2-5-27-425 Pachgavya PDF
2-5-27-425 Pachgavya PDF
2-5-27-425 Pachgavya PDF
ISSN: 2455-4227
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12
Volume 2; Issue 5; September 2017; Page No. 54-57
Panchagavya is an organic product produced by using the use of five specific through-products of cow like cow dung, cow urine,
cow milk, cow ghee, cow curd and other substances. It has the capability to play the function of promoting boom and supplying
immunity in plant machine thereby confers resistance against pest and sicknesses. Panchagavya includes several vitamins i.e.
macronutrients like N, P, okay and micronutrients which might be required for the growth and development of vegetation and
additionally consists of various amino acids, vitamins, increase regulators like Auxins, Gibberellins and also useful
microorganisms like pseudomonas, azatobacter and phosphor bacteria etc.
Introduction ↓
Panchagavya is an organic formulation, which in Sanskrit Panchagavya is ready to use
means the blend of five products obtained from cow milk,
ghee, curd, dung and urine (all these products are individually All the above items can be added to a wide mouthed mud pot
called as “Gavya” and collectively named as panchagavya). or concrete tank or plastic bucket as per the above order. The
Panchagavya has got reference in the scripts of Vedas (devine container should be kept open under shade. The content is to
scripts of Indian wisdom) and Vrikshayurveda (Natarajan, be stirred twice a day both in morning and evening. Sugarcane
2002). In India, use of panchagavya in organic farming is juice and coconut water are reported to accelerate
gaining popularity in recent years especially in states like fermentation. Toddy also accelerates fermentation and helps
Tamil Nadu and Kerala. in minimizing the bad odor. To prepare toddy two liters of
Panchagavya is a special preparation made from five by- tender coconut water has to be kept in a sealed airtight plastic
products of cow along with certain other ingredients, has the bottle for a week. However, 100 g of yeast powder can be
potential to play the role of promoting growth and made use of in case of non-availability of toddy.
providingimmunity in plant system. Panchagavya plays a
major role in organic farming.Ingredients used for preparation Chemical and Biological Properties of Panchagavya
of panchagavya. Panchagavya contains several nutrients i.e. macronutrients
like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients
Mix thoroughly the fresh cow dung (7kg + Cow ghee (1kg) which are required for the growth and development of plants
↓ and also contains various amino acids, vitamins, growth
Incubation for 2 days regulators like Auxins, Gibberellins and also beneficial
↓ microorganisms like pseudomonas, azatobacter and phosphor
Add cow urine (3:1) + 10 litre of water bacteriaetc. Effective Micro Organisms (EMO) in
↓ panchagavya are the mixed culture of naturallyoccurring,
Stir properly (morning and evening, daily for 1 weak) beneficial microbes’ mostly lactic acid bacteria
↓ (Lactobacillus), yeast (Saccharomyces), photosynthetic
Add sugarcane juice (3 litre) or jiggery mixed in water at 1:6 bacteria (Rhodopsuedomonas) and certain fungi (Aspergillus)
ratio (Xu 2001; Swaminathan et al. 2007). Presence of macro (N. P,
+ K and Ca) and micro (Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn) nutrients besides
Cow milk (2 litre) total reducing sugars (glucose) in panchagavya have been
+ detected. Chemolithotrops and autotropic nitrifies (ammonites
Cow curd (2 litre) and nitrifies) present in panchagavyawhich colonize in the
+ leaves increased the ammonia uptake and enhance the total N
Coconut water (3 litre) supply (Papen et al. 2002). The pH of panchagavya is low due
+ to fermentation and presence of Lactobacillusbacteria which is
Yeast (100 g) and 12-ripe banana effective in killing of plant pathogens (Manthivanan et al.
↓ 2006). Yadav & lourduraj (2005) observed bio fertilizers such
Stir properly (morning and evening, daily for 3 weaks) as Azospirillum, Azotobactor, Phosphobacteriaand
International Journal of Advanced Science and Research
Pseudomonas in Panchagavya. Parmalat et al. (2006) detected the sustainability of agriculture as the microorganisms
growthregulatory substances such as Indole Acetic Acid presenting the rhizosphere environment around the roots
(IAA), Gibberlic Acid (GA3), Cytokinin andessential plant influence the plant growth and crop yield. It may be due to
nutrients in it. presence of plant growth promoting substance in cattle dung
and otherrnutrients which provide substrate for growth of
Beneficial Effects of Panchagavya microbes. Panchagavya enhances the growthand vigor of
Panchagavya is a component of crop production and it plays a crops, inducing resistance to pests and diseases and improving
crucial role in each and everycomponent of crop management the keepinequality of vegetables and fruits (Natarajan 2002).
like integrated soil fertility management, integrated Panchagavya spray was also reported as effective on all the
pestmanagement, and integrated disease management. crops than therecommended nutrients and growth regulators
(RFS) in terms of higher growth andproductivity
Use of Cattle dung and Panchagavya in diseases control (Somasundaram 2007). Panchagavya can be effective organic
1. It increases immunity power in plants thereby confers growth-promoterfor small and marginal farmers. The B: C
resistance against pest and diseases ratio of panchagavya was higher as compared to other organic
2. various beneficial metabolites produced by insecticides as cattle dung and cattle urine are cheap sources
microorganisms such as organic acids,hydrogen peroxide which are available in the house hold of farmers.
and antibiotics, which are effective against various
pathogenicmicroorganisms Use of Panchagavya as growth promoter
Cow dung is being used for different purposes from the In jasmine, spraying two rounds of panchagavya, one before
ancient time and has asignificant role in crop growth because the flower initiation andanother during bud setting phase
of the content in humid compounds and fertilizing bio ensured continuous flowering. In annual mooring
elements available in it. Composted cow dung is rich in total sprayingdoubled the stick yield besides giving resistance to
nitrogen (0.74%) including some hormones and favor’s plant pests and diseases (Vivekananda 1999) The current trends in
growth (Dhama et al. 2005). organic practices showed improved yields in crops of rained
Boomiraj et al. (2004) reported that panchagavya was areas inIndia, especially during drought years (Singh et al.
effective against leaf hopper (Amrascabiguttula) and white fly 2001; Ramesh et al. 2005) [5]. Studies haveshown increased
(Bemisiatabacci) in bhendi. Similar results were observed by yields where the farmer has used organic practices (Singh et
Mudigora et al. (2009) in cabbage and sorghum. Cowdung is al. 2001; Ramesh et al. 2005) [5] in crops like chilli
very effective manure for reducing the bacterial and fungal (Subhashini et al. 2001), moringa (Beaulah 2001) [12], green
pathogenic diseases. It showed positive response gram (Somasundaram et al. 2003) and french bean (Selvaraj
insuppression of mycelial growth of plant pathogenic fungi 2003). It can be concludedthat Panchagavya as an organic
like Fusarium solani, F. oxysporumand growth-promoter for small and marginal vegetable growers
Sclerotiniasclerotiorum (Basak & Lee 2002). Similarly, as per (Boomathi 2006). The cost-benefit to farmers was greatest
Mary et al. (1986) cow dung extract spray was also reported when Panchagavya was used as agrowth promoter and proved
to be effective for the control of bacterial blight diseaseof rice as the cheapest, while AmritPani, and Bokashi were the
and was as effective as penicillin, paushamycin and costliestalternative input (Francis & Smith 2006).
Pammel (1889) found that cowdung as organic manure Effect of panchagavya in different cropsPaaddy
increase vigour of plant andreduce the disease incidence of Increases tillering
root rots in cotton caused by Phymatotrichumomnivorum. Absence of chaffy grains
Similarinvestigations were conducted by Abawi & Widmer Grain weight is increases by 20%
(2000); Akhtar & Malik (2000) and Gamiliel et al. (2000) Improved cooking quality
reported that organic manure reduce disease incidence caused Harvest is advanced by 15 days
by awide range of plant pathogens including bacteria, fungi Reduced percentage of broken rice during milling
and nematode species. Therefore, application of cow dung in
proper and sustainable way can enhance not only productivity Effect of Panchagavya on plants
ofyield but also minimizing the chances of disease. Leaf
Plants sprayed with Panchagavya invariably produce bigger
Effect of panchagavya on soil fertility and productivity leaves and develop denser canopy. The photosynthetic system
1. Panchagavya improves fertility status in soils by is activated for enhanced biological efficiency, enabling
increasing macronutrients, micronutrients and beneficial synthesis of maximum metabolites and photosynthetic.
microorganisms thus increase soil health.
2. It improves water holding capacity of soils because it acts Stem
as organic manure. The trunk produces side shoots, which are sturdy and capable
3. It encourages growth and reproduction of beneficial soil of carrying maximum fruits to maturity. Branching is
microorganisms comparatively high.
4. Increases nutrient uptake in plants and enhances plant
growth. Roots
Beaulah (2001) [12] opined that the beneficial microorganisms The rooting is profuse and dense. Further they remain fresh
from panchagavya and theirestablishment in the soil improved
International Journal of Advanced Science and Research
for a long time. The roots spread and grow into deeper layers Advantages of Panchagavya
were also observed. All such roots help maximum intake of It improves soil health and fertility
nutrients and water. It is used against pest and diseases
It increases yield and quality of produce
Yield No chemicals are used
There will be yield depression under normal circumstances, Eco-friendly approach
when the land is converted to organic farming from inorganic Cost required for preparation is less
systems of culture. The key feature of Panchagavya is its
No special techniques is required
efficacy to restore the yield level of all crops when the land is
It gives multiple uses
converted from inorganic cultural system to organic culture
Reduces cost of cultivation by reducing chemicals like
from the very first year. The harvest is advanced by 15 days in
all the crops.It not only enhances the shelf life of vegetables, fertilizers, pesticides,
fruits and grains, but also improves the taste. By reducing or Fungicides, growth regulators etc
replacing costly chemical inputs, Panchagavya ensures higher Farmer friendly method
profit and liberates the organic farmers from loan.
Organoleptic characters of Pancagavya
Table 1
Parameters Odour Touch Taste Colour
Ghee Pleasant Oily Slightly sweet yellow
Urine Bad Watery Bitter Straw yellow
Curd Pleasant Faint oily Sour & astringent White
Dung Bad Sticky - Brown
Milk Pleasant Viscous than water Sweet and faint alkaline Yellowish white
Dosage of Panchagavya recommended for field application 3. Perumal K, Praveena K, Stalin V, Janarthanam B.
Spray system: 3% solution is effective. 3 liters of Assessment of selected organic manures as plant growth
Panchagavyamixed with every 100 liters of water is suitable hormones and their impact on the growth attributes of
for all crops. Aliumcepa Lin. Current Science, 2006; 8:46-51.
4. Prabhu MJ. Panchagavya: low cost organic input for both
Flow system: The solution of Panchagavya can be mixed with crops and animals.In: Farmer’s Notebook, The Hindu
irrigation water at 48-52 liters per hectare either through drip Online Edition, and 4th June, 2009.
irrigation or flow irrigation. 5. Ramesh P, Singh M, Subbarao A. Organic Farming:Its
relevance to the Indian Sangeetha, V and Thevanathan, R.
Seed/seedling treatment: 3% solution of Panchagavya can be (2010). Biofertilizer Potential of Traditional and
used to soak the seeds or dip the seedlings before planting. Panchagavya Amended with Seaweed Extract. The
Soaking the seeds or dipping the seedlings for 30 minutes is Journal of American Science. 2005; 6(2):61- 67.
feasible. 6. Sanjutha S, Subramanian S, Rani I, Maheswari,
Integrated Nutrient Management in
Conclusion Andrographispaniculata. Research Journal of Agriculture
The increasing concern for environmental safety and global and Biological Sciences. 2008; 4(2):141-145.
demand for pesticide residue free food has evoked keen 7. Somasundaram E, Amanullah MM. Panchagavya on
interest in crop production using eco-friendly products which growth and productivity of crops: A review. Green
are easily biodegradable and do not leave any harmful toxic Farming. 2007; 1:22-26.
residues besides conserving nature. So it is necessary to use 8. Swaminathan C, Swaminathan V, Vijayalakshmi K.
natural products like Panchagavya to produce chemical Panchagavya - Boon to organic Farming, International
residue free food crops and hence Panchagavya can play a Book, Distributing Co., Lucknow, 2007.
major role in organic farming. 9. Swaminathan C, Swaminathan V, Vijayalakshmi K.
Panchagavya - Boon to organic Farming, International
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International Journal of Advanced Science and Research