Noise and DB Calculations: Smart EDGE ECE Review Specialist
Noise and DB Calculations: Smart EDGE ECE Review Specialist
Noise and DB Calculations: Smart EDGE ECE Review Specialist
A. none of these C. temperature 41. Determine the shot noise for a diode with a
B. bandwidth D. quantizing level forward bias of 1.40 mA over an 80 kHz
bandwidth. (q=1.6 x 10 raised to minus 19 C)
32. Reference noise temperature A. 6 nA C. 12 nA
A. 70 deg F C. 290 kelvin B. 3 mA D. 15 mA
B. 30 deg C. D. 25 deg C
42. The total noise power present in a 1-Hz
33. Industrial noise frequency is between bandwidth
A. 200 to 3000 MHz C. 0 to 10 kHz A. noise density C. noise limit
B. 15 to 160 MHz D. 20 GHz B. noise figure D. noise intensity
34. Noise from random acoustic or electric noise 43. An amplifier with an overall gain of 20 dB is
that has equal per cycle over a specified total impressed with a signal whose power level is 1
frequency band watt. Calculate the power output in dBm.
A. thermal noise C. Gaussian noise A. 50 dBm C. 80 dBm
B. white noise D. all of these B. 150 dB. D. 100 dBm
35. A transistor amplifier has a measured S/N 44. What is the effect on the signal to noise ratio
power of 100 at its input and 20 at its output. of a system (in dB) if the bandwidth is doubled
Determine the noise figure of the transistor. considering all other parameters to remain
A. 14 dB C. -6 dB unchanged except the normal thermal noise only.
B. 7 dB. D. -3 dB The S/N will be
A. increased by a factor of 2
36. What does the noise weighting curve show? B. decreased to 1/2 its value
A. Noise signals measured with a 144 handsets C. increased by a factor of 4
B. power levels of noise found in carrier systems D. decreased to 1/4 its value
C. the interfering effect of other frequencies in a
voice channel compared with a reference 45. Express the ratio in decibels of noise power
frequency of one kilohertz ratio 50 is to 10 watts.
D. interfering effects of signals compared with a 3- A. 7 dB C. 14 dB
kHz tone B. 21 dB. D. 3.5 dB
37. The signal power of the input to an amplifier is 46. What do you call the noise coming from the
100 microW and the noise power is 1 microW. At sun and stars?
the output, the signal power is 1 W and the noise A. black-body noise C. galactic noise
power is 40 mW. What is the amplifier noise B. space noise D. all of these
A. -6 dB C. 6 dB 47. A satellite has a noise figure of 1.6 dB. Find its
B. 9 dB. D. -3 dB equivalent noise temperature.
A. 139 K C. 291K
38. In measuring noise in a voice channel at a -4 B. 192 K D. 129 K
db test point level, the meter reads -70 dBm (F1A
weighted), convert the reading into pWp. 48. What is the primary cause of atmospheric
A. 53 C. 63 noise?
B. 93 D. 83 A. thunderstorm
B. lightning
39. An amplifier with 20 dB gain is connected to C. thunderstorm and lightning
another with 10 dB gain by means of a D. weather condition
transmission line with a loss of 4 dB. If a signal
with a power level of -14 dBm were applied to the 49. In a microwave communications system,
system, calculate the power output. determine the noise power in dBm for an
A. 14 dBm C. -20 dB equivalent noise bandwidth of 10 MHz.
B. -12 dB. D. 12 dBm A. -104 dBm C. -94 dBm
B. -114 dBm D. -174 dBm
40. Two resistors, R1 and R2 have temperatures
of 300 K and 400 K, respectively. What is the 50. The solar cycle repeats the period of great
noise power if the two resistors are connected in electrical disturbance approximately every
series at 10 MHz bandwidth? A. 11 years C. 9 years
A. 96.6 fW C. 41.4 fW B. 10 years D. 8 years
B. 55.2 fW D. 88.36 fW