Compaction of Soils: Compressibility
Compaction of Soils: Compressibility
Compaction of Soils: Compressibility
• Engineering property by virtue of which the soil mass is capable of undergoing
compression or decrease in volume when subjected to compressive loads.
• The two processes, namely compaction and consolidation, both involve reduction in
Is the process in which rapid reduction in volume takes place due to sudden application of loads
as caused by ramming, tamping, rolling and vibration.
Due to expulsion of pore air and rearrangement of particles
Results in increase of dry density
• Dry density attained depend on water content, amount and type of
Is the process in which gradual reduction in volume takes place due to sustained
Causes a reduction in volume of a saturated soil due to squeezing out of water from
the soil.
Consolidation is a process which occurs in nature when the saturated soil deposits are
subjected to static loads caused by the weight of buildings and other structures.
Soil compaction is defined as the method of mechanically increasing the density of soil by
reducing volume of air.
1. Increases density
2. Increases strength characteristics
3. Increases load-bearing capacity
4. Decreases undesirable settlement
5. Increases stability of slopes and embankments
6. Decreases permeability
7. Reduces water seepage
8. Reduces Swelling & Shrinkage
9. Reduces frost damage
10. Reduces erosion damage
11. Develops high negative pore pressures (suctions) increasing effective stress
1. Compaction of foundation soil for building construction.
2. Compaction of soil / gravel / crushed rock / asphalt in road & pavement construction.
3. Compaction of soil in earth embankments.
4. Compaction of soil behind retaining walls.
5. Compaction of soil backfill in trenches.
6. Dam construction
7. Construction of clay liners for waste storage areas
8. Ground improvement
As water added to soil, soil gets surrounded by a film of adsorbed water. If more water
added, film become thicker, slide over each other, thus reducing voids. Water acts as
Still more water added, water becomes excess, occupies the space of soil grains,
hindering the closer packing of grains.
The limiting moisture content which causes maximum lubrication, without becoming
excess to cause hindrance in compaction by occupying space for its own molecules is
called optimum moisture content.
At this OMC, the soil would be compacted maximum possible, and would have the
maximum density or unit weight.
Compaction curve
Dry density (gm/cc)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Water content
Dry density increases with water content, attains a maximum at optimum moisture
content and thereafter decreases with further increase in water content.
• Amount of compaction affects both maximum dry density and optimum moisture
content. Increase of compactive effort, for a given soil, causes increase in maximum
dry density and decrease in optimum moisture content.
• For a given compactive effort, the maximum dry density achieved depends to a large
extent upon the soil type. Well graded coarse grained soils attain much higher
maximum dry density at lower optimum moisture content when compared with fine
grained soils.
• Addition of admixtures to soils results in modification of its compaction properties.
Calcium chloride has been a widely used chemical additive.
Line which shows the water content dry density relation for the compacted soil containing a
constant percentage air voids is known as Air Void line.
(1−𝑛𝑎 )𝐺𝛾𝑤 (1−𝑛𝑎 )𝐺𝛾𝑤
𝛾𝑑= (1+𝑒)
= (1+𝑤𝐺)
(for S=1 => 100% saturation)
Therefore Zero Air void line or 100% saturation line are same.
5. 5. Stress-strain relation: The strength and modulus of elasticity of soil on the dry side
of optimum will always be better than on the wet side for the same density. Soil
compacted dry of optimum shows brittle failure and that compacted on wet side
experiences increased strain.
Control of compaction in the field consists of checking the water content in relation to the
laboratory optimum moisture content and the dry unit weight achieved in-situ in relation
to the laboratory maximum dry unit weight from the proctor test.
Degree of compaction is the ratio of the in-situ dry unit weight achieved by compaction to
the maximum dry unit weight obtained from a proctor compaction test in the laboratory.
Proctor needle may be used for the determination of in situ unit weight as well as in situ
moisture content.
• The stem of the plunger is calibrated for reading the resistance in lbs/kgs/N.
• Needle points are with 0.25, 0.5, 1.00 and 2.50 cm2 c/s area.
• From the known area of needle point, the penetration resistance per unit area is
• Against this penetration resistance, the corresponding values of water content and dry
unit weight are obtained from the calibration curve.
Field compaction is done by rolling, ramming and by vibration. The various equipments
used for this are:
1. Rollers
2. Rammers
3. Vibrators
a) Smooth wheel roller: These rollers are either three wheel type or drum type. The three
wheel type rollers have two large wheels in the rear and a small one in the front. The
weights of these rollers ranges from 2 to 15 tonnes, and are best suitable for
compacting gravels, sands and moderately cohesive soils.
b) Sheep foot roller: It consists of a hollow cylindrical steel drum to which a number of
projections known as feet are attached. The weight of the drum can be varied by
filling either water or sand. The weight of these rollers varies from 2.5 to 13 tonnes.
These rollers are best suited for compacting the cohesive soils.
c) Pneumatic tyred rollers: These rollers consist of a box moulded between two axles.
The rear axle has got one more wheel than the front axle. The weight of these rollers
varies from 5 to 15 tonnes. It is best suited for compacting cohesionless sands and
It is a block of iron weighing 3 to 4 kg, and attached to a wooden handle. Usually used for
compacting soil in confined places.
It consists of a vibrating unit, which is connected to a plate or roller. It is best suited for
compacting cohesive soils.