late 47 GP ê 7 1 1 0 $39,622 76 Dstê(382) 8 1 3 0 $54,452 76
24ß20= 5GP fm 5f ê :21.27 :43.67 :55.65 3ÎOC�62k/N2X -N 38 5/8 2 3¦ô 4ª 8®ô 8¦«ô Reyes L L118 45.50 73=13 Tiger�Blood124É�Coop�TriesHarder124¨ô�Chaps124É Edgy�gate,�bumped�st
16ß20=10GP fm 5f ê C :21.85 :43.77 :55.39 3ÎOC�25k/N1X -N 74 3/8 1 1ô 2Ç 2Ç 5¨ Reyes L L118 13.40 89=09 Real�Money124É�Captain�Ron124ô�Long�Blade124ô Pace�inside,�weakened
08ß20 TCC fst 4f :49§ òB 1/4
01ß20 TCC fst 4f :49© Bg 1/3
26à20 TCC fst 4f :50 B 1/3
17á20= 6GP fm 5f ê C :22.44 :44.75 :56.53 Alw�52000NC 60 4/6 5 3§ 3§ 4¦ 4© Berrios Hector I L118 4.60 82=14 AyAySir118¦ö�CjunCsnov124ö�Muchmorthnthis121¦ô Lunge�st,rail�bid,wknd
18â20= 1GP fm 5f ê :20.89 :43.20 :55.46 Md�Sp�Wt�43k 76 8/12 1 1¦ 1¦ 1¦ô 1Ç Berrios Hector I L120 3.20 91=09 Factorino120Ç�Union�Colonel120§�The Virginian120§ Speed,game,held�on
21ã19= 1GP gd 5f ï :22.59 :45.16 :58.00 Md�Sp�Wt�41k 51 3/7 2 2¦ 2§ 2© 2« Berrios Hector I L120 4.20 88=09 Ralston120«�Factorino120®�Discreet�Tune120É Chased�outside�winner
30ä19= 9GP fm 1 ê :22.74 :45.62 1:09.27 1:33.02 PulpitB75k 56 3/11 1§ô 1¦ô 2¦ô 5¤ô 8¦«õ Martinez G A L118 62.40 82=12 Sole�Volante118§�Irish�Mias122¦ô�KingGuillermo118ªô Set�pace,collared�turn
10ä19= 3GPWfm 5f ê :22.09 :45.16 :57.47 Md�Sp�Wt�46k 74 4/8 3 1¦ô 1ô 1Ç 2ô Berrios Hector I L119 3.20 92=08 Deo�Forte119ô�Factorino119¨õ�Mystery�Bank120ó Speed,duel,game
20å19= 8GPWfm 5f ê :22.55 :46.68 :58.83 Md�Sp�Wt�38k 67 9/10 1 2§ô 2¦ 2¦ô 2É Berrios Hector I L119 3.80 86=12 ZainoBoyz119É�Factorino119¦õ�BlazingDesire119Ç 2-3wd,bump�1/16,missed
28æ19= 6GP fm 5f ê :21.81 :44.03 :55.66 HlywdBchB75k 59 3/8 5 6¨ 6¨ô 4©ô 5¬ Berrios Hector I L117 7.70 83=07 CajunCasanova121¨ô�MnWithPln121¦ô�SongRiver118§ 2wd�tn,no�late�threat
25æ19 GP fst 4f :50 Bg 14/17
13æ19= 9GP fm 5f ê :21.67 :44.58 :56.61 Md�Sp�Wt�42k 61 11/12 1 1¦ô 1§ 1ô 2É Zapico S L119 55.10 85=13 Ete�Indien119É�Factorino119É�Deo�Forte119©ö Set�pace,�caught
18Ý19 Sar my 4f :50¦ B 15/21
06Ý19 TCC fst 4f :50¦ Bg 2/2
TRAINER: TurfSprints(43 .05 $0.76) Turf(87 .06 $1.98) Sprint(269 .05 $1.33) Claim(95 .04 $1.08) J/T 2019-20 GP(32 .06 $1.40) J/T 2019-20(59 .07 $1.80)
GP, race 7, page:26 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
5 Surprise Factor
Gr/ro. c. 3 (Apr) KEESEP18 $35,000 Blinkers OFF Life 4 1 0 2 $23,700 64 D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Sire: The Factor (War Front) $17,500
Own: Partner Stable LLC
Wet(375) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Smarty Deb (Smart Strike) 2019 4 1 0 2 $23,700 64
15-1 White, Red Yoke, Red And Blue Horse Head Br: Scott Dilworth & Evan Dilworth (Ky) L 120 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2018 0 M 0 0 $0 - Turf(351) 4 1 0 2 $23,700 64
REYES L (145 5 10 18 .03) 2020: (158 5 .03) Tr: Delgado Alexis(13 2 1 1 .15) 2020:(44 5 .11)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 67 Late 35 GP ê 2 0 0 1 $3,400 52 Dstê(378) 4 1 0 2 $23,700 64
13Ü20 GP fst 3f :35¨ òB 1/8
06Ü20 GP fst 4f :48§ Bg 4/22
27ß20 GP fst 5f 1:03 B 5/8
18ß20 GP fst 4f :52© B 79/82
11ß20 GP fst 3f :39 B 37/38
1ä19= 3GPWfm 5f ê :22.74 :46.74 :59.05 Md�50000 64 5/7 2 2Ç 1Ç 1¨ 1¨ Reyes L L120b *1.60 85=13 Surprise�Factor120¨�Fentynola120©�Fire�Fist120§ö Vied�2wd,going�away
25å19 GP fst 5f 1:02¨ B 7/10
3å19= 6GPWfm 5f ê :22.29 :45.45 :57.81 Md�50000 47 8/10 4 3¨ 3ª 4¤ 3«õ Zayas E J L119b 11.20 85=08 Henry's World119ªô�My�G�P�S119ö�Surprise Factor119ô Bumped�turn,6wd�late
13æ19= 9GP fm 5f ê :21.67 :44.58 :56.61 Md�Sp�Wt�42k 9 8/12 3 4§ô 6«ô 7¦¦ 8¦ªô Gutierrez R L119b 8.60 69=13 Ete�Indien119É�Factorino119É�Deo�Forte119©ö Chased�pace,tired
16Ý19=10GP fm 5f ê :23.20 :46.66 :58.87 Md�50000 52 7/10 6 4¨ô 4¦ô 3¦ô 3§ö Gutierrez R L118 4.80 71=20 Go�Time118ô�Deo�Forte118§õ�Surprise�Factor118ö 3wd�adv�1/4p,kpt�on�4w
TRAINER: 1stW/Trn(17 .12 $0.82) TurfSprints(22 .09 $1.92) BlinkOff(10 .30 $2.88) Turf(60 .15 $2.70) Sprint(94 .13 $1.46) J/T 2019-20 GP(43 .16 $2.14) J/T 2019-20(54 .17 $2.02)
65-2 Remaster (Ire) Dk b/br g(02.23.19) 3 (Mar) Blinkers ON Life 3 1 2 0 $38,890 71 D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Sire: Kodiac*GB (Danehill) $72,000
Own: Drawing Away Stable
Wet(280*) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Vee Gita*Ire (Vettori*Ire) 2020 1 0 1 0 $6,090 66
Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Electric Blue, Fluorescent Orange Circle Br: Patrick Grogan (Ire) L 120 2019 2 1 1 0 $32,800 71 Turf(326) 3 1 2 0 $38,890 71
CAMACHO S (>) 2020: (374 73 .20) Tr: Dibona Robert S(11 1 4 1 .09) 2020:(38 10 .26)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 100 Late 52 GP ê 3 1 2 0 $38,890 71 Dstê(238) 3 1 2 0 $38,890 71
11Ü20 GP gd 4f :51 B 4/4
01Ü20 GP fst 4f :48§ Bg 2/12
21ß20 GP fst 5f 1:01 B 2/4
10ß20 GP fst 4f :51¦ B 22/24
5à20= 9GP fm 5f ê :21.28 :44.12 :56.10 OC�c-25k/SAL25k 66 5/8 4 3¦ô 3¦ 3¦ 2É Gaffalione T L119 *1.50 88=11 MiamiCrockett119É�Remster119ö�BhminPrince119¨ô Bump�st,3wd�bid,edged
29á20 PmMfm 5f ê :58§ òB 1/7
19á20 PmMfm 5f ê 1:02¨ B�(d) 4/7
29ä19= 3GP fm 5f ê :21.43 :43.97 :55.83 OC�75k/N1X 71 4/6 4 3¨ 3« 3¨ô 2§ Juarez N L118 *.90 87=11 HenrysWorld118§�Remster118¦õ�Muchmorethnthis118¦ö 3wd�uppr,solid�bid
26Ü19= 9GP fm 5f ê :22.29 :45.15 :56.95 Md�Sp�Wt�42k 65 9/12 3 1§ 1¨ô 1©ô 1¨õ Jimenez A L118b *2.00 84=14 Remaster118¨õ�Kuduro118¦ö�Blazing�Desire118§ô Sharp,geared�down�late
TRAINER: 1stClaim(29 .21 $1.33) 61-180Days(6 .17 $2.47) TurfSprints(14 .07 $0.33) BlinkOn(5 .40 $2.64) Turf(78 .19 $1.60) Sprint(73 .19 $1.53) J/T 2019-20 GP(29 .41 $3.04) J/T 2019-20(32 .44 $3.05)
GP, race 7, page:27 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
92-1 Gemo
Ch. c. 3 (Apr) Life 8 2 0 1 $54,643 67 D.Fst 5 2 0 1 $52,163 67
Sire: Gemologist (Tiznow) $4,500
Own: Rodrigo Cunha
Wet(358) 2 0 0 0 $2,150 63
Dam:She's Enough (Exploit) 2020 3 1 0 0 $21,530 67
$50,000 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Navy, Red Circled 'Bf,' Red Stripe On Br: Rodrigo Cunha (Ky) L 120 2019 5 1 0 1 $33,113 65 Turf(258) 1 0 0 0 $330 57
JUAREZ N (51 5 3 1 .10) 2020: (119 8 .07) Tr: Crichton Rohan(34 3 5 3 .09) 2020:(102 12 .12)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 94 Late 68 GP 6 1 0 1 $31,513 67 Dst(350) 1 0 0 0 $750 23
16Ü20 GPWgd 4f :48 B 3/15
09Ü20 GPWfst 5f 1:01¦ B 3/20
18ß20=10GP slyø 1 :23.07 :45.61 1:10.80 1:37.86 OC50k/SAL50k 63 3/6 3§ 2¦ô 2§ 3¨ô 4¬õ Rodriguez A A L120fb 5.00 76=17 Causalistic120É�Blood�Moon120©õ�Like�You120§ö Track�2-3w,rail�1/8p
04ß20 GPWfst 5f 1:02 B 3/17
11à20= 9GP fst 6f :22.50 :46.11 :58.49 1:11.42 OC50k/SAL50k-N 67 1/7 4 3§ 2¦ 1Ç 1§ Ortiz I Jr L120fb *1.50 86=14 Gemo120§�Ricki�Ticki�Taffi120§ô�Maserati�Man120¦ô Mvd�out�1/4,lug�in,clr
23á20= 8GP fm 1 ê :22.78 :46.27 1:10.95 1:36.39 Clm�50000(50-45) 57 8/8 2ô 2ô 2¦ 3¦ô 6«ô Sanchez J L120b 14.70 73=19 Blanket�ofRoses120¦õ�LureHimIn120¦�Dynadrive120É Press�pace,std'd�1/8p
15á20 GPWfst 5f 1:03§ B 16/21
08á20 GPWfst 5f 1:02§ B 8/25
25â20 GPWfst 5f 1:01© B 6/27
20ã19= 9GP fst 1 C :22.92 :45.55 1:09.97 1:35.07 OC�75k/N1X -N 63 4/8 3É 3¦ô 3© 4¤ô 4¦¨ô Sanchez J L119b 23.30 78=21 Ete�Indien119§ô�Toledo119¦¥ô�Churn�N�Burn119ô Chased�winner,�tired
30ä19=10GP fst 1 C :23.32 :45.57 1:11.31 1:38.10 SmoothAirB75k 65 3/10 2Ç 2ô 1¦ô 2§ô 4©ô Sanchez J L120b 15.80 72=19 Soros118§ô�Genghis118¦ô�Gangly118ô Took�lead�7/16p,gavewy
4å19= 5GPWfst 1 C :23.31 :47.36 1:12.68 1:41.09 Md�Sp�Wt�38k 63 2/8 3É 1¨ 1§ô 1© 1ö Sanchez J L121b 2.60 82=21 Gemo121ö�Fort McHenry119§ô�Blessed�Journey119«õ Pace,clear�1/8,drvng
10Ý19=12GP fst 7f :23.35 :46.67 1:12.39 1:25.96 Md�Sp�Wt�54k 62 1/8 5 1Ç 1¦ 3ô 3¦ Sanchez J L120 10.50 70=23 Finalist113ô�Tons�of�Gold118ô�Gemo120¦©ö Duel�thruout,rail,game
9Þ19= 8GP slyø 5f :23.34 :46.73 :59.10 Md�Sp�Wt�60k 23 7/7 7 6§ô 7¨ö 7® 7¦¬ö Jimenez A L118 14.30 71=18 Turn�On�the�Magic118ô�Iberico118¬ö�Forceful�One118Ç Early�bid,retreated
TRAINER: Route/Sprint(34 .24 $4.50) 31-60Days(101 .16 $1.40) Dirt(175 .18 $2.49) Sprint(200 .19 $2.28) Claim(179 .15 $1.76) J/T 2019-20 GP(1 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(2 .50 $5.70)
GP, race 7, page:28 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 7, page:29 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
Gulfstream Park 1Â MILES (Turf). (1:38) Clm 12500N3L Purse $19,000 (includes
$3,000 FHBPA-FOA - FHBPA Florida Owners Awards) For Three Year Olds And Upward Which Have Never
Won Three Races. Three Year Olds, 120 lbs.; Older, 126 lbs. Non-winners Of A Race At A Mile Or Over On The
Turf Since April 23 Allowed 2 lbs. Claiming Price $12,500 (Rail at 108 feet).
Post time: 4:21 ET Wagers: $1 Daily Double, $2 Quinella, $1 Exacta, $.50 Beyer par: 74
Trifecta, $.10 Superfecta, $1 Super Hi 5, $.50 Bet 3 , $.50 Pick 4
18-1 Verdict Is In
B. g(07.27.19) 3 (Mar) OBSOCT18 $42,500 Life 10 2 3 1 $48,600 65 D.Fst 2 0 0 0 $1,100 13
Sire: Lea (First Samurai) $7,500
Own: Love Unlimited Thoroughbreds LLC
Wet(365*) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Bard's Day (Arch) 2020 4 0 1 1 $8,360 65
$12,500 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Silver, Red Bordered Black 'Love Br: Pedro Gonzalez & Jorge Herrera (Ky) L 118 2019 6 2 2 0 $40,240 65 Turf(279) 8 2 3 1 $47,500 65
VASQUEZ M A (220 31 27 28 .14) 2020: (434 50 .12) Tr: Dibona Robert S(11 1 4 1 .09) 2020:(38 10 .26)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 79 Late 72 GP ê 6 1 2 1 $27,540 65 Dstê(253) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
16Ü20 GP gd 5f 1:03¨ B 8/9
25ß20 GP my 5f 1:00§ B 2/15
18ß20 GP fst 4f :49 B 34/82
25à20= 7GP fm 1 ê :23.55 :46.67 1:10.67 1:34.89 Clm�c-(16-14) 59 2/8 4¦õ 4© 4§ 4¦ 3¨õ Lopez P L120b 1.70 84=13 Keepsakekitten120¦�SunSqull120§õ�VerdictIsIn120¨ Wait�to�str,not�enough
11à20 GP fst 4f :49§ B 15/21
28á20= 6GP fm 1 ê :23.25 :47.10 1:12.27 1:36.89 Clm�20000(20-18) 65 7/7 5¨ 5§õ 3É 1Ç 2É Lopez P L120b 1.80 77=18 HesSuperLucky120É�VerdictIsIn120«ô�MrCsco120ö 4wd�bid,outdueled�late
19á20 GP fst 5f 1:01© B 5/5
05á20 GP fst 4f :49¨ B 11/26
17â20= 5GP fm 1 ê :23.58 :47.33 1:11.11 1:35.18 Clm�30000(30-25) 56 1/7 3§ 4¨ô 4§ô 4¨ 6©ö Bravo J L120b 2.70 81=14 King�of�Ranch118¦õ�Drama�in�Dixie120ö�Poppy's�Boys120ô Empty�inside
4â20= 5GP fm 1 ê :22.79 :44.75 1:08.01 1:34.36 OC35k/SAL35k-N 64 1/8 3¨ 3© 3« 3« 6«ô Lopez P L120b 6.00 83=12 Monforte120¨ô�Keepskekitten120§�VintgKittn120É Chased�winner,weakened
20ä19= 6GPWfm 7ôf ê :23.78 :48.66 1:13.99 1:31.66 OC35k/SAL35k-N 65 2/6 5 4¬ 5©ô 4¦ö 2ªô Bravo J L118b 5.40 85=09 IslndCommish118ªô�VerdictIsIn118É�VintgeKitten120§ Brief�keen,4-5w1/8p
6ä19= 5GPWfm 7ôf ê S :24.07 :48.58 1:13.45 1:32.07 Clm�20000 62 5/5 4 3§ô 3¦ô 1§ 1¨ö Lopez P L119b 2.10 89=08 VerdictIsIn119¨ö�MrCesco119©�WhereYGoinOwen119ö Stalk,inside�bid,clear
27æ19= 7GP fm 1 ê :24.29 :49.23 1:13.15 1:37.60 Md�25000 47 9/11 4§ 4§ô 3§ 3¦ô 1¦ Lopez P L119b *2.20 75=17 Verdict Is In119¦�Cosmic�Assault119¦�Bacano119ö Trackd,3wd�bid,driving
13æ19= 1GP fm 5f ê :21.70 :45.04 :57.13 Md�25000 43 1/11 3 5© 3© 4© 2§õ Torres C Aª L114b 23.30 81=13 Pricey�Victory119§õ�Verdict Is In114¦õ�Money�Ride119¦õ Steady�3wd�bid�str
8Ý19= 5GP fst 5f ÿ :22.67 :45.93 :58.89 Md�16000 13 1/6 4 4ªô 4¦¥ 5¦« 5§¦ö Gomez D F L118b 8.80 68=17 Mlett113«ô�WhereYGoinOwn118¤õ�CommndrsIntnt118ô 3wd�31/6p,no�factor
21Þ19= 6GP fst 4ôf :22.44 :46.19 :52.45 Md�25000 - 8/8 6 6«ô 6®ô 5¦§ Gomez D F L118 6.60 80=12 Broken Spoke118¦�Mister�Noisi118¦�Maletta118¨ô 3wd�into�str,no�rally
TRAINER: 1stClaim(29 .21 $1.33) 31-60Days(43 .26 $2.19) Turf(78 .19 $1.60) Routes(81 .25 $2.16) Claim(95 .21 $1.90) J/T 2019-20 GP(13 .08 $0.35) J/T 2019-20(15 .07 $0.31)
GP, race 8, page:30 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 8, page:31 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 8, page:32 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
95-1 Volubile
B. g(04.04.19) 4 (Mar) Life 12 2 0 3 $44,754 81 D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Sire: More Than Ready (Southern Halo) $80,000
Own: Paradise Farms Corp Jeffrey Lambert a
Wet(406) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Listen A. P. (A.P. Indy) 2020 4 1 0 1 $12,730 73
$12,500 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Black, Black 'P' On Gold Ball, Gold Dots Br: Wertheimer & Frere (Ky) L 119ª 2019 7 1 0 1 $26,024 81 Turf(327) 12 2 0 3 $44,754 81
TORRES C A (104 12 11 16 .12) 2020: (412 45 .11) Tr: Hess R B Jr(24 4 3 2 .17) 2020:(146 14 .10)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 78 Late 83 GP ê 4 1 0 1 $12,730 73 Dstê(366) 3 0 0 0 $1,002 78
07Ü20 GP fst 4f :48¨ B 3/22
28ß20 GP fst 4f :47© B 3/18
9ß20= 8GP fm 1 ê :22.59 :45.94 1:10.00 1:35.62 3ÎClm�12500(12.5-10.5)N2L 73 5/11 6ªô 6ª 4¦ô 3¦ 1É Gaffalione T L125b 3.00 83=17 Volubile125É�Spinning�Kitten125ô�Bodie�Cody125É 3wd�in�aim�1/8p,drving
26à20 GP fst 5f 1:00§ B 1/3
27á20= 7GP gd 1 ê C :22.88 :45.91 1:10.29 1:34.64 4ÎClm�25000(25-20)N2L 58 1/10 9¤ô 8® 8©ö 6§ô 10¦¦õ Torres C Aª L116b 5.60 77=14 NewYear123¨õ�MysticalMoon121É�DirectApproch121É Lacked�room�stretch
5á20= 5GP fm 1 ê :23.60 :47.32 1:10.32 1:40.69 4ÎClm�40000(40-30)N2L 69 4/7 5© 6©õ 6©ô 2§ 5¨õ Ortiz I Jr L121b 4.40 91=13 Machiavelli121É�Montatham121§�Bye�Bye�Man121ö Mild�bid�3p,flttnd�out
29â20 GP fst 4f :48 B 3/12
12â20=11GP fm 1 ê :23.92 :47.15 1:10.24 1:34.18 4ÎClm�30000(30-25)N2L 70 3/9 8¨ö 7§ö 6§ö 4¨ô 3¨õ Prado E S L121b 5.90 88=09 Tricky�Magician121¦ö�Vegas Kitten121¦ô�Volubile121ö Moved�out,�mild�rally
06â20 GP fst 4f :51§ B 11/14
13ã19 GP fst 4f :52¦ B 27/29
8ä19= 5Dmr fm 1Â ê :22.77 :46.78 1:10.59 1:41.44 3ÎAlw�50000s 78 8/10 5© 6©ö 5¨ô 7©õ 6ªõ Prat F L119b 3.20 85=09 StormtheBastille119ö�ChannelCrossing121ô�Trtini124§ô 4wd�into�str,no�rally
25å19= 6SA fm 1° ê :48.19 1:11.71 1:35.94 1:48.08 Clm�c-50000 75 2/8 4§ 3§ 3É 1Ç 3¦õ Blanc B L122b 2.70 85=14 Swamp�Souffle122ö�Blame�It�OnKitty122ô�Volubile122ô 3wd�bid,drift�in�late
13å19= 8SA fm 1 ê :22.22 :45.16 1:09.29 1:33.56 3ÎAlw�50000s 81 9/11 9«õ 9ªö 8¨ö 6¨õ 5§õ Blanc B L122b 33.50 89=13 River�God115Ç�Tartini123Ç�Hootie123¦õ Hopped�start,4wd�str
29Ý19= 8Dmr fm 1° ê S :48.18 1:12.42 1:36.89 1:48.93 3ÎMd�50000(50-40) 73 3/9 5©ô 3§ 3§ 1Ç 1ô Blanc B L120b 5.10 86=12 Volubile120ô�Spekerofthehouse120¦�AfleetingLif120ô Came�out�str,led,held
27Û19= 4Dmr fm 1 ê :23.23 :48.48 1:13.59 1:42.53 3ÎMd�Sp�Wt�62k 74 3/8 7¤ 6¨ô 6§õ 7ª 7¨ Blanc B L120b 19.10 82=11 Hackberry120ô�Farquhar113Ç�Still�in�the�Game120ö Hopped�start,tight�1/4
23á19= 6SA fm Í6ôf ê :21.81 :44.15 1:06.97 1:12.72 Md�Sp�Wt�56k 57 7/9 5 5§õ 3¦ô 5§ô 7«ô Talamo J L124 9.10 84=07 GllopingMischief124¦ö�Allv124ó�MountinSpirit124§õ Stalked�3wd,weakened
TRAINER: 31-60Days(202 .13 $1.13) WonLastStart(92 .16 $1.59) Turf(197 .12 $1.69) Routes(261 .14 $1.64) Claim(211 .16 $1.49) J/T 2019-20 GP(16 .19 $2.11) J/T 2019-20(23 .17 $1.63)
10 Sir Seamus Dk b/br g(04.24.19) 4 (Mar) OBSOPN18 $13,000 Life 10 2 1 0 $49,040 81 D.Fst 1 0 0 0 $1,300 58
Sire: Handsome Mike (Scat Daddy) $4,000
Own: Network Stables
Wet(376) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Gold Diggin Dixie (Dixie Union) 2020 4 1 0 0 $17,230 81
7-2 Burgundy, White Diagonal Stripes, White $12,500 Br: Helen Barbazon & Joseph Barbazon (Fla) L 124 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2019 6 1 1 0 $31,810 74 Turf(252) 9 2 1 0 $47,740 81
JARAMILLO E (206 24 23 23 .12) 2020: (474 61 .13) Tr: David Carlos A(18 3 1 3 .17) 2020:(47 10 .21)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 117 Late 60 GP ê 8 2 0 0 $41,490 81 Dstê(344) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
12ß20=10GP fm 1 ê :22.44 :45.70 1:09.33 1:34.03 3ÎClm�20000(20-18)N3L 71 2/10 2§ 2¦ô 3¦ô 6¨õ 9©õ Gaffalione T L125b *2.60 87=15 Zippy125ô�SouperCourage125¦õ�DevotedKitten125Ç Stalked,2w1/4p,gavewy
19à20= 8GP fm 1 ê :22.62 :45.68 1:09.23 1:33.84 4ÎClm�16000(16-14)N2L 81 3/8 1§ 1¦ô 1§ 1§ 1¦ô Ortiz I Jr L121b *.70 92=14 SrSmus121¦ô�Youshouldbsolcky121ô�BgHmbon121ªõ Set�pace,stayed�sharp
13à20 PmMfst 3f :39§ B 4/5
20á20= 8GP fm 5f ê :21.44 :43.87 :55.67 4ÎClm�c-(16-14)N2L 61 4/7 4 4¦ô 4¦ô 3¨ô 4¨ô Ortiz I Jr L121b *.30 86=09 MmorblElction121É�Goldnlinof121§ô�ShnghiLvi121ö Second�flight,evn�late
09á20 GP fst 4f :48§ B 28/111
02á20 GP fst 5f 1:02¦ B 29/49
25â20 GP fst 4f :48 B 9/103
12â20= 7GP fm 1 ê :22.13 :44.58 1:08.50 1:33.28 4ÎClm�30000(30-25)N2L 74 3/9 2§ô 2© 2¦ô 5ö 4§ö Ortiz I Jr L121b *1.50 92=09 BoldPynter121É�Justcllmenormn121¦�Mchivlli121¦ô Mild�bid�btw,outkicked
05â20 GP fst 5f 1:02 B 22/35
21ã19= 9GP fst 1 ï S :24.30 :48.40 1:12.85 1:44.39 3ÎClm�35000(35-25)N2L 58 3/5 5¨ 5§ô 5ª 4¬ô 4¦¥ Castellano J J L120b *.90 75=20 Roddick120¦ô�BurntheBots120¦ö�PositivePhil120«ö Hop&bump�st,�keyed�up
14ã19 GP fst 4f :47 òB 1/85
1ã19= 4GP fm 1 ê C :22.63 :45.78 1:09.24 1:34.13 3ÎClm�c-(35-25)N2L 68 9/9 2¦ 2Ç 2ô 5§ô 5¨õ Torres C Aª L115b 4.50 90=11 PeacockKitten123ó�Justcallmenorman120É�Solr119¦ Vied�til�late�tn,wknd
2å19= 4GPWfm 1 ê :23.09 :46.85 1:10.95 1:35.91 3ÎClm�35000(35-30)B 74 3/8 1© 1© 1¨ 1¨ 2ö Torres C Aª L114b 5.70 101 - Toupha120ö�Sir�Seamus114É�Cause for Pardon122§õ Pace,clear,outkicked
7æ19= 8GP fm Í7ôf ê :22.07 :45.01 1:09.20 1:28.84 3ÎÐAlw�47320N1X 71 6/10 3 2§ô 2¨ 4©ô 6«õ Camacho S L118b 13.00 88=10 GreatKhun122¦�SouperJgur113§ô�NotoriousNick118ô Stalked,bid�2wd,wknd
16Ý19= 4GP fm 1 ê C :23.05 :46.64 1:11.11 1:36.63 3ÎÐOC�16k/N1X -N 72 2/7 2ô 1ô 1ô 3¦ô 4«õ Torres C Aª L112b 13.00 74=26 Scraps117¦�Blasphemy122§ô�Notorious�Nick117§ö Duel�til�1/8p,tired
14Û19= 8GP fm 1 ê :22.79 :46.57 1:11.62 1:37.65 3ÎMd�40000(40-30) 73 12/12 1¦ô 1¦ô 1ô 1Ç 1É Torres C Aª L113b 81.30 75=25 SirSeamus113É�HardCount118¨�IStndCorrected118© Refused�to�be�denied
TRAINER: 31-60Days(48 .21 $3.79) Turf(72 .22 $5.09) Routes(59 .20 $3.69) Claim(72 .21 $2.86) J/T 2019-20 GP(4 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(4 .00 $0.00)
GP, race 8, page:33 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
12 Bluesky Kitten B. g(06.14.18) 4 (Jan) KEESEP17 $42,000 Life 24 2 5 3 $67,220 71 D.Fst 3 1 0 0 $15,720 60
Sire: Kitten's Joy (El Prado*Ire) $75,000
Own: Venetian Isle Partners LLC
Wet(344) 3 0 1 1 $6,400 49
Dam:Gates of Eden (Kingmambo) 2020 6 0 0 1 $3,070 71
30-1 Blue, White Diamonds, Blue Cap $12,500 Br: Kenneth L Ramsey & Sarah K Ramsey (Ky) L 124 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2019 16 2 4 2 $54,200 69 Turf(339) 18 1 4 2 $45,100 71
REYES L (145 5 10 18 .03) 2020: (158 5 .03) Tr: Hayford Jennifer(6 0 0 1 .00) 2020:(19 0 .00)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 68 Late 94 GP ê 14 1 3 2 $34,190 71 Dstê(352) 4 1 0 1 $13,110 66
25ß20= 4GP gd 1 ê :23.14 :46.15 1:10.61 1:35.17 3ÎClm�12500N3L 54 4/11 3¦ 4¦ô 7© 7¬ô 5¦§ô Reyes L L125b 76.30 73=14 ThMightyJudg125¦õ�MysticlMoon125¦�PcockKittn125© Forwardly�3wd,�tired
21ß20 PmMfst 3f :38¨ Bg 7/7
4ß20= 7GP fm 1 ê ý :22.15 :45.89 1:10.36 1:35.00 3ÎClm�12500(12.5-10.5)N3L 62 6/10 9¦© 9¦§ 9ªõ 7« 5ªõ Reyes L L125b 21.50 81=15 Roddick125¦ô�Mystical�Moon127ô�Dark�Ages125§ Bump�st,pass�tiring
25à20= 9GP fm 1¶ ê :46.04 1:11.32 2:00.81 2:25.92 4ÎOC�25k/N1X 71 3/8 8¦¨ 8§§ 8¦¨ 8® 6¦¥ö Gonzalez S L120b 98.40 79=13 Rijeka120§�Duc�de�Calas120¦õ�Surf�and�Turf120§ö Far�back,�no�factor
07à20 PmMfst 4f :51§ B 40/50
22á20= 6GP gd 1 ï :24.05 :48.81 1:13.78 1:44.74 4ÎClm�16000(16-14)N3L 49 3/8 8¦¥ 8¦¦ 8¦¥ 7¦« 7¦¤ô Gonzalez S L121b 45.60 67=14 Solar�Warming120¦¦�Doctor�D�J121¦ô�Belgrano121¦õ Brk�out,ins,no�impact
17á20 PmMfst 4f :51¦ B 31/32
09á20 PmMfst 4f :51¨ B 41/48
1á20=12GP fst 1 ï C :23.33 :46.59 1:11.98 1:38.38 4ÎClm�14000(16-14)N3L 46 5/9 7¦¨ 8¦¨ 8¦¦ 8¦¨ 7¦©ô Henry W L120b 34.80 66=13 Robintakincharge121¦ô�Kingsville121©õ�Doctor�D�J121¨ô 2-3wd,no�impact
11â20=11GP fm 1 ê :23.72 :45.97 1:09.83 1:41.54 4ÎClm�16000(16-14)N3L 66 6/11 9¦¥ 9¦« 6¦§ 5¤ 3«ô Henry W L121b 95.80 83=09 SrtogColonel121É�Pwnbrokr123«õ�BluskyKittn121ó Inside�1/4p,shift�4-5w
31ã19 PmMfst 4f :49 B 23/95
17ã19 PmMfst 4f :51© B 21/21
4ã19=10GP fm 1 ê :22.13 :45.13 1:09.12 1:33.46 3ÎClm�16000N3L 53 3/11 11¦©11¦¤ 11¦© 10¦§ 10¦§ö Henry W L119b 91.30 83=09 YeroftheKitten122É�GinsndTins119ó�HonyDont122§õ Inside�early,5wd�late
22ä19= 3GPWfst 1 :25.55 :49.77 1:13.74 1:40.23 3ÎClm�c-6250N3L 36 4/6 5ªô 3§ 6® 6®ô 6¦«ö Jaramillo E L119b 4.70 69=14 Rigo122É�Tangible121¦ö�Sky�Point122É Stumbled�st,�tired
31å19= 3GPWfm 7ôf ê :24.05 :48.55 1:13.16 1:31.65 3ÎClm�10000N3L 48 3/10 5 8®ô 9¤õ 8¬ö 8¦¦ô Lopez P L118b *1.90 80=12 Dragunov116©õ�Southern�Sea121Ç�Shidoshi121ö Save�ground,5w,no�kick
14å19= 1GPWfm 1 ê :23.17 :47.65 1:12.33 1:44.32 3ÎClm�10000N3L 63 1/9 5« 5¬ 6©ö 8ªõ 4©ô Gutierrez R L119b 6.80 81=14 CntTrumpKitten122¨�Setblt122ô�AmricsSimmrd122¦ Settled�inside,6wd�upr
TRAINER: Turf(63 .06 $3.81) Routes(33 .03 $4.78) Claim(53 .11 $4.75) J/T 2019-20 GP(13 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(13 .00 $0.00)
Also Eligible:
13 Channeledslongshot B. g(06.16.19) 3 (Mar) Life 6 2 0 0 $22,480 63 D.Fst 2 0 0 0 $1,040 13
Sire: Channeled (Smart Strike)
Own: Caballo Grande Stable
Wet(373*) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:We Got a Lemon (Lemon Drop Kid) 2020 2 1 0 0 $6,630 63
15-1 Hunter Green, Burgundy Sash, Burgundy $12,500 Br: Keene Ridge Racing LLC (Ky) L 118 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
2019 4 1 0 0 $15,850 51 Turf(307) 4 2 0 0 $21,440 63
RODRIGUEZ A A (87 5 6 16 .06) 2020: (122 7 .06) Tr: Fisher David(1 0 0 0 .00) 2020:(38 4 .11)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 55 Late 66 GP ê 3 1 0 0 $14,950 51 Dstê(300) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
8Ü20= 7Tam fm 1 ê :23.54 :47.69 1:12.09 1:37.77 3ÎClm�10000N2L 63 2/9 6ª 8¬ô 9ª 7©ö 1ó Allen M L118 11.30 82=20 Chnnldslongsht118ó�BrwnEssnc121¦ô�SntrDvl116ó Reservd,split,carr'd7w
1Ü20= 3Tam fst 1 ï S :23.75 :47.64 1:12.29 1:44.76 3ÎClm�25000N2L -0 3/8 6« 8¦§ 8§ª 8¨¬ 8ª¦ö Mena R L119b 27.20 33=18 Taos122§�Drillomatic122¦ô�Lion�Charmer122¦ö Restless,�wide�early
28à20 Tam fst 4f :48¨ B 5/49
21à20 Wnd fst 4f :50¨ Bg 2/4
14à20 Tam fst 4f :49 B 8/61
03ä19 GP fst 3f :38§ B 17/18
26æ19= 7GP fm Í7ôf ê :22.73 :46.27 1:10.11 1:28.70 OC35k/SAL35k 40 6/8 6 5©ô 5©ô 7¦§ 6¦©ö Santos A L118 22.00 80=10 Monforte118É�Yes�for�Less113¤õ�Mr.�Cesco120ô Urged�tn,no�response
17æ19 GP fst 4f :48¦ B 3/8
6æ19= 9GP fm Í7ôf ê C :23.66 :47.41 1:12.58 1:31.58 Md�25000 51 6/12 6 7«ô 6¨ö 2¦ 1É Santos A L119 69.70 81=16 Chnnldslongshot119É�HsSuprLcky119§õ�ElDq119¦ö Checked�after�st,game
02æ19 GP fst 4f :50 B 7/9
9Ý19= 5GP fm 1 ê :23.54 :47.99 1:14.64 1:41.16 Md�50000 20 4/5 4«ô 5¦¥ 5¦¦ 4®ô 4§¨õ Donis A L118 28.60 35=42 Monforte118¤õ�Angelus Warrior118¬�Oil�Colony113¤ 2wd�into�lane,no�impct
22Þ19= 3GP fst 5f :23.28 :46.83 1:00.30 Md�16000 13 5/6 6 6¨ô 5¤ô 5¦¥ 4¦¥ö Donis A L118 21.00 72=14 RosasWay118§ô�StrollbyLea121¦ö�VenezuelanHert118«ô 4-5wd�str,no�threat
TRAINER: WonLastStart(12 .17 $4.95) Turf(68 .13 $2.08) Routes(70 .09 $1.52) Claim(64 .08 $1.65) J/T 2019-20 GP(1 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(1 .00 $0.00)
14 Big Rig B. g(05.06.20) 4 (Mar) FTKOCT17 $3,000 Life 25 2 3 5 $57,085 67 D.Fst 4 0 1 0 $4,113 57
Sire: Big Brown (Boundary) $5,000
Own: Ron G Potts
Wet(313) 1 0 0 0 $1,260 23
Dam:Sashay Away (Farma Way) 2020 2 0 0 0 $206 48
20-1 White, Purple 'P,' Purple Diamonds On $12,500 Br: Sunrise Stables & Golden Goose Enterprises (NY) L 124 Synth 15 1 2 2 $34,720 67
2019 16 1 3 4 $35,729 67 Turf(303) 5 1 0 3 $16,992 61
LEBRON V (106 11 9 9 .10) 2020: (262 30 .11) Tr: Potts Ron G Jr(1 0 0 0 .00) 2020:(55 5 .09)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 68 Late 72 GP ê 0 0 0 0 $0 - Dstê(337) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
6Ü20= 6Tam fst 1 :24.07 :48.08 1:13.53 1:46.96 3ÎClm�8000N3L 38 7/11 10«õ10¤ 10ªõ 8¬ô 8¦¨õ Villa-Gomez H L122 16.10 61=24 CircleAwy122¦�NicolMunnings122ô�CplDionicio118§ô Settled�btw,�no�threat
22ß20= 1Tam fst 1©¥ C :23.57 :47.64 1:12.98 1:42.07 3ÎClm�8000N3L -W 48 3/10 7ª 7¬ 6«ô 7¦¦ 7¦¥ô Villa-Gomez H L122 7.60 73=17 The�Kahn122ö�Circle Away122¨ô�Sunshines�Out122ó Angled�in,�no�menace
17ß20 Tam fst 5f 1:03 Bg 4/8
11ß20 Tam fst 5f 1:03 B 20/34
05ß20 Tam fst 4f :50§ B 35/72
14à20 OEC fst 3f :39§ B 5/5
17å19= 9PID fst 1 ú :24.00 :48.17 1:13.28 1:44.68 3ÎClm�5000B 52 6/12 7ªö 7©ô 7¨ 6§õ 9©ô Garcia G L120 11.70 89=13 Victory�L.124§ô�EchoesofThunder121Ç�BlackTieEvent121Ç 3w,�flattnd�out
7å19= 8PID fst 1 ú :24.63 :48.64 1:13.32 1:38.31 3ÎClm�6250N3L 53 4/10 4¨ô 4¨ 3¦ô 2ô 4¦ö Villa-Gomez H L117 *1.80 85 - DoblRnbow121¦�ImpossblMsson117ô�FghtnPhl121É 3w,wknd�late,held�shar
16æ19= 7PID fst 1 ú :26.06 :51.02 1:15.92 1:39.52 3ÎClm�12500B 61 3/8 3¨ô 3§ 4§ 4§ 2¨ô Villa-Gomez H L116 2.90 77=12 The�Kid�Rocks116¨ô�Big�Rig116ö�Double�Rainbow121¦õ Svd�grnd,bid�4w
13æ19 PID fst 3f ú :39§ B 5/6
25Ý19= 5PID fst 1¬¥ ú ÿ :25.81 :50.43 1:14.60 1:43.53 3ÎClm�12500B 66 1/6 4§ 5§ô 5¨ 3§ô 2ó Garcia G L120 5.40 83=17 StormyEnggmnt121ó�BigRig120Ç�ThKidRocks117¦ Track,angled�out,missd
13Ý19= 6PID fst 1¬¥ ú :25.58 :49.96 1:13.42 1:41.95 3ÎClm�25000(25-22.5)B 66 2/6 4§ 5¦ö 5¦ö 3¦ô 5§ Villa-Gomez H L116 6.60 89=09 The�Kid�Rocks116Ç�Serve�Revenge�Cold117É�Yamburg121¦ Ran�evenly
28Û19= 7PID fst 1 ú S :27.09 :52.95 1:16.72 1:40.46 3ÎClm�25000(25-22.5)B 67 2/5 3¨ô 4§ô 4§ 4§ 4ô Villa-Gomez H L116 10.40 75=25 Lil Mateo121ó�BugleBarry121ô�BaytownJimbo115ó Stumbled�st,missd�shw
7Û19= 6PID fst 1 ú :24.94 :49.43 1:13.73 1:37.96 3ÎOC�50k/N3L 59 8/8 7ªõ 8©ö 7ªô 6«ô 6¤õ Villa-Gomez H L116 33.70 81=12 NvyArmedGurd119ó�FortheMoment121¦ö�SunLovr119¦ Improved�position
20Þ19= 2PID fst 1 ú :26.30 :50.84 1:14.91 1:39.26 3ÎClm�25000(25-22.5)B 65 5/6 6¨ö 6¨ö 5§ô 4§ 3Ç Villa-Gomez H L116 6.50 82=08 Dahog124ó�Science�to�Win124Ç�Big�Rig116¦õ 3&4w,missed
TRAINER: Dirt/Turf(20 .05 $0.96) Turf(85 .13 $1.84) Routes(178 .20 $1.75) Claim(194 .19 $1.66) J/T 2019-20 GP(1 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(1 .00 $0.00)
GP, race 8, page:34 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 8, page:35 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
Gulfstream Park 7 Furlongs (1:20) Clm 35000B Purse $26,000 (includes $4,000 FHBPA-
FOA - FHBPA Florida Owners Awards) For Three Year Olds And Upward Which Have Never Won Three Races
Or Which Have Not Won A Race Since November 23, 2019. Three Year Olds, 120 lbs.; Older, 125 lbs. Non-winners
Of Three Races Allowed 2 lbs. Claiming Price $35,000
Post time: 4:52 ET Wagers: $1 Daily Double, $2 Quinella, $1 Exacta, $.50 Trifecta, $.10 Superfecta, $1 Super Hi 5, $.50 Bet 3 Beyer par: NA
GP, race 9, page:36 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
49-2 Whyruawesome
Ch. g(08.08.13) 9 (Feb) Life 60 11 11 4 $393,445 98 D.Fst 46 10 9 3 $331,075 98
Sire: Whywhywhy (Mr. Greeley)
Own: Imaginary Stables and Glenn K Ellis
Wet(368) 5 0 0 0 $1,475 66
Dam:Awesome Frances (Awesome Again) 2020 5 0 1 1 $18,440 77
$35,000 Synth 5 1 1 1 $57,725 79
Dark Purple With Lime Green Hearts, Dark Br: Echo Valley Horse Farm Inc (Ky) L 125 2019 7 3 2 0 $102,415 98 Turf(291) 4 0 1 0 $3,170 83
BERRIOS HECTOR I (82 10 6 11 .12) 2020: (160 24 .15) Tr: Dobles Elizabeth L(28 2 1 4 .07) 2020:(93 8 .09)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 96 Late 67 GP 10 1 2 1 $46,755 89 Dst(332) 16 4 2 0 $110,734 83
10Ü20= 9GP slyø 6f :22.48 :45.65 :57.91 1:10.64 4ÎOC�50k/N2X 55 4/6 1 3¨ 4©ô 4© 6¦©ö Saez L L121 7.20 75=13 WherePrdiseLy121¨ö�FrostdGrc121É�MgicTpit121¦ö Moved�in�turn,�retreat
17ß20= 9GP fst 6f :22.40 :45.15 :57.12 1:10.05 4ÎOC�62k/N2X 76 8/8 1 4©ô 4ªô 4ªô 4« Davis D L121 24.70 87=09 MiTrsPorCinto121¨�FortinHill121¦õ�RunningforRiz121¦ö Bump�start,evenly
10ß20 PmMfst 4f :50© B 7/13
25à20= 8GP fst 6f :22.76 :45.42 :56.99 1:09.54 4ÎOC�100k/C 74 7/7 1 2ô 2§ 2¬ 3¦¦õ Davis D L121 7.00 85=11 TheTabulator121«ô�FastPass121©ö�Whyruawesome121§ Chase�winner,�2-3wd
17á20= 2GP fst 6f :22.48 :45.39 :57.89 1:11.48 4ÎTrstBster50k 77 3/5 2 4§ 3É 3É 2É Ortiz J L L119 3.50 86=13 VinnieVnGo121É�Whyruwesome119É�JersyJoB119¨ 4wd�bid,�hung�deep�str
01á20 PmMwf 4f :48¨ B 10/24
25â20 PmMfst 4f :50§ B 61/81
18â20 PmMfst 4f :49§ B 23/80
1â20= 8GP fst 6f C :22.76 :45.44 :57.68 1:10.28 4ÎOC12k/SAL8k-N 75 5/6 2 2ô 1Ç 2Ç 4© Ortiz I Jr L121 2.60 88=12 Fast�Pass116§ö�Bordini121Ç�Travy�Boy121¦õ Prompt,vied,gaveway
7ã19= 2GP fst 6f ý :21.97 :44.94 :57.16 1:10.09 3ÎËCCExpress104k 83 8/9 7 3§ô 3§ 3§ 5¨õ Carmouche K L124 3.40 89=13 BrotherChub126ó�FastPass126§ô�TkeChrgeDude124É Off�duel,flattened�out
01ã19 PmMfst 4f :49¨ B 24/51
24ä19 PmMfst 4f :49© B 12/41
28æ19= 6Mth fst 6f :21.97 :44.32 :56.39 1:08.81 3ÎMrPrspctrL102k 98 2/7 3 4ö 3ô 1Ç 2¦ô Diaz H R Jr L117 2.30 95=13 LstingLegcy117¦ô�Whyruwesome117ö�Benefctor117¦õ Ins,�bit�tight�on�turn
16Ý19= 9Mth fst 6f :22.21 :44.93 :56.91 1:09.49 3ÎOC16k/SAL8k-N 96 2/5 1 2Ç 1¦ô 1¨ 1«ö Suarez A L124 *.10 94=06 Whyruawesome124«ö�Pointer120©õ�A�J's�Way120É Pulled�away�in�hand
26Û19= 9Mth fst 6f :21.80 :44.36 :56.21 1:08.62 3ÎOC�25k/N2X -N 96 5/5 1 3¦ 1¦ô 1ª 1¬ Suarez A L124 2.40 98=11 Whyruawesome124¬�Prendimi120¤�Will�Did�It124§ Vied�3w,�ridden�out
29Þ19= 6Prx fst 5ôf ý :22.25 :46.51 :59.22 1:05.94 3ÎAlw�12500s 87 4/11 7 2§ 2¦ 1¦ô 1É Rodriguez A R L121 4.00 83=25 Whyruawesome121É�Get�the�W121ô�Arch�Cat124¨ 3�w,�clear,�lasted
TRAINER: Dirt(144 .17 $1.62) Sprint(168 .16 $1.46) Claim(179 .12 $1.41) J/T 2019-20 GP(6 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(6 .00 $0.00)
GP, race 9, page:37 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
63-1 Examiner
B. g(02.05.18) 5 (Feb) Life 11 2 0 3 $81,341 81 D.Fst 4 1 0 1 $49,445 81
Sire: Distorted Humor (Forty Niner) $50,000
Own: Louie J Roussel III
Wet(439) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Principal Role (Empire Maker) 2020 1 0 0 0 $2,820 66
$35,000 Synth 4 1 0 2 $26,490 81
Black, Titanium Lightning Bolts Br: Juddmonte Farms Inc (Ky) L 123 2019 5 1 0 3 $28,990 81 Turf(324) 3 0 0 0 $5,406 72
JARAMILLO E (206 24 23 23 .12) 2020: (474 61 .13) Tr: Roussel Louie J III(2 1 0 0 .50) 2020:(44 9 .20)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 84 Late 71 GP 0 0 0 0 $0 - Dst(358) 2 1 0 1 $22,120 81
17Ü20 GP fst 5f 1:00 B 8/46
03Ü20 GP fst 4f :48¦ B 15/67
15ß20 MBFfst 3f :37§ B 3/7
20à20 FG fst 3f :36 B 2/10
06à20 FG fst 3f :36¦ B 4/12
21á20 FG gd 3f :36¦ òB 1/6
25â20= 7FG fst 6f S :22.29 :45.79 :57.85 1:10.57 4ÎOC�40k/N2X -N 66 4/5 4 5ªô 5¬ 5¤ 4¤ô Martin E M Jr L119b 12.10 82=10 BoyfrindMtril119ô�ErlyMischif121¦ö�TwlfthLbour119«õ 2path�turn,�no�threat
2ä19= 7Haw fst 6f :21.64 :44.92 :57.01 1:09.81 3ÎOC�32k/C -N 74 3/7 3 4¬ 4« 3© 3¨ Loveberry J L121b 3.00 88=12 ColonelKlink122§ô�BoyfriendMaterial121ô�Exminer121¦õ Svd�grnd,�improved
23Ý19= 2AP fst 6f ú :22.83 :45.69 :57.81 1:10.73 3ÎOC�62k/N2X -N 67 2/6 5 5ª 4ª 5¬ 5¬ Valdivia J Jr L121b 4.50 85=12 WileEPeyote121¦õ�StudntBodyLft121§ô�MojoMn121§õ Urged�5p�3/8,no�rally
7Û19= 1AP fst 7f ú :23.31 :46.21 1:10.80 1:23.92 3ÎOC�50k/N2X -N 80 6/7 2 4§ 5¨ 5¨ 3¦õ Valdivia J Jr L124b *2.20 84=11 Tringale121¦õ�Student�BodyLeft121Ç�Examiner124Ç Bid�btwn1/2,�late�gain
14Þ19= 5AP fst 7f ú :21.95 :44.73 1:09.57 1:23.03 3ÎOC�18k/N1X -N 81 3/8 6 4ª 4ª 3§ 1§ö Valdivia J Jr L121b *2.50 89=07 Examiner121§ö�SpectacularRod121¦�EdsRocket121ªõ Bmp�strt,�3p,drew�clr
24Ü19= 9AP fst 6ôf ú :22.92 :46.26 1:10.16 1:16.27 3ÎOC�18k/N1X -N 74 2/7 6 3§ô 3§ô 3¦ô 3§ Valdivia J Jr L121b 2.40 92=11 Tringale121§�Spectacular�Road121Ç�Examiner121§ô Brsh�strt,�willingly
22ã18= 7GP fm Í7ôf ê :22.68 :46.05 1:11.17 1:28.80 3ÎAlw�40800N1X 72 10/12 5 3§ô 3¨ô 5§ 7ªö Velazquez J R L120b 14.50 94=11 Another120ô�Caloric120ô�Bantu120¦ö Crowded�early,3w,tired
8ä18= 8CD fst 6f :22.49 :46.28 :57.98 1:09.93 3ÎAlw�75269N1X 80 3/7 2 1ô 1Ç 4¦ô 4© Hernandez B J Jr L121b 2.60 86=16 Mojo�Man117§�Givemeaminit118¦õ�Rubus117ö Inside�turn,�faltered
18å18= 9Kee fst 6ôf :22.11 :45.59 1:10.18 1:16.61 3ÎMd�Sp�Wt�67k 81 9/10 1 4§ 4¦ 2¦ô 1¦ Graham J L118b 12.10 92=11 Examiner118¦�Ukuru120ö�Tringale118¨ö Bid�btw�str,�edged�clr
16æ18= 5WO fm 7f ê S :23.20 :45.39 1:07.89 1:20.12 3ÎMd�Sp�Wt�72k 63 2/8 4 6« 6¤ 5¦¦ 4¤ö Murphy O 119 2.40 88=07 Polar�Light119©ö�Peacock Kitten119¨�Theregoesjojo119¦ Off�slw,gamely
TRAINER: 61-180Days(49 .10 $0.85) Dirt(60 .18 $1.52) Sprint(86 .19 $1.68) Claim(43 .16 $0.96) J/T 2019-20 GP(1 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(1 .00 $0.00)
GP, race 9, page:38 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
812-1 Hy Riverside
Ch. g(07.17.16) 8 (Apr) Life 38 7 5 6 $442,495 94 D.Fst 31 6 2 5 $371,335 94
Sire: Macho Uno (Holy Bull) $10,000
Own: Mar Racing Stable Inc
Wet(445) 7 1 3 1 $71,160 94
Dam:Sarcasm (Distorted Humor) 2020 3 0 0 0 $1,420 76
$35,000 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Yellow, Black Horseshoe On Red Panel Br: Amy Dunne (Fla) L 125 2019 5 1 0 1 $57,805 88 Turf(304) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
BRAVO J (59 4 9 11 .07) 2020: (143 9 .06) Tr: Sano Antonio(78 11 10 10 .14) 2020:(217 21 .10)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 78 Late 86 GP 32 6 5 4 $402,005 94 Dst(368) 17 2 3 3 $116,310 94
10Ü20= 8GP slyø 7f S :22.81 :45.64 1:10.15 1:22.88 4ÎClm�50000(50-40) 54 1/7 3 4¦ö 4§ 7¤õ 7¦©ö Gaffalione T L121f 4.70 71=13 FortuneCookie121¦�Chmpgneonm123§õ�GloryofFlorid121¦ö Tired�after�half
02Ü20 GP fst 5f 1:02§ B 16/33
17ß20= 6GP fst 7f :22.21 :44.43 1:09.47 1:22.55 4ÎOC�62k/N2X 75 2/7 6 7¬ô 7® 6¤ 5¦¥õ Vasquez M A L121f 29.10 78=09 Mihos121¨õ�Sniper Shot121¨ö�Royal�Squeeze121§ Saved�ground,no�rally
11ß20 GP fst 5f 1:02§ B 22/28
28à20= 8GP fst 7f :22.52 :45.00 1:09.41 1:21.92 4ÎSirShkltnB75k 76 4/10 5 6¨ö 6«ô 6¤õ 9¦§ö Zayas E J L122f 116.20 78=11 Vekoma118¨ö�Yorkton124¦ö�He�Hate�Me120§õ Faded�inside
20à20 GP fst 5f 1:02 B 3/10
13à20 GP fst 5f 1:01§ B 4/12
06à20 GP fst 4f :50 B 28/48
28á20 GP fst 4f :48© B 19/46
9ä19= 4GPWfst 1Â S :24.70 :49.41 1:13.40 1:44.61 3ÎÐMilClsPreB75k 84 5/5 1ô 1ô 1Ç 1ô 3ªô Sanchez J L124f 12.80 83=11 RedCrescent120¦õ�ArtGIsBck122©õ�HyRiversid124©õ Pressured�pace,all�out
3å19= 7GPWfst 7f :22.65 :45.12 1:09.31 1:22.07 3ÎOC�62k/C -N 68 5/8 6 8©ö 7¤ô 8¦§ 7¦¬ Olsson F L122f 5.50 83=15 Red Crescent122«ô�Cool�Arrow122§ô�Front�Loaded122§ö 3wd�tn,lack�response
24Ý19=12GP fst 7f C :22.47 :44.84 1:09.14 1:22.53 3ÎÐBnnyTBullB100k 69 3/11 5 8¬õ 9¤õ 7¦§ 6¦¦ô Gonzalez S L124f 8.50 76=14 Art�G�Is�Back121É�Royal�Squeeze124§�Ice�Tea120¦ 5wd�bid�str,no�threat
2Þ19=10GP fst 1 :23.29 :45.74 1:10.20 1:35.52 3ÎBigRedB75k 88 3/6 4§ô 4§ 2¦ 2ô 1¦ Vasquez M A L122f 3.20 90=17 Hy�Riverside122¦�Mr.�Jordan122¦ô�Eye�of�a�Jedi120§ö Settled,4w3/16p,clear
11Ü19=10GP fst 7f ý :22.29 :45.04 1:09.19 1:22.33 3ÎÐBigDramaB100k 79 4/9 1 8«ô 7¨ 6«ô 5©ô Jaramillo E L122f 5.00 84=13 Royal Squeeze122¦õ�Garter and Tie121¦ö�Mr.�Jordan124É Isn�wait�1/4p,imprve
7æ18= 8GP slyø 1 :23.70 :46.01 1:11.03 1:36.97 3ÎMoExcptioB75k 74 6/7 6¨ 4¨ô 4ª 3¬ô 2¤ Vasquez M A L121f 3.70 75=19 Deland123¤�HyRiverside121¦õ�HyKodiakWrrior121©ô Rated,wide,gain�place
25Ý18=11GP slyø 7f :22.84 :45.38 1:09.55 1:22.07 3ÎÐBnnyTBullB100k 88 4/7 1 6ª 5« 5«ô 3ªõ Reyes L L121 7.50 85=14 Mo�Cash121©ô�Mr.�Jordan123ö�Hy�Riverside121¦ Wide�3/16p,decent�fnsh
TRAINER: Dirt(470 .12 $1.10) Sprint(510 .09 $1.27) Claim(341 .12 $1.99) J/T 2019-20 GP(1 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(1 .00 $0.00)
GP, race 9, page:39 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
Gulfstream Park 5 Furlongs (Turf). (:53¨) OC 62k/N2X Purse $47,000 (includes $7,000
FHBPA-FOA - FHBPA Florida Owners Awards) For Four Year Olds And Upward Which Have Never Won
$10,000 Twice Other Than Maiden, Claiming, Starter Or State Bred Allowance Or Which Have Never Won Three
Races Or Claiming Price $62,500. Weight, 123 lbs. Non-winners Of A Race Since April 23 Allowed 2 lbs. Claiming
Price $62,500 (Rail at 48 feet).
Post time: 5:24 ET Wagers: $1 Daily Double, $2 Quinella, $1 Exacta, $.50 Trifecta, $.10 Superfecta, $1 Super Hi 5 Beyer par: 92
GP, race 10, page:40 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 10, page:41 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
610-1 Sturgeon
B. g(11.10.18) 7 (May) Life 31 7 5 1 $130,096 90 D.Fst 7 1 0 1 $9,931 55
Sire: Street Sense (Street Cry*Ire) $75,000
Own: Melvin Simonovich
Wet(428) 1 0 0 0 $1,550 58
Dam:Beautiful Daniele (A.P. Indy) 2020 5 1 2 0 $43,045 85
$62,500 Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
White, Gold Gothic Cross, White Cap Br: Siena Farms LLC (Ky) L 121 2019 16 5 3 0 $76,100 90 Turf(298) 23 6 5 0 $118,615 90
LEBRON V (106 11 9 9 .10) 2020: (262 30 .11) Tr: Condie Kendall(5 1 0 0 .20) 2020:(25 3 .12)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 96 Late 72 GP ê 20 5 5 0 $106,035 86 Dstê(364) 19 6 5 0 $116,495 90
24ß20= 5GP fm 5f ê :21.27 :43.67 :55.65 3ÎOC�62k/N2X 67 7/8 4 8¬ 8®ô 7¤ô 7¤ô Reyes L R L124 13.70 81=13 TigerBlood124É�CoopTriesHarder124¨ô�Chps124É Stumbled�bad&bump�st
19ß20 PmMfm 3f ê :36¨ òB�(d) 1/6
7à20= 9GP fm 5f ê :21.69 :43.59 :54.99 4ÎSilksRunL75k 83 3/7 5 7© 7¨ô 6©ô 5¨ô Zayas E J L118 30.00 90=07 Carotari118É�Fig�Jelly118É�Archidust122¦ô Inside�turn,�no�menace
14á20= 9GP fm 5f ê :22.62 :44.73 :56.24 4ÎAlw�44700N1X 85 2/7 1 1ô 1ô 1ô 1ô Ortiz J L L120 2.20 87=10 Sturgeon120ô�By�theSeyShore120ó�MachoBlue120§ö Dug�in,drift�out,game
2á20= 7GP gd 5f ê :22.18 :44.23 :55.69 4ÎOC16k/SAL12k-N 85 8/10 3 2¦ 2§ 2§ô 2¨ô Lopez P L121 16.10 86=12 Tiger�Blood123¨ô�Sturgeon121§�Go�Gone�Gone121¦ Chase�2w,ins,2nbest
4â20= 3GP fm 5f ê :20.92 :43.17 :55.13 4ÎAlw�44000N1X 81 7/7 1 1ô 1¦ 1¦ô 2ô Zayas E J L120 11.70 92=06 SevenGems120ô�Sturgeon120§ö�SovrignWrrior115É Sharp�pace,yielded�ins
12ã19= 6GP sly 5f ï :22.58 :44.94 :57.32 3ÎClm�35000 58 5/5 2 2Ç 2¦ 2ª 4¦¥ Montalvo C L122 8.80 88=08 TkeChrgeDude122ªö�SleepingGint115§�KrstoSky122§õ Outdueled�by�winner
4ã19= 6GP fm 5f ê :21.37 :43.88 :55.60 3ÎAlw�46300N1X 74 5/7 2 3¦ 3¦ 3¦ 5§ô Ortiz I Jr L122 2.10 87=10 HrrysOntheloose120ö�KnthrosImg124ô�JustthFcts122É Vied�3wd�tn,flatned
23ä19 GP fst 4f :48¨ Bg 26/85
13ä19 GP fst 3f :36¦ Bg 4/8
02ä19 GP fst 5f 1:00§ Bg 7/37
12å19= 9GPWfm 5f ê :22.48 :45.74 :57.60 3ÎClm�c-10000 90 5/11 7 1¦ 1¦ 1¦ô 1© Zayas E J L124 *2.00 92=12 Sturgon124©�DimondMint122ó�FuzzyIrshRscl122¦ö Speed,drvg,going�away
27æ19= 5GP fm 5f ê :20.91 :43.52 :55.66 3ÎClm�c-10000 33 7/8 8 8¦« 8§© 7§§ 7¦§ô Rios J M L124 *2.20 77=11 Sherpa122ö�Tenacity Zip122ô�OurIndependence122ö Awkward�start,no�impct
13æ19= 5GP fm 5f ê C :21.44 :43.77 :55.52 3ÎClm�c-10000 86 6/11 1 1ô 1¦ô 1§ô 1¨õ Jaramillo E L122 *1.20 91=13 Sturgeon122¨õ�FuzzyIrishRscl122ô�OurIndpndnc122§õ Speed,ins,kept�sharp
04æ19 GPWfst 4f :48¨ Bg 1/2
TRAINER: 2Off45-180(6 .00 $0.00) TurfSprints(20 .05 $0.32) Turf(43 .12 $1.19) Sprint(36 .08 $0.48) Claim(24 .12 $0.92) Alw(6 .17 $1.07)
GP, race 10, page:42 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 10, page:43 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 10, page:44 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
Gulfstream Park 1 MILE (Turf). (1:31§) ÐçOC 16k/N1X Purse $41,000 (includes
$5,000 FBIF - Florida Bred Incentive Fund) For State Bred Fillies And Maresthree Years Old And Upward Which
Have Never Won A Race Other Than Maiden, Claiming Or Starter Or Which Have Never Won Two Races Or
Claiming Price $16,000. Three Year Olds, 120 lbs.; Older, 126 lbs. Non-winners Of A Race At A Mile Or Over Since
April 23 Allowed 2 lbs. Claiming Price $16,000 (Rail at 108 feet).
Post time: 5:55 ET Wagers: $1 Exacta, $2 Quinella, $.50 Trifecta, $.10 Superfecta, $1 Super Hi 5 Beyer par: 77
GP, race 11, page:45 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 11, page:46 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
615-1 Dynatown
Ch. m. 5 (Apr) Life 12 1 4 4 $91,231 76 D.Fst 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Sire: Speightstown (Gone West) $70,000
Own: Live Oak Plantation
Wet(432) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Dynaslew (Dynaformer) 2019 9 0 4 3 $58,071 76
Synth 5 1 2 1 $53,986 73
White, Red Dots, Black Sleeves, Red Cap Br: Live Oak Stud (Fla) L 124 2018 3 1 0 1 $33,160 68 Turf(341) 7 0 2 3 $37,245 76
BERRIOS HECTOR I (82 10 6 11 .12) 2020: (160 24 .15) Tr: Casse Mark(66 7 12 7 .11) 2020:(292 39 .13)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 62 Late 78 GP ê 3 0 1 1 $15,400 73 Dstê(367) 4 0 0 2 $13,141 70
17Ü20 PmMfm 4f ê :49§ B�(d) 22/47
09Ü20 PmMfm 5f ê :58¦ òB 1/13
28ß20 Caa fst 5f 1:01¦ B 11/19
19ß20 Caa fst 5f 1:01§ B 6/12
10ß20 Caa fst 4f :48¦ B 6/14
02ß20 Caa fst 4f :49 B 4/6
23ä19= 3WO fst 7f ú :23.34 :45.79 1:10.76 1:23.80 3ÎçAlw�69105N$Y 63 2/8 3 8¬ô 6ª 5© 2ªõ Lermyte J L121 2.80 83=12 BoogieWithMe121ªõ�Dynatown121¨õ�DoubleMedl118Ç Off�pace,rallied�rail
2ä19=10WO fst 6ôf ú C :22.48 :44.55 1:09.81 1:16.21 3ÎçAlw�69500N$Y 73 3/10 10 10¦¥ 10«õ 9¨ 3§ Lermyte J L121 6.35 89=08 Painting118ô�Hibiscus�Punch123¦ô�Dynatown121¦ Closed�quickly,all�out
14å19= 6WO fm 7ôf Ñ S :24.57 :48.55 1:12.70 1:31.06 3ÎçAlw�93647N$Y 65 4/7 3 5©ô 7©õ 5¨ô 3É Da Silva E R L121 2.30 -- MyBorrowedAngl121Ç�CndinMgic118Ç�Dyntown121¦ö 2-3w,rallied�gamely
14æ19= 4WO yl 6f ê C :22.29 :44.92 :56.92 1:09.54 3ÎçAlw�86129N$Y 76 6/9 9 9¦§ 9¬ô 9¨ô 2¦ Lermyte J L121 7.90 86=14 Dancing�Doll117¦�Dynatown121ó�Subzero�Plus121¦ö Angled�out,full�of�run
17Ý19= 3WO fst 7f ï C :23.78 :46.36 1:10.54 1:23.32 3ÎçAlw�86755N$Y 73 1/7 7 7ªö 5ª 6ªô 2§õ Lermyte J L121 6.70 89=11 FoxxyBelle121§õ�Dyntown121ô�MyBorrowedAngel118§ô Off�slw,3-5w,rallied
29Þ19= 4WO fm 1 Ñ :24.64 :48.71 1:12.22 1:37.15 3ÎçAlw�93236N$Y 66 8/12 2ô 2ô 2ô 4¨ 9ªõ Lermyte J L121 5.60 -- Ambitious�Moon123¦õ�Alice'sWar121ô�Descente118¦ô Forced�pace�to�top�str
28á19= 9GP fm 1 ê :24.55 :48.71 1:12.46 1:36.19 4ÎçÐOC�16k/N1X -N 59 4/8 5§ 5¨ 6¨ö 6©ô 4¬ö Velazquez J R L121 2.10 75=25 Una�Luna121ô�Trilby123§ô�Reagan's�Odyssey121©ö Wide�uppr,no�threat
9á19= 8GP fm 1 ê :23.71 :48.88 1:12.80 1:36.60 4ÎçÐOC�16k/N1X -N 70 9/9 3¦ô 3¦ 2ô 1ô 3¦ Velazquez J R L121b 2.10 79=18 Trilby121Ç�Una Luna121¦�Dynatown121¦ö Edg�up�1/4,vie,kept�on
6â19= 7GP fm 5f ê C :23.25 :46.40 :58.49 4ÎçÐOC�16k/N1X -N 73 5/11 7 7¬ô 7¤ 5§ö 2É Ortiz J L L121b 3.80 76=17 PrecociousPch123É�Dyntown121ö�TylorsinOrbit121ô Split�foes,missed�rail
10ä18= 1WO fst 6ôf ï :23.70 :46.79 1:11.32 1:17.73 3ÎçMd�Sp�Wt�64k 57 1/6 3 6¨ 6¨ö 4§ 1ô Lermyte J L120b *1.10 84=13 Dynatown120ô�One�for�Nicki120ö�Sahara Breeze115¦ Brk�in,2-4w,drvg
TRAINER: +180Days(93 .14 $1.22) Synth/Turf(111 .13 $1.35) Sprint/Route(211 .13 $1.35) Turf(770 .15 $1.63) Routes(768 .16 $1.67) Alw(343 .18 $1.59) J/T 2019-20 GP(2 .50 $27.90) J/T 2019-20(2 .50 $27.90)
815-1 Merseyside
Dk. b or br f. 3 (Mar) Life 5 1 1 1 $47,000 63 D.Fst 3 1 1 0 $40,600 63
Sire: Maclean's Music (Distorted Humor) $20,000
Own: All In Line Stables LLC
Wet(430) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
Dam:Twice by Sunday (Sky Mesa) 2020 2 0 1 0 $9,600 61
Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 -
White, Black Horses, White Band On Green Br: All In Line Stables LLC (Fla) L 118 2019 3 1 0 1 $37,400 63 Turf(312) 2 0 0 1 $6,400 57
CAMACHO S (>) 2020: (374 73 .20) Tr: Joseph S A Jr(66 17 11 6 .26) 2020:(200 52 .26)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 109 Late 24 GP ê 1 0 0 0 $1,600 51 Dstê(351) 0 0 0 0 $0 -
17Ü20 GP fst 3f :35§ B 2/53
10Ü20 GP fst 5f 1:00¦ B 3/7
03Ü20 GP fst 4f :48 B 9/67
26ß20 GP fst 3f :38¨ B 28/42
12ß20= 9GP fst 6f :22.42 :45.28 :57.66 1:11.19 3ÎçÐOC�16k/N1X -N 49 2/8 5 2¦ 3§ô 4«ô 5¦¥õ Jaramillo E L118b 3.30 78=12 Cory Gal127ªô�Royal�Meghan118§õ�Prospective�Diva125ô Chase�winner,tired
05ß20 GP fst 4f :48¨ B 21/65
29à20 GP fst 3f :39 B 24/30
5à20= 8GP fst 6f :22.34 :45.72 :58.36 1:11.37 çÐOC�20k/N1X -N 61 6/8 1 2Ç 1¦ 1© 2© Jaramillo E L120b 9.70 83=16 UpinSmoke122©�Merseyside120¨ö�Tkestwotowiggle120ô Vied,clear,no�match
22ã19= 1GP fst 5f ï :22.59 :45.46 :58.53 çMd�Sp�Wt�49k 63 10/10 1 1¦ô 1ô 1ô 1§ Jaramillo E L120b 8.10 92=11 Merseyside120§�CptureVictory115§õ�FlingFunny120¨ô Pace�2-path,�driving
1ã19= 6GP fm 5f ê :21.44 :44.36 :56.73 çMd�Sp�Wt�40k 51 10/10 5 2ô 2Ç 4§ 4§ô Jaramillo E L120 5.80 82=15 Grudge120É�ChoosetoBHppy120¦õ�TimforFun120¦ Forwardly,kpt�on�2-3wd
10ä19= 5GPWfm 5f ê :21.82 :46.00 :58.36 çMd�Sp�Wt�39k 57 2/8 7 5¨ö 6¬ 6ªõ 3¦ö Zayas E J L119 3.30 87=08 NormsLove119ö�ChoosetoBeHppy119¦�Mrsysid119¦ô Outsde�bid,good�finsh
TRAINER: Dirt/Turf(46 .17 $2.14) Sprint/Route(79 .27 $1.83) 2Sprints/Route(14 .29 $1.49) 31-60Days(210 .28 $2.02) Turf(231 .22 $1.93) Routes(256 .27 $2.13) J/T 2019-20 GP(17 .29 $2.80) J/T 2019-20(33 .27 $2.27)
GP, race 11, page:47 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
GP, race 11, page:48 Copyright© Daily Racing Form LLC and Equibase Company LLC. All rights reserved. 1342197
Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
Also Eligible:
13 Trilby B. m. 5 (Apr) Blinkers OFF Life 29 5 5 4 $132,741 79 D.Fst 4 0 0 1 $4,111 47
Sire: Hat Trick*Jpn (Sunday Silence)
Own: Rancho Alegre
Wet(327) 2 0 0 1 $1,510 39
Dam:Sing for Joy (Miswaki) 2020 5 1 0 1 $29,350 76
8-1 White, Royal Blue Circled 'R,' Royal $16,000 Br: Andy Cant & Susy Cant (Fla) L 124 Synth 3 0 0 0 $700 38
2019 12 3 3 1 $86,670 79 Turf(314) 20 5 5 2 $126,420 79
BERRIOS HECTOR I (82 10 6 11 .12) 2020: (160 24 .15) Tr: Gracida Ruben(3 0 0 0 .00) 2020:(22 4 .18)
TimeformUS Pace: Early 55 Late 86 GP ê 16 4 3 2 $114,870 79 Dstê(316) 17 3 5 2 $82,490 79
18Ü20 PmMfm 5f ê 1:02§ B�(d) 3/7
23ß20=10GP fm 1 ê :23.34 :46.37 1:10.55 1:35.17 3ÎçClm�c-12500 60 4/12 8¤ô 6« 6¨õ 9«õ 7«ô Jaramillo E L125b 4.00 79=13 Yako125É�Spicy�Nelly125¦ö�Oblio's�Wish120¨õ Clipped�heels�top�str
16ß20 GP fst 4f :49© Bg 12/19
4ß20=12GP fm 1 ê :24.83 :49.33 1:12.90 1:36.48 4ÎçClm�16000(16-14) 68 9/12 8ª 9ª 7© 7©õ 3¨ö Gaffalione T L121 5.30 75=15 Avenida�Manana121§�BahamaKitten121¦ö�Trilby121ó 7wd�uppr,up�for�show
26à20 GP fst 4f :48¨ B 5/9
14à20=12GP gd 1 ê :23.53 :47.95 1:12.16 1:42.72 4ÎçClm�c-(16-14) 66 12/12 8ªö 7©õ 5¦ö 4§ 5¦ô Lebron V L121 *3.10 82=16 ìYako121Ç�DanceTillDawn121ô�BechDreming121É 5wd�1/8p,�needed�more
03à20 GP fst 4f :49© B 7/11
21á20= 7GP fm 1 ê :23.25 :47.67 1:11.88 1:35.28 4ÎçÐOC�c-16k/N1X 65 4/10 9¬õ 9©ô 10« 7ªô 6ªõ Prado E S L123 5.60 80=17 Lovely�Luvy121¦�Ghostly�Beauty121¦�Gioielli121¦ Passed�tired�horses
14á20 GP fst 4f :48© B 14/29
23â20= 5GP gd 1 ê :24.47 :49.40 1:13.50 1:42.98 4ÎçÐOC�c-16k/N1X 76 3/6 4¨ 4§ô 4§ 2ô 1ö Ortiz I Jr L121 3.80 83=17 Trilby121ö�HereComesJckie121É�LovelyLuvy121¨õ Wore�dwn�foe,edge�away
11â20 PmMfm 4f ê :49§ B�(d) 21/45
20ã19= 6GP gd 1Â ê S :25.98 :52.73 1:16.73 1:45.33 3ÎçClm�c-16000 72 7/8 5§ô 5¦õ 6§õ 5§ô 1ö Ortiz I Jr L122 *2.30 69=19 Trilby122ö�PainttheCorners122ó�BeachDreming122ö Covered�up,�kicked�in
6ã19=10GP fm 1 ê :23.37 :47.03 1:10.81 1:34.59 3ÎçClm�16000 68 9/11 6ª 6¨ 4¨ 5¨ô 5¨ô Lopez P L122 5.50 88=11 Sweet�Story122¦ô�Isadorable�Aida119ó�FourK's122Ç 4wd�bid�tn,flatned�out
13ä19= 6GPWfm 1 ê :25.39 :49.84 1:14.45 1:39.75 3ÎçOC20k/SAL12k-N 72 1/6 4§ô 5ª 4© 4§ô 4¨õ Lopez P L122 3.30 80=17 CallieCalifornia122É�DiamondPlay122¦�LdyAlid122§ Rated,ins�1/4p,gavewy
14æ19= 9GP fm 1 ê :23.75 :48.36 1:11.88 1:35.05 3ÎçAlw�47000N1X 67 2/11 4§ô 4¦ô 7¨õ 8¨ö 8¬ Lebron V L122 14.70 81=18 KelseysCross118É�PassionPlus122¦�LaAustralian118¦ Rail�bid�turn,weakend
18Ý19= 9GP fm Í7ôf ê :24.06 :48.22 1:11.91 1:29.42 3ÎçOC�25k/N1X -N 63 6/9 9 8« 9©ö 9«ö 9¬õ Rendon J L122 4.30 84=14 Bienville�Street117ô�Una�Luna122¦�She's Right Again122ô Off�pace,no�ra;;y
TRAINER: 1stClaim(12 .42 $3.32) BlinkOff(2 .00 $0.00) Turf(64 .16 $1.65) Routes(57 .14 $1.36) Claim(79 .19 $1.91) Alw(5 .40 $3.16) J/T 2019-20 GP(1 .00 $0.00) J/T 2019-20(1 .00 $0.00)
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Daily Racing Form Gulfstream Park (5/23/2020)
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